fire10 Posté(e) le 20 avril 2018 Posté(e) le 20 avril 2018 (modifié) Hi guys I have a question hopefully someone will be able to help. I have used the new RH Loader version 300 with King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A in Windows 10 and now I can play the inro movie and also add credits without the game.exe causing an error which is great but is there a way to make this happen with Windows 7 as that still crashes if you enter credits during the intro video or let the intro play until the end. Windows 7 is my prefered operating system so it would be great to get it working on this. Im guessing Game RH patches the game.exe with the Windows 10 Hex Fix, is there one for Win 7 please. Many thanks in advance everyone Modifié le 20 avril 2018 par fire10
Invité gobusaki99 Posté(e) le 23 avril 2018 Posté(e) le 23 avril 2018 Beatmania iidx 18 resort anthem (arcade) Do you know how to run the game?
fire10 Posté(e) le 29 avril 2018 Posté(e) le 29 avril 2018 a problem hopefully someone knows how to fix. changing over to win 10 from win 7 on a dual boot system. I have Kof Sky Stage running perfectly when i boot in win 7 using RH Loader but if I try and run the exact same files via win 10 it does not work. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Is there some sort of windows 10 fix that I have missed
Diszxchat Posté(e) le 30 avril 2018 Posté(e) le 30 avril 2018 Le 12/03/2018 à 17:30, 7zxkv a dit : Won!Tertainment Music Channel (ttx1): Développer This might be late but I wonder if there are plans of supporting a barcode strings reader system (Or Barcode reader) and eventually improving the loader... (Was there a reason of why it didn't register the hit key?). I think DEMUL did have some sort of similarities to it. Maybe Game Loader All RH will have it?
NoKey Posté(e) le 5 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 5 mai 2018 Le 05/05/2018 à 00:24, Baka9 a dit : Can someone re upload IIDX 18? Développer Initial D8 Infinity ?
Pantherheart Posté(e) le 5 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 5 mai 2018 I bet it's Beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem that Baka9 is aiming for.
aeliss Posté(e) le 6 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 6 mai 2018 Hello I have a new problem/bug, I have a solution but no answer. I have copy/paste arcade game folder from a computer to another, same OS (Win 7), same folders (always same name). And on some game like Hauted museum 1 and 2, on the first computer the game works if the executable is on the racine eg "F:\emulateur\Arcade\TaitoX\Haunted Museum/game.exe" but on the second I need to create a fake folder to have it working eg "F:\emulateur\Arcade\TaitoX\Haunted Museum/exe/game.exe". I have found this bug because on the second computer before a crash the application create files (*.cfg and *.crc) on the previous folder "F:\emulateur\Arcade\TaitoX". For information theses 2 games works without loader. Someone have an idea ?
atrfate2016 Posté(e) le 6 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 6 mai 2018 I like how someone edited the 1st post to say "3 loaders load these Arcade pc, TP, and romhack" when jconfig has supported all of them, and is THE only loader to support keyfile games,
atrfate2016 Posté(e) le 6 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 6 mai 2018 (modifié) Since I love to document and list things lets talk bout the JVS emulators that exist. since Our OP or whomever edited it didn't seem to know more then 3 existed. TypeX_Loader Typx_loader And typex_config, This JVS emulator came out, when the original dumps popped up, no one knows the exact author Pros Still works on almost every game today, but for things like keyfiles you need to use cryptserv.exe has no joystick support far as i can tell Romhacks OpenSource loader aka "ttxconfig 2.0" TTXmoniter.dll This was made by romhack in response the the previous loader being closed source of unknown origins Pros still works on almost every game today, even has limited controller support you will need to use cryptsevrer for keyfile games ArcadePC loader. This isnt a JVs emulator, It is a recompiled version of romhacks source with some minimal changes, you can see that in the readme, if you bothered to read it. Jconfig, Full JVS and Fast io emulator, supports 100% of games with some unique versions of games with different jvs protocols has built in support for keyfiles, rfid and various other extra features. based apon romhacks source, with extreme levels of modification, and joystick optimization , on top of a alot of other features such as on the fly save patching, game specific hacks language change and the ability to directly change resolution in alot of games. the only unsupported game on this emulator, is Hakiri baseball TypeXtra Same as arcade Pc it Relies on other tools to make the overall package work TenknoParrot, I could go on about the creator, but lets state some facts bout the jvs side of thing lack of keyfile support, based apon romhacks source, rewritten in C++ with no credit givien instead of having mutiple versions of specifc games they package a giant and bloated system on top of shiney vmprotect. So thats 5 Jvs emulators, before you even look into the original chinese spin offs of romhacks ttx loader. Modifié le 6 mai 2018 par atrfate2016 2
Pantherheart Posté(e) le 6 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 6 mai 2018 (modifié) Le 06/05/2018 à 15:35, aeliss a dit : Hello I have a new problem/bug, I have a solution but no answer. I have copy/paste arcade game folder from a computer to another, same OS (Win 7), same folders (always same name). And on some game like Hauted museum 1 and 2, on the first computer the game works if the executable is on the racine eg "F:\emulateur\Arcade\TaitoX\Haunted Museum/game.exe" but on the second I need to create a fake folder to have it working eg "F:\emulateur\Arcade\TaitoX\Haunted Museum/exe/game.exe". I have found this bug because on the second computer before a crash the application create files (*.cfg and *.crc) on the previous folder "F:\emulateur\Arcade\TaitoX". For information theses 2 games works without loader. Someone have an idea ? Développer As far as I'm concerned, I took my freshly downloaded Haunted Museum Zip file (Haunted and unpacked it to the folder of my choice (which is C:\Games\Haunted Museum). Since then I'm always just one click away from being out with a gun whilst hunting the Haunted. Plus some virtual extra coins next to me on the sideboard, so to speak, because you never really know how many enjoyable efforts it could take me this time to pleasantly get rid of the game's fantastically designed cartoon-esque brood of darkness. So, aeliss, why don't you copy/paste me for a change (haha) by doing it like I did? Just make a brandnew start by unzipping the Zip file to a folder you prefer, launch game.exe and give 'em hell! :-) Anyhow, that's the way it works for me. Modifié le 7 mai 2018 par Pantherheart
aeliss Posté(e) le 7 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 7 mai 2018 In fact it s not a problem, now I know the bug, but I rly can't explain that. I have do like you on the computer n°1, all have work at first try without problems. But some game/system take lot of time to configure so I have a computer n°2 that is a copy of the computer 1, and usualy I just copy files from one computer to the other to go faster. And I spent lot of time to find why somes games don't work on n°2, Now they work but I can't understand why they don't work same.
Pantherheart Posté(e) le 7 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 7 mai 2018 @aeliss It could be that some of your software which doesn't start from scratch on PC n°2 (after you have copied them over from PC n°1) are referring to game configuration details/files that can only be found on n°1; which would possibly be the reason why n°2 gives you an error here and there, depending on the respective game. For instance, there's a TAITO folder in my \Appdata\Roaming from where some Taito games partly read/write their information (like configuration or score rankings). A folder which was created after each first start of the particular Taito game. So, indeed, because you've just copied over your software (instead of setting up a fresh install process), the games could be looking for something on n°2 which doesn't exist there and consequently leave you behind with an error message. Of course, I'm aware of the fact that my assumption is just one among others within a sea full of different technical troubleshootings. Anyway, I'm glad that in the end it worked out well and you can go ahead with an undiminished Arcade joyment! :-)
HapTheCap Posté(e) le 9 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 9 mai 2018 Has anyone tried to dump this game? It’s Gaia Attack 4 by Taito released in 2010. It runs Taito Type X2. I'd be grateful if this game was playable in PC today. 2
pillemats Posté(e) le 11 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 11 mai 2018 Is it possible to change the resolution in valve r limit and chase hq ? how ?
Pantherheart Posté(e) le 11 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 11 mai 2018 Le 11/05/2018 à 05:43, pillemats a dit : Is it possible to change the resolution in valve r limit and chase hq ? how ? Développer To my knowledge, when we're talking about Chase HQ2 from 2007, that's a thing of the impossibility. Therefore, it remains as wishful thinking to see not just Nancy, but all the other tempting stuff that game has to offer as well, in a higher resolution, until someone highly capable out there argues the converse. Can't tell you anything about Valve Limit R on the other hand, because I'm a sucker for good Arcade Racers only, haha. Or did I miss anything worthy that might come from this slip (-pery when wet)? Feel free to convince me of the contary! :-) I mean, Valve Limit R isn't exactly known for any erupting riotous cheers among the community, is it?
fire10 Posté(e) le 12 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 12 mai 2018 Heres a question I wonder if anyone can answer. I play Otomedius using RH Loader which works great and use joytokey to work the controls which works great in win7 but for some reason even when the profile is open and picking up controls in win 10 it doesnt work in game, does anyone else have this problem in win10
Azel Posté(e) le 22 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2018 Sorry to bother, I was wondering if DariusBurst Another Chronicle EX is still MIA for the public of something ? thanks
saikyom Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 pour moi arcade all rh ne marche pas, ne se lance meme pas donc j'utilise un autre launcher arcade pc loader 1.4 ça va, mais le jeu chaos breaker se lance,puis c'est trop rapide pour que je fasse quoi que ce soit y a t il une solution ?
spindizzi Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 'lut, En général, c'est un problème de synchro verticale essais voir d'activer la v-sync dans la config de carte graphique (fais juste un profil pour ce jeu) ++
Mounir Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 Depuis peu, j'ai des gros bugs graphique sur bazblue calimity trigger que je n'avais pas avant genre gros carré vert à la place des sprites. Si quelqu'un à une idée. Merci. Ma carte graphique est une nvdia geforce et je suis sur windows 7.
saikyom Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 Le 26/05/2018 à 14:56, spindizzi a dit : 'lut, En général, c'est un problème de synchro verticale essais voir d'activer la v-sync dans la config de carte graphique (fais juste un profil pour ce jeu) ++ Développer j'ai testé cela ça n'a rien donné
Gtguy Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 26 mai 2018 Tips for Cyber Diver to help improve the image. Force anti-aliasing through driver control panel. For Nvidia you need to set antialiasing compatibility to 0x0000F0C1 with Nvidia Inspector. Then you can force 3x3 Supersampling for this game for 1360x768. Reshade does not work with this game apparently so next download SweetFX - Boulotaur2024's Injector with 1.5.1 Shaders. Copy the sweetfx files to Cyberdiver\bin directory. Use SweetFX Configurator to change image settings. Turn on Lumasharpen filter. Sharp_strength 1.0 (or even higher) Sharp_clamp 0.2 Offset_bias 1.0 Try Splitscreen SweetfX mode to see the difference. Enjoy.
atrfate2016 Posté(e) le 28 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 28 mai 2018 I still like despite me meming the fact theres more jvs loaders, then the ones listed, the 1st post hasnt been updated lol. 1
Gtguy Posté(e) le 28 mai 2018 Posté(e) le 28 mai 2018 Attached are SweetFX files I made for Cyberdiver\bin folder to sharpen image. Note you must first force driver anti-aliasing with NVIDIA (3x3 supersampling ideal) using antialiasing compatibility to 0x0000F0C1 with Nvidia Inspector. Otherwise it will be too pixelated to sharpen. SweetFX bin folder.rar 1
dgrace Posté(e) le 1 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 1 juin 2018 (modifié) Does anyone know how to get past the sound error when you first load Gaia Attack 4? Modifié le 1 juin 2018 par dgrace
Team 7zxkv Posté(e) le 1 juin 2018 Auteur Team Posté(e) le 1 juin 2018 GA4 life1000Recherche des informations…
HapTheCap Posté(e) le 2 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 2 juin 2018 Gaia Attack 4 Is there a way of playing as Player 3 and Player 4 using mouse? Thanks for finally making the dump btw.
HapTheCap Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 How do I get past I/O and Gun Board Error in Gaia Attack 4? I've been trying for hours to fix the errors, still no fix.
gmxw Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 I can't download pop'n music 19. The link is dead. Has anyone another link please ?
Manson976 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Le 03/06/2018 à 11:46, gmxw a dit : I can't download pop'n music 19. The link is dead. Has anyone another link please ? Développer Helps with a little searching.. This is what your after? (KONAMI)/Pop'n Music/Pop'n music 19 tune street (arcade)/
Pantherheart Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Here's something for you people who have happily joint Taito's Parascience Investigation Team in the meantime, willing to successfully force the Gaia 4 Attack to turn back wherever its creepy origin came from - and with a wider field of view! In fact, if you want to blow away those fierced - and sometimes slimy - creatures off the screen in 16:9 picture format, simply add the few little lines written down below to your MINIGUN.INI. Depending on my setup, I used the resolution 1366x768px as a reference, so change it according to your own screen width and height: ASPECT_X 16 ASPECT_Y 9 SCREEN_WIDTH 1366 SCREEN_HEIGHT 768 RENDER_WIDTH 1366 RENDER_HEIGHT 768 RENDER_WIDTH3D 1366 RENDER_HEIGHT3D 768
keeganx Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Gaia Attack 4 is anyone getting Movie_Read Error when it goes to a cut scene. If so how do you fix that?
Manson976 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Le 03/06/2018 à 14:26, Pantherheart a dit : Here's something for you people who have happily joint Taito's Parascience Investigation Team in the meantime, willing to successfully force the Gaia 4 Attack to turn back wherever its creepy origin came from - and with a wider field of view! In fact, if you want to blow away those fierced - and sometimes slimy - creatures off the screen in 16:9 picture format, simply add the few little lines written down below to your MINIGUN.INI. Depending on my setup, I used the resolution 1366x768px as a reference, so change it according to your own screen width and height: ASPECT_X 16 ASPECT_Y 9 SCREEN_WIDTH 1366 SCREEN_HEIGHT 768 RENDER_WIDTH 1366 RENDER_HEIGHT 768 RENDER_WIDTH3D 1366 RENDER_HEIGHT3D 768 Développer One problem the video avi files are not encoded at that size so the creatures are misplaced in some areas, take for instance the office sink they are supposed to come out of the drain but when you change the resolution they come out of nowhere instead. 1
gmxw Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Posté(e) le 3 juin 2018 Le 03/06/2018 à 12:40, Manson976 a dit : Helps with a little searching.. This is what your after? (KONAMI)/Pop'n Music/Pop'n music 19 tune street (arcade)/ Développer Thanks but when i try to extract it says that there are corrupted files. Is it normal ?
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