EmuAl Posté(e) le 9 août 2018 Posté(e) le 9 août 2018 i think those options are for operation ghost only, i'll have a look at amd cc center, cheers for the help
EmuAl Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 (modifié) hey all, trying to get ford racing running through game loader, have downloaded fordracing.exe from page 1 but when i run the gameloader prog it says please run game loader version of fordracing.exe, that's what i'm running again, any help would be appreciated thanks getting the same error for sega rally 3 Modifié le 10 août 2018 par EmuAl
bucksoverfame Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 For Lets Go Island, I'm using Gameloader, it crashes when it boots. How do I get it to work? What are the correct gameloader settings?
EmuAl Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 (modifié) thats my settings for lets go island and it works fine m8 got sega rally 3 and ford racing work now to Modifié le 31 mars 2020 par EmuAl had to remove images sorry 1
emulor Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 Use Let's Go Island 3D No problens with screen and Lightguns with this version
SOYABEAN Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 Posté(e) le 10 août 2018 (modifié) Le 10/08/2018 à 22:10, emulor a dit : Use Let's Go Island 3D No problens with screen and Lightguns with this version Développer The reason LGI and Golden Gun crosshair's are not in sync is because both games have been stretched for full screen so there crosshairs are out of sync slightly. Both will be fine once a full screen patch comes out. Modifié le 10 août 2018 par SOYABEAN
EmuAl Posté(e) le 11 août 2018 Posté(e) le 11 août 2018 (modifié) hey all, trying to get guilty gear running through game loader via teknoparrot, but game quits after 2 minutes with timeout error saying game window did not start properly or are you using an incompatible exe? exe is from teknoparrot dumps again any help will be appreciated thanks Modifié le 11 août 2018 par EmuAl it keeps removing text from my questions ... game is guilty gear
emulor Posté(e) le 11 août 2018 Posté(e) le 11 août 2018 Gameloader can't hide Golden Gun crosshair (I dont like play with it :-) ). Tecknoparrot hide it with crosshair patch and run fullscreen perfect. For sync crosshair, demulshoot do the excelent job ;-)
SOYABEAN Posté(e) le 11 août 2018 Posté(e) le 11 août 2018 (modifié) Le 11/08/2018 à 10:06, emulor a dit : Gameloader can't hide Golden Gun crosshair (I dont like play with it :-) ). Tecknoparrot hide it with crosshair patch and run fullscreen perfect. For sync crosshair, demulshoot do the excelent job ;-) Développer The demulshoot webpage has all the remove cross hair patches on its first page (I removed the Let's go Island crosshair with patch from there) I can't get demulshooter to work Modifié le 11 août 2018 par SOYABEAN
SOYABEAN Posté(e) le 11 août 2018 Posté(e) le 11 août 2018 (modifié) Le 11/08/2018 à 09:59, EmuAl a dit : hey all, trying to get guilty gear running through game loader via teknoparrot, but game quits after 2 minutes with timeout error saying game window did not start properly or are you using an incompatible exe? exe is from teknoparrot dumps again any help will be appreciated thanks Développer teknoparrot dumps? is there a page? I installed the game last night from a download from here (there are new links on first page of this post) I always name the game folder and the exe file the same as the xml name in teknoparrot, other then that you could try unticking windowed or free play and see if that helps Modifié le 11 août 2018 par SOYABEAN
Pennywisekrueger Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 Regarding the mouse as gun issue on let’s go island and golden gun - I’m not too bothered about the mouse pointer and crosshair being unaligned but this affects how far right of screen my crosshair goes. On both games on teknoparrot it only reaches two thirds of the screen (left to right). Any fixes without me having to buy aimtraks!
dex77 Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 Le 11/08/2018 à 12:20, SOYABEAN a dit : teknoparrot dumps? is there a page? I installed the game last night from a download from here (there are new links on first page of this post) I always name the game folder and the exe file the same as the xml name in teknoparrot, other then that you could try unticking windowed or free play and see if that helps Développer ...got the same issue and already reported to DJExpert while ago , he said it's kinda rare and it shouldn't happen... it seems that no others apart the both of us has experienced it... in the other hand the game works perfectly without ALLRH... at least it's an option!
djexpert Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 (modifié) There are some people who are misunderstanding, so I supplement it. For example, in the case of Guilty Gear, special characters are used for window classes. If these are Japanese OS, the problem does not occur, but if it is OS other than Japanese it will cause problems due to garbled characters. (Timeout error) There are probably similar defects in several other games. Please report when there is a game where timeout error occurs. We will fix Guilty Gear next time. EDIT game loader.rarRecherche des informations… Modifié le 12 août 2018 par djexpert 4
EmuAl Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 Le 12/08/2018 à 11:24, djexpert a dit : There are some people who are misunderstanding, so I supplement it. For example, in the case of Guilty Gear, special characters are used for window classes. If these are Japanese OS, the problem does not occur, but if it is OS other than Japanese it will cause problems due to garbled characters. (Timeout error) There are probably similar defects in several other games. Please report when there is a game where timeout error occurs. We will fix Guilty Gear next time. Développer yes djexpert, that works perfectly now many thanks again for the help you provide
SOYABEAN Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 Posté(e) le 12 août 2018 (modifié) Le 12/08/2018 à 08:41, dex77 a dit : ...got the same issue and already reported to DJExpert while ago , he said it's kinda rare and it shouldn't happen... it seems that no others apart the both of us has experienced it... in the other hand the game works perfectly without ALLRH... at least it's an option! Développer I always take out all the RH stuff and any config add-ons before I run it through Teknoparrot. I only just realised I can get clean versions of all the games using megadownloader. All those wasted hours trying to get games to work and now there is not enough time in the day to keep adding stuff lol. I still can't get Music gungun 2 or silent hill to play no matter what I do so it must depend on your hardware. Modifié le 12 août 2018 par SOYABEAN
dex77 Posté(e) le 13 août 2018 Posté(e) le 13 août 2018 Le 12/08/2018 à 11:24, djexpert a dit : There are some people who are misunderstanding, so I supplement it. For example, in the case of Guilty Gear, special characters are used for window classes. If these are Japanese OS, the problem does not occur, but if it is OS other than Japanese it will cause problems due to garbled characters. (Timeout error) There are probably similar defects in several other games. Please report when there is a game where timeout error occurs. We will fix Guilty Gear next time. EDIT game loader.rarRecherche des informations… Développer Domo arigato DJ, now works perfectly, you rock!! 1
Pantherheart Posté(e) le 13 août 2018 Posté(e) le 13 août 2018 For getting in the comfortable position to enjoy one of the best technical outcomes the RingWide Version of Let's Go Island can be forced into - which, in fact, means the doubtless delights of having a Widescreen plus a Crosshair that is in sync with your mouse pointer at the same time -, just have a look at my Game Loader All RH setup I am using for this game. Hope you'll hit the bull's eye with those settings, too, so to speak. [Window Size] Full screen mode [Update Rate] [Update rate Mouse Cursor Hide] -Enabled -Leave "ms" untouched (blank) [Loader Mode] 6 [Loader Settings 3] Window Resolution (blank) Full (Wide-) Screen resolution as desired AA mode as wished Expansion Filter as wanted Keep Aspect Ratio: On Forced Aspect Ratio: On (16:9) 2
Pennywisekrueger Posté(e) le 14 août 2018 Posté(e) le 14 août 2018 Le 13/08/2018 à 22:36, Pantherheart a dit : For getting in the comfortable position to enjoy one of the best technical outcomes the RingWide Version of Let's Go Island can be forced into - which, in fact, means the doubtless delights of having a Widescreen plus a Crosshair that is in sync with your mouse pointer at the same time -, just have a look at my Game Loader All RH setup I am using for this game. Hope you'll hit the bull's eye with those settings, too, so to speak. [Window Size] Full screen mode [Update Rate] [Update rate Mouse Cursor Hide] -Enabled -Leave "ms" untouched (blank) [Loader Mode] 6 [Loader Settings 3] Window Resolution (blank) Full (Wide-) Screen resolution as desired AA mode as wished Expansion Filter as wanted Keep Aspect Ratio: On Forced Aspect Ratio: On (16:9) Développer This looks ace - would you be able to post the full set of config screens?
Pantherheart Posté(e) le 14 août 2018 Posté(e) le 14 août 2018 (modifié) Le 14/08/2018 à 10:33, Pennywisekrueger a dit : This looks ace - would you be able to post the full set of config screens? Développer It wasn't until now that I became aware of EmuAl's post and his screenshots from last Friday, using pretty much the same Game Loader setup like I do. Except that I turned on Fullscreen, 16:9 mode at a resolution of 1366x768p and Bicubic interpolation for a sharper image, together with slightly different Mouse Cursor Hide settings. Modifié le 14 août 2018 par Pantherheart 1
Pennywisekrueger Posté(e) le 14 août 2018 Posté(e) le 14 août 2018 Cheers dude I’ll have a fiddle when I get back from vacation on Friday 👍🏼
EmuAl Posté(e) le 15 août 2018 Posté(e) le 15 août 2018 How do you uninstall game loader. My friend can get install 309 over his 298, nothing happens and when he tries to run 309 exes it does nothing ? If he removes folder from app data and tries 309 installer nothing happens ? any help would be great 👍 1
Pantherheart Posté(e) le 15 août 2018 Posté(e) le 15 août 2018 I uninstalled Game Loader All RH (303) once. For doing that, I simply clicked on Game Loader Installer.exe, then followed by the Uninstall button. But something inside tells me your friend's problem won't be solved THAT easily... ;-)
Pennywisekrueger Posté(e) le 17 août 2018 Posté(e) le 17 août 2018 I’m baffled - let’s go island runs fine in teknoparrot but I can’t move cursor to the right of screen. I can fix this in game loader but the game crashes shortly after the opening scene with the standard error screen!?! Any ideas? I’ve followed the screenshots above and the game looks and plays perfect for about 60 seconds but crashes every time!
SOYABEAN Posté(e) le 18 août 2018 Posté(e) le 18 août 2018 (modifié) Le 17/08/2018 à 21:04, Pennywisekrueger a dit : I’m baffled - let’s go island runs fine in teknoparrot but I can’t move cursor to the right of screen. I can fix this in game loader but the game crashes shortly after the opening scene with the standard error screen!?! Any ideas? I’ve followed the screenshots above and the game looks and plays perfect for about 60 seconds but crashes every time! Développer Lets go island runs fine without RH loader or any add-ons, the only problem was the crosshair was not in sync with your gun,best way to solve that is too remove the crossshair. There is no problem with lets go island 3d for some reason. Modifié le 18 août 2018 par SOYABEAN 1
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 18 août 2018 Team Posté(e) le 18 août 2018 why do you use lets go Island with bugs when Lets go island 3D have not ??????? Please use only lets go island 3D, no bugs and this is a 1080p version. 1
EmuAl Posté(e) le 18 août 2018 Posté(e) le 18 août 2018 (modifié) hey all, does Elevator Action Death Parade work on amd, gets past taito and physx screens but keeps crashing at loading game screen ? and far cry arcade too get to map screen, choose map crashes the game ? Modifié le 18 août 2018 par EmuAl
Pennywisekrueger Posté(e) le 20 août 2018 Posté(e) le 20 août 2018 Just to clarify my situation I fixed it by updating my game loader version, used let’s go island 3D and ticked the option (on game loader) to restrict mouse movement 👍🏼
xstrike9999 Posté(e) le 21 août 2018 Posté(e) le 21 août 2018 Hi, I'm trying to play BlazBlue Continuum Shift but after a black screen and a few white screen flickers, I get the error that the "executable was terminated" telling m to disable Bluetooth etc. I've tried multiple settings in the config and have tried deleting the TTX ini file and reverting it to defsult to no avail. Getting this on both Continuum Shift games Please help.
EmuAl Posté(e) le 22 août 2018 Posté(e) le 22 août 2018 Le 21/08/2018 à 18:18, xstrike9999 a dit : Hi, I'm trying to play BlazBlue Continuum Shift but after a black screen and a few white screen flickers, I get the error that the "executable was terminated" telling m to disable Bluetooth etc. I've tried multiple settings in the config and have tried deleting the TTX ini file and reverting it to defsult to no avail. Getting this on both Continuum Shift games Please help. Développer Have you tried just using the game exe, I was having problems with blazblue games and game loader and eventually just tried the game exe and it worked fine without any game loader in there, I use game loader for 99 % of the games, just not blazblue nesica ones.
xstrike9999 Posté(e) le 23 août 2018 Posté(e) le 23 août 2018 (modifié) Le 22/08/2018 à 12:57, EmuAl a dit : Have you tried just using the game exe, I was having problems with blazblue games and game loader and eventually just tried the game exe and it worked fine without any game loader in there, I use game loader for 99 % of the games, just not blazblue nesica ones. Développer Yes. That just straight up gives me an I/O error [not an actual error generated by the exe, it just says I/O error in the middle of the screen] for both games :( I can exit out of Continuum Shift 1 after that by pressing ESC but Continuum Shift 2 becomes unstable when I press that and I have to end it with the task manager Modifié le 23 août 2018 par xstrike9999
EmuAl Posté(e) le 23 août 2018 Posté(e) le 23 août 2018 Le 23/08/2018 à 04:28, xstrike9999 a dit : Yes. That just straight up gives me an I / O error [not an actual error generated by the exe, it just says I / O error in the middle of the screen] for both games :( I can exit out of Continuum Shift 1 After That by pressing ESC goal Continuum Shift 2 Becomes unstable when i press That and I have to end it with the task manager Développer I take it your using the exes from the front page of this forum ?
xstrike9999 Posté(e) le 23 août 2018 Posté(e) le 23 août 2018 (modifié) No, I'm using the Launchbox No Intro pack that I've downloaded. I'll give exes from the forum a try as well. Nope. Didn't work. Some games I have are working fine. Like SFIV AE, KOF XII, KOF XIII works with the game.exe but not with Game Loader. But all BlazBle games give me the I/O error with game.exe and the "executable was terminated" error with Game Loader. I've tried different versions of Game Loader as well. I'm running Windows 10 but running them in compatibility mode for 7 or XP doesn't work either. Modifié le 23 août 2018 par xstrike9999
EmuAl Posté(e) le 23 août 2018 Posté(e) le 23 août 2018 (modifié) Mine work fine, I got downloads from this site, try a different download see if it works, I’m on win 10 and I don’t think I have a my compatability options set, will check later but all blazblue games work, nesica without game loader and ttx with game loader. Modifié le 23 août 2018 par EmuAl 1
xstrike9999 Posté(e) le 26 août 2018 Posté(e) le 26 août 2018 I got a few games to work but most of them are still giving me the same error. The persona 4 games run long enough just to show me the text for coin input and then crash with "executable was terminated"
EmuAl Posté(e) le 26 août 2018 Posté(e) le 26 août 2018 (modifié) Le 26/08/2018 à 03:07, xstrike9999 a dit : I got a few games to work but most of them are still giving me the same error. The persona 4 games run long enough just to show me the text for coin input and then crash with "executable was terminated" Développer have you got all the necessary files installed *************************** Minimum requirement ********************* ****** .NET 1.1 .NET 4.5 or higher com0com DirectX Offline Installer | http://www.mediafire.com/file/lth3858phaaw7xk/Direct_X_Offline_Installer.rar VC ++ 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 Redistribution Package (x86) did you try the files i sent to you in the PM ? Modifié le 26 août 2018 par EmuAl 2
xstrike9999 Posté(e) le 26 août 2018 Posté(e) le 26 août 2018 I got blaz blue to run somehow but rest are not working. I have everything installed except com0com . What is that and how do I use it?
EmuAl Posté(e) le 26 août 2018 Posté(e) le 26 août 2018 not sure, think its used for emulating com ports, but i don't think it would make your exe's stop working. did you try the blazblue i sent link for or was it your own blazblue you got going ?
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