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[Arcade PC] Road Fighters All Decrypted (Konami)

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Posté(e) (modifié)

there are a lot of .exe inside the folder KONAMI folde which one is it ?


EDIT: i managed to start tyhe game but it is in 3D MODE which is annoying and i can not get the controls working


EDIT2: game works with spicetools incorporated and spiceconfig

Modifié par lokofer
Posté(e) (modifié)

So I finnally got the game running.


I had some help that I would like to share so maybe others may have the same questions.


1- Unpack the new decrypted version available. You will have a folder named "Contents"!mNEWyTqI!rXOytHY4EpmpA6nucwE98qSspS-1lFZZOlHFJV66SjI

2- Delete those 2 "D3d......dll" files from "contents" folder

3- Unpack, copy the file "jgt.dll" into your "contents" folder and replace it

4- From File, copy "spicecfg.exe" to your "contents" folder and also the all those 3 files inside "32" folder (from the zip)

5- Run spicecfg.exe to set your controls

6- Use spice.exe to run the game

7- Enjoy  the game


I hope it helps you

Modifié par jviegas

there are a lot of .exe inside the folder KONAMI folde which one is it ?


EDIT: i managed to start tyhe game but it is in 3D MODE which is annoying and i can not get the controls working


EDIT2: game works with spicetools incorporated and spiceconfig

Were you able to play? I can get it started but coin isnt working, ive tried different buttons for coin. I also tried setting free play but get a save error.




So I finnally got the game running.


I had some help that I would like to share so maybe others may have the same questions.


1- Unpack the new decrypted version available. You will have a folder named "Contents"!mNEWyTqI!rXOytHY4EpmpA6nucwE98qSspS-1lFZZOlHFJV66SjI

2- Delete those 2 "D3d......dll" files from "contents" folder

3- Unpack, copy the file "jgt.dll" into your "contents" folder and replace it

4- From File, copy "spicecfg.exe" to your "contents" folder and also the all those 3 files inside "32" folder (from the zip)

5- Run spicecfg.exe to set your controls

6- Use spice.exe to run the game

7- Enjoy  the game


I hope it helps you

Thanks i can play this game right now


Thank you! ðƾ˜‰


Cant get this to work guys. Do you have to use any parts of the original undecypted dump or just the new contents folder any help greatly appreciated guys as I just get error mode displaying in the top right ;-( im on win 7 64


Cant get this to work guys. Do you have to use any parts of the original undecypted dump or just the new contents folder any help greatly appreciated guys as I just get error mode displaying in the top right ;-( im on win 7 64



All I needed was the new decrypted one

I've runned on Windows 10 64 Bits


Were you able to play? I can get it started but coin isnt working, ive tried different buttons for coin. I also tried setting free play but get a save error.



For Coins press "Service" button

Posté(e) (modifié)

I have Win 10 64Bit and when I run Spice.exe all I get is an error message. Why is this happening? What am I missing here?



Modifié par razor1978

I have Win 10 64Bit and when I run Spice.exe all I get is an error message. Why is this happening? What am I missing here?


I think that you might have copied the dll files from 64. You have to copy only the ones from 32 folder

  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)


Update contents of 277
- It corresponds to Road Fighters 3D.
* Although the course is not unlocked on the video, the Game Loader side puts the hidden course in the unlocked state.

Added "Open e2prom folder" on "Loader setting 1" tab.
· Fixed a bug that processing might fail when Ring type Railshooter's "limit mouse movement amount" is valid.
· Please make Language.ini the default.
· Other, fixed defect fixes.



Please use this DLL for the convenience of window processing on Game Loader side.

"Exception _ ~ _ ~. Txt" created on drive D has been patched to be created in "sv" folder.
The "UP" folder created on the E, F drive is patched so that it is created in the "sv" folder.
Modifié par 7zxkv

Thats what i have done but no luck, is it resolution dependent or does it need to go in the root of c or something, very strange


Well in my system the game don't need to go to C: root.


My screen resolution is 1920 x 1080 and I didn't change anything on the game (I don't know if that's possible) and it worked.


Don't forget to delete those d3d....dll from the folder.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Yep ive done everything as above and used only the files in the 32 folder, are you guys using ati graphics cards as I saw a folder in the encrypted that was ati.

What I have done is downloaded the new contents folder added the 3 files from 32 folder spice exe, kbt.dll, kld.dll and the spicecfg.exe i also added the jgt.dll. I configured the controls using the spicecfg.exe. I then run spice.exe it boots to a black screen with error mode displayed in the top right and thats it :-(.

Im on windows 7 64 and run an nvidia gpu and resolution is 1920 x 1080

Modifié par fire10

Works perfect on it's own..




Tried to use it through the loader... I get into a race and it closes with the old loader..blutooth error popping up

I have used Mode -1 and Mode 6 as in your video but still it just closes.

Any suggestions?


Posté(e) (modifié)

Using RH Loader 2.77 I can now get into Test mode menu and the image is displayed correctly. I changed the network setting to the same as djexperts video and the router server etc in network settings says connected but on the main menu screen I get Error Level:Error              Error code:5 1999-0000!AnFEMxpAkD04iESOG7ZNx4zU2OpO!AnFEMxpAkD04iEVs5lH5WBTS5FIG

Modifié par fire10
Posté(e) (modifié)

une autre vidéo pour lancer le jeu sans utiliser rh277



et une vidéo de gamepplay


Modifié par soso92

Ne pas se servir du Game Loader c'est de la merde ça ne lance pas le jeu! Mieux vaut ne pas passer par lui!

Hello Safur tu as réussi à le lancer et y jouer sans Game Loader comme dans la vidéo du dessus ?


Oui j'ai fait la méthode de jviegas post #7 mais le jeu n'a en fait pas beaucoup d'intérÃÂȘt car tu ne peux pas avoir la carte et donc tu ne peux pas sauvegarder le jeu!!

Avec le Game Loader tu as tout de débloqué mais leur Loader ne marche que pour Win10 car sur Win7 rien à faire! En plus vu que ça merde je suis obligé de redémarrer l'ordi pour qu'il remarche sinon ça me le désactive pour tous les jeux!!! Impossible de l'utiliser c'est surtout pour ça que ça m'énerve!


Well you are MAJORLY wrong guys RH Loader is exceptional. I load Konami Road Fighters on WIN 7 64 using RH Loader 2.77

I had all kinds of problems launching with just spice for some reason, RH Loader as always solved my problems.

Thankyou to the Developer of RH Loader DJexpert once again!

Posté(e) (modifié)

Well you are MAJORLY wrong guys RH Loader is exceptional. I load Konami Road Fighters on WIN 7 64 using RH Loader 2.77

I had all kinds of problems launching with just spice for some reason, RH Loader as always solved my problems.

Thankyou to the Developer of RH Loader DJexpert once again!

Faut aussi tenir compte que ça ne se lance pas chez certaines personnes! Ce n'est pas parce que chez toi ça se lance que ça doit ÃÂȘtre pareil chez les autres. On croirait entendre un Vegan :D


Ça se lance mais sans passer par Game Loader. J'ai fait comme expliqué dans le post #7

Modifié par Safur

I think that you might have copied the dll files from 64. You have to copy only the ones from 32 folder

No, I copied the files from the 32 Bit folder, and I keep getting this damn error message Could someone please upload the Loader files for this game, please? Might work better that way?!.


Well you are MAJORLY wrong guys RH Loader is exceptional. I load Konami Road Fighters on WIN 7 64 using RH Loader 2.77

I had all kinds of problems launching with just spice for some reason, RH Loader as always solved my problems.

Thankyou to the Developer of RH Loader DJexpert once again!

Any chance you could upload the loader files? thanks in advance! 


J'ai testé avec succÚs sous w10 x64 et w7 x64 avec et sans all RH sous un i7 920 et carte ATI radeon HD7900


J'ai suivi les infos que je récapitule :


1.Prendre le dump :!mNEWyTqI!rXOytHY4EpmpA6nucwE98qSspS-1lFZZOlHFJV66SjI

2.Decompresser "contents" sur un disque autre que c:, D: par exemple
3.supprimer ou renommer d3d9.dll et d3dx9_41.dll
4.Prendre le spicetools
5.copier dans "contents" : 
!!Prenez bien la version 32 !!
et écraser la jgt.dll par la nouvelle
7. executer spicecfg.exe en admin
Choisir "Road Fighters 3D" dans l'onglet en haut
modifier les touches à votre convenance
8.lancer le jeu par spice
mettre des credits avec la touche "service" configurée
basculer le mode 3D/2D avec la touche configurée
et enfin demarrer la partie par la touche configurée "accelerate"
Bon jeu
PS : j'ai également testé avec succÚs la version RH277
Posté(e) (modifié)

Alors j'ai testé sur un autre PC (mon bartop) avec Win7 et là j'ai un autre soucis... le Network n'arrÃÂȘte pas de chercher avec ou sans Game Loader. Au bout d'un moment ils me mettent qu'il y a une erreur et ils m'envoient vers le test mode dans lequel je ne peux rien modifier (ça me met save error).

Comment faire pour empÃÂȘcher ça?


EDIT : du coup à cause de cette erreur je ne peux pas rentrer dans le jeu si je lance le truc du serveur local.

Modifié par Safur
Posté(e) (modifié)

Je viens de découvrir un truc : il faut impérativement ÃÂȘtre connecté sur internet sinon le Network ne passe pas et impossible de lancer Game Loader afin de débloquer les circuits supplémentaires au menu et pas possible de désactiver le Network vu que les changements dans le test mode ne sont pas sauvegardables.


Mais bon... sans la carte pour sauvegarder ça perd beaucoup de son intérÃÂȘt... surtout que l'analogique n'est pas pris en compte! Du coup la direction est super rigide et au clavier (obligé de passer par Joy2key ou Xpadder)

Modifié par Safur

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