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Game Loader All Rh


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Hey guys, any help on getting the pop'n music games working? Im starting with 15 and at a loss


I got all the games 16-24 running within game loader but 15 is still not playing fair with game loader.

Modifié par flashpc
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I have just started to use this Loader but can someone please tell me how to set it up and how to attached to exe files to load as I have read the front page and watched so many Youtube videos with no luck. I'm sure it's simple but just don't know how to get it running. 

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Pokken Tournament and Wangan seems to have issues with 328, There is also alternetive to use Jconfig something you would look into adding :)?


Monkey Ball can also be run through TP.


Anyone have a link for older version as that was working before?

Modifié par Scroom
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19 hours ago, Scroom said:

Pokken Tournament and Wangan seems to have issues with 328, There is also alternetive to use Jconfig something you would look into adding :)?


Monkey Ball can also be run through TP.


Anyone have a link for older version as that was working before?

First Page -


(miroir 328)
(miroir 327)
(miroir 326)
(miroir 325)
(miroir 324)
(miroir 323)
(miroir 322)
(miroir 321)
(miroir 320)

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20 hours ago, sky2310 said:

I have just started to use this Loader but can someone please tell me how to set it up and how to attached to exe files to load as I have read the front page and watched so many Youtube videos with no luck. I'm sure it's simple but just don't know how to get it running. 

You the Arcade Game Dump, you then extract the GameLoaderAllRH files into the same directory as the game.exe (ignore any false positive virus messages)


You'll have

  • GameLoaderConfig
  • GameLoaderInstaller
  • GameLoader

You'll also need to do the following ...


Search TTX.ini located According the O.S:
Windows 10, "C: \ Users \ USER NAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ Game Loader All RH \ TTX.ini"

Windows XP, "C: \ Documents and Settings \ USER NAME \ Application Data \ Game Loader All RH \ TTX.ini"

- Open TTX.ini with notepad and modify like this:


Warning = Agree

Run Installer first, install in portable mode, then run config, make the changes you need and then run gameloader to start the game

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try this.

However, please do not use when different from your version.


Use the old TP (v1.80), there is no point in using the old Game Loader.
Game Loader runs the game in the usual way provided by TP, but in the above game v1.80 and later seems to be broken.
Specifically, it uses the "--emuonly" argument.
As far as I know, there are currently problems with the following games.
Mach Storm
Wangan 5
All Lindbergh
I have previously asked the administrator about how to execute with the "--emuonly" argument in Discord, but unfortunately it was ignored.
I hope this problem is solved.

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3 hours ago, djexpert said:


try this.

However, please do not use when different from your version.


Use the old TP (v1.80), there is no point in using the old Game Loader.
Game Loader runs the game in the usual way provided by TP, but in the above game v1.80 and later seems to be broken.
Specifically, it uses the "--emuonly" argument.
As far as I know, there are currently problems with the following games.
Mach Storm
Wangan 5
All Lindbergh
I have previously asked the administrator about how to execute with the "--emuonly" argument in Discord, but unfortunately it was ignored.
I hope this problem is solved.

Using Latest TP everything works but Wangan and Pokken ;), would you look into adding jconfig support for theese too and aswell update for GRID etc :D?. GameLoader RH FTW

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  • Team
329 updated contents
・ Supported BishiBashi 2010. Thanks MOHKERZ
* The execution file name is "BISHIBASHI.exe".
* Only the setting of P1 is assigned to the cursor key.

・ Supported Guitar Hero Arcade. Thanks MOHKERZ
* The executable file name is "GHA.exe".
* If you want to change the main menu activation and resolution etc, please set from the "Loader setting 1" tab.
* There is a LoaderMode that crashes when setting the window mode, please make it full screen at that time.
* Please be aware that turning on "FXAA" when LoaderMode = 6 is set results in a black screen.
* To open the pause menu during game play, hold the "Back" button on the X360 pad and press the "A" button twice.
* Now the Pause menu will be displayed with the "Start" button (it will not appear in ARCADEPLAY).

-Added support for reading Haunted Museum 1 mouse cursor.
* When using, set "LoaderMode = dg" and copy "Crosshair.ani" or "Crosshair.cur" to the sv folder.
* If there is Crosshair.ani and Crosshair.cur, Crosshair.ani is read preferentially.
* Please disable the "Update interval other" tab "Update interval for hiding mouse cursor" so that the mouse cursor does not disappear.
* Don't forget to set it to MUSUM.ini "FULLSCREEN 1".
* The cursor does not reverse even if you enter the mirror mode during the game.
* There is a bug that two mouse cursors may be displayed and a bug that Crosshair.ani does not animate.

-Other bug fixes that I noticed.
・ Set Language.ini as default.
・ Please execute Game Loader Installer.exe first.
・ If not working properly, discard this Loader to the trash can and end.


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On 8/5/2018 at 11:38 PM, djexpert said:


For Otomedius 2007 please edit "GGG.o9tuff.config".
For Otomedius 2008 please edit "key.config".
When using Game Loader, you can use keyboard emulation of Pad.ini.


Try running with TypeXtra works well and you can map keys too.

Modifié par sky2310
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  • Team
330 updated contents
-Supported TP v1.93.
* Currently, game command line arguments can not be used. MKDX, Pokken, PDA, SRC, Testmode etc. (except Lindbergh).
* Since these games can not be started, please use TP prior to v1.93.
* Please enable portable mode in this case.
* When using TP earlier than v1.93, enable "Loader setting 1" tab "older than v1.93"
* This will perform conventional batch processing.
* With this update, TP v 1.66 and earlier are no longer supported.
* Please fix the problem when "--emuonly" argument is used. Thank you in advance.
* Please fix the problem when using game side arguments. Thank you in advance.

-Fixed a bug that crashes in some LoaderMode when setting Guitar Mode to window mode.

-Other bug fixes that I noticed.
・ Set Language.ini as default.
・ Please execute Game Loader Installer.exe first.
・ If not working properly, discard this Loader to the trash can and end.


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On 3/29/2019 at 5:26 PM, 7zxkv said:

330 updated contents
-Supported TP v1.93.
* Currently, game command line arguments can not be used. MKDX, Pokken, PDA, SRC, Testmode etc. (except Lindbergh).
* Since these games can not be started, please use TP prior to v1.93.
* Please enable portable mode in this case.
* When using TP earlier than v1.93, enable "Loader setting 1" tab "older than v1.93"
* This will perform conventional batch processing.
* With this update, TP v 1.66 and earlier are no longer supported.
* Please fix the problem when "--emuonly" argument is used. Thank you in advance.
* Please fix the problem when using game side arguments. Thank you in advance.

-Fixed a bug that crashes in some LoaderMode when setting Guitar Mode to window mode.

-Other bug fixes that I noticed.
・ Set Language.ini as default.
・ Please execute Game Loader Installer.exe first.
・ If not working properly, discard this Loader to the trash can and end.



Wouldnt it be easier to grab window or something so we can keep on using RH?

Modifié par Scroom
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Invité DamnIsAbusiveLOL
Le 31/01/2019 à 16:44, 7zxkv a dit :

vf5b v5




can someone reupload this since latest has broken 21:9 ? (doesn't look like the screenshots at all, it only renders at 2048x1080, the missing render is just the last pixels stretched between 2049-2560)

Modifié par 7zxkv
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Invité DamnIsAbusiveLOL

thanks, but looks like they have the same issue as latest :( (game seems to render at ~2048x1080 (look at the artifact to the right), while it should be at 2560x1080...)




I wonder which version did I use when it worked....

Modifié par DamnIsAbusiveLOL
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My monitor is 1920x1080 or 1920x1080x3 surround (5760x1080), but there was no problem with 1920x1080 or 5760x1080.
However, with 2560x1080 (-wxga2), part of the right side was not displayed correctly (ver. B and C).
When I moved the game window to the left, I saw parts that were not displayed properly.
There was no problem with the screen shot.
It is a very strange phenomenon.

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Invité linglang

I think something is wrong with the rally.exe for Gameloader All RH.

I replaced the original files with the files in the .rar, but I get this error.


What files "fonts pack" do I need to read the readme.txt?



Modifié par linglang
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Invité linglang

Edited the directory structure as in .PNG


Game runs but no joystick inputs.

Added files from SegaRally3_2018_06_27_fix.rar inside Jconfig-Idmacx_1.6updated.7z, black screen.



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Hi arcade mate !

J'ai un probleme avec Game loader, je suis sous Win 10 1803, je m'en sert pour les jeux Nesica et Taito type, mais voilà ce matin je test quelques jeux Nesica et après le lancement d'un des jeux (Game Loader All rh) en version 2.40, 90% des jeux en 3.16 ne se lancent plus...

j'ai aussi 1 jeux en 2.32 qui fonctionne...

Résultat je me retrouve plus qu'avec 4/5 jeux qui fonctionnent ! :(
Je précise que tout fonctionnais 30mn avant et ça me met une erreur :



J'avais déjà réussi difficilement à les restaurer, malheureusement je ne me rappel plus comment j'ai fait.

J'avais même déjà vu se problème posté sur le forum, mais je le retrouve pas...
J'aimerai savoir si quelqu'un à une solution ?
Y'a t'il quelque chose que je fait mal à l'installation ?

J'ai bien lu le forum (Game Loader, Taito Type x, Nesica...ça en fait des pages !^^), read me...ect et je n'installe que ce qui est précisé et pas le "GameLoader installer.exe" à chaque jeux,

j'ai d'ailleurs parfois eu des jeux qui me le demandais, mais je ne le faisais plus sinon, je me retrouvais dans le même cas qu'aujourd'hui...

Quelqu'un pourrais t'il me donner des précisions sur ce problème et la démarche à suivre pour repartir du bon pied !!! :D


J'ai besoin d'aide !!!   Merci d'avance ! ^^




I have a problem with Game loader, I'm under Win 10 1803, I use it for Nesica and Taito type games, but here this morning I test some Nesica games and after the launch of a game (Game Loader version 2.40) , 90% of games in 3.16 do not run anymore ...

I also have 1 game in 2.32 that works ...

Result I find myself more than with 4/5 games that work ! :(

I specify that everything worked 30 minutes before and it puts me an error:




I had already managed hard to restore them, unfortunately I do not remember how I did.

I had already seen the problem posted on the forum, but I can not find it ...

I read the forum (Game Loader, Taito Type x, Nesica ... it's many pages! ^^), read me ... ect and I only install what is specified and not the "GameLoader installer.exe "at each game,

I sometimes had games that asked me, but I did not do it otherwise, I found myself in the same case today ...


Someone could you give me precisions on this problem and the procedure to follow to start off again! : D


I need help !!! Thank you in advance ! ^^



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  • Team
Updated contents of 331
-Supported TP v1.0.0.112.
* As before, the following game has problems because it uses "--emuonly" argument.
Mach Storm (I / O ERROR).
Pokken (Failed to Load DLL!).
Wangan (Failed to Load DLL!).
All Lindbergh (Crash). * Because the game side refers to the data in the TP folder, not the game folder.

Support for Shining Force Cross Elysion.
* Please set the command line option from "Loader setting 1" tab.
* If the command line option does not use "-hdtv", the in-game mouse cursor position will shift.
* When you start in window mode, please set "Window size" tab "Monitor resolution" to "1280x720" and command line argument to "-hdtv".
* Since this game is OpenGL like Cross Raid, you can not change the window size freely.

-Fixed a bug that a timeout error occurs in some Lindbergh games.
-Fixed a bug that can not be displayed properly when setting full screen ID5.
-Fixed a bug that GTI Club crashes.
-Removed the selection of SR3's completely meaningless start method.
-Other bug fixes that I noticed.
・ Set Language.ini as default.
・ Please execute Game Loader Installer.exe first.
・ If not working properly, discard this Loader to the trash can and end.


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48 minutes ago, LoloZ said:

I have a problem with Game loader, I'm under Win 10 1803, I use it for Nesica and Taito type games, but here this morning I test some Nesica games and after the launch of a game (Game Loader version 2.40) , 90% of games in 3.16 do not run anymore ...

I also have 1 game in 2.32 that works ...

Result I find myself more than with 4/5 games that work ! :(

I specify that everything worked 30 minutes before and it puts me an error:



I do not understand the content of the question, I will reply.
Did you read exe list.txt? .
The following is written in exe list.txt.


>If all the Type X games crash, delete "sv\input.bin" and "sv\misc.bin" and reconfigure with JConfig.exe. (Only when using JVSEmu)

>If all the NESiCA games crash, delete "sv\input.bin" and "sv\misc.bin" and reconfigure with JConfig.exe.


If the problem persists even after trying this, please give up.




Thank you as always.

Modifié par djexpert
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il y a 7 minutes, djexpert a dit :


I do not understand the content of the question, I will reply.
Did you read exe list.txt? .
The following is written in exe list.txt.


>If all the Type X games crash, delete "sv\input.bin" and "sv\misc.bin" and reconfigure with JConfig.exe. (Only when using JVSEmu)

>If all the NESiCA games crash, delete "sv\input.bin" and "sv\misc.bin" and reconfigure with JConfig.exe.


If the problem persists even after trying this, please give up.




Thank you as always.

Thank you for your answer !  :)
So to be more precise it concerns the Nesica game set with Game Loader.

- I have already read the list exe.txt and everything was well configured, everything had been running for several months.

I think rather of a problem which appears randomly between the different version of Game Loader All rh which sometimes blocks some other version is more recent, or older.


Like when we redo the installation of the file "GameLoader installer.exe" Do I have to put the same version in all my games?

I have the impression that it modifies the file "Language.ini" in appdata, because I think it's the file that I had to reset so that I can reinstall it correctly,

the problem is that it's recurrent and very painful ...

Any idea ? :)

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Let's say that the problem that I have all seem logical challenge, it's nice to have tried to help me ! :D

I understand that is difficult to understand, me who follows accustomed to emulation I have trouble understanding! ^^


Maybe @linglang the big fan of Lancia Delta can help me ?

Modifié par LoloZ
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27 minutes ago, LoloZ said:

Thank you for your answer !  :)
So to be more precise it concerns the Nesica game set with Game Loader.

- I have already read the list exe.txt and everything was well configured, everything had been running for several months.

I think rather of a problem which appears randomly between the different version of Game Loader All rh which sometimes blocks some other version is more recent, or older.


Like when we redo the installation of the file "GameLoader installer.exe" Do I have to put the same version in all my games?

I have the impression that it modifies the file "Language.ini" in appdata, because I think it's the file that I had to reset so that I can reinstall it correctly,

the problem is that it's recurrent and very painful ...

Any idea ? :)

Nesica games run on idmac32 and rfgodinject. if you drag both into your game folder and run the game via rfgodinject they will boot fine


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