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Game Loader All Rh


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il y a 5 minutes, petje a dit :

What HM.bat ?

I do not have that file

Made it yourself ?

Or was it already included in the "clean dump"

My guess is you got to many files in your folder and those do not want to work together

PM me to compare files

Upload screenshot of game folder root to

Ignore .rar and .backup files

yes, I help Fire10 per mp, I sent my configuration files and HM.bat is the command line for DemulShooter I created to launch the game. This works on haunted museum 2 on my pc and for him too. I also have a 640x480 31khz monitor, so I help ^_^

Modifié par lukudo
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Invité petje
10 minutes ago, lukudo said:

yes, I help Fire10 per mp, I sent my configuration files and HM.bat is the command line for DemulShooter I created to launch the game. This works on haunted museum 2 on my pc and for him too. I also have a 640x480 31khz monitor, so I help ^_^

A setup i do not have so i can not help out 

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il y a 22 minutes, fire10 a dit :

Yep lukudo has been an absolute star, his files helped to get HM2 working but I cannot get HM right with the cursor. Also has anyone else got kofmia working with intro video on win 10

My first setting for Haunted Museum before using Demulshooter was to change the resolution in haunted.ini.You can try this but you won't have all the images on the screen (menu etc...) and it's still playable. 

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Hi guys I need your help...I recently upgraded from my 720p monitor to a 1080p one. On the 720p monitor game loader ran all the games in full-screen and the image would scale properly, filling up the entire screen. On my new 1080p monitor however, Game Loader runs the game and even though it's full screen the image does not scale and doesn't fill up the entire screen in 1920 x 1080.


I've tried several things and can't get the image to fill up my whole screen when running my monitor at native 1920x1080 res using game loader.


Teknoparrot on the other hand, launches all my games in full screen and the image in all games fills up the whole screen.


Can you offer some suggestions on how to make game loader display my Taito games in 1920x1080 and fill the entire screen? Is there a resolution setting in the GLARH config app that specifically affects resolution and scaling?

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Had a heck of time getting Too Spicy up and running.  Looks like I only have a couple issues left.


1. How to use Left/Right paddle?  If I specify in TP it gets ignored.  Not specified, I tried every button on my keyboard.  Nothing triggers it.

2. Anyway to disable the mouse cursor?

3. The top and bottom of the screen are cut off a little.  Not a show stopper but a little annoying.


Here's my notes on my setup:


Setup TeknoParrot to launch - disk0\elf\apacheM_HD.elf
Check FreePlay and UseMouseForGun
Uncheck everything else


Extract Game Loader All RH (all three files) into the elf folder

Setup Game Loader:
Game Loader Config.exe "Other 3" tab By enabling "portable mode".
Run the installer then go back into config.
Specify "TeknoParrot" by pressing "Loader setting 1" tab "Select folder" button.
In the window mode, set "Monitor resolution" on the "Window size" tab to "1280x768".

Update Rate tab, set Update rate Mouse Cursor Hide to 0 and Enable.

9 to add coins (every time you need to add a coin you have to spam the 9 key)
1 to start
Left click to Shoot
Right Click to Hide and Reload

Launch - Game Loader All RH.exe

I'd appreciate any help, thanks!

Modifié par ISOHaven
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6 minutes ago, petje said:

You are using GL



Thanks!  I missed the text under that changing it to 0.  I'm such a dolt.

Any idea about the paddles?  Game is kind of pointless without them.

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Invité petje
58 minutes ago, ISOHaven said:

Thanks!  I missed the text under that changing it to 0.  I'm such a dolt.

Any idea about the paddles?  Game is kind of pointless without them.

GL does not add anything for me, so i do not use it

TP, i can assign what i want, does not work...... but .....


In TP game settings set use mouse for gun and hide mouse cursor

9 is coin up, wait till yellow screen

Left and right arrow are left and right pedal

Right mouse buton is start / hide /reload

Left mouse button is shoot


With TP aiming is off at the bottom of the screen at 1280x1024

With GL it is off aim at the top of the screen at 1280x1024

On a 1920x1200 monitor


Three files are missing to use test / service mode




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17 minutes ago, petje said:

Left and right arrow are left and right pedal


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  Now I got it.  As mentioned I tried all the keys.  Come to find out pressing these doesn't work.  But pressing and holding for a split second work.  WTH?  All other keys work the instant they are pressed.  Same deal on multiple machines.

Anyway, got it working.  Many thanks for your help this week.  With 5 kids on summer break early I'm trying to get a lot of this up and running for them.  They got bored with my newly updated MAME 220 set quick.  How dare they not appreciate the classics!

Modifié par ISOHaven
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Well huge thanks to lukudo for trying to help me. Does anyone else have their games setup to run on a 640x480 arcade monitor. I currently cant get haunted museum 1 to run correctly. It displays good at 4:3 but the cursor doesnt reach a 1/3 of the screen, can anyone share their working setup. Be great to get some input from other 640x480 users. Cheers guys

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Having issues with Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.

Extracted the dump
Applied the patch (no errors)

Extract GL 368 near game.exe

Put JConfig 1.5 (also tried 1.7) near game.exe

Put the Ragnarok iDmacDrv64 DLL near game.exe


At this point I can run the game.  No controls yet.  Go into JConfig and setup only the start and coin buttons to my keyboard.  Nothing happens in the game.  Can't start or add coins.


Go back into JConfig and configure start and coin to my 360 controller.  Game crashes:

MSVCR120.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module MSVCR120.dll at 0033:143ec522.


I also get DmacDrv64.dll caused an Access Violation sometimes.


Both of those files are crashing witrh xinput1_3.dll

Delete all that and try again.  Apply patch, extract GL 368 and have it output it's own files.  Exact same thing.

Take a step back and see what TP does.  Extract dump, apply patch.  When I setup controls for either XInput or keyboard I get nothing.  Can't start the game.  The only button/key that does anything is Coin as I can hear it adding coins.  Other than that none of the other configured buttons do anything.


Can anyone please shed some light as to what's going on with this one?

Modifié par ISOHaven
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Lets Go Island 3D (Game Loader, JConfig, TeknoParrot)


In case anyone else has half ripped out their hair over this game.  With TP I could get English but could not get any controls to work properly.  With JConfig I could get perfect gameplay but JPN only.  No English.

Game Loader and JConfig caused nothing but crashes.  Probably because they each needed different LGI.exe's.  So my complete solution to get this to work was:


Add game to TeknoParrot
Select LGI.exe as executable
Select FreePlay
Select UseMouseForGun
Leave everything else off
Do not setup controller

Launch the game within TeknoParrot once then exit.  You need to create TeknoParrot.ini in the game folder.  Without this you wont get mouse or English (this is probably what's tripping up all the folks in the past in other threads about this game).


With Game Loader in the same folder as the executable, launch Game Loader Config (I used 368)
Update Rate Tab - Update rate Mouse Cursor Hide - Set to 0 and leave Enabled
Save and Close


Launch game with "Game Loader All RH.exe"


Left Click to Fire
Right Click to Start (and Skip)


Perfect gameplay, English and 3D is turned off.  Also, no need to edit config.ini or data\Fraw\fwDataDB\fwDataDB_AM.txt

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Good morning, I wanted to see something about Gameloader all rf. I have Nexica games configured for version 0.334 of the loader, I can install one. Higher version without affecting my Nexica configuration? How could I do it? Is that I need it, for example, for ONJEKI.
Thank you

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Invité petje
4 minutes ago, maluja said:

. Higher version without affecting my Nexica configuration?

Just update, or use in Portable mode

For what game onjeki ? 

You probably mean O.N.G.E.K.I. +

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On 5/22/2020 at 2:20 PM, ISOHaven said:

Having issues with Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.

Extracted the dump
Applied the patch (no errors)

Extract GL 368 near game.exe

Put JConfig 1.5 (also tried 1.7) near game.exe

Put the Ragnarok iDmacDrv64 DLL near game.exe


At this point I can run the game.  No controls yet.  Go into JConfig and setup only the start and coin buttons to my keyboard.  Nothing happens in the game.  Can't start or add coins.


Go back into JConfig and configure start and coin to my 360 controller.  Game crashes:

MSVCR120.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module MSVCR120.dll at 0033:143ec522.


I also get DmacDrv64.dll caused an Access Violation sometimes.


Both of those files are crashing witrh xinput1_3.dll

Delete all that and try again.  Apply patch, extract GL 368 and have it output it's own files.  Exact same thing.

Take a step back and see what TP does.  Extract dump, apply patch.  When I setup controls for either XInput or keyboard I get nothing.  Can't start the game.  The only button/key that does anything is Coin as I can hear it adding coins.  Other than that none of the other configured buttons do anything.


Can anyone please shed some light as to what's going on with this one?


Weird, so the same exact thing happens no matter what loader I use.  GL or JVS.  Everything runs fine until I setup any controls.  If I go in and rename xinput1_3.dll the game of course works again, but then again no controls.

Anyone else come across a game just not liking any form of xinput?  The loaders seem to use it no matter what you select in JConfig.  It's set to dinput and if I select so much as one keyboard key (exit) then poof, multiple files can crash with xinput.

But again, only this game.


And the crashing is definitely specific to that Ragnarok DLL.

Modifié par ISOHaven
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So, I'd like to report a possible bug that happens with certain Type X games when launching with GLARH. This bug affects Raiden 4 (Type X Version, not Nesica) and KOF SkyStage, could be more games though.


I use an Xarcade tankstick on my arcade cabinet. Player 1 Start is hard coded on the encoder to keyboard 1 and Player 2 start is hard coded to keyboard 2. Whenever I load the game using GLARH, doesn't matter if controls are mapped yet or not. In KOF, if I press Player 2 Start it brings up the service menu in that game. Raiden 4 if I press player 1 start it acts as a service button that inserts a credit. So whatever GLARH is doing, when it hooks Type X controls it seems like it's coding certain keys to certain games off the bat for whatever reason. Again, remapping them with the config does nothing either. The only way to stop this from happening is launch them with another loader.


Jconfig no problem, with the old Type X loader by romhack, doesn't happen either. If anyone wants to try it on their end feel free, but I tested this isse and it exists on my laptop, and both my arcade machines.







Modifié par Dante82
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J'ai reussi a faire marcher Elevator Action Death Parade avec gameLoader mais le jeu est extremement vite et les boutons  son pesser automatiquement, j'ai juste le controle sur la souris mais encore la, je ne voit pas de cible. Comment puis-je regler?

I succeeded in getting Elevator Action Death parade to work with game Loader but the game plays extrememly quickly and button input is automatic, I only have control over the mouse and event hen, i don't see a target. How can i fix this?

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Salut Ă  tous,


J'ai un souci assez bizarre avec Game Loader RH : Lorsque je lance un jeu celui-ci fonctionne tout va bien, lorsque je quitte le jeu et que je veux le relancer il ne se lance plus. Pour qu'il se relance je dois relancer l'ordinateur. En utilisant "Game.exe" aucun souci, le jeu se lance plusieurs fois de suite sans problème. En revanche si je lance le Game Loader RH d'un autre jeu : ce dernier se lance. Mais du coup lui aussi impossible de le relancer une fois lancé une première fois sauf si je redémarre mon PC.


Je pense qu'il doit y avoir une tâche de fond qui ne se ferme pas en même temps que je quitte le jeu mais je n'en suis pas sûr. Quelqu'un a déjà eu ce problème ? ou connait la solution ?


Merci d'avance Ă  tous !

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Hi I play Rambo by Teknoparrot and in my case the best resolution is 1280 x 768 fullscreen. Despite having the full HD 1080 screen with the 1920 x 1080 resolution, the game looks bad, that is, it is not adapted to the screen and moreover decentralized. Can gameloader all rh play with this latest resolution? In case you can explain the procedure to me?

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Quelques problemes:
Haunted Museum 2: Jeu gele sur l'ecran booting... (les trois points apparaissent et ca gele par la suite)
Elevator Death parade: Le jeu marche extremement rapidement donc injouable
Otomedius; Erreur 5-1600-1080 (je n'ai pas de F drive)

Gaia Attack 4: N'arrive pas a le faire marcher. Juste un ecran noir et le volume du systeme saute a 100% mais rien d'autre ce passe.

Darius Burst EX: Le jeu marche extremement rapidement donc injouable (ceci n'arrive pas avec Darius Burst regulier qui lui joue normalement. J'aimerais aussi enlever le bezel.. comment faire?)
Tottemo E Mahjong: Le jeu lance mais j'ai aucun controle - aucun bouton fonctionne.

A few issues:

Haunted Museum 2: Game freezes on the booting screen... (the three dots appear and then nothing happens)
Elevator Death parade: The game plays so rapidly that it is unplayable (fast forwarding?)
Otomedius; Error 5-1600-1080 (I don't have an F drive)

Gaia Attack 4: Can't get it to run at all. Black screen and system audio jumps to 100% but nothing else happens.
Darius Burst EX:  The game plays so rapidly that it is unplayable (fast forwarding?) (this doesn't happen with ther egular Darius Burst which plays normally. I'd like tor emove the bezel though, how do i do that?)
Tottemo E Mahjong; The game runs but I have no controls - none of the buttons works.

Modifié par Mcfilmmakers
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1 hour ago, Mcfilmmakers said:

Quelques problemes:
Haunted Museum 2: Jeu gele sur l'ecran booting... (les trois points apparaissent et ca gele par la suite)
Elevator Death parade: Le jeu marche extremement rapidement donc injouable
Otomedius; Erreur 5-1600-1080 (je n'ai pas de F drive)

Gaia Attack 4: N'arrive pas a le faire marcher

A few issues:

Haunted Museum 2: Game freezes on the booting screen... (the three dots appear and then nothing happens)
Elevator Death parade: The game plays so rapidly that it is unplayable (fast forwarding?)
Otomedius; Error 5-1600-1080 (I don't have an F drive)

Gaia Attack 4: Can't get it to run at all.

yes these games need a little tinkering to get running. What have you done to try and get Gaia Attack 4 working for example?

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Strania - The Stella Machina V1.1

Is it normal for this game to be missing the sound effects?  I have background music, just no sound effects.

Tried with GL/JConfig/NESiCA

Same outcome with each scenario.  Game plays great.

Windows 10 1909

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hace 12 minutos, ISOHaven dijo:

Strania - The Stella Machina V1.1

Is it normal for this game to be missing the sound effects?  I have background music, just no sound effects.

Tried with GL/JConfig/NESiCA

Same outcome with each scenario.  Game plays great.

Windows 10 1909

I have the same error

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18 hours ago, ISOHaven said:

Strania - The Stella Machina V1.1

Is it normal for this game to be missing the sound effects?  I have background music, just no sound effects.

Tried with GL/JConfig/NESiCA

Same outcome with each scenario.  Game plays great.

Windows 10 1909

Hmm, I don’t have this issue but I’m on Windows 7 and using Jconfig. Maybe try setting compatibility with game.exe to Win7? Also I think my Jconfig has Dsound checked.

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1 hour ago, Dante82 said:

Hmm, I don’t have this issue but I’m on Windows 7 and using Jconfig. Maybe try setting compatibility with game.exe to Win7? Also I think my Jconfig has Dsound checked.

So odd.  That didn't help either.


I re-extracted the dump and only brought over JConfig.exe and iDmacDrv32.dll (tried v1.5 and v1.7).  Setup Jconfig (with and without DSound).  Tried WinXP, Win7 and Win8 compatibility mode.  It just refuses to bring up sound effects.


What version of Jconfig are you using?

Thanks, I appreciate you looking into it.

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13 minutes ago, ISOHaven said:

So odd.  That didn't help either.


I re-extracted the dump and only brought over JConfig.exe and iDmacDrv32.dll (tried v1.5 and v1.7).  Setup Jconfig (with and without DSound).  Tried WinXP, Win7 and Win8 compatibility mode.  It just refuses to bring up sound effects.


What version of Jconfig are you using?

Thanks, I appreciate you looking into it.

I’m using the version of Jconfig that comes with Trymado’s copy of the game available from his Nesica folder on the “dumps” thread. Not sure what version it is, not near my cabinet.


I would try his copy of the game.

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