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  Le 12/05/2020 Ă  01:27, petje a dit :

There is a graphics region resolution (you can change that) and a aiming region resolution (most of the time hard coded to original arcade monitor resolution)

When those two do not match, aiming will be off


For some games there are "resolution patches" but how well those work is another matter


That's great info, I couldnt find the original resolution details. If the games were originally higher than 640x480 I would not try them as I have them on my hd machine. I just wanted to try all the games at 640x480 if that was their original resolution. Hope that makes sense

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 12/05/2020 Ă  01:27, petje a dit :

There is a graphics region resolution (you can change that) and a aiming region resolution (most of the time hard coded to original arcade monitor resolution)

When those two do not match, aiming will be off


For some games there are "resolution patches" but how well those work is another matter


I read somewhere that taito type X games have Sd and Hd options, I have seen the same games running on CRT 4:3 and on lcd. Is there a list of taito type X games and their native resolutions anywhere. I dont want to run any games at a lower resolution than they were designed for.

Modifié par fire10
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 12/05/2020 Ă  08:01, fire10 a dit :

I read somewhere that taito type X games have Sd and Hd options, I have seen the same games running on CRT 4:3 and on lcd. Is there a list of taito type X games and their native resolutions anywhere. I dont want to run any games at a lower resolution than they were designed for.


Hi, for Frightfear land, in GameLoader All rh, you have to put the mode loader on 6. In windows settings 1, put the resolution on 1920x1080 and then monitor resolution on 640x480.

I have a 640x480 monitor, it runs well for me.Don't change the resolution in Haunted.ini.

But... the mouse works but my EMS topgun goes crazy when I try to use it, it's unplayable with my gun.

Edit: I use Demulshooter for this game, it runs good now ! ^^

Modifié par lukudo
  Le 12/05/2020 Ă  09:32, lukudo a dit :

Hi, for Frightfear land, in GameLoader All rh, you have to put the mode loader on 6. In windows settings 1, put the resolution on 1920x1080 and then monitor resolution on 640x480.

I have a 640x480 monitor, it runs well for me.Don't change the resolution in Haunted.ini.

But... the mouse works but my EMS topgun goes crazy when I try to use it, it's unplayable with my gun.


Thanks matevi really appreciate the info. I was sure it was originally a 640x480 game as well as an hd version

  Le 12/05/2020 Ă  10:10, fire10 a dit :

Thanks matevi really appreciate the info. I was sure it was originally a 640x480 game as well as an hd version


Nope, in Haunted2.ini it's 1920x1080.Runs in fullscreen on 640x480.

For haunted house 1, i change the ini on 640x480  but I don't have the full display. It's still playable.



With the new version of TP (371), if I use Game All RH with After Burner Climax, the controls are broken. They work but the Climax mode for exemple doens't work. If I use TP the controls are OK.

Could you fix this problem please? Thanks.

Posté(e) (modifié)

how to avoid the white background screen with latest GLARH ?


Modifié par EmuAl
removing attachments
Invité petje
  Le 13/05/2020 Ă  10:30, EmuAl a dit :

how to avoid the white background screen with latest GLARH ?



What game (arcana heart 2),what GL settings do you use, GPU type ?


  Le 13/05/2020 Ă  10:54, petje a dit :

What game (arcana heart 2),what GL settings do you use, GPU type ?



thanks for the reply


yes that game, amd gpu and the reshade with crt mod on loader mode dg, dgvoodoo settings untouched

Invité petje
  Le 13/05/2020 Ă  10:56, EmuAl a dit :

yes that game, amd gpu and the reshade with crt mod on loader mode dg, dgvoodoo settings untouched


Strange, game crashes for me now with GL 368

A load of games do not work anymore, or not correctly, when pressing escape to end the game, black screen for a long while

srtgl.exe hangs, or does not stop


I guess we will have to wait for GL 369

Posté(e) (modifié)



just a suggestion :)


if a game doesn't work with reshade or loadermode DG then can the option not be switched off


is there a complete list of games that work with Reshade ?

Modifié par EmuAl

can someone check to see if Contra Evolution HD still works on latest win 10 ?

Invité petje
  Le 13/05/2020 Ă  15:43, EmuAl a dit :

can someone check to see if Contra Evolution HD still works on latest win 10 ?


Yes works fine on Win 10 latest updates [Version 10.0.18363.836]


yeah i think it might be amd problems then, as some games have stopped working now :(  ok thanks for your help


Goketsuji Ichizoku - Matsuri Senzo Kuyo

Windows 10 

with last Game Loader All RH I have this problem with the compatible iDmacDrv32.dll used in all NesicaXLive game for teknoparrot



if I use the game iDmacDrv32.dll it not start.

someone know how to fix this and if can be correct use other iDmacDrv32.dll with this game ?

Invité Onkel
  Le 14/05/2020 Ă  08:17, Siggy12 a dit :

if I use the game iDmacDrv32.dll it not start.


No IDMacDrv.dll use ttx_config2.0.exe start game with GL


  Le 14/05/2020 Ă  17:03, diegoginard a dit :

Not work for me the nesica version



I can get it work with teknoparrot

but not with this loader, anyway with  iDmacDrv32.dll That I use for all NESICAXLive games on teknoparrot it start but  I get the message FAST IO OPEN ERROR

see the screenshoot

if I use the iDmacDrv32.dll provided with the game it not start either.


  Le 14/05/2020 Ă  17:06, Siggy12 a dit :

I can get it work with teknoparrot

but not with this loader, anyway with  iDmacDrv32.dll That I use for all NESICAXLive games on teknoparrot it start but  I get the message FAST IO OPEN ERROR

see the screenshoot

if I use the iDmacDrv32.dll provided with the game it not start either.



Does that version work with the RH game loader?

  Le 14/05/2020 Ă  17:20, diegoginard a dit :

Does that version work with the RH game loader?


NO!!! as I sayd before I get FAST IO OPEN ERROR (witht he teknoparrot compatible iDmacDrv32.dll) look at mine print screen some post ago.


 hello again


to begin with


thanks you so much for all those games :)


a little point on my nesica instalation


all my nesica games works exept


Akai Katana Shin (Aspect Ratio)

BlazBlue Central Fiction (need to test again)

Dragon Dance (black screen)

Homura (Aspect Ratio)

King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match (doesn't launch)

Rastan Saga (Aspect Ratio)

Space Invaders (doesn't launch + aspect ratio)

Yatagarasu (background missing)



hope one day i ll be able launch everything


bon voilà , je me suis mis a tester GRh et j ai un problème avec trois jeux qui sont les suivant:


Haunted Museum

Haunted Museum 2 Shh...! Welcome to Frightfearland

Silent Hill The Arcade


je sais que le problème de configuration de ma manette xbox360 provient que je n'arrive pas a crĂ©er un fichier "monitor_input.bin" pour ces trois jeux donc s'il y avait une personne qui pouvait me donner ce fichier configurer pour ces trois jeux , je suis preneur.merci d'avance. 


je suis plus Teknoparrot mais je m'amuse aussi a tester d autre lanceur de jeux.


J'ai de la difficulté a faire marcher Game Loader Rh avec Cyberdriver. Le jeux lance bien avec cyberdriver_launcher.exe mais il ne ferme pas bien (le jeu bug quand je le ferme et il faut le fermer avec alt+f4).

Avec Game Loader RH, sa me donne un time out error car ca prend plus que 2 minutes pour lancer le jeu (c'est vrai, ca prend du temps a lancer, mais ca lance eventuellement) alors comment je peut faire patienter game Loader???

J'ai aussi de la difficultĂ© avec Haunted Mansion 1. Le jeu ne lance pas du tout (ecran noir pour 1 second et sa ferme). Quand j'essaie, il crĂ©e des ficihers cfg dans le fichier parent (H:/Games au lieu de H:/Games/Haunted Mansion).. 

  Le 16/05/2020 Ă  16:28, Mcfilmmakers a dit :

J'ai de la difficulté a faire marcher Game Loader Rh avec Cyberdriver. Le jeux lance bien avec cyberdriver_launcher.exe mais il ne ferme pas bien (le jeu bug quand je le ferme et il faut le fermer avec alt+f4).

Avec Game Loader RH, sa me donne un time out error car ca prend plus que 2 minutes pour lancer le jeu (c'est vrai, ca prend du temps a lancer, mais ca lance eventuellement) alors comment je peut faire patienter game Loader???

J'ai aussi de la difficultĂ© avec Haunted Mansion 1. Le jeu ne lance pas du tout (ecran noir pour 1 second et sa ferme). Quand j'essaie, il crĂ©e des ficihers cfg dans le fichier parent (H:/Games au lieu de H:/Games/Haunted Mansion).. 


pour hunted mansion 1 sur mon site j arrive a le lancer mais pour moi mon probleme c est de configurer ma manette

  Le 16/05/2020 Ă  16:05, ViRuS-MaN a dit :

good here, I started to test GRh and I have a problem with three games which are the following:


Haunted Museum

Haunted Museum 2 Shh...! Welcome to Frightfearland

Silent Hill The Arcade


I know that the configuration problem of my xbox360 controller comes from the fact that I cannot create a "monitor_input.bin" file for these three games so if there was someone who could give me this file configure for these three games , I am a taker, thank you in advance. 


I'm more Teknoparrot but I also have fun testing other game launcher.


are they not mouse games ? try the mouse :very-good:


Hi DJ Expert I am having problems setting up RH Loader for my Sega Blast City 640 x 480 Arcade Cabinet for 2 games.

The first game is King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A, I cannot get it to show the intro Video I will add my system specifications below.

The other Game I am having problems with is Haunted Museum, it displays perfectly but the mouse cursor only reaches 2/3 of the screen. I cannot go into the top right, bottom right or bottom left. I had the same issue with Haunted Museum 2 but managed to fix that but cannot this.

Your help would be greatly appreciated on both these games.

I am using the latest RH Loader 368, Windows 10, AMD Graphics Card A9 380

Many thanks

  Le 16/05/2020 Ă  19:02, fire10 a dit :

Hi DJ Expert I am having problems setting up RH Loader for my Sega Blast City 640 x 480 Arcade Cabinet for 2 games.

The first game is King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A, I cannot get it to show the intro Video I will add my system specifications below.

The other Game I am having problems with is Haunted Museum, it displays perfectly but the mouse cursor only reaches 2/3 of the screen. I cannot go into the top right, bottom right or bottom left. I had the same issue with Haunted Museum 2 but managed to fix that but cannot this.

Your help would be greatly appreciated on both these games.

I am using the latest RH Loader 368, Windows 10, AMD Graphics Card A9 380

Many thanks


Haunted museum 2 doesn't work ?? 🤔

  Le 17/05/2020 Ă  08:52, fire10 a dit :

Yes Haunted Museum 2 works but I cannot fix Haunted Museum 1. It displays fine in 4/3 with correct aspect but the cursor only covers 2 3rds of the screen


You launch HM.bat before Gameloader?

Invité petje
  Le 17/05/2020 Ă  09:48, lukudo a dit :

You launch HM.bat before Gameloader?


What HM.bat ?

I do not have that file

Made it yourself ?

Or was it already included in the "clean dump"

My guess is you got to many files in your folder and those do not want to work together

PM me to compare files

Upload screenshot of game folder root to

Ignore .rar and .backup files

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