grocarlito PostĂ©(e) le 18 avril 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 18 avril 2020 Hi all,  I am trying to create an AutoHotKey script to simulate LCtrl pressed and LShift pressed to insert coins but nothing seem to work. I succesfully simulate start for player 1 & 2 with SendRaw:  #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.  1Joy13::Send {Esc}  1Joy9::Send {LControl} 2Joy9::Send {LShift}  1Joy10::SendRaw {& down} 2Joy10::SendRaw {Ă© down}  Escape:: Process,Close,aliens dehasped.exe ExitApp Return Â
phasermaniac Posté(e) le 19 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 19 avril 2020 hace 21 horas, kill_one dijo:  I also have the same problem by setting the exe resolution to 640x480 out of range How to simulate falsefullscreen? thanksss Well, as it was time ago I don't remember. Maybe at the beggining I had it working that way. With false fullscreen I mean to launch the game in window mode and hide window style to seem fullscreen with ahk:    WinSet, Style, ^0xC00000 ; hides the title bar   WinSet, Style, -0x400000 ; hides the dialog frame   WinSet, Style, -0x40000 ; hides the sizebox/thickframe   WinSet, Style, -0x800000 ; hides the thin-line border   WinSet, Style, -0xC00000 ; hides the title bar   WinMove, , , 0, 0, 640, 480 ; moves the entire window to 0,0 i.e. upper left corner. The game was too fast in my side. This can also be resolved with the "wait for v sync" option in my radeon panel, but it had problems saving game profiles.So at the end I got it working with gameloader Rh which resizes nice and stabilizes the framerate.
kill_one Posté(e) le 19 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 19 avril 2020 (modifié) 3 ore fa, phasermaniac ha scritto: Well, as it was time ago I don't remember. Maybe at the beggining I had it working that way. With false fullscreen I mean to launch the game in window mode and hide window style to seem fullscreen with ahk:   ok understood, but how do you launch the game in the window? thanksss Modifié le 19 avril 2020 par kill_one
phasermaniac Posté(e) le 19 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 19 avril 2020 I dont remember, with gameloader iI dont need to. Doesnt the game have any config file? Else maybe dxwnd... Sorry but I had this setup time ago
kill_one Posté(e) le 19 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 19 avril 2020 29 minuti fa, phasermaniac ha scritto: I dont remember, with gameloader iI dont need to. Doesnt the game have any config file? Else maybe dxwnd... Sorry but I had this setup time ago  @phasermaniac did you manage to make it go with gameloader on 15khz 640x480 monitor? Could you show me the procedure or the settings?
InvitĂ© Jayinem PostĂ©(e) le 20 avril 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 20 avril 2020 Is there a way to fix "could not load shader" error? I have the game in my C: drive.Â
Invité Jayinem Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 (modifié) Can someone please help me I was getting the game to work and about to configure the gun and make a shortcut using DemulShooter so I can load Aliens in Launchbox then my stupid antivirus AVG deleted DemulShooterX64. This is a huge problem for me because i have tons of shortcuts with other games using AHK so that I can load other lightgun games in Launchbox. I tried to redownload the same version of DemulShooter but it wont' let me extract it and I even made an exception.  I'm just going to uninstall AVG intrusive idiots. Modifié le 20 avril 2020 par Jayinem
Invité Jayinem Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 (modifié) Ok nm that I got rid of AVG problem solved. Couple of little things though.  -It works but I get error failed to open the AV frame, and I have to close it like 5 or 6 times before the game will boot can that be fixed? -Anyway to make it fullscreen? -Do I have to calibrate two guns? I only have one. I can't even figure out how to calibrate the one its not working in the screen and I have DemulShooter settings in my shortcut.  SetWorkingDir, C:\Downloads\DemulShooter_v8.8.2 run DemulShooter.exe -target=globalvr -rom=aliens SetWorkingDir, C:\PC\aliens\DATA run aliens dehasped.exe  Modifié le 20 avril 2020 par Jayinem
Tiberius Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 (modifié) Deleted post. Ignore this I misread it as that you were using DemulshooterX64 but then noticed in 2nd post shortcuts runs Demulshooter.exe Apologies   Modifié le 20 avril 2020 par Tiberius Rubbish answer
kill_one Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 1 ora fa, Jayinem ha scritto: Is there a way to fix "could not load shader" error? I have the game in my C: drive. the game working only in this folder C:\PC\aliens
Invité Jayinem Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 (modifié) Ok so anyway to get rid of AVI error before it starts and also make it fullscreen? Thanks for help.  Still can't calibrate it :( I did change it to Demulshooter.exe. Followed all instructions on the Wiki.  I moved Demulshooter files to C:/PC/Aliens/Data and my shortcut is like this  run DemulShooter.exe -target=globalvr -rom=aliens run aliens dehasped.exe  And yes I can make it to the calibration screen but can't do anything. I alt+tab while in the game and noticed there was no DemulShooter icon it's like when I'm running the game it's closing it?  I ran run DemulShooter.exe -target=globalvr -rom=aliens then ran the exe seperately and the DemulShooter icon stays there and even says aliens when you hover over it but can't do anything still. Modifié le 20 avril 2020 par Jayinem
InvitĂ© Jayinem PostĂ©(e) le 20 avril 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 20 avril 2020 Fixed it.  If anyone can not get their gun to work and you happen to be getting an AVI error before boot add to command line -noavi. Now I get no error and the gun is working.  Still want it fullscreen if possible but I'm pretty happy even if not.Â
phasermaniac Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 20 avril 2020 (modifié) Tomorrow I'll look at my aliens configuration, I have it working fullscreen with gameloader. Modifié le 20 avril 2020 par phasermaniac
InvitĂ© Jayinem PostĂ©(e) le 20 avril 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 20 avril 2020 There's a COMMANDLINE.txt and one of them is -full but doesn't work.Â
Tiberius PostĂ©(e) le 20 avril 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 20 avril 2020 Had you installed divx6 as suggested in this thread? I think that was way of getting over the AVI error originally but if your way works as well grand. Have you used the resolution changer? I know mine loads full screen directly. I think I did it via that. Unfortunately I cannot check anything at the moment as pretty sure my PSU decided to die on my last night as computer turned off mid use and now won't restart even with the good old paperclip trick.Â
kill_one Posté(e) le 21 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 21 avril 2020 13 ore fa, phasermaniac ha scritto: Tomorrow I'll look at my aliens configuration, I have it working fullscreen with gameloader. thanks phasermaniac
Invité Jayinem Posté(e) le 21 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 21 avril 2020 Well 1 day after I got it working with my lightgun I'm back again. I had to do a system restore for some other reason and now I cannot get the gun to work again. I even copied the entire folder to a hard drive before the restore and copied it to C:\. Even trying -novi doesn't make the gun work. Nothing seems to. Demulshooter is opening and shows [aliens]. Here is my debug   debug.txt
phasermaniac Posté(e) le 21 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 21 avril 2020 Here it is my gameloader config for Aliens. TTX.ini
Son Gokuu Posté(e) le 21 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 21 avril 2020 En 27/3/2020 a las 3:20, RandomByte dijo: A working bat file for frontends/ one click start. Place it in PC\Aliens\Data (Gameloader & MouseEnabler should also be placed in same location)  @ECHO OFF Junction C:\PC "D:\Alien Extermination\PC" start /wait "" "C:\PC\aliens\DATA\Game Loader ALL RH.exe" start "" C:\PC\aliens\DATA\Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" taskkill /f /im Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe Junction -d C:\PC exit  This will use junction to place folders from D:\Alien Extermination folder to C:\ then run game via game loader all rh. Exiting game will remove junction folders from c:  Junction can be downloaded from here >  I have placed junction in envr paths so can call it from anywhere. You can place the junction file in PC\Aliens\Data if you don't want to go the envr path way.  created a bezel which some of you might find useful >       I've tried your idea. Dropped Junction into \Data folder and I run a bat file with that commands but the folder is not copied. Could you help me, please?  It would be great adding this game into Launchbox. 1
RandomByte Posté(e) le 22 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 22 avril 2020 (modifié) 5 hours ago, Son Gokuu said:   I've tried your idea. Dropped Junction into \Data folder and I run a bat file with that commands but the folder is not copied. Could you help me, please?  It would be great adding this game into Launchbox. Change the first line of bat file, if \Data is in D: then first lien would be like  D:\Alien_Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Junction C:\PC D:\Alien_Extermination\PC  if the path has spaces use "/path" like:  "D:\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Junction" C:\PC "D:\Alien Extermination\PC"  If the bat file is in the same folder i.e. /data then you can call it directly:  Junction C:\PC "D:\Alien Extermination\PC"  You can also try it through command prompt/ terminal opened at /data.  Use this to place: Junction C:\PC "D:\Alien Extermination\PC"  Use this to remove: Junction -d C:\PC  Once placed folder will be visible in win explorer/ file managers. Modifié le 22 avril 2020 par RandomByte
Son Gokuu Posté(e) le 25 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 25 avril 2020 (modifié) En 22/4/2020 a las 4:59, RandomByte dijo: Change the first line of bat file, if \Data is in D: then first lien would be like  D:\Alien_Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Junction C:\PC D:\Alien_Extermination\PC  if the path has spaces use "/path" like:  "D:\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Junction" C:\PC "D:\Alien Extermination\PC"  If the bat file is in the same folder i.e. /data then you can call it directly:  Junction C:\PC "D:\Alien Extermination\PC"  You can also try it through command prompt/ terminal opened at /data.  Use this to place: Junction C:\PC "D:\Alien Extermination\PC"  Use this to remove: Junction -d C:\PC  Once placed folder will be visible in win explorer/ file managers.    I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it doesn't work for me. This is my .bat . But it doesn't make the C:\PC link and neither start the MouseEnabler. Only run GameLoader All RH (and shows a shader error because there ir no C:\PC link) :_(  Start.bat   Edit: I think the problem is that the bat run everything. Don't wait for killing the processes:  I run this other bat copy.bat though CMD and showed me: Targetted at: D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC C:\Users\truek\Desktop>start /wait "" "D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Game Loader ALL RH.exe" C:\Users\truek\Desktop>start "" "D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" C:\Users\truek\Desktop>taskkill /f /im Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe Correcto: se terminó el proceso "Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" con PID 11228. C:\Users\truek\Desktop>"D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Junction" -d C:\PC Modifié le 25 avril 2020 par Son Gokuu
RandomByte PostĂ©(e) le 25 avril 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 25 avril 2020 13 hours ago, Son Gokuu said:    I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it doesn't work for me. This is my .bat . But it doesn't make the C:\PC link and neither start the MouseEnabler. Only run GameLoader All RH (and shows a shader error because there ir no C:\PC link) :_(  Start.bat   Edit: I think the problem is that the bat run everything. Don't wait for killing the processes:  I run this other bat copy.bat though CMD and showed me: Targetted at: D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC C:\Users\truek\Desktop>start /wait "" "D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Game Loader ALL RH.exe" C:\Users\truek\Desktop>start "" "D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" C:\Users\truek\Desktop>taskkill /f /im Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe Correcto: se terminĂł el proceso "Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" con PID 11228. C:\Users\truek\Desktop>"D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Junction" -d C:\PC  You have to give full path to Junction if the bat file is not in the same folder. The Start.bat linked should be like:  @ECHO OFF "D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC\Junction" C:\PC "D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC" start /wait "" "Game Loader ALL RH.exe" start "" "Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" taskkill /f /im Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe Junction -d C:\PC exit Â
Son Gokuu Posté(e) le 25 avril 2020 Posté(e) le 25 avril 2020 hace 9 horas, RandomByte dijo:  You have to give full path to Junction if the bat file is not in the same folder. The Start.bat linked should be like:  @ECHO OFF "D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC\Junction" C:\PC "D:\Roms\Arcade PC\Alien Extermination\PC" start /wait "" "Game Loader ALL RH.exe" start "" "Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" taskkill /f /im Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe Junction -d C:\PC exit  It's in the same folder. I've tried both .bat. Calling directly (same folder) ----> Start.bat Or full path (other folder elsewhere). ----> Copy.bat But it's the same result. The game cannot run because the C:\PC is created and deleted before the game could be runned by Game Loader All RH. Game Loader All RH shows me a shader error message because there is no correct folder. And Mouse_Enabler is killed so never appears at taskbar,
Set PostĂ©(e) le 27 avril 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 27 avril 2020  Could this work for any other game to take up this function?    En 16/2/2020 a las 16:30, jhonipin dijo:  hello guys look how is my force feedback from aliens extermination i managed to remove the ammo display and the machine gun effect     Â
KIKIRPG Posté(e) le 10 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 10 mai 2020 Hello à tous, je viens de rajouter ce jeu sur un système coinops, et je possède 2 Aimtraks, le problèmes c'est que je ne sais pas comment faire fonctionner l'ensemble correctement avec des .bat popur le lancement. J'ai essayé la méthode ci : @echo off set "C:\PC\aliens\Aliens_Mouse\Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" set "GAMENAME=aliens dehasped set "GAMEPATH=\Aliens Extermination\" set HOME="%~dp0" set "GAMEROOT=%~dp0%GAMEPATH%" cd %GAMEROOT% start "" /WAIT "%GAMEROOT%%GAMENAME%" exit Le jeu se lance bien, mais je n'ai qu'un seul aimtrak de fonctionnel ( malgré un tour dans le service menu)  puis j'essaye ceci, afin de lancer le jeu via gameloader : @ECHO OFF start /wait "" "C:\PC\aliens\DATA\Game Loader ALL RH.exe" start "" "C:\PC\aliens\DATA\Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" taskkill /f /im Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe exit le jeu ne se lance pas. Ai-je oublié quelque chose ? Ou existe t'il une méthode pour lancer le jeu autrement, afin de faire fonctionner les 2 guns. Merci d'avance à vous
Bunglezbawb Posté(e) le 14 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 14 mai 2020 Does anyone else have this running on Windows 10?
Invité Onkel Posté(e) le 14 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 14 mai 2020 (modifié) 2 hours ago, Bunglezbawb said: Does anyone else have this running on Windows 10? Works fine with Win10 Of course use the correct mouse enabler from page 1  Modifié le 14 mai 2020 par Onkel
ark216 Posté(e) le 23 juin 2020 Posté(e) le 23 juin 2020 Guys i am having a very hard time to calibrate my wiimote guns in the test menu to attain the value 0 for Gun up and left value of 65535 for Gun right and down. Can someone guide me. I am using wiimotes in conjunction with Touchmote and Demulshooter lastest version.
jedi1972 Posté(e) le 8 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 8 juillet 2020 this one out.  When i set up gun calibration for player one, it sets it as player two? Game plays great but with no way of setting player one and i have tried factory reset etc.  Any clues?
kazumasan144 Posté(e) le 28 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 28 juillet 2020 Hi, What settings should I change on my windows 7 vmware so that alien extermination will run at normal speed? Currently, alien extermination is running too fast. My main OS is linux.
LEGEND80 Posté(e) le 29 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 29 juillet 2020 For me, on nvidia, turning off Threaded Optimization in the CP strangely fixed it.
kazumasan144 PostĂ©(e) le 29 juillet 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 29 juillet 2020 Thanks for the reply. I am using windows 7 on a vmware, it does not have access to GPU settings,Â
LEGEND80 Posté(e) le 29 juillet 2020 Posté(e) le 29 juillet 2020 Ah I'm just running it natively in Win10.
Pipes78 PostĂ©(e) le 27 aoĂ»t 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 27 aoĂ»t 2020 Had this working then reinstalled windows and now get could not load shader error. Anyone fixed This?Â
InvitĂ© Jayinem PostĂ©(e) le 27 aoĂ»t 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 27 aoĂ»t 2020 55 minutes ago, Pipes78 said: Had this working then reinstalled windows and now get could not load shader error. Anyone fixed This?  I'm not real sure but I would try redownloading the game and starting with fresh files, if you didn't already. Sometimes using previous game files can cause issues. If that doesn't fit it it could be a lot of things like needing to reinstall directx etc... I wouldn't know what.Â
Pipes78 PostĂ©(e) le 27 aoĂ»t 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 27 aoĂ»t 2020 I'm guessing it something I've missed.Â
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