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Game Loader All Rh


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301 No kōshin naiyō OS kidō-go, kaku gēmu shokai kidō-ji ni kuro gamen ni nattari seijō ni gamen ga hyōji sa renai fuguai o kaihi suru tame no shūsei o shimashita. * Sapōto suru ge - mu wa, Type X-kei, NESiCA-kei, TeknoParrot-kei, sonohoka no ikutsu ka no gēmudesu. * Konami no ongaku gēmu ni wa hotondo taiō shimasen. * Shikashi konkai no shūsei ni wa kanari jishin ga arimasu. * Fuguai ga kaizen sa renai baai wa, kono rōdā o gomibako ni sutete akiramemashou. NESiCA _ anrokkā. E~e ni zantei-tekina taiō o shimashita. Thanks 1 CC* hajime ni Game rōdā insutorā. E~e o jikkō shite fairu o saishinhan ni kōshin shite kudasai. * Shiyō no sai wa `rōdā settei 1' tabu `NESiCA _ anrokkā' o yūkō ni shite kudasai. * Game rōdā-gawa no DLL Injector to no aishō ga waruku, LoaderMode to no kumiawase de gēmu ga kidō shinai-tō no mondai ga hassei shimasu. * Mata, gēmu ni yotte wa u~indoumōdo de no kidō ga dekinakattari, u~indō shori ni shippai suru Hitoshi no mondai mo hassei shimasu. * Mondai ga hassei shita baai wa `LoaderMode' o henkō suru ka `furusukurīnmōdo' o sentaku suru ka `NESiCA _ anrokkā' o mukō ni shite kudasai. * Mondai ga hassei suru kanōsei no aru LoaderMode wa ` - 1, 3, 3 + 6, 6'desu. * Skull Girl ni wa taiō shimasen (NESiCA _ anrokkā. E~e ga game. E~e koyū no komandorain'opushon ni taiō shite inai tame). * Sapōto shinai gēmude wa `NESiCA _ anrokkā' o yūkō ni shinaide kudasai. * Sapōto suru gēmu-tō no shōsai wa `NESiCA _ anrokkā. E~e' no Readme. Txt o sanshō shite kudasai. Game rōdā Config. E~e ni NESiCA-ban raiden III to IV ni fuyōna kōmoku ga hyōji sa rete ita fuguai shūsei. JVSEmu v 1. 4 O shiyō-ji, raiden IV to Samurai Sende wa `JConfig. E~e'`CreateThread fō Joysticks' o mukō ni shite kudasai (furīzu o kaihi shimasu). IDmacX v 1. 5 O shiyō-ji, Samurai Sen to supēsuinbēdāde wa `JConfig. E~e'`CreateThread fō Joysticks' o mukō ni shite kudasai (furīzu o kaihi shimasu). E~e list. Txt ni ikutsu ka no kōmoku o tsuiki. Language. Ini o deforuto ni shite kudasai. Sonota, kigatsuita fuguai shūsei. Seijō ni dōsa shinakereba, kono rōdā o gomibako ni nagesutete shūryō.
Update contents of 301
· After OS startup, we made a fix to avoid problems that resulted in a black screen at the first start of each game or screen is not displayed normally.
* Supported games are Type X series, NESiCA series, TeknoParrot series, and some other games.
* It almost does not correspond to the music game of Konami.
But I'm pretty confident about this fix.
* If the problem does not improve, let's give up this Loader in the trash can.

· Temporary correspondence was made to NESiCA_Unlocker.exe. Thanks 1CC
* Please run Game Loader Installer.exe at the beginning to update the file to the latest version.
* When using, please enable "Loader setting 1" tab "NESiCA_Unlocker".
* The compatibility with the DLL Injector on the Game Loader side is bad, and problems such as the game not being activated in combination with LoaderMode occur.
* Also, depending on the game, problems such as not being able to start up in window mode, failing window processing, etc. occur.
* If problems occur, change "Loader Mode" or select "Full screen mode" or disable "NESiCA_Unlocker".
* LoaderMode that may cause problems is "-1, 3, 3 + 6, 6".
* It does not correspond to Skull Girl (NESiCA_Unlocker.exe does not correspond to game.exe specific command line option).
* Do not enable "NESiCA_Unlocker" in games that do not support.
* Please refer to "Readme.txt" of "NESiCA_Unlocker.exe" for details of supported games etc.

- Fixed a bug that unnecessary items were displayed in NESiCA version Raiden III and IV in Game Loader Config.exe.
· When using JVSEmu v1.4, please disable "JConfig.exe" and "CreateThread for Joysticks" in Raiden IV and Samurai Sen (avoid freezing).
· When using iDmacX v1.5, disable "JConfig.exe" and "CreateThread for Joysticks" in Samurai Sen and Space Invaders (avoid freezing).

· Add some items to exe list.txt.
· Please make Language.ini the default.
· Other, fixed defect fixes.
· If it does not work properly, throw this Loader in the trash box and finish.

#post 1

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2 minutes ago, aeliss said:

Wich one for exemple ?

I haven't this problem.

Operationg ghost and let's go island.
After setting them up in RH, they don't work anymore in teknoparrot, or to be more precise Operations ghost give me sound and no picture in windowed model and crash in fullscreen, while Let's go island crash.


For a bried time those games worked on both RH and teknoparrot, I don't know what happened now.

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IDK for Operation ghost, but I have let's go island.

For this game you need both teknoparrot+Loader RH, even you use only Loader RH.

Let's go island in teknoparrot crash because of resolution generaly, I think if you make a try in windowed mode you will not have crash.

To use let's go island in Teknoparrot with all resolutions in Fullscreen, you need to patch exe file+ edit a file, so much complicated, launch it with loader RH you will have less problem, teknoparrot is realy buggy.


Perhaps you have changed the resolution with the loader so now teknoparrot can't work. Make a try in windowed mode.

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DXWND is not hard to use for lets go island, also there is 3 threads with this now. There really is no need to ask the question in 3 separate threads.

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2 minutes ago, aeliss said:

IDK for Operation ghost, but I have let's go island.

For this game you need both teknoparrot+Loader RH, even you use only Loader RH.

Let's go island in teknoparrot crash because of resolution generaly, I think if you make a try in windowed mode you will not have crash.

To use let's go island in Teknoparrot with all resolutions in Fullscreen, you need to patch exe file+ edit a file, so much complicated, launch it with loader RH you will have less problem, teknoparrot is realy buggy.


Perhaps you have changed the resolution with the loader so now teknoparrot can't work. Make a try in windowed mode.

Previously Let's fo island worked flawlessly in teknoparrot in fullscreen mode, the only issue was with mouse calibration, that's why I started with RH.


In RH mouse is centered perfectly, but performance (frame rate) suffers a little.

Now after using RH for a while, for some reason Teknoparrot don't work, probably RH changed the resolution or some settings.

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I have given you all the solutions you could possibly need. Calibration in teknoparrot is not only possible with LGI, its not even difficult. Use RH and suffer with lag or whatever, or use teknoparrot and DXWND and calibrate. There really isn't any other options.

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Update contents of 302
· After OS startup, we made a fix to avoid problems that resulted in a black screen at the first start of each game or screen is not displayed normally.
* Supported games are all games supported by Game Loader.
* If you can not fix the problem, let's give up obediently.

· Game Loader Config.exe "Other 1" tab "Other tools" has been added to "Start / End setting of e-amuemu, iccaemu, eaLocalServer".
* Offline server such as beatmania can be started automatically.
* When using, please press the "Select other tools" button and select the executable file.
* The selected settings are saved separately for each game.
* If the selected executable file is a console application, it starts up in a hidden state.
* With this update, "command line startup" which seems no one is using is abolished.

· The following troubles occurred when NESiCA_Unlocker is enabled have been corrected.
* Akai Katana SIN Fixed a bug that startup in window mode fails when "Loader Mode = -1, 6" is set.
* Fixed a bug that failed to start up when Aquapazza "Loader Mode = -1, 6" was set.
* Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX Fixed a bug that startup fails when "LoaderMode = -1, 6" is set.
* Nitroplus Blasterz Fixed a bug that startup fails when "LoaderMode = -1, 6" is set.
* Fixed a bug that Crimson Clover window processing failed.
* Fixed bug that Exception could not be started in window mode.

· I made NESiCA_Unlocker correspond to Skull Girls.
* When the NESiCA_Unlocker is enabled, command line options on the game side can not be used, so please use the loader side function to change the internal resolution.

· Changed the check box of NESiCA_Unlocker to disable it in games that do not correspond.
· Corrected Crimson Clover window processing.

- Added uninstall function to Game Loader Config.exe.
* When using, please click the "Other 3" tab "Uninstall Game Loader" button.
* Delete all files related to Game Loader in the game folder.
* It must be executed for each game.
* Because of the addition of the above function, "Restart AERO" button which seems no one is using is abolished.

- Added uninstall function to Game Loader Installer.exe.
* Delete all of the installed files.
* There is also a function to save the setting file.

· Tetris 3 frame limiter changed to another one.
· Changed eeprom and sram to save in sv folder at the end of Initial D besides card data.
· The crash judgment timer after Loader startup processing was changed from 5 seconds to 20 seconds.
· Game Loader Config.exe "Other 3" tab Eliminated the function to take over setting when returning TTX.ini to default.
· Monitoring process of game during Loader startup process was made.
· Fixed a bug that sometimes it does not end correctly even if you exit by pressing ESC while Loader is running.
· Fixed bug that e-amuemu might be placed on the front of the game screen when loader is started.
· Fixed a bug that ended even if auto termination of e-amuemu and iccaemu was disabled.
· RailShooter mouse cursor hiding function no longer works Bug Fixes.
- Fixed a bug that the mouse movement range of Operation Ghost no longer moved to the entire screen.
- Fixed a bug that the hot key on the keyboard side stopped working when activating THG 5 in hot key invalid state.
· Partially changed default value of TTX.ini.
· Add some items to exe list.txt.
· Please make Language.ini the default.
· Other, fixed defect fixes.
· If you do not operate properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.

post #1

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1 ora fa, mjshl2 ha scritto:

Sounds to me like you need to revert or reinstall Windows. I haven't heard of anyone else having these issues.



Yes you're right! I recover and rename my Microsoft account folder follow procedure on this link:


Now also Game Loader All RH working!!! Thank you for your attention! :very-good:

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  • 2 semaines après...



je rencontre un problème avec Game Loader depuis la mise a jour de Windows 10 64bits (avril/mai 2018). Tout marchait correctement avant. Maintenant quel que soit le jeu les 3 exécutables ne se lancent pas.(j'ai juste la roue de chargement quelques secondes et puis plus rien.) J'ai réinstallé les fichiers indispensables (allinone dirext X....) j'ai désactivé pare feu windows defender. Et toujours rien. J'ai utiliser différentes version de Game loader en mode administrateur mais je pense que la mise a jour Windows est en cause. Pouvez-vous m'aider à résoudre le problème ? J'ai fouillé le forum mais j'ai pas réussi à trouver l'info pour résoudre mon problème. Je précise qu'avant tout fonctionnait correctement.


Merci pour votre aide





Bon j'ai fait un retour à une version précédente dans Windows Update et après redémarrage le loader se charge a nouveau. Si jamais il y a une aure solution je suis preneur. Peut-être un update de Game Loader (j'utilise la 302).

Modifié par titf650
evolution du problème
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how can i get games Taito type x games to run smooth with Game Loader all RH it starts fine rotating but after closing the game windows explorer keeps on crashing.

Only the vertical shooting games i have the problem with

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  • 2 semaines après...
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Update contents of 303
- It corresponds to Gaia Attack 4. Thanks 1CC
* Since Game Loader uses native mode to avoid mouse delay, please do not copy "JConfigGA4.exe" and "JVSEmuGA4.dll".
* Please use "game.exe" to be used by using the original in the game archive and copy the attached "MINIGUN.INI".
* When the frame rate is not stable in the window mode, please change "MINIGUN.INI" to "FULLSCREEN 0". (There is a possibility of improvement)
* If MOVIE READ_ERROR occurs, please set the compatibility of game.exe to "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)". (In this case, please select "anisotropic filtering Old")
* Since it corresponds to the automatic fire-fighting function of the mouse, please set it from "Loader setting 1" tab.
* For the list of hot keys on the Game Loader side, please press the "Other 3" tab "Hot key" button.
* Please make Language.ini the default.

- It corresponds to The Fast and The Furious Drift.
* Use LoaderMode = -1.
* When starting up the game, fix the frame rate to 60 FPS with the frame limiter.
* Window size setting When "0" is selected, maximize with the 4: 3 ratio.
* Since it forces Aniso x16, it becomes heavy on low specification PC.
* Since this game seems to crash when converting to D3D9 mode, it will operate in D3D8 mode.
* Due to the above reasons, D3DWrapper included with Loader can hardly be used.
Please be aware that if you set the command line option "-fsaa 2, 4, 8" when setting * LoaderMode = 4 it will turn black screen.
* To change the internal resolution, use "1 - The Fast and The Furious Drift FullHD, UHD", or use the following command line option (- resxx).
* If you use the command line option, please go from "Loader setting 3" tab.
* Command line option below.
-6 speed
-res 13
-res 12
-res 10
-res 6
-res 5
-res 3

- It corresponds to Initial D 8.
* The executable file name is "InitialD8_GLW_RE_SBZZ_redumped_.exe".
* Window mode and full screen mode are switched on Game Loader side, so please disable TeknoParrot side window mode.
* This game seems to be able to change the resolution without applying the patch.
* Please change the resolution from the "Loader setting 1" tab "Initial D".

- Added a function to enable / disable the unique hot key in some games.
* When using, please switch "Other 3" tab "Activate unique hotkeys in some games".
* Since the initial value is valid, please disable it if unnecessary.
* The corresponding game is a game in which the "hot key" button is displayed on the "Loader setting 1" tab.
* Aliens Extermination, Bishi Bashi, Chinese Contra, Cyber Diver, Half Life 2, Fright Fear Land, Gaia Attack 4, Gundam, Haunted Museum, Haunted Museum 2, Operation Ghost.
* Please use "Other 3" tab "Hot key" button when using.
* A list of hotkeys is displayed.
* If you do not operate properly, give it up.

· Add right-click pause function to Ring version Chaos Code (unstable).
· Even when "Enable Hot Key" is disabled, it changed to operate Pad.ini hot key mode.
· In a game using a mouse when "Enable hot key" is in effect, change to disable mouse side hot key.
· Changed to display the playing time of the game at the end of Loader when the log function is enabled.
· Batch processing of CryptServer and NesysService has been partially changed.
· Game Loader Config.exe "Other 3" tab Fixed a bug related to "Update various files as latest version".
· Loader startup processing Fixed a bug that Loader did not terminate normally when timeout occurred 2 minutes later.
· Minor bug fixes when running Game Loader Installer.exe.
- Minor bug fixes at iccaemu and e-amuemu startup.
· Minor bug fixes when Pad.ini hot key mode is enabled.
· Partially changed default value of TTX.ini.
· Add some items to exe list.txt.
· Please make Language.ini the default.
· Other, fixed defect fixes.
· If you do not operate properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.

post 1

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hi Guys, 

I'm so confused right now.

I have a bartop arcade configured with RLauncher and Hyperspin. I used Gameloader AllRH for running TTX in the past. It worked well but I have been out of the scene for a while and have returned to find that things have changed. There have been many updateds to the Gameloader all RH and there is now a loader called TeknoParrot, which appears to run the SEGA Ring games, plus TTX.

I have seen the two loaders discussed in the same conversation as though they are linked...but then in others it seems they are separate.
Can somebody explain what the deal is? 

Can Gameloader allRH run the Sega ring games, or do I need Teknoparrot for that? TP also runs TTX games, right? So If I need Teknoparrot for Sega Ring, would it make most sense to just use Teknoparrot and not bother with Gameloader?

Modifié par bobmoo79
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On 6/5/2018 at 3:08 PM, bobmoo79 said:

hi Guys, 

I'm so confused right now.

I have a bartop arcade configured with RLauncher and Hyperspin. I used Gameloader AllRH for running TTX in the past. It worked well but I have been out of the scene for a while and have returned to find that things have changed. There have been many updateds to the Gameloader all RH and there is now a loader called TeknoParrot, which appears to run the SEGA Ring games, plus TTX.

I have seen the two loaders discussed in the same conversation as though they are linked...but then in others it seems they are separate.
Can somebody explain what the deal is? 

Can Gameloader allRH run the Sega ring games, or do I need Teknoparrot for that? TP also runs TTX games, right? So If I need Teknoparrot for Sega Ring, would it make most sense to just use Teknoparrot and not bother with Gameloader?

They are somewhat interchangeable ..


GameloaderALLRH will run almost all TTX, TTX2, Nesica games and some ringedge ..

TecknoParrott primarily was for ringedge and namco ES2 games, however it also runs TTX and Nesica


Just to confuse you even more you can use GameloaderALLRH to launch TecknoParrott with graphical enhancements.


Also some ringedge games will run with just GameloaderALLRH ..


I use rocketaucnher and always use GameloaderALLRH whenever I can, I only use TP when I have to ...


Hope this helps ..





Modifié par anx10us
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2 hours ago, bobmoo79 said:

hi Guys, 

I'm so confused right now.

I have a bartop arcade configured with RLauncher and Hyperspin. I used Gameloader AllRH for running TTX in the past. It worked well but I have been out of the scene for a while and have returned to find that things have changed. There have been many updateds to the Gameloader all RH and there is now a loader called TeknoParrot, which appears to run the SEGA Ring games, plus TTX.

I have seen the two loaders discussed in the same conversation as though they are linked...but then in others it seems they are separate.
Can somebody explain what the deal is? 

Can Gameloader allRH run the Sega ring games, or do I need Teknoparrot for that? TP also runs TTX games, right? So If I need Teknoparrot for Sega Ring, would it make most sense to just use Teknoparrot and not bother with Gameloader?

Both loaders state what they are compatible with in there readme's. This thread shows whats compatible right on the first page. You just need to read up and see.

1 hour ago, anx10us said:

They are somewhat interchangeable ..

GameloaderALLRH will run almost all TTX, TTX2, Nesica games and some ringedge ..

TecknoParrott primarily was for ringedge and namco ES2 games, however it also runs TTX and Nesica

Just to confuse you even more you can use GameloaderALLRH to launch TecknoParrott with graphical enhancements.

Also some ringedge games will run with just GameloaderALLRH ..

I use rocketaucnher and always use GameloaderALLRH whenever I can, I only use TP when I have to ...

Hope this helps ..






Also Nesica is not supported by TP. It was discussed, even teased. But has yet to be implemented. You forgot lindbergh as well.

Modifié par mjshl2
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Hi Friends,


Is there some trial app within ALLRH?  This has happened to me a couple times over the last year or so now... I have installed everything and it ran wonderfully for months.  I made no changes then it stopped working.  I would uninstall everything and reinstall it all with an updated version and it would work again for months.  I haven't played my arcade in the last 2 months and turned it on again to play some nesica games and I just get a black screen, i uninstalled it all updated to latest ALLRH and redid everything but this time its not working.  I installed it on two other PCs as a test and those work fine.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

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Reaver does work on new options and new UI in order to replace Gameloader All RH, Game Loader All RH is a good thing but it seems hard to make a good compatibility with TP so Reaver will work on new stuff as Game Loader, just be patient...

And When he wil success this job he will realease the public version for all.

Modifié par WildWolf
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I trying to make use of Gameloader all RH implemented in Rocketlauncher.

Only i have to confirm yes because of the security, and vertical shoot em up games arent working for me without GameLoader.

It did worked fine before (Giga wing generations, Homura etc. ) 

In Teknop those games wont run also

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Update contents of 304
· Game Loader Config.exe "Admin privilege unnecessary mode" function was added to "Other 3" tab.
* It will be the function mainly for those who are incorporated into the launcher.
* Since some functions on the Game Loader side do not work properly, we do not recommend enabling them.
* If you do not operate properly, give it up.
* This function is subject to "Game Loader All RH.exe" only.

· The D3D9 converter New (d3d8to9) has been changed to the file modified by ducon2016. Thanks ducon 2016
* Please run Game Loader Installer.exe at the beginning to update the file to the latest version.
* This update fixes the graphical glitch of The Fast and The Furious. Great! .
* All D3D 8 series games supported by Game Loader now work in D3D9 mode.
* The LoaderMode can be used even in The Fast and The Furious.

· Added "Start from this folder" to The Fast and The Furious.
* When using, please activate "Loader setting 3" tab "Activate from this folder".
* When it is disabled, "sdaemon.exe" is started from "c: \ rawart", but if it is enabled, it will start from the current folder.
* This function may be useful when the game crashes at Loader startup.

· Added "Aspect ratio of Loader Mode = 4" to The Fast and The Furious.
* When using, please change the value of "Loader setting 3" tab "Loader Mode = 4 aspect ratio". (The initial value is 1.77777777 16: 9)
* Please change the numerical value when you can not get the aspect ratio correctly.

· Argument list was added to The Fast and The Furious Drift.
* When using, please press the "Loader setting 3" tab "Display argument list" button.

· Add hotkeys to Haunted Museum 2 and Fright Fear Land.
* Added gun action to mouse wheel button. (It will toggle operation)

- Fixed a bug that game screen did not rotate when Bounty Hunter was started with Loader Mode = g.
- Fixed mistake in setting LoaderMode = y.
· Add some items to exe list.txt.
· Please make Language.ini the default.
· Other, fixed defect fixes.
· If you do not operate properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.

post 1

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- It corresponds to Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R.
* The execution file name is "GGXXACP_RE2.exe".
* Recommended is "Loader Mode = 6".
* Disable the window mode on TeknoParrot side.

- It corresponds to Let's Go Island 3D.
* The executable file name is "LGI.exe".
* Recommended is "Loader Mode = 6".
* When FXAA is enabled, the test mode will be black screen during game startup, but there is no problem during game.
* Please enter arbitrary numerical value in the edit box on the "Loader setting 1" tab to change the resolution
* To enable cheat mode, please enable "cheat mode" tab "Loader setting 1" tab
* When restricting the movement amount of the mouse cursor, please enable the "Loader setting 1" tab "Restrict mouse movement amount"
* For full HD monitor, the set value is "L180, U130, R450, D350".
* Loader Hides the mouse cursor after the activation process is completed.

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2 hours ago, Moksi said:

gameloader all rh seems to be crashes explorer.exe when i exit a vertical shoot em up game , specially Raiden III & IV


What OS are you using? .
Administrator authority? .
Does it crash even if I change LoaderMode? .
Using Game Loader will surely crash 100% surely in any game? .
Did you try out the old version? .

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3 hours ago, djexpert said:


What OS are you using? .
Administrator authority? .
Does it crash even if I change LoaderMode? .
Using Game Loader will surely crash 100% surely in any game? .
Did you try out the old version? .

Win 7 64 professional 

i am using no administrator authority  [ in Hyperspin i dont want to confirm everytime to run the game]


 when i exit vertical shoot em up games then exiting hyperspin , i have to restart explorer.exe all the time

i also saw that gl.exe is sometimes keeps on running (is that a file that rotates the screen?)

so i if i start every vertical rotating game sometimes it doesnt run , maybe because explorer is hanging in the backgrond



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14 minutes ago, Moksi said:

Win 7 64 professional 

i am using no administrator authority  [ in Hyperspin i dont want to confirm everytime to run the game]


 when i exit vertical shoot em up games then exiting hyperspin , i have to restart explorer.exe all the time

i also saw that gl.exe is sometimes keeps on running (is that a file that rotates the screen?)

so i if i start every vertical rotating game sometimes it doesnt run , maybe because explorer is hanging in the backgrond




My PC is Windows 10 x64.
Unfortunately Game Loader seems to be incompatible with your PC.
I can not fix problems that depend on each PC.
Please stop using Game Loader if trouble occurs even if running with administrator privileges.

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Je viens de tester la version 305, j'avais pas utilisé de version récente depuis longtemps et gros problème : il supprime les clés registre Taito/Nesica !!

En gros si je lance GGXXAC+R avec AllRH, mes clés de registre Taito/Nesica (qui n'ont pourtant rien à voir) sont supprimées et je suis obligé de les remettre manuellement si par la suite je veux jouer à un jeu de ces jeux avec un autre loader! 


For Arcade PC : I've tried the last version of AllRH with GGXXAC+R, it works even if in fact the resolution of the game can't be changed and remains 1280x720...

But I've had a big problem: it deletes all my Taito/Nesica registry keys each time! (so you can't launch any Nesica game later with an other loarder without having to put again manualy these registry keys)

Could you please check and fix the issue? Thanks in advance.


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Thank you for your opinion.

Because Guilty Gear is 2D, you can change it to any resolution by setting Loader Mode = 6.
Have you tried Loader Mode = 6? .
It and the registry value of NESICA are intentionally deleted by GameLoader.
This is normal behavior, but I will fix it next time.

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3 hours ago, djexpert said:

Thank you for your opinion.

Because Guilty Gear is 2D, you can change it to any resolution by setting Loader Mode = 6.
Have you tried Loader Mode = 6? .
It and the registry value of NESICA are intentionally deleted by GameLoader.
This is normal behavior, but I will fix it next time.


Loader Mode 6 doesn't seem to change the internal resolution, I run by Vewlix at 1366x768, which ever option a I choose, Mode 1, Mode 2, New, Old etc the resolution stays at 1366x768 with the GG game in a frameless window at 1280x768 ? I suspect i've missed a setting somewhere any ideas ?

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Il y a 3 heures, djexpert a dit :

Thank you for your opinion.

Because Guilty Gear is 2D, you can change it to any resolution by setting Loader Mode = 6.
Have you tried Loader Mode = 6? .
It and the registry value of NESICA are intentionally deleted by GameLoader.
This is normal behavior, but I will fix it next time.


Thanks for your answer!

Yes disabling or changing the registry setting is not good because we can use different loaders depending of the game.

Because of that I can't use newers versions of your loader. So I hope you will fix it :)


Yes for me also mode 6 doesn't change je resolution of the game. I've tried approx everything and the game size on the screen remains always 1280x720.



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