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Game Loader All Rh


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Bonjour, quand je ferme certains jeux Taito type X un pop-up "executable was terminated(game.exe)"apparaît.


Avec ou sans launchbox sous win 10 pro 2004.


Le bouton "exit" est mappé sur mon bartop via les config.

Je cherche comment désactiver le pop-up ou alors une autre solution.

Les jeux fonctionnent niquels sinon.


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il y a 34 minutes, llll55 a dit :


how do i start loader all rh with a command? this one doesnt work for me, just open black cmd screen with the location:

start "D:\Emulators\Teknoparrot_Games\Operation_Ghost\Game Loader all rh.exe"


ok. so this next script worked for me to load games in this loader in one click, its a bat file:


pushd D:\Emulators\Teknoparrot_Games\Operation_Ghost

"Game Loader all rh.exe"


not sure really why...but at least it work!


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  • 2 semaines après...

hey all,

just updated to .375 and am getting the 2 minute warning error on both dark awake and chaos breaker ?


is it the same for everyone ?




nevermind just noticed it says full screen only

Modifié par EmuAl
found solution
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  • 2 semaines après...

Hey, anyone think they could help me out? I am trying to get Elevator Action Death Parade to work for days, it keeps crashing after the logos, at the point where graphics would normally show. Since its a game that requires PhysX, I believe it has something to do with emulator not recognizing drivers properly (I am on latest one), does anyone know what setting I could change on Game Loader to help with this?

Modifié par otomon
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1 hour ago, otomon said:

Hey, anyone think they could help me out? I am trying to get Elevator Action Death Parade to work for days, it keeps crashing after the logos, at the point where graphics would normally show. Since its a game that requires PhysX, I believe it has something to do with emulator not recognizing drivers properly (I am on latest one), does anyone know what setting I could change on Game Loader to help with this?

This game never worked for me (amd gpu) until i installed a pc game that used physx, the game i installed was The Bureau - XCOM Declassified, after i installed this game then EADP worked.

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40 minutes ago, EmuAl said:

This game never worked for me (amd gpu) until i installed a pc game that used physx, the game i installed was The Bureau - XCOM Declassified, after i installed this game then EADP worked.

Any chance you remember what the game installed that made it work? If not.. it must have installed a .dll somewhere on your pc that made it so Game Loader would locate the physx drivers.

Also what is EADP? I know on the Death Parade thread, the op bundled it with the game but not sure what it is....


EDIT: lol so dumb.. its acronym for game, I got confused since the dump has a second file juts called EADP, I assumed it was some other software

Modifié par otomon
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22 minutes ago, EmuAl said:

lol i told you that :P 

the game i installed was The Bureau - XCOM Declassified

I think you misread my post...I meant when you installed Bureau Xcom, do you remember what else it installed besides the game? Often when installing games they install more stuff ex some random netframe, directX etc etc

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On 12/11/2020 at 9:37 PM, otomon said:

I think you misread my post...I meant when you installed Bureau Xcom, do you remember what else it installed besides the game? Often when installing games they install more stuff ex some random netframe, directX etc etc

this is whats installed on my system after installing that game


Modifié par EmuAl
remove attachment
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Hi 7zxkv, Thanks for all of your work on this.  I noticed with the new version 2.02 dump of Persona 4 Ultra Suplex Hold [303108] using JConfig, the English translation patch no longer seems to work using Game Loader (ver 375). Worked with previous ver2.01 dump. If possible, could support for that be included in the next Game Loader version? Thanks.

Modifié par buck116
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My taito type x and nesica was working perfect with very old version of ALH,  recently I downloaded teknoparrot games which came with with ALH and I by mistake clicked on the game loader to test game because it was not running via TP.  Now my all old taito games, nesica games stopped running with previous ALH. Each time I start the game I getting illegal box popup and ALH wont start up. I think this problem started after I installed TP

Please help..


****Problem Solved by replacing the latest ALH to all game folders.****

Modifié par shitoken
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Anyone have noticed conflicting problems between Teknoparrot and Game Loader?
What I mean is

All my Nesica games / Taito Type X games are setup with Game Loader 3.7.5  and I checked all 1 by 1 worked fine.
Teknoparrot games setup with Tekno also working fine.

But what happened is I noticed after playing teknoparrot games , if I wanted to launch my Nesica/Taito - games loader become non function cannot start any games.

I need to reinstall game loader and restart computer to get it working again. I think Teknoparrot and ALL Game Loader are conflicting somewhere.

Can sometime else try this to confirm I am right?

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Salut a tous,


Petit retour pour Yatagarasu: je vous donne la solution pour faire fonctionner correctement le jeu.


Explication pour windows 10 64


Installer la langue japonaise


Aller dans le panneau de configuration > Horloge et RĂ©gion > RĂ©gion


Dans l'onglet format et l'option format avec menu déroulant mettre japonais

Dans l'onglet Admistrateur cliquer sur "modifier les paramètres régionaux" et choisir Japonais puis vous allez devoir redémarrer.


Voila maintenant le jeu ce lance correctement



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Il y a 8 heures, stickcross a dit :

Salut a tous,


Petit retour pour Yatagarasu: je vous donne la solution pour faire fonctionner correctement le jeu.


Explication pour windows 10 64


Installer la langue japonaise


Aller dans le panneau de configuration > Horloge et RĂ©gion > RĂ©gion


Dans l'onglet format et l'option format avec menu déroulant mettre japonais

Dans l'onglet Admistrateur cliquer sur "modifier les paramètres régionaux" et choisir Japonais puis vous allez devoir redémarrer.


Voila maintenant le jeu ce lance correctement






Déjà réalisé avec un Win7 Japonnais de A à Z. Ça ne fonctionnait pas.

Le jeu PC (steam ou GOG) quant Ă  lui fonctionne correctement. Les fichiers sont interchangeables car identique.


Est-ce possible que tu ai touché à autre chose ?

Je testerai Ă©galement sur Windows 10


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Il y a 4 heures, line a dit :




Déjà réalisé avec un Win7 Japonnais de A à Z. Ça ne fonctionnait pas.

Le jeu PC (steam ou GOG) quant Ă  lui fonctionne correctement. Les fichiers sont interchangeables car identique.


Est-ce possible que tu ai touché à autre chose ?

Je testerai Ă©galement sur Windows 10


J'ai mis en compatibilité XP SP3 et le patch Windowed

C'est je jeu qui m'as donné le plus de fil a retordre

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Bjr 7zxkv


Même si j'ai mis à jour le dernier chargeur, le même problème se reproduit après avoir joué à quelques jeux.

Lorsque je clique sur le chargeur, rien ne se passe et parfois j'obtiens cette boîte d'erreur avec le message ci-dessous

J'ai déjà essayé de supprimer des fichiers de appdata mais c'est le même problème après l'installation.

J'ai également essayé différentes versions précédentes.

J'utilise Win7 Ultimate SP1. Peut-ĂŞtre que tu peux m'aider? millions de mercis


Signature du problème:
  Nom de l'événement du problème: APPCRASH
  Nom de l'application: Game Loader Config.exe
  Version de l'application:
  Horodatage de l'application: 57a07aa1
  Nom du module d'erreur: Game Loader Config.exe
  Version du module de défaut:
  Horodatage du module de défaut: 57a07aa1
  Code d'exception: c0000096
  Décalage d'exception: 001cd035
  Version du système d'exploitation: 6.1.7601.
  ID de paramètres régionaux: 1033
  Informations supplémentaires 1: 0a9e
  Informations supplémentaires 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Informations supplémentaires 3: 0a9e
  Informations supplémentaires 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


Modifié par shitoken
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On 29-6-2020 at 14:02, pillemats said:

is there an tutorial how to run SEGA RACE TV in 1080P with the correct HUD Display ???




Where you able to fix this , or is it just like this .

Mario kart in teknoparrot had also this problem .

Maybe its fixed now , long time i didn't try teknoparrot and so ?


Ok , just tried mario kart in 4k and hud is working on teknoparrot .


If somebody know how to fix the hud for sega race tv ?


Modifié par defre1976
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Is there any way to disable the crash messages completely? They tend to pop up most of the times I close the game, even when everything was correctly perfectly? Also, is there a way to stop is from overdriving the mute/volume settings I had before the game started?

Modifié par arandomemail
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Need some suggestions here.

ALL Game Loader vs TP which is better?


I have been using AGL with all my Taito & Nesica games since 2018 until now.

But after I installed TP for other TP games excluding Taito and Nesica titles, I found out that TP and ALL Game Loader if use in same computer win7 x64 , they have problem with each other.  Either one will stop launching.  What happen is when all my Game Loader working fine with Taito and Nesica games , I try to play some TP games after that ALL Game Loader will stop responding when launching game. Need replace the Game loader in all games again 1 by 1 . 

So I think TP and ALL Game Loaders are enemies to each other. They give problems to each other.

Or maybe both of them sharing some files in computer which mess up the game loader .


Besoin de quelques suggestions ici.


ALL Game Loader vs TP, quel est le meilleur?


J'utilise AGL avec tous mes jeux Taito & Nesica depuis 2018 jusqu'Ă  maintenant.

Mais après avoir installé TP pour d'autres jeux TP à l'exclusion des titres Taito et Nesica, j'ai découvert que TP et ALL Game Loader s'ils sont utilisés dans le même ordinateur win7 x64, ils ont des problèmes l'un avec l'autre. L'un ou l'autre arrêtera de se lancer. Ce qui se passe, c'est lorsque tout mon Game Loader fonctionne correctement avec les jeux Taito et Nesica, j'essaie de jouer à certains jeux TP après que ALL Game Loader cesse de répondre lors du lancement du jeu. Besoin de remplacer le chargeur de jeu dans tous les jeux à nouveau 1 par 1.


Je pense donc que TP et TOUS les chargeurs de jeu sont des ennemis l'un de l'autre. Ils se posent des problèmes.

Ou peut-être que les deux partagent des fichiers sur l'ordinateur qui gâchent le chargeur de jeu.

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Tp pour Nesica j'aime pas trop, game loader all rh , j'aime bien mais assez galère à régler.D'ailleurs, mention très bien pour deathsmiles2 ou game loader all rh supprime les bugs gfx pour les cartes Nvidia.

Le top pour moi reste Jconfig incontestablement :P.

Lui au moins est stable, pas comme tp ou d'une version Ă  l'autre t'es jamais sur que le jeu va marcher loool ( mais je ne crache pas dans la soupe hein ^^ Les regressions font parties de l'Ă©mulation )


D'ailleurs je me languis une maj pour enfin profiter des jeux nesicaXlive2 ( mon ttx3 "customisé" m'a laché en début de semaine dernière :( )

Je doit etre une quiche mais impossible de faire fonctionner certains boutons correctement.

Par exemple un coup de poing et il saute en mĂŞme temps :furax:

Modifié par bonky0013
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  • Team
376 updates
-Supported the JConfig version of Nitroplus Blasterz v1.09.
* The executable file name is "game.exe".
* Click the "output of iDmacX" button on the Loader Settings 1 tab.
* For the resolution change patch, click the "Patch and Save" button on the "Loader Setting 1" tab.
* To avoid problems, the resolution change patch does not change the internal resolution.
* To hide offline icons, enable "NESiCA_Unlocker" on the "Loader Setting 1" tab.
* LoaderMode = dg causes problems with text display.

-Supported JConfig version of Persona 4 The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold v2.02.
* The executable file name is "game.exe".
* Click the "output of iDmacX" button on the Loader Settings 1 tab.
* The key file is created on the Game Loader side, so it is not necessary.
* For language change patch, resolution change patch, and offline message hiding patch, click the "Patch and Save" button on the "Loader Setting 1" tab.
* It is unknown whether the language change patch works properly.
* To avoid problems, the resolution change patch does not change the internal resolution.
* To hide offline icons, enable "NESiCA_Unlocker" on the "Loader Setting 1" tab.
* When using ReShade, after setting "LoaderMode = dg", enable "ReShade" on the "Loader Setting 3" tab.

-Supported the JConfig version of Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.
* The executable file name is "game.exe".
* Click the "output of iDmacX" button on the Loader Settings 1 tab.
* For resolution change patch and offline message hiding patch, click the "Patch and Save" button on the "Loader Setting 1" tab.
* Only LoaderMode = 0 and dg are supported.
* If the crash occurs when LoaderMode = dg is set, set the VRAM of Game Loader dgVoodooCpl.exe to 2048MB.
* When using ReShade, after setting "LoaderMode = dg", enable "ReShade" on the "Loader Setting 3" tab.

-Added a patch to hide the warning screen to the following games.
* When using, click the "Patch and Save" button on the "Loader Setting 1" tab.
Persona 4 The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena
Persona 4 The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold v2.01
Persona 4 The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold v2.02

-Chaos Breaker Nesica and Dark Awake now support window mode only with "Loader Mode = 0".
-Fixed a bug that full screen was canceled when LoaderMode = dg was set.
-Fixed a bug that it took time to reach the character selection screen of KOF XIII Nesica.
-Set Language.ini as the default.
-Run Game Loader Installer.exe first.
-If it does not work properly, throw this Loader in the trash and exit.


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des fichiers système ont-ils été partagés entre teknoparrot et AGL? Parce qu'ils sont tous les deux en conflit l'un avec l'autre.
Y a-t-il une solution Ă  cela?

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Hi to all! has anyone managed to get the dual screen with gundam spirit of zeon? option "Gundam Dual Monitor Mode" in Gameloader, seems doesn't work! any suggestion please?


EDIT: Solved! according to the Demulshooter wiki, I created the right resolution for dual screen in my Nvidia control panel, after that, just run the exe Game loader! :very-good:

Modifié par lay72
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  • Team
377 updates
-Supported JConfig version of BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma v2.03.
* The executable file name is "game.exe".
* Click the "output of iDmacX" button on the Loader Settings 1 tab.
* The key file is created on the Game Loader side, so it is not necessary.
* For language change patches, resolution change patches, and offline icon / message hiding patches, click the "Patch and Save" button on the "Loader Setting 1" tab.
* It is unknown whether the language change patch works properly.
* To avoid problems, the resolution change patch does not change the internal resolution.
* For the character unlock color, enable "NESiCA_Unlocker" on the "Loader Setting 1" tab.
* When using ReShade, after setting "LoaderMode = dg", enable "ReShade" on the "Loader Setting 3" tab.

-Set Language.ini as the default.
-Run Game Loader Installer.exe first.
-If it does not work properly, throw this Loader in the trash and exit.


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