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Game Loader All Rh


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i have Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena running with these settings, try set it like this

which version gameloader you using ?

you get errors at start but just wait and game will start

yesterday i got some games that wouldn't work psychic force and tottemo mahjong to work by turning of speedhack

also try the "update various files to latest version" button, that worked a lot when i was setting up mine 












Modifié par EmuAl
had to remove images sorry
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On 26/08/2018 at 3:58 PM, xstrike9999 said:

Didn't work with the settings. Same error. Just runs enough to show me the errors about the network connection and then the text to insert coins, and then it crashes with the same old error. I'm using the latest version of Game Loader I think, 310?


try my link i sent you dude, then at least you will know that your trying a set of files that work, if that don't work then its something wrong on your pc thats making it break ?

if you've downloaded a set from elsewhere, and overwrote the gameloader exe with your 310, i would suggest removing the ttx.ini file and creating a new one, and if your folder is full of dross then get rid of all the crap and start again with just the main files needed for that game.

in picture 1 that's persona 4 i have with nothing added to it

in picture 2 that's persona 4 with all the gameloader and jconfig stuff in it

if you've already tried this then i don't know what else to tell you.



Modifié par EmuAl
had to remove images sorry
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ok, i think the iDmacDrv32.dll is causing the error for me.

i removed everything from the folder and just placed gameloader in it after that. Ran the game, I didn't get an error but after a black screen, the game quit by itself. I then placed the iDmacDrv32 in the folder  and ran it and got the same executable was terminated error.

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On 27/08/2018 at 9:44 AM, xstrike9999 said:

ok, i think the iDmacDrv32.dll is causing the error for me.

i removed everything from the folder and just placed gameloader in it after that. Ran the game, I didn't get an error but after a black screen, the game quit by itself. I then placed the iDmacDrv32 in the folder  and ran it and got the same executable was terminated error.


there are various versions you can try of idmacdrv32.dll,

if you do the update various files to latest versions, does it work ?

i've  put the ones i have in that folder here for you to try 


Modifié par EmuAl
had to remove zip file sorry
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38 minutes ago, xstrike9999 said:

Thanks so much! and thanks so much for helping me with all the trouble shooting! Would also appreciate a copy of the other games I mentioned. If you have them, that is


your welcome, i will send you link for others too but lets see if this one works first :)


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Sigh. It didn't work. When I first started the game, it asked for the idmacdrv32 file. I added the jconfig and idmacdrv32 files you sent. The game started, I got the network connection errors within the game window and then it closed by itself without any errors. Got the same executable error when I tried with Game Loader. 

Guess it has something to do with my system or drivers. The game won't even run in a VM of Windows 7 that I set up. So, doesn't look like I'll be able to play these anytime soon.

Thanks again for all your help! Sorry for the massive waste of time.

Modifié par xstrike9999
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well at least you know its something you've not done yet that's causing it :)


do you have netsys installed as a service on your computer, if not find out how to do it, i think its a nesica thing but i'm sure it helps to make the games run


when i first started with nesica i had typextra frontend running stuff and i got the service thing installed through that, might be worth a look,

i since unistalled typextra because it was a bit hit n miss when running the games and gameloader was much better.



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i would double check and reinstall all the necessary items again from front page, you may have missed something and do the netsys thing, it'll be something you have missed thats doing it


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On 08/08/2018 at 10:40 PM, SOYABEAN said:

Music Gun gun 2 wont load for me added the jconfig and all I get is a white screen and some warning in gibberish (added as a picture)


Does anyone know what this error is? running i5 with an nvidia graphics card - I am sure the warning has something to do with the jconfig

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  • 2 semaines après...
Le 23/09/2017 à 19:07, xyr a dit :

works.... i passed many to work and nafen... but work now... download new and try again my windows 10 !


Le 23/09/2017 à 19:07, xyr a dit :



Obrigado pela lista ... que me permitiu entender uma coisa ...


KOF MIRA não passar win10 (Passei mais de 50 horas © à quero fazer essa p * t * no jogo (não de uma só vez eu tenho uma vida à © Cota) mudando tudo é possível para mudar) ... bem, não funciona, é claro ...


por contras o resto vira níquel na verdade


Obrigado 7zxkv (o homem que gosta de si mesmo)


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42 minutes ago, Mr.Miguardi said:

Hi people!
I've got this error while running KOF MIRA, about two minutes after the game has started

Tried change compatibility mode, loader mode and using the Win 10 patched exe.
I am using the last release 310 on Win 10 X64
The game run fine with teknoparrot and as standalone with ttx_loader



KOFMIRA's window class uses double-byte characters, so problems will occur in OSes other than Japanese.
First of all, please try this Game Loader.

If you encounter problems using this Game Loader please try game.exe.
The window class has been patched to one-byte characters.

Game Loader All RH.rar


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Le ‎22‎/‎04‎/‎2018 à 08:54, WildWolf a dit :

c'est normal, il te faut utiliser Jconfig présent dans le loader.



bonjour, je l'utilise jconfig, cependant quand je veux sélectionner le bouton pour assigner mon pad il ne marche pas, je ne comprend pas pourquoi

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hi folks, i've got problem loading kof xiii climax. no screen after loading GL RH, but gamex.exe process is still running on task manager. (updated original game.exe for hd 1920x1080 patched exe).

daemon bride loads ok but no ingame text and freezes at the first battle after the annoucer. (using original game.exe)

i'm using latest 310 fix version + idmacx 1.5. all packs needed (framework, com0com, etc...)+NVIDIA GTX updated drivers are installed on WIN10 64.


ps: USFV works like a charm for reference.

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5 hours ago, blackhein said:

hi folks, i've got problem loading kof xiii climax. no screen after loading GL RH, but gamex.exe process is still running on task manager. (updated original game.exe for hd 1920x1080 patched exe).

daemon bride loads ok but no ingame text and freezes at the first battle after the annoucer. (using original game.exe)

i'm using latest 310 fix version + idmacx 1.5. all packs needed (framework, com0com, etc...)+NVIDIA GTX updated drivers are installed on WIN10 64.


ps: USFV works like a charm for reference.

Run them from c drive mate

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17 hours ago, fire10 said:

Run them from c drive mate

i've tried mate. no success...

nor kofxiiic nor daemon bride

could you provide me folder name, or the folder structure of your games?

do you recomend running all of this in WIN7?

i'm out of arcade pc for a long time... so, sorry for too many questions...

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10 hours ago, blackhein said:

i've tried mate. no success...

nor kofxiiic nor daemon bride

could you provide me folder name, or the folder structure of your games?

do you recomend running all of this in WIN7?

i'm out of arcade pc for a long time... so, sorry for too many questions...


My folder structure is as follows.

It is unknown whether it will help you, but you can also upload a tutorial video if necessary.



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Hi Guys! My arcade Cabinet has 2 screen, one for gaming and one for display the game marquee.
Most of the game have no problem running with game loader all rh but some (like 3D mahjong and Music GunGun 2) simply don't start giving the "traditional" error message, but if i run the game with game.exe it runs with no problem (except 3D mahjong, it duplicate the game in all the 2 screen). I tried disconneting the second monitor and all the problem has solved.
Is there a fast way to run it in dual monitor? This loader is awesome! i think it's tecnically possible.

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56 minutes ago, Mr.Miguardi said:

Hi Guys! My arcade Cabinet has 2 screen, one for gaming and one for display the game marquee.
Most of the game have no problem running with game loader all rh but some (like 3D mahjong and Music GunGun 2) simply don't start giving the "traditional" error message, but if i run the game with game.exe it runs with no problem (except 3D mahjong, it duplicate the game in all the 2 screen). I tried disconneting the second monitor and all the problem has solved.
Is there a fast way to run it in dual monitor? This loader is awesome! i think it's tecnically possible.


The Game Loader uses various D3DWrapper.
Although this may improve the compatibility of the game, on the contrary it may degrade compatibility.
Especially with dual monitor there are problems of crashing in some games.
Unfortunately there is no solution on the Game Loader side.

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hi everybody, i have learned so much in this post, but i have a question... when i configure a controller with a button for close or exit game and i press that button for exit game, appears an error about "executable was terminated (game.exe)" but if i press esc in the keyboard for close the game, the error doesn't appear and closes normally, the question is: there is a form to close the game with button and disable the error window?


here is the error...



thanks for your kind help

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Le 23/09/2018 à 05:34, xgeo23 a dit :

hi everybody, i have learned so much in this post, but i have a question... when i configure a controller with a button for close or exit game and i press that button for exit game, appears an error about "executable was terminated (game.exe)" but if i press esc in the keyboard for close the game, the error doesn't appear and closes normally, the question is: there is a form to close the game with button and disable the error window?


here is the error...



thanks for your kind help


Since Game Loader monitors the process for 20 seconds after the game is activated, it is judged as a crash when you end the game within 20 seconds.
In this Game Loader, an option of process monitoring time was added.
When you execute this Game Loader, the following items are added to TTX.ini.


[Crash Timer]
MonitoringTime = 20000


Open TTX.ini in the following location and change the value.
Set "0" to disable monitoring.



Windows10 x64 "X:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Game Loader All RH\TTX.ini"
WindowsXP "X:\Documents and Settings\USER NAME\Application Data\Game Loader All RHTTX.ini"


Game Loader All RH.rar

Modifié par 7zxkv
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  • 2 semaines après...
9 hours ago, gravelee said:

Hi guys! I have AMD video card and as you know in game Samurai Spirits Sen some textures are not visible.

When i use LoaderMode=3 or LoaderMode=3+6 textures appear but game but the game starts to show 40-50 FPS :( 

Is it possible to fix it?


In LoaderMode=3 and 3+6, SoftwareTnL is used, but it is essential for AMD GPU.
Since SoftwareTnL processes the hardware of the past GPU with software (CPU), it becomes very heavy on the low spec PC.
Also, even if you are using a high-spec PC, the frame rate may not be stable in this game.
To some extent a compromise is necessary.

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thanks for the answer ;) 

Another question, is it possible in the settings of the game loader config enable HD mode for Samurai Spirits Sen?

Working ) It was necessary to TTX.ini add it

[Type X]

Modifié par gravelee
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3 hours ago, gravelee said:


thanks for the answer ;) 

Another question, is it possible in the settings of the game loader config enable HD mode for Samurai Spirits Sen?

Working ) It was necessary to TTX.ini add it

[Type X]


Do you not know "Game Loader Config.exe" or "JConfig.exe"? .
If ttx_monitor is selected, enable the "Loader setting 1" tab "NESiCA, TYPE X High-Resolution Mode".
If JVSEmu is selected, enable JConfig.exe "High Resolution".

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