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Game Loader All Rh


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1 hour ago, Dante82 said:

I’m using the version of Jconfig that comes with Trymado’s copy of the game available from his Nesica folder on the “dumps” thread. Not sure what version it is, not near my cabinet.


I would try his copy of the game.

Yup, that's the one I got.  Strania - The Stella Machina


Ah well, chalk it up to OS or DirectX incompatibility I guess.  Thanks!

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On 11/26/2017 at 3:28 AM, djexpert said:


Shikigami No Shiro Episode III (TAITO X)
Please upload TTX.ini for these two games.
I will check later.

Hello DJ Expert my friend, I am so sorry to bother you but I need you help.

I am having problems setting up RH Loader for my Sega Blast City 640 x 480 Arcade Cabinet for 2 games.

The first game is King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A, I cannot get it to show the intro Video I will add my system specifications below This game works perfectly on my windows 10 nvidia setup with the same files and plays the intro video but I want to use it on my 640x480 sega blast city.

The other Game I am having problems with is Haunted Museum, it displays perfectly but the mouse cursor only reaches 2/3 of the screen. I cannot go into the top right, bottom right or bottom left. I had the same issue with Haunted Museum 2 but managed to fix that but cannot this.

Your help would be greatly appreciated on both these games.

I am using the latest RH Loader 368, Windows 10, AMD Graphics Card A9 380

Many many thanks,

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On 5/25/2020 at 4:38 PM, Mcfilmmakers said:

Quelques problemes:
Haunted Museum 2: Jeu gele sur l'ecran booting... (les trois points apparaissent et ca gele par la suite)
Elevator Death parade: Le jeu marche extremement rapidement donc injouable
Otomedius; Erreur 5-1600-1080 (je n'ai pas de F drive)

Gaia Attack 4: N'arrive pas a le faire marcher. Juste un ecran noir et le volume du systeme saute a 100% mais rien d'autre ce passe.

Darius Burst EX: Le jeu marche extremement rapidement donc injouable (ceci n'arrive pas avec Darius Burst regulier qui lui joue normalement. J'aimerais aussi enlever le bezel... comment faire?)
Tottemo E Mahjong: Le jeu lance mais j'ai aucun controle - aucun bouton fonctionne.

A few issues:

Haunted Museum 2: Game freezes on the booting screen... (the three dots appear and then nothing happens)
Elevator Death parade: The game plays so rapidly that it is unplayable (fast forwarding?)
Otomedius; Error 5-1600-1080 (I don't have an F drive)

Gaia Attack 4: Can't get it to run at all. Black screen and system audio jumps to 100% but nothing else happens.
Darius Burst EX:  The game plays so rapidly that it is unplayable (fast forwarding?) (this doesn't happen with ther egular Darius Burst which plays normally. I'd like to remove the bezel though... how do i do that?)
Tottemo E Mahjong; The game runs but I have no controls - none of the buttons works.

I got Tottemo E Mahjong to work by using ttx_config2.0

Any ideas for the other games? Someone suggetsed Vsync for the games that run too fast but turning it on and off doesn't change anything.

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15 hours ago, petje said:


That did it... except now Elevator Death Action parade crashes using game loader when I select 1 player. If i Use the game.exe directly, the game runs fine but runs on 2 screens. With jConfig, I can't use the Direct3D9 Wrapper or else the game throws a Direct 3D error.

How can I run the game on just 1 screen?

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Invité Bootleg
On 5/28/2020 at 7:03 AM, Mcfilmmakers said:


That did it... except now Elevator Death Action parade crashes using game loader when I select 1 player. If i Use the game.exe directly, the game runs fine but runs on 2 screens. With jConfig, I can't use the Direct3D9 Wrapper or else the game throws a Direct 3D error.

How can I run the game on just 1 screen?

how did u get the 2nd screen to work ?

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Bonjour les geeks, et vive les jeux d'arcades, j'arrive a lancer mes jeux sans soucis avec TP, qui d'ailleurs est a jour, par contre en utilisant Game loader Rh all, je pige pas. J'ai lu le tuto en pdf fait qui explique bien les options de chaque onglet, j'ai étais voir les forums aussi, mais je trouve pas la solution. Precisement je teste avec transformers par exemple , peu importe le réglage et le mode utilisé j,'ai un écran noir , avec un message me disant qu’après 2 minutes d'essais ca ne fonctionne pas. Y'a ti-il un réglages SPECIFIQUE selon les jeux? car juste en installant game loader, en indiquant l'emplacement de TP sans même apporter de modif graphiques aboutie a un écran noir, c'est qu'il y a bien des options qui même par default rende le lancement impossible, ou bien selon le jeu il y a une version précise de gameloader a utilisé, donc éviter la dernière version? Y t'il un wiki qui informe des paramétrages de base selon le jeu ou le frontend? Merci par avance, et désolé car j'imagine que vous avez souvent ce genre de question.

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13 hours ago, Dante82 said:

Is it possible to have KOF - MIRA upscaled? It says you can change the resolution but on loader mode dg it stays locked at 640x480. I'm on Win7x64. 


Yes set the resolution in Game Loader dgVoodooCpl.exe

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Hi, I'm trying to get HOTD4 to run letterbox on my 1024x768 monitor.

I'm using the 1024x768 patched elf file and it doesn't appear to change the resolution. Part of the top of the game screen is cut off (lost behind the letterbox bar and the "press start" text is off center to the left of the screen.


I've tried all settings in both GL and TP and nothing works and tried a few several different GL versions. Is there any way to get the game to appear with the black bars on top and bottom and entire game screen visible? Any help/info is truly appreciated. Thanks.

Modifié par killbill
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Hi guys I need your help...I recently upgraded from my 720p monitor to a 1080p one. On the 720p monitor game loader ran all the games in full-screen and the image would scale properly, filling up the entire screen. On my new 1080p monitor however, Game Loader runs the game and even though it's full screen the image does not scale and doesn't fill up the entire screen in 1920 x 1080.


I've tried several things and can't get the image to fill up my whole screen when running my monitor at native 1920x1080 res using game loader.


Teknoparrot on the other hand, launches all my games in full screen and the image in all games fills up the whole screen.


Can you offer some suggestions on how to make game loader display my Taito games in 1920x1080 and fill the entire screen? Is there a resolution setting in the GLARH config app that specifically affects resolution and scaling?

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seems to have a problem with windows10 build 2004 19041.264. 

installer task is just for a second in taskmanager active. no folder is created. windows defender is turned off and admin is granted. 

Testet also 367 with same result. Hyperspin suffering from same missing legacy support in this windows build. 
Maybe take a look at it because the updatet will be rolled out soon. 


In process Explorer you can see that no DLL are loaded and then it getting closed. 


so i upgradet vm from pre 2004 w10 to 2004 and it works 
first i was so
have matched version numbers
my pc = 2004 19041.264
vm = 2004 19041.329
upgradet pc to 2004 19041.329
finally the install process works

Modifié par Aetron
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HI, first time posting. I downloaded a few games and all work. I just use download off original page that had loader installed. They worked fine, but now i got virus warning then loader not installed, then that went away and now they start to launch but go back to desktop. Is there a fix, new game loader, or something o to disable in windows 10. I have been trying to fix for hours and its probably something easy. Every time i install, i do not see the loader install in folder, something is stopping it from extracting.

Modifié par ed4162!
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hace 2 horas, ed4162! dijo:

HI, first time posting. I downloaded a few games and all work. I just use download off original page that had loader installed. They worked fine, but now i got virus warning then loader not installed, then that went away and now they start to launch but go back to desktop. Is there a fix, new game loader, or something o to disable in windows 10. I have been trying to fix for hours and its probably something easy. Every time i install, i do not see the loader install in folder, something is stopping it from extracting.

Antivirus off

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Tout d'abord, merci pour ce grand chargeur !!

Je suis les instructions de ce fil et je fais presque fonctionner les jeux nesica sauf 2 jeux:

Puzzle Bobble et Space Invaders

J'avais essayé de changer les paramètres de résolution mais ils se sont plantés au début (game.exe a été arrêté)


Mon PC est windos10 64bits 1909 avec intel (R) UHD graphics 630, Thx pour votre aide!




First, thanks for this great loader!!

I follow the instruction from this thread and get almost nesica games work except 2 games:

Puzzle Bobble and Space Invaders

I had tried to change resolution settings but they crashed at the beginning (game.exe was terminated)


My PC is windos10 64bits 1909 wiht intel(R) UHD graphics 630,  Thx for your help!

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Hey Guys, my system runs on an old 1024x768 native resolution lcd screen. Through using GLARH and TP, I've been able to get most games to run in a 4x3LB fullscreen (black bars top and bottom) game aspect ratio correct. Two games don't seem to go fullscreen on my monitor no matter my settings: Transformers and Dream Raiders. Both appear in an offset window and larger than my display. Both play perfect, just won't display correctly. I would even take them fullscreen 1024x768, with no bars at this point.

Are there any other settings or things I can try (besides buying a new widescreen monitor  :) )? . Any info / help is truly appreciated.

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Hi all, i'm using Game Loader ALL RH v3.4.1P on windows 10 machine and EmulationStation as frontend.

I can quit game with ESC, but EmulationStation stay minimized on the taskbar.  If i run mame games for example, ES return correctly on full screen.


Someone can help me?


Thaks all!

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Hi, I'm using the 1024x768 patch for Virtua Tennis 3 and the upper portion of the game screen is not visible (you can't see the opposing player). It seems masked behind the upper black bar. I set full screen resolution accordingly in Loader 1, still the same. Not much for me to mess up as the Loader # is locked at -1 and Loader 3 is also greyed out.


When I try it in full screen mode, the game crashes after about two minutes. Anyone experience this? If so, any res fix for it? Thanks

Modifié par killbill
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Hey Guys,

As above, I'm still having trouble with the Game Loader 1024x768 patch exe for Virtua Tennis 3. The game appears 4x3LB and the width displays correctly, but the upper portion of the game screen is not visible (you can't see the opposing player). It seems masked behind the upper black bar. I set full screen resolution accordingly in Loader 1, still the same. Not much for me to mess up as the Loader # is locked at -1 and Loader 3 is also greyed out.


Is there any chance, someone could take a look and perhaps fix this patch? I have attempted for the past week to try to fix it myself with my limited hex value editing knowledge, but can't seem to make the game display properly.


Would really appreciate it if someone could help me out with this. Thanks.

Modifié par killbill
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22 hours ago, killbill said:

Hey Guys,

As above, I'm still having trouble with the Game Loader 1024x768 patch exe for Virtua Tennis 3. The game appears 4x3LB and the width displays correctly, but the upper portion of the game screen is not visible (you can't see the opposing player). It seems masked behind the upper black bar. I set full screen resolution accordingly in Loader 1, still the same. Not much for me to mess up as the Loader # is locked at -1 and Loader 3 is also greyed out.


Is there any chance, someone could take a look and perhaps fix this patch? I have attempted for the past week to try to fix it myself with my limited hex value editing knowledge, but can't seem to make the game display properly.


Would really appreciate it if someone could help me out with this. Thanks.

It didn’t work for you in tp with the resolution of 1360x768? aside from the brightness problem in some parts of the game it works fine and also when i used in the past 4:3 screen it worked in tp 

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@R.R.Z. Thanks for the replay. On my 1024x768 screen, the 1360x768 displays too large for my screen and offset running it just through TP. I'm using game loader to try and make it fullscreen and my screen size, but no luck with the 1024x768 GL patch.

Modifié par killbill
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1 minute ago, killbill said:

@R.R.Z. Thanks for the replay. On my 1024x768 screen, the 1360x768 displays too large for my screen and offset running it just through TP. I'm using game loader to try and make it fullscreen and my screen size, but no luck with the 1024x768 GL patch.

Try this with tp(i dont use gl)run it windowed see if it works with this res correctly 

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Hey @R.R.Z. thanks for the suggestion, but the window is still larger than my screen on start up. I even tried borderless gaming with the window option ticked in TP, and the screen is still too large to fit my screen. My system is set up in an arcade cabinet any way so I need it to be fullscreen and scaled correctly to be playable.

Game Loader usually helps with this, but this particular GLRH rez patch is not working correctly for me. Thanks again for the response.

Modifié par killbill
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8 hours ago, killbill said:

Hey @R.R.Z. thanks for the suggestion, but the window is still larger than my screen on start up. I even tried borderless gaming with the window option ticked in TP, and the screen is still too large to fit my screen. My system is set up in an arcade cabinet any way so I need it to be fullscreen and scaled correctly to be playable.

Game Loader usually helps with this, but this particular GLRH rez patch is not working correctly for me. Thanks again for the response.

You’re welcome I’ve looked again in the section of patches in trymado link and didn’t saw any resolution patch for this game I’ve switched to 16:9 screen and it’s much better and some game’s that haven’t work before now works fine yes some of them wont display in all of the screen only in 4:3 scale but its ok 

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