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[Arcade PC] Chase Hq2 Decrypted And Playable (TTX)


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31 minuti fa, andykt ha scritto:


The virus man version works in TP fine for me (apart from always crashes after stage 3)





It crashes because it's not the right exe I guess. Game works fine here and I completed it lots of time without a single crash.

Modifié par joefish
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1 hour ago, joefish said:


It crashes because it's not the right exe I guess. Game works fine here and I completed it lots of time without a single crash.

Have you tried recently? I think it's broken since TP update. Not sure how long ago it broke, but it never lets you get passed stage 3 now.

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1 hour ago, joefish said:


Completed right now with last TP version. Everything works good.

Great thanks for confirming, downloading a new verison now to test it :very-good:


EDIT - Just took a fresh download, from the Motherload of dumps. Again it crashes after lv3. Are you using TP or JConfigr?



Modifié par andykt
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2 hours ago, llll55 said:

thanks, no more error with your exe, but the wheel and gas calibration always fails for me, so i cant start the game.


When doing the steering calibration, it fails if you don't touch it - when it says don't touch the wheel just hold left and right accordingly and it will succeed.

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27 minuti fa, andykt ha scritto:

Great thanks for confirming, downloading a new verison now to test it :very-good:


EDIT - Just took a fresh download, from the Motherload of dumps. Again it crashes after lv3. Are you using TP or JConfigr?


In my previous msg I wrote "last TP version".

By the way, what Is the Motherload of dumps?

Modifié par joefish
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11 minuti fa, bandicoot ha scritto:


Like i said before try an old teknoparrot 1.62 you will see it doesn't crash after level 3


You are wrong because I'm using TP .533 and it's ok, no crash.


35 minuti fa, andykt ha scritto:


Where did you get your Chase HQ files from? Trying to work out why mine crashes when completing the Nascar level (level 3)


I tried the dump you linked and got no crash, completed without problems. 

You have other problems, it's not the dump.

Modifié par joefish
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18 hours ago, joefish said:


You are wrong because I'm using TP .533 and it's ok, no crash.



I tried the dump you linked and got no crash, completed without problems. 

You have other problems, it's not the dump.


Wow yeah it works now! Not sure what happened before. Thanks.


What I did was:


1. Download fresh copy of the game

2. Linked in TP

3. Played game - it crashed finishing stage 3

4. Downloaded fresh version of TP on another drive

5. Launched game, works fine

6. Copied across all the Teknoparrot files (except user profile.xmls as didn't want to repoint all my game paths again) to my original install location

7. Played it again, Voila! Success.


Thanks for your help @joefish I would have given up if you hadn't confirmed it was working for you.




Modifié par andykt
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  • 2 semaines après...

Salut et merci pour les liens...gameorig.exe Marche nickel sous le dernier TP ...calibration simple avec mon thrustmaster TX/T300 + FFB arcade plugin de boomzlang...mais uniquement en 800x600 et ca pixelise sur ma tv 4K!


Le jeu tourne en 4K avec DGvoodoo 2 (tuto en page 5) ,mais plus de FFB...


Car FFb arcade plugin et Dgvoodoo 2 utilisent D3D9.dll.


Comment avoir le jeu en 4k + le FFB???


Une alternative pour avoir les 2???

D'ailleurs le FFB est excellent au volant !


Merci les gars....

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  • 3 semaines après...
Am 9.3.2021 um 11:28 schrieb andykt:


Wow yeah it works now! Not sure what happened before. Thanks.


What I did was:


1. Download fresh copy of the game

2. Linked in TP

3. Played game - it crashed finishing stage 3

4. Downloaded fresh version of TP on another drive

5. Launched game, works fine

6. Copied across all the Teknoparrot files (except user profile.xmls as didn't want to repoint all my game paths again) to my original install location

7. Played it again, Voila! Success.


Thanks for your help @joefish I would have given up if you hadn't confirmed it was working for you.




Have the same problem! Tried your solution but it doesn't work for me neither. So there has to be another problem with it..

Modifié par Scripper
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  • 3 semaines après...
2 minutes ago, tommiegunz said:

I just installed a fresh version of this game and it’s in jp can something share the English patch or version of the game please 

You can change it on the ini file of the game you’ll see 3 numbers to change 

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Invité tommiegunz
12 hours ago, R.R.Z. said:

You can change it on the ini file of the game you’ll see 3 numbers to change 

Thx. Buddy that helped a lot 

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  • 2 semaines après...
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  • 10 mois après...
  • 11 mois après...
On 3/18/2021 at 10:35 AM, meddu69 said:

Salut et merci pour les liens...gameorig.exe Marche nickel sous le dernier TP ...calibration simple avec mon thrustmaster TX/T300 + FFB arcade plugin de boomzlang...mais uniquement en 800x600 et ca pixelise sur ma tv 4K!


Le jeu tourne en 4K avec DGvoodoo 2 (tuto en page 5) ,mais plus de FFB...


Car FFb arcade plugin et Dgvoodoo 2 utilisent D3D9.dll.


Comment avoir le jeu en 4k + le FFB???


Une alternative pour avoir les 2???

D'ailleurs le FFB est excellent au volant !


Merci les gars....

Rename d3d9.dll from FFB plug in to d3d11.dll then copy to game folder, that way the game will use d3d9.dll from dgvoodoo and d3d11.dll for Force feedback at the same time

Modifié par m_lop01
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  • 2 mois après...
  • 1 mois après...
  • 1 mois après...

Ok, sorry I know that's been discussed here a lot. Maybe I'm dumb but I don't seem to find a clear answer to this:


My CHQ2 copy runs fine, I can calibrate the wheel and pedals and then get into the game.


But it will not save the calibration values or any other settings made in the test menu. I have to do it again every time I start the game.


I also change mp/h to km/h but it's always back to mp/h next time. Also the clock setting has to be done every time again.


I'm using fully updated version of Teknoparrot and a clean dump from archive.


Is this normal? Does everyone have this? Or should the game be able to save the test menu changes and not nag me at every start?


Am I making some mistake? Is there a workaround for this?

Modifié par blam666
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  • 2 semaines après...
  • 3 mois après...
  • 1 mois après...
On 6/1/2020 at 8:58 AM, gazdaman said:

Anyone interested in playing Chase HQ 2 in HD on Teknoparrot?

After some trial and error I got working settings with no glitches that I have noticed:

Using Openparrot v1.0.0.219 (latest)

Settings below(In text format and screenshot):


Using DGVoodoo v2.63.2 (latest at time of posting)

General settings:

Output API: Direct3D 11 (feature level 11.0)

Full Screen Output: Default

Appearance: Full Screen

Miscellaneous: "Keep window aspect ratio" and " Capture mouse" checked

All other boxes unchecked


DirectX Settings:

Videocard: GeForce FX 5700 Ultra

VRAM: 256 MB

Texture Filtering: Force Antriscopic 4x

Resolution: 1920 x 1080

Disable Mipmapping: Checked

Antialaising (MSAA): 4x

All other boxes unchecked


Copy the following files from dgVoodoo to the root game rom folder (DLLs must be x86 versions):






dgVoodoo.conf (I create this locally within the game rom folder)


Note: x64 DLLs will not work on this game

These settings have my NVidea Geforce  GTX 1070 discrete GPU loaded at approx. 50%



I've been fighting with this for the longest.....If you are using the standalone version of this game the settings in red will fix the on screen colors!!!!

Thank you for this post!

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Finally got this game working properly!  Hope one of my links work for you.



Chase HQ 2 (Arcade, Taito, 2007) (Works On Older PC) (No Fullscreen)


ChaseHQ (Arcade) 2.0.1 (FInal) (Fullscreen) (Color fix)

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  • 5 mois après...

Retried this game running in Teknoparrot recently and discovered menu is working and saving settings by now (like km/h instead of mp/h), fantastic. But the game is overall still not working correctly on my system. I tested and these problems are actually the same, regardless if I use Teknoparrot and its dump of the game or the "Works on older PC" - Version uploaded on the former post of this thread that uses the jconfig tool (the newer 16:9 version doesn't work for me anyway, as my system hates dgvoodoo and refuses to run any game with it). These are my current problems:


1) I can't get fullscreen display of the game working correctly unless I use a compatibility mode on the game.exe (it doesn't seem to matter which one from XP SP2 to windows 8, it's all the same effect). If I don't use compatibility mode, I get garbled graphics that freeze after a short while and the game won't run. It works in a small window without compatibility mode if I check General - Windowed box in the Teknoparrot settings or in fullscreen with compatibility mode.


So setting the compatibility mode wouldn't bother me at all usually and this would already be a proper fix for the fullscreen issue, but I also want to use the FFBPlugin for force feedback in the Teknoparrot version. And I found the game doesn't start if the game.exe is in any compatibility mode and the dll-files from the FFBPlugin are put into the same folder. If I use the windowed version without compatibility mode for the game.exe AND have the FFBPlugin copy/pasted in the game folder, force feedback works properly, though. So I can only have EITHER working force feedback OR fullscreen display of the game at the moment.


2) The game doesn't display the demo fmvs and the Nancy video messages unless I install the wmv9VCMsetup.exe provided with the game dumps on my Win10 64 system. But unfortunately even after installing that it still doesn't work properly for me and even breaks the game. The game starts and shows the demo videos and Nancy but the display of the video always stops and freezes to a still picture after a short while and the game crashes completely. I have to quit it by hitting ESC key. And additionally, I don't know how to properly uninstall the wmv9VCMsetup drivers again, it doesn't seem to have an uninstaller or I at least couldn't find any. After a while I found out it seems to to install a dll-file called wmv9vcm.dll in my SysWO64 subfolder within the Windows folder. If I delete or move that file with admin privileges I at least can play the version without demos and Nancy vids again, but I have no clue what else the installer did and if it changed my registry and how.



If anyone has a tip or a clue how to deal with these problems, it would be very nice if you could tell me. For the moment, I'm too fed up trying to make this game work properly, it's been too much of hassle for me.

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