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🔫 Operation Thunderbolt (MAME) GUN4IR - Mini UZI + MAMEHooker

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Playing Operation Thunderbolt with my mini UZI converted to GUN4IR

In order to use a solenoid to this game originally using a motor you need to use a script and it will be just fine as in my video

Here's how I have set it up in MAMEHooker:

("othunder.ini" in mamehooker/ini/MAME/ )

MameStart=cmo 1 baud=9600_parity=N_data=8_stop=1,cmo 2 baud=9600_parity=N_data=8_stop=1,cmw 1 S6M1x0M3x1xR0.0.35R0.1.35,cmw 2 S6M1x0M3x1xR0.0.35R0.1.35
MameStop=kls 1,cmw 1 E,cmc 1,cmw 2 E,cmc 2
Player1_Recoil_Piston=nll |lfs othunder 5 %s%
Player2_Recoil_Piston=nll |lfs othunder 5 %s%

("othunder.mhs" in mamehooker/scripts/ )

cmw 1 F0x%Player1_Recoil_Piston%x0,cmw 2 F0x%Player2_Recoil_Piston%x0


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