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[Taito Type X/X2/X3/X0/X4.. | E-Amusement | Ex-Board] | Arcade PC

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il y a 40 minutes, petje a dit :

Will try it, I doubt it will work

The files are specifically written for Magicians Dead


Anyone else tried to get it to work, with other files ?


I'll try in a few hours when my download is done.


Meanwhile somebody else got it working, only coin-up button works for the moment

I am worried about the file of MD being work in GS3.

MD made by UE4, but GS3 made by other game engine(orochi).

And the file list of GS3 is different to MD.


By the way, the image you uploaded is emulated game?

Or booted by type x3?


When I boot the exe file, the initial setting menu showed and did not show the op movie.

Posté(e) (modifié)
4 hours ago, satoyuyu said:

By the way, the image you uploaded is emulated game?


Yes, the game starts, coin up works, but that is it, for the moment.

I used a generic Jconfig with the SOR IDMac64

At least the game boots on a generic PC, we all have to be patient until some genius figures it all out.

Emulating the guns is the difficult part I guess



I can get into the test menu, but it is "useless" for now, a bunch of gibberish (locale language) and no control, it only scrolls past all options very fast

Also no sound in attract mode (settings?)

As one inserts coins the attract mode music starts

Modifié par petje
Posté(e) (modifié)
il y a une heure, petje a dit :

Yes, the game starts, coin up works, but that is it, for the moment.

I used a generic Jconfig with the SOR IDMac64

At least the game boots on a generic PC, we all have to be patient until some genius figures it all out.

Emulating the guns are the difficult part I guess



I can get into the test menu, but it is "useless" for now, a bunch of gibberish (locale language) and no control, it only scrolls past all options very fast

Also no sound in attract mode (settings?)

As one inserts coins the attract mode music starts



Very nice!

In real arcade GS3, when the gun controller not connected, the error window show and we can not play the game.

(OP movie will not showed)


So, I was worried about the game not show OP movie because gun controller is not connected.

(Instead, the game show error window)


In real GS3 game, we can start the game when depress the trigger of gun controller.

We have to think how to recognize the gun controller input to the game.



The menu is written by Japanese, so the garbled characters was shown.

But I don't know why it scroll fast, to control menu we move the stick of gun device.

If gun device is not connected, why control menu move?

Modifié par satoyuyu
Le 2020/11/28 à 23:36, satoyuyu a dit :



Very nice!

In real arcade GS3, when the gun controller not connected, the error window show and we can not play the game.

(OP movie will not showed)


So, I was worried about the game not show OP movie because gun controller is not connected.

(Instead, the game show error window)


In real GS3 game, we can start the game when depress the trigger of gun controller.

We have to think how to recognize the gun controller input to the game.



The menu is written by Japanese, so the garbled characters was shown.

But I don't know why it scroll fast, to control menu we move the stick of gun device.

If gun device is not connected, why control menu move?

I could boot the GS3.

But I can not control it.

By using Jconfig tool, some button can be allocated.

But almost button can not be allocated by SOR Jconfig tool.


We have to make new config tool.

But I do not know how to make new Jconfig allocating setting.


I find the data of button input list of GS3 by reading testmode code (can be opened by text editor)

If we can assign these by keyboard input, we can control this game (But we have to make light gun emulation too)


Left gun


0x00000001 left
0x00000004 right
0x00000002 up
0x00000008 down

0x00000100 trigger
0x00000800 lever push


Right gun

0x00000010 left
0x00000040 right
0x00000020 up
0x00000080 down

0x00000200 trigger
0x00020000 lever push
0x00000400 jump


combinate two gun

0x00001000 side mode
0x00002000 tandem mode


Greetings. I'm a newbie on this website, so I don't know how can I install the e-amusement server access permission to my router.

Basically what I want to do is this: I want to play beatmaniaIIDX 28 BISTROVER with granted access to the e-amusement server, which I own the real cabinet parts (such as the official cabinet controller, PCB, I/O board, and etc.) to build my own real & original beatmaniaIIDX cabinet.

I even own the HEROIC VERSE license-equipped USB, the IIDX Dongle USB, and the e-amusement USB too.

So is it theoretically possible to install e-amusement access to my router?

Posté(e) (modifié)
On 12/6/2020 at 5:26 AM, DJ HOME said:

So is it theoretically possible to install e-amusement access to my router?

My guess is you will probably need a VPN service with access in Japan, if you live outside Japan


Modifié par petje
11 hours ago, petje said:

My guess is you will probably need a VPN service with access in Japan, if you live outside Japan


I live in Japan, but for the VPN thing, I need some instructions because I'm starting from zero for setting up my original beatmaniaIIDX environment.


salut les amis. quelqu'un aurait la liste des jeux jouable? je suivais pas l'actu depuis qq mois...j'ai pas vu passer cette bombe :Gunslinger Stratos 3

du coup je me demande si il y en a d'autre

on peut pas se tenir un listing sur le forum avec l'emsemble des game existant? je cherche par exemple storm racer g apparement ca a été dispo un jour mais introuvable ici..etrange?

  • Team

c'est juste impossible a gérer, normalement ya tjrs tout dans un thread ou un autre sinon chez virus-man. Après proposer des dumps si c'est non fonctionnel sur un pc on s'en fou souvent (ca servira plus aux proprio des véritables systèmes par contre) donc on propose pas forcément par défaut, c'est un peu l'esprit.

Le 17/12/2020 à 17:33, 7zxkv a dit :

c'est juste impossible a gérer, normalement ya tjrs tout dans un thread ou un autre sinon chez virus-man. Après proposer des dumps si c'est non fonctionnel sur un pc on s'en fou souvent (ca servira plus aux proprio des véritables systèmes par contre) donc on propose pas forcément par défaut, c'est un peu l'esprit.

Non je parlais d'une liste de jeux fonctionnel.. La il faut piocher à gauche à droite pour découvrir des vieux jeux.. 

  • 2 semaines après...
On 2020/11/21 at 7:26 PM, Layer said:


You could hotswap to grab vdimg_ec.img from the last partition / volume.

Let the game to boot, then disconnect the SATA thin data wire (thin red wire to the HDD) from your TX 3 unit, and, at last, rely a SATA data wire from your computer to the HDD instead. 

I have an X3 host with a figureheadsA game.I tried the hot-plug method you said. After connecting the computer, I saw the files in the hard disk, but there was a problem. My X3 host machine automatically cut off power within a few minutes (can't the hard disk be actively cut off power?I can't even copy the necessary large files in such a short time. Is there any way to stop the power failure of the host?Also, can you use the decrypted game to replace the hard drive game to run on X3?

Il y a 2 heures, chuckying a dit :

I have an X3 host with a figureheadsA game.I tried the hot-plug method you said. After connecting the computer, I saw the files in the hard disk, but there was a problem. My X3 host machine automatically cut off power within a few minutes (can't the hard disk be actively cut off power?I can't even copy the necessary large files in such a short time. Is there any way to stop the power failure of the host?Also, can you use the decrypted game to replace the hard drive game to run on X3?


I know TX3 unit resets after 3 min of inactivity and a bit more in game attract mode.

What you could do is disconnecting reset wire (next to power wire) after booting.

You have to open your TX3 to disconnect it.

Disconnecting it is risky, you have to reconnect it before powering off.



Posté(e) (modifié)
2 hours ago, chuckying said:

My X3 host machine automatically cut off power within a few minutes

Power the harddisk NOT from the X3 only swap data cable when needed ?

Use a alligator clip cable between both chassis of X3 and pc on the casing, it has to do with electrical potential difference

Look in this pdf for pictures, you will see what i mean.

Simple, a cable between X3 and PC chassis / metal



Modifié par petje

Hello, someone could upload the media files of Taito Type X, X2, X3, X4, X + for Hyperspin and the database, it is to have everything unified in one system.Thank you

Posté(e) (modifié)
On 10/10/2018 at 12:47 PM, xtremebuga said:

Thank you for this awesome contribution!


On 01/01/2021 at 11:41 AM, maluja said:

Hello, someone could upload the media files of Taito Type X, X2, X3, X4, X + for Hyperspin and the database, it is to have everything unified in one system.Thank you

arcadepunks has what you are looking for

Modifié par Ctindell81
  • 3 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Salut à tous,


Je vois que ça parle pas mal français par ici alors je me permets ^^

L'émulation Taito Type-X c'est tout nouveau pour moi et je dois avouer que j'ai un peu de mal. Un peu d'aide ne serait pas de refus.


Pour commencer, hélas le Pack Game Toolz 1.0 dont il est question dans les TIPS n'est pas accessible, j'ai donc dû faire sans.


Au tout début du sujet, lors de la présentation des émulateurs, il est conseillé d'utiliser AllRH, je m'exécute donc! J'ai commencé par m'exercer sur Chase HQ 2, cependant allRH demandant les fichiers de Teknoparrot, j'ajoute également la dernière version de celui-ci.


Je configure un peu tout ça, et au final je lance le jeu en 1920x1080 en loader mode 6, la manette 360 fonctionne pas de problème de ce côté-là. Par contre graphiquement?! Je me demande si je suis dans la configuration optimale là car le rendu n'est pas fameux. J'ai tenté en 3840x2160 mais je subis quelques ralentissements (ce que je trouve étonnant avec ma config, voir sous mon pseudo).


Concernant Battle Gear 4 Tuned, le constat est un peu le même (pas testé en 2160p ceci dit), et je vois dans son sujet que certains utilisent le loader mode bg en émulant une carte Nvidia FX5700, j'ai testé, ah on voit clairement dès le lancement que les écritures sont plus nettes et..... I/O error, merci aurevoir. J'ai tenté de changer de Xinput à Dinput pour voir si c'était lié mais non....


Edit: J'ai finalement trouvé les "patchs" HD pour Chase HQ2 et Battle Gear 4 Tuned, en somme les fichiers dgvoodoo (ce qui confirme donc ce qu'il me semblait avoir compris sur ce point). Cependant, j'utilise AllRH 379 et celui-ci génére son propre dgvoodoo qu'il appelle Game Loader dgVoodooCpl.exe. Du coup je ne suis pas dûr qu'il prenne en compte les fichiers du patch, j'ai également tenté de renommer le dgvodoo du patch pour lui donner le nom que génère AllRH mais toujours pareil I/O error.


Utiliser les DLLs fournies avec le patch ou celles du site dgvoodoo ne change rien (dans mon dossier SysWow64.. et même system32).


Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aiguiller vers les infos que j'aurai manquées ou aurait quelques conseils à prodiguer svp? Merci.


Long story short:


New to Taito Type X emulation and not really sure I have an optimal result on games I tested this far (Chase HQ2 and Battle Gear 4 Tuned), I'm trying to understand what I missed concerning HD patches and how dgvoodoo works regarding I'm using AllRH 379. Always havin an I/O error:libraly, Using DLLs from patches or from dgvoodoo website doesn't change anything (under SysWow64 folder... and even system32).

Modifié par Kleyon

Still searching for Gigawing Generation in correct Tate Mode. 

Cant find anything just a yoko version with Bezel and a strange rotated frame. 




How to play Otomedius in full screen? 

And how to control the game? 

Joystick plus mouse? 



  • 3 semaines après...
  • 3 semaines après...
On 5/7/2019 at 5:57 AM, EmuAl said:

here is a torrent I made for all Taito Type X games I have, there is 49 games and they all run with latest GLARH which is included,

These games all run on my system no problems, if you have any problems let me know and i will try to help.

You may have to adjust some settings for your system and controls but all should be fine.

If you don't want to use GLARH then just delete the GLARH files. 


Some one should add this to the first page for people to find it easy


The torrent file in the download should be added to your torrent client.!cOZWmYKK!i2qYCHEM1PFfHEP0LHDsh83bm-lSihMRt1O_a80kjEU


good luck and keep seeding after it finishes please :)

anyone have a reupload of the torrent? please

Invité kimsama
Posté(e) (modifié)

All the links are dead and the torrent doesn't work, is there any other links?

Modifié par kimsama
  • 3 semaines après...
On 11/27/2020 at 6:33 PM, satoyuyu said:

Thank you for teaching tool !


This data is extracted data using decryptor tool.

There is a exe file.


I recently obtained a vdimg_ec.img which I'm not really sure about it's content,

mind pm me some detail about the tool? thanks in advance!

6 hours ago, ssphaneuf said:

what tool is this you speak of?

Taito Virtual Disk Decryptor tool or NesicaBrute, I'm not sure

I don't either really have much info or experience for these things

On 11/06/2021 at 8:56 PM, eproxy said:

Taito Virtual Disk Decryptor tool maybe someone will pm you with ;)

Would love a pm of that myself if possible? 😁

Posté(e) (modifié)

Hey guys, anyone has a recent Teknoparrot backup prior to the Siden update? Trying to get demul to work for some games that don't work correct since that update (Rambo calibrates great with Demul, not so much with Teknoparrot raw mode for that game).


Nice :)


Modifié par Jasper

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