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Harry99710 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 8 février 2020

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  1. Photo Finish Racing by ICE Controls: N,M,K,L,O - Coins for each player Z,X (?) - Make horse go faster for each player (i'm unsure what the rest are) F1 debug info F2 game info F3 show framerate F4 show cursor Additional info (thanks catnoodle): The game requires a serial port to run If your computer doesn't have one, use a serial port emulator e.g Virtual Serial Port Driver from Eltima Software Download: mega://enc2?XxvVRuGJNl4X69Roa1OomY9UPKLnebF9whc3Y5TD-JMYQ46Wy7OeWjiglsV7abm5sQQo3dr7xz-VdDyLlFHY1A (download with megadownloader) mirror. Screenshots:
  2. It runs fine for me Controls can be reconfigured by editing DefaultInput.ini located in \TimeCrisisGame\Config. it's still mouse aiming only though
  3. The game uses wasapi (direct audio). To record it you'll need to use an external capture card
  4. The latest in the Bishi Bashi series from Konami Usage: This release will require the latest 64-bit SpiceTools (02/04/2020 at the time of writing) in order to play, simply drag and drop both spice64.exe and spice.cfg into the contents folder (NOT MODULES!), add your desired parameters such as -ea to remove a network error if not connected to a network, and enjoy the game! To change regions, simply change the region to the desired one in ea3-config.xml, run the game and it should exit. Then, copy everything (do not cut) in prop/defaults to dev/nvram and run the game againit should start with the new region accordingly! Download: (use megadownloader) mega://enc2?pmxZd2qqmRzvZWgnhY_pfnQc2iixlaSAdMYwU4gzy0E8lAvWCmyyG3p6x-GQi4Cw5DQyOx7CkIbwOfV00NCYfA old or Bishi Bashi Channel 2018 - nvram (English).rar Spicetools can be found in this thread Gameplay:
  5. Steel Chronicle Victroopers Ver3.9 (KGG-2016062901) Important 1. This is a touchscreen game, but SpiceTools also allows you to use your mouse if required. Game menu and some in-game actions will need to be clicked/pressed on screen. 2. There's no publicly known server supporting this yet, but the local server in SpiceTools (-ea) will allow you to boot into game mode and to play local matching and some default missions. Setup 1. Copy spice.exe and spicecfg.exe from latest SpiceTools into contents 2. Create spice.bat with local server enabled (example contents: spice -ea) 2. Configure inputs with spicecfg.exe (Xbox360 style controllers works well) 3. When it prompts, go into service menu 4. Calibrate touch and analogs (it will guide you what to do), then set the clock 5. Enter game mode, insert some credits, touch the title screen and enjoy! Download!Eg0ShaRD!iNoFRphTOgbgNTP1qagfJg newsgroup only: STELCHRON.nzb
  6. Harry99710

    ICE Arcade Restore Discs

    Not all of them
  7. I can get cxbx to boot outrun 2 beta but it has "minor graphical issues". i've seen VC3 running fine on cxbx and ollie king has been shown working. Other games get stuck on a black screen or JVS error
  8. Various SEGA Chihiro extracted games Information about the hardware - Game List Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 1 (Export Version) Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (Export Version) Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (JP Version) Crazy Taxi High Roller Ghost Squad Ollie King Outrun 2 Outrun 2 (Beta) Outrun 2 (Special Tours) Sega Golf 2006 The House of The Dead 3 Virtua Cop 3 Download -!AlZSTYbQ!8ExIFZonhTeJTSLxThWzPQ Information Outrun 2 and HoTD 3 have PC ports Outrun 2 Beta, Virtua Cop 3, Ghost Squad and Crazy Taxi are playable on a modified Xbox (Virtua Cop 3 and Ghost Squad requires an Xbox dev unit or a 128mb ram modified retail xbox) Outrun 2 Special Tours is playable on TeknoParrot (lindberg version, see the TP thread for more info)
  9. no, you change it in the ini file, use the values that solo said
  10. Enable players 3/4 in jconfig and set language to chinese/japanese to fix the screen issue
  11. i wasn't keeping track
  12. There might be, i made a "lite" version of cyberdiver and got the size from 8.7GB to 3.8GB because it had a ton of unused hl2 and tf2 files. Left4Dead Survivors looks to have all the files from the pc version so there has to be some which aren't being used in the arcade version
  13. Open the console and write exit or crtl, alt, delete > task manager > kill left4dead2.exe
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