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[Taito Type X/X2/X3/X0/X4.. | E-Amusement | Ex-Board] | Arcade PC

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 30/09/2019 Ă  01:26, spiderzsoft a dit :

same here... :ptdr:
tekken 4 5 rom dumb on Mame but game not run coz of dongle protection. same problem on  RCPS3


tekken 4 & 5 is fully playable on PCSX2 since 2005

Modifié par kamranijaz
  Le 03/10/2019 Ă  08:49, spiderzsoft a dit :

we are talking about arcade version....


ya but you mentioned rpcs3. i answered in that regard. and about mame, mame will not release any game which is still in the market and generating revenue for the company as per their GPL document and will only make it playable when game is out of the market. so i think we still have couple more years until these games will be emulated on mame.


Invité Clayone01
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 30/09/2019 Ă  10:49, bonky0013 a dit :

Salut ^^


Any news from the dump of USF IV ?  (taito type x3 version , not the nesica version )


thanks :)


They are byte for byte the same exact game, dump buddy, 

so you already have it.


Edit id like to clarify, the x3 version of the game uses a stripped down Nesica Client, this downloads the gamefiles, 

and it downloads the same gamefiles as the x2 one. making them one in the same.

Modifié par Clayone01

wacky races controller?



Elevator Action Death Parade WÄ°NDOWS 10 WORKÄ°NG?

Elevator Action Death Parade  CONTROLLER?

  • 2 semaines après...

C'est décidé je laisse tomber "NESiCAxLive" qui est franchement pas facile à configurer. De plus la plupart des jeux sont dispos au format PC ou émulateurs (sur RPCS3 et MAME pas ex.). J'ai appris beaucoup de choses en l'utilisant, c'est le principal !


J'ai donc commencé à émuler des roms Taito X cet après midi avec RH. J'arrivais pas à le faire marcher car mon antivirus "Bit Defender" est très sensible, mais j'ai résolu mon problème en me servant des privilèges administrateurs et en excluant les faux positifs de l'analyse. Pendant longtemps j'ai pensé que Game Loader All RH ne marchait plus sur Windows 10, mais il faut persévérer !

Du coup j'ai installĂ© RH, Ă  l'aide de X-padder j'ai configurĂ© ma manette Xbox, j'ai bien placĂ© game.bat, loader.bat et launcher.bat dans le dossier du jeu, sans oublier de bien renommer les dossiers (merci pour les tutos) et TOUT MARCHE !!! Je pense que je vais me rĂ©galer car j'ai pas encore testĂ© tous les jeux. :fiesta:


Merci Ă  tous pour vos explications.

  • 2 semaines après...
Invité linglang
  Le 03/11/2019 Ă  14:11, ItzJChan a dit :

Anyone have working new link for dance evolution Arcade 



Why do you also ask in this thread ?

TP does not support this game.


Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 03/11/2019 Ă  14:16, linglang a dit :

Why do you also ask in this thread ?

TP does not support this game.



I know TP isn't supported nor did I ever ask or mention TP, I'm trying to find the game files but the Mega link containing it got removed by mega


Modifié par ItzJChan
  Le 14/11/2019 Ă  20:45, spiderzsoft a dit :

use reg patch


this is the one I used... path to where the exe is, is this the correct one?


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Taito TypeX\King of Fighters Maximum Impact\game.exe"=dword:00000001
  Le 29/09/2019 Ă  11:12, linglang a dit :


What loader do you use ?

What files are in your directory ? 


For me 4 on keyboard is insert coin, 5 is start.



I use JConfigMG2.

I've in my directory d3dx9_31, Dic32, dinput8, ewfapi, ewfdll, game.exe, imgsig_src.dat, JConfigMG2, JVSEmuMG2, monitor_input.bin, monitor_misc.bin, msvcp120, msvcr120 and SECLIB.

I was played with the mouse.





What ever happened to this elusive type x game just wondering??


hi, i have a problem, the game.exe of daemon bride additional gain (Daemon Bride - Additional Gain[401901]) gets detected as a virus for some reason, i was wondering if that also happens to you guys, cheers

  Le 23/11/2019 Ă  22:49, spiderzsoft a dit :

My boss told me this game Taito type 2 and unreleased games by company :gene:


Cheers so its like in the case of K.O drive? SHAME

Any other Taito games in the release line like for example Spin Gear Musical Gun Gun 1?

  • 2 semaines après...
  Le 21/06/2015 Ă  03:26, Hipnosis183 a dit :

The Bishi Bashi:


Edit: Bruce already posted it.



I'm trying to set this up my the game config stuff seems to be using chinese characters which end up with question marks when trying to set resolution. How do I go around this or can I use an english emulator?

Also I noticed that the games on the tower is not randomized like real machines, it seems like it uses the same seed all the time? Is there a way to change this?

  • 2 semaines après...

Salut Ă  tous, est ce que Senko no Ronde fonctionne? J'ai tentĂ© plusieurs configuration mais ca ne dĂ©marre pas... Suis sur un Win10 PRO19xx.

QQ pourrais Ăą'aider sur la config a avoir? Merci

  Le 23/11/2019 Ă  22:49, spiderzsoft a dit :

My boss told me this game Taito type 2 and unreleased games by company :gene:


The funny thing is that this game is playable in a museum right now.....
This is a screenshot of a video that i shot there myself.
If you like to play it, you will have to travel to the Netherlands.


  • 3 semaines après...

salut la team question CO..... mdésolé mais....j'ai des jeux TAITO X qui marchent avec HS car j'avais download un pack tout paramétré.

J'aimerai maintenant utilisé ces rom sans HS....du coup comment je fait pour lancer ce PC LAUCHER à la main? car si je lance les .EXE qui sont dans les repertoires de mes ouvre des fenetres qui se presume qu'il y a une ligne de commande pour executer ces .EXE Et que ca s'ouvre sans pb? ca marche sous HS

merci beacoup

Posté(e) (modifié)

Hello folks!

Sorry for my ignorance, but why does it take so long until we see an arcade game available on our PCs?


My dream i the Street Fighter V Type Arcade because I wanted to have the perfect Aracade experience in home ... at the moment I use the SFV Steam version, because I suppose that this game still unavailable. Any idea about the process for a dump? the normal time to se it dumped sine the game its released, any info?


Thanks in advance. :very-good:

Modifié par Keroro

I've read a few pages about KOF13 Climax and black screen, same thing here... KOF13 works fine on TP, Climax shows a black screen and nothing happens. Anyone know what to do ?

USF4 is the other game i'd like to run, when I click to run the game, nothing happens, it crashes instantly. Any ideas ?

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