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    Sega Arcade Cabinet Scud Race,Sega Rally,Lost world,Daytona USA 2,Sega GunBlade Atd.

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  1. No one is working on this yet. Was the Chihiro branch merged into Cxbx, which is 2 years old? The games are not playable. Olie king is playable (partially) House of the death 3 cannot be moved with the bowl and the game often crashes. Maximum Tune 1 and 2 and Sega Golf 2006 and Crazy taxi 3 will not start at all...
  2. 1.Run cxbx.exe 2.Select the game chihiro(for example)hotdxb.xbe 3.Do not start but start Start Debugger 4.In (debugger) press start. The (new) Chihiro games on Cxbx only work through the debugger. Some, like house of the death 3, have to be started several times before they work. They are not playable
  3. Change region: In the test menu, this option is available, but no button to change the region works. They will probably be regionally locked and it will be similar to the Sega Model 3 games, where you have to press individual buttons one after the other and then you can change the region. I just think so, it could be different, I don't know.. I just don't know these codes (Namco).
  4. You have to get to the test menu right in the game and set the IO inputs gas, steering wheel, brake and it will work fine. The settings are saved.
  5. Thanks soso92, works fantastic, Emulator Play! is constantly improving. Ace Driver 3, Moto GT, etc. play well, I've been waiting a long time for this game and others. Thanks to the Play! team
  6. Hi, Can anyone advise how saving a high score works in the MAME emulator. In Namco system 22 games, ridge racer games, victory lap, etc. Can't you sign in the scoreboard after the race? Isn't this system 22 supported yet? I can't find anything on the Internet about saving scores in Ridge Racer, Rave Racer, etc. If someone can advise, I will be grateful..🙂
  7. In (setting.csv) there is the text: ,useSecretChara,FALSE Maybe this should be changed to (TRUE) and it will turn on the secret character.. We'll find out when the game is playable..
  8. It should be Hardware Konami PC Same Hardware as Silent Hill. Thanks for sharing this game
  9. The latest version of Play! The tested games Cobra Arcade, Time Crisis 4 and Vampire Night are already playable with Mouse (Lightgun). Vampire Night has Reverse AXES(X,Y). The game Moto GP can also be played, but (mouse) Fantastic progress, thank you for that
  10. Hi, The latest lineup of Play! Namco System 2x6 Analog inputs were added, but they don't work for me in games. Maybe someone will come up with how they work.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Time Crisis 4 reads from this to determine screen position (*output++) = static_cast<uint8>(g_jvsGunPosX >> 8); //Pos X MSB (*output++) = static_cast<uint8>(g_jvsGunPosX); //Pos X LSB (*output++) = static_cast<uint8>(g_jvsGunPosY >> 8); //Pos Y MSB (*output++) = static_cast<uint8>(g_jvsGunPosY); //Pos Y LSB -----------------------------------------------------------------------------!ZGZ2MQR2ZGplZzHlLzL0MwOwZQywL050FREJJHMDA21lFQMzAj==
  11. Hi, I don't know if I can write it here, but I don't want to (unnecessarily) start a new topic (Games 2X6). Here I found all namco 2X6 games, even all revisions of all games.. For example, Game Battle Gear 3, which is also on Hardware 2X6 4 revisions of Tekken 5 etc.. System 2X6/ Well, I finally found the wanted Ace driver 3. But after unpacking, I have 78GB. Does anyone know how to convert (.Img) to (.Chd)? It keeps giving me an error during conversion.. Or can you advise where to find the already converted game Ace Driver 3?
  12. Thank you for the info, It's good that it's a Namco 2x6 game, at least there's a better chance that this game can be played through the Play emulator! Of course, MotoGP is not playable yet, but you can now navigate the menu a little (digital buttons). It looks like the JVS buttons are not assigned correctly. But nice progress..
  13. Hi, The only Namco 256 game I can't really find is( Ace Driver 3 Final Turn). If anyone knows where to download, please advise? Edit> It looks like it's not a Namco 2X6 game, but a different Namco N2 hardware. The hardware misled me that it uses a memory card similar to Playstation 2 (Magic Gate). It's actually PC Hardware (linux/Debian), maybe Teknoparrot. It is the third continuation of the famous Ace Driver series Okay
  14. Great, I finally got to try this version and it works very well. All the tested games I have work well (at least for me) Analog inputs (steering wheel) work fine, I used a logitech steering wheel Just the Virtua striker 4 has reversed inputs, but that can be easily adjusted. Memory card (storage), I'll try later.. I tested the following games: F Zero AX (Revízia D) Mario Kart Arcade GP Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 Virtua striker 4 Virtua striker 2006 Thanks for that, great progress
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