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[Arcade PC] Road Fighters All Decrypted (Konami)

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Merci nucleaireland :very-good: je télécharge et test de suite 

  Le 14/09/2017 à 17:00, fire10 a dit :

Well you are MAJORLY wrong guys RH Loader is exceptional. I load Konami Road Fighters on WIN 7 64 using RH Loader 2.77

I had all kinds of problems launching with just spice for some reason, RH Loader as always solved my problems.

Thankyou to the Developer of RH Loader DJexpert once again!


How do u use the rh loader? Could u post a simple tutorial

  • Team
  Le 01/12/2017 à 18:31, fire10 a dit :

Hi nucleaireland how are you progressing with the English translation for this mate is it difficult, I hope not to bad for you



no, it's a good first patch soon

  • 3 semaines après...

Is someone working on a true HD patch for this?   Even at 1080p the graphics are very blurry.   No settings with RH Loader seem to help.  

  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 26/11/2017 à 14:27, nucleaireland a dit :


voici la traduction a 99%
toujours a décompresser à la racine du jeu

j ai changé les photos des concurrents en mode challenge par des acteurs de films de caisses



Hey Nucleairland, just to ask if you are any closer with your English translation mate ;-) 

Modifié par 7zxkv

Also I've just started this game after a few weeks of not playing it and now when I start a race using rh loader I get Bluetooth arrow box and it crashes. I'm using the djexpert jgt.dll file


Man...dudes why this topic stop? This game has really nice graphics and gameplay. Ive had this on my drive for a while fired it up with some of the help on this thread!! I used just spicetools and test menu then hit on game mode at the bottom of test menu and it popped right on in full screen HD looks fantastic. Just had to change 3d to 2d them WOW bout shit my pants. I had no idea, this game looks fantastic. Pics gave no justice usually dont. FPS perfect too. The only prob I got is cant save anything in test menu, like drive camera rear or  so I can see my car. Anyone??? Is there another setting somewhere where I can change at least the view??


Re downloaded djexperts jdt.dll and that sorted it. I've managed to get the game to recognise the cards by making one with iccemu and running the programme in conjunction with ealocalserver. When it gets to the card screen I press space to load it (if you check in iccemu settings load card is space and other num pad buttons) it goes to this screen 


But then loops to the title menu, I have a feeling we can get cards to work just don't know how yet. It's a great game your right

  Le 14/01/2018 à 08:37, djd a dit :

Man...dudes why this topic stop? This game has really nice graphics and gameplay. Ive had this on my drive for a while fired it up with some of the help on this thread!! I used just spicetools and test menu then hit on game mode at the bottom of test menu and it popped right on in full screen HD looks fantastic. Just had to change 3d to 2d them WOW bout shit my pants. I had no idea, this game looks fantastic. Pics gave no justice usually dont. FPS perfect too. The only prob I got is cant save anything in test menu, like drive camera rear or  so I can see my car. Anyone??? Is there another setting somewhere where I can change at least the view??


Yep in spice config under Konami road fighters set a key for view then you can change to outside view etc

  • 1 mois après...
  • 4 semaines après...
Invité zhenglei8208
Posté(e) (modifié)

How can I turn on the game to start the game? I'm using the 2D monitor



Modifié par zhenglei8208
  • 3 semaines après...
  • 1 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 17/09/2017 à 18:01, nucleaireland a dit :


voici deux fichiers pour decompresser dans le dossier de road fighter
pour l utiliser lancer eaLocalServer.exe clic sur START
lancer le jeu par SPICE

cela enlève les cadenas et l'erreur du début et plus besoin d'une connexion internet pour joue



Salut tout le monde,


J'ai un petit soucis avec ce jeu.


Il fonctionne très bien avec All RH ou sans avec une connexion internet (je joue sur un bartop et j'utilise une clé USB Wifi), par contre je n'arrive pas à le faire fonctionner sans connexion internet (avec ou sans ALL RH)


Malgré le patch, il ne passe pas le Network en "vert", et à l'écran du Free Play,  il affiche une erreur "Error Code  : 5 1998-0000"


Quelqu'un aurait une idée ?


Merci d'avance pour votre aide


@ plus





Modifié par 7zxkv
  • 2 semaines après...
  • 3 mois après...

Interest died down or everyone got it working perfectly? :)  I'm running this with Spice but something I've never been able to figure out, how do you quit the game?  Anyone know how can I make ESC key exit / quit the game?


I'd like to eventually get it working with a wheel too, I guess x360ce is the way then?


espérons que ce jeu soit a ajouter dans TP prochainement avec prise en charge du volant en Dinput et rêvons même un peu, si au passage les Dev de TP nous pondent un truc pour la sauvegarde ce sera encore mieux.


pour finir notre vénérable @Boomslangnz , nous ajoutera son petit plugin ffb bien cuisiné et tout sera aux petits ognons...



on peut rêver!! :ptdr:  , ça fait pas de mal!!!  :ptdr:

  • 2 mois après...
  Le 14/09/2018 à 19:54, ginzu a dit :

hope this game is to be added in TP soon with support for the steering wheel in Dinput and dream even a little, if the passage Dev Dev TP we lay a trick for the backup it will be even better.


to finish our venerable @Boomslangnz  , we will add his little plugin ffb well cooked and everything will be small onions ...



we can dream!! :ptdr:  it does not hurt!  :ptdr:




I've actually added ffb support for this in the past few days. I'll see about if tp is gonna support this or not however I've currently made ffb plugin take over the controls for this game so I had proper analog support. Not sure if I'll release that part public or not yet

  Le 20/11/2018 à 23:46, Boomslangnz a dit :



I've actually added ffb support for this in the past few days. I'll see about if tp is gonna support this or not however I've currently made ffb plugin take over the controls for this game so I had proper analog support. Not sure if I'll release that part public or not yet




anyway, thank you boomslangnz  :very-good:

  • 1 mois après...
  • 2 semaines après...



Pour jouer à Road Fighters il faut utiliser visiblement "spicetools", le souci c'est que dès que je dézippe le fichier, spicecfg.exe et spice.exe sont détectés comme trojan par mon antivirus et supprimés automatiquement.


Existe t'il un fichier propre ou une autre alternative pour jouer à ce jeu ?


Merci par avance pour votre aide.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Does anyone have the link the spicetools?

EDIT: Not posted by me, got hacked again. 

To the person that said this on my account, there's a thread with the latest spice tools.


Modifié par Inari
hacked again, giving answer.
  • 1 mois après...
  Le 08/10/2017 à 16:03, coolguy a dit :

This SHIT doesn't work!!! Everytime I try to run it I get a fucking DirectX problem!!!!



I also had the Direct X popup launching spice.exe ... white screen black screen, white screen ... popup error.

Simple fix ... create a start.bat file in the contents folder and add spice.exe -w in the .bat file. I have a suspicion it's resolution specific. My screen is 1370 x 768 native. It now loads but in windowed mode.

  • 2 semaines après...

hello, is there someone able to get the gears (6shifter)  mapped with g29 in road fighters? if so could u share the settings used?




hi Pooterman,  is there a nice wheel for this game somewhere?  


thank you  ;)


ca serait sympa si Reaver pouvait intégrer ce jeu à Teknoparrot


Did an English conversion of this get done ?


i have started my own but just wondering if its done already ?

  • 4 semaines après...

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