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Game Loader All Rh


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Yeah i know this, and it is true that some do not necessarily have one or the other ...

I just retest with these 2 files in many ways and it does not change anything, they do not start, I have this error that persists.

The files I had taken on the subject were already preconfigured with different versions of gameloader, should I start from scratch with the latest version?

Because it is really a problem between the different version of gameloader, or if I have to update them, how to proceed?


I already had galley to make everything work, and it lasted a few weeks, but I do not understand the relationship between the versions and this crash that blocks some versions that worked great before ... An installation problem ???


Edit :
I try to install the last version GL All Rh 3.31 and the games start again !


Edit 2:
I test all the game, and when i test a game with 2.40 vers, it crash with the same error and the other stop work again...

but what's going on ???

Modifié par LoloZ
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Invité linglang

So people know, who use GameLoader All RH in conjunction with TeknoParrot.


Version of GameLaoder All RH works fine with Teknoparrot 1.94 and below.

Version of GameLaoder All RH works fine with TeknoparrotUI


Because version of GameLaoder All RH, expects these files in these folders.


OpenParrotWin32 folder needs the new OpenParrot.dll, OpenParrotKonamiLoader.exe and OpenParrotLoader.exe

OpenParrotx64 folder needs the new OpenParrot64.dll and OpenParrotLoader64.exe

TeknoParrot (SUB folder) needs the new BudgieLoader.exe and TeknoParrot.dll


These files can be found here:

But since version, TeknoParrot should update itself.

Modifié par linglang
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what do you think of the problem so I speak in my previous posts about my Nesica game pack with Game Loader all Rh, I do not understand why some version do not work after launching some games ???

Previously they worked very well, I did not change anything in win 10 to 1803, or anywhere else ...

Sometimes version 2.40 of Game Loader sometimes breaks the other versions, there the 3.16 ... Do you know what kind of problems?

What to do !? ^^

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Invité linglang


You can install normally, but also in a portable mode ?

Portable mode makes folders and files in the game folder with their own settings ?

I run most of my Nesica games at the moment with the newest Gameloader

The games that have "problems" with newer GameLoader versions, I run on the older loaders, but with the latest install files.

This for House Of the Dead 4 Which i load with GameLoader All RH version 325, in conjunction with TeknoParrot 1.81

But with GameLoader All RH 331 installed. (non portable)

I got my own aiming sight.

I hope this helps.


BTW, I use this tool to update GameLoader All RH to update all sub folders containing  GameLoader All RH.

It makes backups of your old GameLoader ALL RH versions, so you can roll back if needed.



Lancia fan :ptdr:, good one !!

True, true ...

I had two Lancia Delta Integrale's 8 valve versions, back in the day, should never had sold them.

But business needs to roll, just like money .......

Modifié par linglang
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@linglang Merci de ta réponse !

Entre pilote de Sega Rally, tu as tout mon respect ! :D

Oui je les avais mis en mode portable, du coup je vais essayer de tous les passer sur la version 3.31, si ça peut m'éviter ce genre de déconvenue, tu procède comment pour les mettre à jour proprement ?

C'est possible de garder le paramétrage pour les touches ?
Au cas ou j'ai besoin de retélécharger certains jeux, vaut mieux les prendre sur la 1ère page de GameLoader All Rh ou sur la page NesicaXLive, car de mémoire certains sont plus stable et facile à lancer... ?


@linglang Thank you for your answer !
Between pilot of Sega Rally, you have all my respect! :D

Yes I put them in portable mode, suddenly I will try to pass  it on the version 3.31, if it can avoid me this kind of disappointment, how do you update them properly?

Is it possible to keep the settings for the keys?

In case I need to re-download some games, better take them on the 1st page of GameLoader All Rh or NesicaXLive page, because some are more stable memory and easy to launch ...if i remember ?

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Invité linglang
14 minutes ago, LoloZ said:

Is it possible to keep the settings for the keys?

ttx.ini stays intact so your settings per game are maintained.


As far as I know, no need to redownload.

What game has stopped working ?

Shall we compare the files in the root of the game ?

PM me if needed, so we can compare file structures.


A easy command to print a directories content to a .txt file.

dir> windowsfolderlist.txt

Including subfolders.

dir /s > windowsfolderlist.txt

Modifié par linglang
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Sorry to insist, but I'm tired of everything and I do not want to mess this up! ^^

So I just replace the Game Loader Config.exe and Game Loader All RH.exe files for all games?


djexpert told me to delete "sv \ input.bin" and "sv \ misc.bin", (which had not arranged anything unfortunately :( ) So no need?

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Invité linglang

...... All problems encountered solved .....

All Nesica / Taito games running fine on 331

took a few hours to solve it ...

A few games had to be, deleted and re-extracted.



Thanks to the people(s) behind GameLoader All RH !!!

The Shining Force games run great full screen @ 1360x768.




Modifié par linglang
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Of my 43 that all worked, about 30 games no longer work, all under version 3.16 and it happens randomly after launching a game that is version 2.40 ...

It's a lot of games directory to compare ^^

Here is an example if you can see more clearly! :)

I send it to you in mp, otherwise it will take the whole page of the forum ^^


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Now it's ok ?


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i think maybe the problem is that you have to replace all the gameloader exe files inside your game folders after installing newer version of gameloader, i had to do this with close to 100 games so i wrote a program to help with it.


when the gameloader gets updated after a while old version fail to run


if this is not the case then ignore this message lol :P

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@EmuAI ty for your answer !!! 

You give me a bit of hope, in my dull day and in my quest for understanding! ^^

I want to test the program you have developed for this problem!

I would follow the instructions to the letter, if it works, I should owe you one ! ^^

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install your latest gameloader if you haven't done already

then use the program to update the games folders that contain gameloader exes!QGhAgYbQ!h3Z7TSIBV0ih-liUizkjBEXru-p-mBl99CqQi4ivkuk


point it to the folder that contains latest gameloader exe's and then

point it to the root folder that contain the folders of your gameloader game 


it only looks in folders inside the root folder and if it finds gameloader exe then it updates it.


good luck

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Thank you very much, I will test this tomorrow morning, because it is late!


It's the utility of hope! : D I'll make you a return tomorrow!


You have all my respect!


May the force be with you !!!



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@EmuAI Hello !

I tested your solution for Nesica games and everything works perfectly now, except 3 games that are reluctant.

I will start from scratch and it should go back to normal.

I will test by tomorrow on the Taito Type, I will also make a return, but there is no reason!

Thanks again to you, it has reconciled me with the arcade emulation which is sometimes more complicated than the console emulation.


It would not be fun otherwise! ^^


Ty mate, long live our passion !!!

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3 hours ago, LoloZ said:

Ty mate, long live our passion !!!

Your welcome, i did have some problem with some games too but all i done was set them up again and they worked fine :)

good luck and happy gaming :very-good:

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  • Team
Update contents of 332
Finally, Silent Hill Arcade is now playable on Windows 10! . Thanks to MOHKERZ
* I tried running SHA after a long time, fixed some of the things I was interested in.
* Fixed a bug that crashes when playing movie when "LoaderMode = dg" is set.
* There are minor drawing problems when "LoaderMode = dg" is set.
* Added window mode when setting "LoaderMode = dg".
* When setting high resolution, set "Window Mode", "LoaderMode = dg", and set "Resolution" of "Game Loader dgVoodooCpl.exe" to 4: 3 resolution.
* Example If the monitor size is 1920x1080, it is 1440x1080.
* When full screen is set, the position of the mouse cursor will shift if "Resolution" is not set to 1920x1080.
* When the window mode is set, display of bezel image is also supported.
* Please change "CrossHair.ani" or "CrossHair.cur" to "sv" folder for change of mouse cursor.
* If you fail to change the mouse cursor when launching Loader, please press "CTRL + F" after game loading is over (you may need to press more than once).
* When entering test mode, set to LoaderMode other than "LoaderMode = dg".
* Setting video

-Other bug fixes that I noticed.
・ Set Language.ini as default.
・ Please execute Game Loader Installer.exe first.
・ If not working properly, discard this Loader to the trash can and end.


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I hope i'm ok to ask this question here ?


I'm using a frontend via attractmode which in turn calls rocketlauncher, which finally calls GameLoaderALLRH. This works brilliantly as is how I launch the vast majority of my ArcadePC games. Part of the configuration watches the launched process, when this is no longer running returns to the Frontend because the game has exited.


My problem is that something changed in GameLoaderALLRH, I can see that there is a wrapper called gl.exe and this is now what I watch for, if gl.exe ends then I know the game is no longer running, however this doesn't seem to work for the latest versions ..


Looks like in newer versions of GameLoaderALLRH the wrapper is now called srtgl.exe ? Is there a reason for the change ?


Any ideas ?



Modifié par anx10us
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I do not really understand the meaning of the question, but I will answer.
Game Loader has been renamed "gl.exe" to "srtgl.exe" in a recent update.
The reason is that the execution file name of "Arcade Love Plus Pengo" is "gl.exe".
This is simply to avoid problems.
Therefore, the old "gl.exe" and the recent "srtgl.exe" are identical files.




v4 and v5 are deleted because they have problems.
Download v6.

Modifié par djexpert
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1 hour ago, djexpert said:


I do not really understand the meaning of the question, but I will answer.
Game Loader has been renamed "gl.exe" to "srtgl.exe" in a recent update.
The reason is that the execution file name of "Arcade Love Plus Pengo" is "gl.exe".
This is simply to avoid problems.
Therefore, the old "gl.exe" and the recent "srtgl.exe" are identical files.




v4 and v5 are deleted because they have problems.
Download v6.

Thanks for the information, looks like I have some files to edit ...


One final question, could we have an option within gameloader config to rename the wrapper ? You could leave the default name as srtgl.exe, but have an option on one of the loader pages to rename the wrapper to whatever the user chooses ? This way whatever changes you make in the future, we can always guarantee the executable is the same name ?


Great work and thanks for answering my questions.





Modifié par anx10us
Added more detail ..
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big thanks @djexpert for the new version (3.3.2) of the game loader :)
i have one problem with silent hill arcade... the mousecursor-change don't work for me :(

i tested loadermode dg and 6 and press ctrl + f several times but the mousecursor is still the standard-windows-cursor...
i am on win10 1803

did anyone have the same problem?
please help
sorry for my bad english  

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  • Team
Update contents of 333
-Supported the DBAC of TP v1.0.0.122.
* Repeat again, but be sure to disable the window mode on the TPUI side.
* Setting video

-Added window mode to LoaderMode = dg.
* There are bugs such as crashes in many games.

・ Haunted Museum 1 "Loader Mode = dg" support mouse cursor reading in "window mode".
* When using, set "LoaderMode = dg" and copy "Crosshair.ani" or "Crosshair.cur" to the sv folder.
* If there is Crosshair.ani and Crosshair.cur, Crosshair.ani is read preferentially.
* Please disable the "Update interval other tab" "Update interval for hiding mouse cursor" so that the mouse cursor does not disappear.
* Don't forget to set it to "MULESUM.ini" FULLSCREEN 1 "(resolution: 1024x768).
* The cursor does not reverse even if you enter the mirror mode during the game.
* Since the window mode, also supports the display of the bezel image.
* There is a bug that two mouse cursors may be displayed and a bug that Crosshair.ani does not animate.
* The function to limit the movement amount of the mouse can not be used.

-Fixed a bug that the screen becomes full screen regardless of the window mode when the Silent Hill Arcade is set to LoaderMode = 0.
-Other bug fixes that I noticed.
・ Set Language.ini as default.
・ Please execute Game Loader Installer.exe first.
・ If not working properly, discard this Loader to the trash can and end.


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I'm having problems with Game Loader v0.3.3.3

I have installed my Darius Burst AC game and extracted the Game Loader files into the folder.

I installed Game Loader to C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\   (This is also where my TeknoParrot save data is)

When I start the Game Loader ALL RH.exe the game does not start. 

I'm told that one of the following files does not exist:









Can anybody help? Thanks

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4 hours ago, Simon said:


I'm having problems with Game Loader v0.3.3.3

I have installed my Darius Burst AC game and extracted the Game Loader files into the folder.

I installed Game Loader to C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\   (This is also where my TeknoParrot save data is)

When I start the Game Loader ALL RH.exe the game does not start. 

I'm told that one of the following files does not exist:









Can anybody help? Thanks

Hey Simon, the issue is you need to run Game Loader in conjunction with TeknoParrot.


Once you have confirmed the game is running through TP, close it down and load up Game Loader and direct it to your installation of TP. This is done in the Loader Settings 1 Tab, click on Select folder under the TeknoParrot settings and direct it to the folder which holds "TeknoParrotUi.exe"


You'll been up and running in no time

Modifié par flashpc
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Invité linglang


Since Teknoparrot 1.93, the directory structure and files contained in them has changed, so GameLoader All RH had to adapt, since version 332.

So, lower versions of Teknoparrot 192 et cetera.

Need lower than 332 of Gameloader All RH versions to work, versions 331 and below.


Updates for / and TeknoParrotGUI can be found here:


You got the latest OpenParrot.dll, OpenParrotKonamiLoader.exe, OpenParrotLoader.exe in the OpenParrotWin32 folder ?

You got the latest OpenParrot64.dll, OpenParrotLoader64.exe in the OpenParrotx64 folder ?

You got  the latest Opensegaapi.dll in the TeknoParrot SUB folder ?

I got 24 files in the TeknoParrot SUB folder.


The complete version can be found here, use it to compare the file and directory structure.

Current version is

Modifié par linglang
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22 hours ago, flashpc said:

Hey Simon, the issue is you need to run Game Loader in conjunction with TeknoParrot.


Once you have confirmed the game is running through TP, close it down and load up Game Loader and direct it to your installation of TP. This is done in the Loader Settings 1 Tab, click on Select folder under the TeknoParrot settings and direct it to the folder which holds "TeknoParrotUi.exe"


You'll been up and running in no time


20 hours ago, linglang said:


Since Teknoparrot 1.93, the directory structure and files contained in them has changed, so GameLoader All RH had to adapt, since version 332.

So, lower versions of Teknoparrot 192 et cetera.

Need lower than 332 of Gameloader All RH versions to work, versions 331 and below.


Updates for / and TeknoParrotGUI can be found here:


You got the latest OpenParrot.dll, OpenParrotKonamiLoader.exe, OpenParrotLoader.exe in the OpenParrotWin32 folder ?

You got the latest OpenParrot64.dll, OpenParrotLoader64.exe in the OpenParrotx64 folder ?

You got  the latest Opensegaapi.dll in the TeknoParrot SUB folder ?

I got 24 files in the TeknoParrot SUB folder.


The complete version can be found here, use it to compare the file and directory structure.

Current version is

Darius is running now. Thank You.:very-good:

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