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🔫Lethal Enforcers 3 / CO-OP Playthrough : Practice video for the 'Super Speedrun Showcase

Hits: 194 | 💬: 0   

It's a practice video for the 'Super Speedrun Showcase' Twitch broadcast that I am participating in on October 2nd.
(10월 2일 트위치에서 진행하는 슈퍼 스피드런 쇼케이스에 이 게임으로 참가합니다. 시청 주소는 아래 URL을 참고해 주세요.)

Player 2 is a new player who has rarely played this game. We continue to practice until the event and aim for 1 Credit Cleared.

Game Setting : Player number from 3 to 9.
Another : Factory Setting. Japan Version.




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