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NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC


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Il y a 7 heures, kuro46 a dit :


J'utilise game loader rh comme launcher. Je fais un raccourci pour chaque jeu que je mets Ă  la racine d'attract mode de souvenir et je les renomme en utilisant les noms que tu trouves dans le fichier .romlist


merci comment tu defini game loader rh comme lanceur des jeu?

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Il y a 11 heures, Zaco a dit :

merci comment tu defini game loader rh comme lanceur des jeu?

C'est le raccourci qui définit le launcher.


Dans attract mode tu dois juste définir le chemin/path où se trouvent tes jeux.


Je t'ai fait des captures pour que ce soit plus clair.


Dans chaque dossier de jeu tu mets ton launcher. Dans le dossier du jeu tu fais un raccourci du launcher avec le titre du jeu que tu trouves dans le répertoire romlists > nesica.txt. Tu places ce raccourci à la racine où t'as mis tes jeux (et c'est le chemin défini dans attract mode).


Dans attract mode quand tu lances un jeu il va pointer sur le raccourci, le raccourci pointe vers le launcher dans le dossier du jeu.


Je peux pas faire mieux comme explication. T'as pas besoin de RL. Juste attract mode qui est déjà un frontend.






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Salut tout le monde je galére dans le front end de Nesica, voila jai appris comment configurer le front end, fallait editer les fichiers cfg dans le repertoire "emulators" qui se trouve dans AM (attract mode, mais aprés avoir mis les bons chemins je ne vois pas les videos et les logo (haut a gauche, une idée ? J'ai mis une screenshot de tout ça !!

Can anyone Help me to set the videos and Logos to my front end please ? i have set all exactly it's just the wheel who is aviable !!?

Sans titre 3.png

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il y a 16 minutes, zeroescape a dit :

Salut tout le monde je galére dans le front end de Nesica, voila jai appris comment configurer le front end, fallait editer les fichiers cfg dans le repertoire "emulators" qui se trouve dans AM (attract mode, mais aprés avoir mis les bons chemins je ne vois pas les videos et les logo (haut a gauche, une idée ? J'ai mis une screenshot de tout ça !!

Can anyone Help me to set the videos and Logos to my front end please ? i have set all exactly it's just the wheel who is aviable !!?

Sans titre 3.png

pour voir tes artwork il faut que le front end soit installer sur la partion c du disque dur

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Il y a 20 heures, Zaco a dit :

pour voir tes artwork il faut que le front end soit installer sur la partion c du disque dur

Jai fait ce que tu a sugéré, j'ai tout mis dans "C"

Hélas pas de video en vue les "wheel" et "logo" sont là dans le front end mais pas les video, pourquoi ? Je dois changer quoi pour voir les video affiché dans le frontend ? Aidez moi svp ?

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hello, i need some help, i've been trying to get daemon bride additional gain working and finally got it booting and inputs work for the most part on my ps4 controller, having issues atm trying to get the game to save any settings like com difficulty or rounds. ive tried to use the save patch and individual settings on jconfig but it resets each time i save them.

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On 12/9/2018 at 10:23 AM, ddlusr1 said:

Does anyone know how to have this working on a real type x2 hardware?

I manage to have this boot, but i always got I/O Error.

I'm using the Nico free multigame with artfate nesica frontend.

If anyone know how to get Nesica games to run on Niko's multi, that would be awesome. I don't have a Taito Type X2 but will definitely get one if I can get it to run Nesica games. 

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Avant d'installer gameloader sur nesica j'ai testé street fighter zero 3 et j'ai constaté l'apparitions de tout les personnages caché, Balrog, T-Hawk, Feilong....

Mais aprés avoir installé Gameloader ils ont disparus, comment je peux les débloquer ?


How can i unlock street zero 3 secret characters ?


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  • 2 semaines après...

To quote the mighty DJexpert, "this is the ultimate garbage and take it as it is!"...

Before start trolling with nonsense BS or spamming with help requests be aware that I'm not gonna reply about this topic to anyone so forget about sending PM or anything,

there will be no reply at all... if you want to thank me just use the option below and i'll know you have appreciated...

if you're familiar with Attract Mode then just follow the readme file then set by yourself the game path,

if you're not instead, well, good luck with that cause you're on your own!... keeping that in mind here it is, Nesica FE ver. 2.57,

refined and polished as best as I could, also if I don't have great sympathy for the guy, props to Atrfate for the impressive

amount of work he has done to create from scratch this frontend... such a waste of time... have fun!!  




Link:   aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhVmxOVkVZaVM=



To decode use



- 1920x1080 res only, other resolutions will screw the FE aspect ratio and its look

- The screensaver is set to 180"

- For any other info (which I don't care) just refer to attract mode official channel  

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Hello, anyone has a working setting for RocketLauncher/PCLauncher module that really detect/closes BlazBlue Central Fiction and ChronoPhantasma?


ExitMethod=WinClose Application
FadeTitle=Blaz Blue




ExitMethod=WinClose Application
FadeTitle=Blaz Blue ahk_class Blaz Blue


Doesnt seems to work.


Thanks a lot

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10 hours ago, NoKey said:

It turns off when I turn it on.

Version 2.53 has no problem.



If only you could run the official release, oh my but you can thank him for the me stopping development on any bug-fixes, and various other things related to my work 

Modifié par atrfate2016
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En 15/12/2018 a las 13:21, kuro46 dijo:


Yo uso el cargador de juegos rh como lanzador. Hago un atajo para cada juego que pongo en la raĂ­z del modo de memoria atraer y los renombro usando los nombres que encuentras en el archivo .romlist


hola que tal, veo que todo muy bien , n.n  bueno solo queria saver si podrias subir imagenes de como tenes tu configuracion en roketlauncherui ... para saver como hacerle eso de los lnk... accesos directos en RL, seria de mucha ayuda ya que yo lo tengo en hyperspin y quedria usar el frond end de artfate :D lol ... espero que mi sugerencia dea frutos lol thansk you very macht


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  • 2 semaines après...
Invité NameDoesntMatter
19 ore fa, chrrox ha scritto:

Could someone send me the dumps for any Gunslinger Stratos games.

Its ok if you don't include the exe's to play the games I just want to research the model format.


you can easily buy it from yahoo auctions.

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Invité linglang

Questions about Nesica loader, RocketLauncher, JConfig and ttx_config2.0


I can get it to work very nicely.


Thank you, to the people, whom to maintain this awesome application / frontend.



How can I add other / extra games?


How can I add, extra art, intro video in the attract mode?


Which files, .ini, .cfg of RocketLauncher determines what / where?


I would like to add the two player version of the Ultra AE IV Street Fighter (v1.0)


And other games I can get to the boot / configure with GameLoader All RH,


through this awesome Nesica frontend.



Other issues about JConfig.exe and ttx _config2.0.exe


Sometimes these tools do not assign the correct buttons.


As an example on my wireless Xbox 360 controllers.


When it works correctly, start is assigned as button 9.


When it works incorrectly, start is assigned as button 7.


All buttons (except ABXY?) are shifted by 2 places.


When I want to assign a button, it becomes Joy1 Axis -Y -1001 immediately.


Or the D Pad assignment, is seen as the left analog input.


Up not as Joy1 POV0 0, but as Joy1 Axis + Y 1000


Nothing helps, not even a restart of the system.


Where do these .exe save their configurations?



Thank you for your time and effort.



Modifié par linglang
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Invité linglang

I found this nice Nesica wiki page

Press context info, for more information.


What I am searching for is a list of all the NesicaXlive games.


I would like to compile a list, for use on this site.


A list containing:


Title of game.

Numbers of players.

Key configuration. (weak punch, strong punch , weak kick, strong kick, et cetera.

How many buttons used, which button is which function.


For some games the button settings are as follows.



Button 1 = Use

Button 2 = Use

Button 3 = Unused

Button 4 = Use

Button 5 = Use

Button 6 = Use


What is button 1 through 6 on the below picture ?



The joystick is it 4 way or 8 way digital or analogue ?


There is a hole for a seventh button ?


Are there 2 player cabinets, or is it all network linked, so 1 player per screen even with versus fighting game ?




Any translations of combo lists for games ?



any info is welcome.


Thank you for your time and effort.




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Invité linglang

Onto my next questions.


I configured the NesicaXlive games with GameLoader All RH, and JConfig or ttx_monitor2.0 as needed.


Allmost all run fine, except the ones I can not find the configuration for.


The titles I can not configure are not are not shown in this video.


So if anyone has a title, not mentioned in this video and knows the GameLoader ALL RH settings please share.


It can be easily done with one button press.




These screenshots can be uploaded to


Thank you for sharing information.



Onto my next questions, which bug me.


I used the slick "hacked" interface, like on the front page of the NesicaXLive Arcade PC dumps thread.


I understand it is a frontend, which uses RocketLauncher to start the NesicaXlive games.


As I mentioned before the games work fine when launched directly from Gameloader ALL RH.


But when I load them with the slick NesicaXlive frontend / RocketLauncher. 


I get RocketLauncher errors to see during game play.


It shows a box with this text.


"There was an error waiting for the window "ahk_pid1036".                   (everytime another PID)

Please check if you have the correct version emulator installed for this module,

followed any notes in the module, 

and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first.

Also turn of F

ade to see if you are hiding your problem."


(probably an error from RocketLauncher)


I have no idea where and how to "solve" this problem within RocketLauncher.


So any helpful information or hints are appreciated.



I also get strange audio glitches and resolution changes when I load NesicaXlive games through this loader / frontend. 


In some games audio stutters every few seconds.


Resolution changes, so the top and bottom of the game are of screen.


These glitches do not occur when i load the games directly with GameLoader All RH.


Once again any helpful information is appreciated.


Thank you for your time and effort.




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3 minutes ago, linglang said:

Onto my next questions.


I configured the NesicaXlive games with GameLoader All RH, and JConfig or ttx_monitor2.0 as needed.


Allmost all run fine, except the ones I can not find the configuration for.


The titles I can not configure are not are not shown in this video.


So if anyone has a title, not mentioned in this video and knows the GameLoader ALL RH settings please share.


It can be easily done with one button press.




These screenshots can be uploaded to


Thank you for sharing information.



Onto my next questions, which bug me.


I used the slick "hacked" interface, like on the front page of the NesicaXLive Arcade PC dumps thread.


I understand it is a frontend, which uses RocketLauncher to start the NesicaXlive games.


As I mentioned before the games work fine when launched directly from Gameloader ALL RH.


But when I load them with the slick NesicaXlive frontend / RocketLauncher. 


I get RocketLauncher errors to see during game play.


It shows a box with this text.


"There was an error waiting for the window "ahk_pid1036".                   (everytime another PID)

Please check if you have the correct version emulator installed for this module,

followed any notes in the module, 

and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first.

Also turn of F

ade to see if you are hiding your problem."


(probably an error from RocketLauncher)


I have no idea where and how to "solve" this problem within RocketLauncher.


So any helpful information or hints are appreciated.



I also get strange audio glitches and resolution changes when I load NesicaXlive games through this loader / frontend. 


In some games audio stutters every few seconds.


Resolution changes, so the top and bottom of the game are of screen.


These glitches do not occur when i load the games directly with GameLoader All RH.


Once again any helpful information is appreciated.


Thank you for your time and effort.




I use the same frontend but I use it to load GameloaderAllRH for each game ...


Are you using frontend --> rocketlauncher --> GameloaderAllRH to load each game or loading each game via its own exe ?

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Invité linglang

Its hardcoded into the frontend / RocketLaucher, so it loads the games through GameLoader All RH, when i choose the game in the frontend.


So frontend choice > RocketLauncher > GameLoader All RH > Game.exe

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il y a 53 minutes, linglang a dit :

Its hardcoded into the frontend / RocketLaucher, so it loads the games through GameLoader All RH, when i choose the game in the frontend.


So frontend choice > RocketLauncher > GameLoader All RH > Game.exe

My english is bad, but i use rocketlauncher too. To launch my game. I've do a start.bat with this command line


cd E:\arcade\Games\Nesica\Crimzon Clover
 start "" "E:\arcade\Games\Nesica\Crimzon Clover\Game Loader All RH.exe"


and a shortcut start.lnk with pclauncher


and my rocketlauncher launch start.lnk to bypass the error.


sorry for my bad english


Modifié par titf650
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Invité linglang

@ titf650


Thank you for your reply.


At least you tried to explain, thank you.


I will try your solution.


But I do not get this part.


and a shortcut start.lnk with pclauncher


and my rocketlauncher launch start.lnk to bypass the error.


Write it in your native language, I'll try to translate it with google.


You have screen dumps of RocketLauncher settings ?


Alt+Print screen button, Ctrl+V to paste in paint.


You can upload it on


Just add the links in your post. 



I use this frontend.



But I do not think this is the solution for my particular problem.



The same error box, with the exact text below.


I  get RocketLauncher errors to see during game play.


It shows a box with this text.


"There was an error waiting for the window" ahk_pid1036 "(everytime another PID)

Please check if you have the correct version emulator installed for this module,

followed any notes in the module, 

and having this emulator working outside your Frontend first.

Also turn of F

see you if you are hiding your problem. "


Anyhow, thank you.



I Probably found the solution.


The location of the files is:


Nesicaxlive \ rocketlauncher \ Modules \ PCLauncher \ PCLauncher.ahk


Open it with notepad.


I removed the 3 lines as shown below.



And checked the Virtual emulator box in RocketLauncherUI.



Now I do not get the message after a few moments, I can enjoy some games.


BTW, this file also determines the expected location of the file to run.


"Onto the next bug / problem"


I hope this helps other people also out.


Enjoy !!!


Modifié par linglang
proof read, added info / probably solution.
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Salut j'utilise comme front-end Attract Mode avec le template Nesicaxlive.


Attract Mode ->Rocketlauncher->PCLauncher


ma configuration


Le 17/10/2018 à 20:10, titf650 a dit :

Le nom de l'émulateur doit être identique au nom du système ajouté dans rocketlauncher. Un exemple ici avec Nesica




Dans attract Mode


Le paramétrage dans mon cas pour Nesica est le suivant.

la ligne de commande : -s "[emulator]" -r "[name]" -p AttractMode -f "E:\arcade\AM\attract.exe"


tu devras changer simplement le chemin d'accès en rouge. le Non-Blocking Mode Wait peut être utile si le jeu met du temps a se lancer.


Les jeux se lance grâce à des .bat. Le chemin des roms c'est un dossier avec des raccourcis vers les .bat de lancement des jeux.


Dans rocketlauncher Une fois le système créé tu dois réaliser les liens.



1: j'ajoute le jeu

2: je navigue jusqu'au raccourcis du jeux (shortlink)

3: je test le lancement.




Voila la configuration de PCLauncher




voila en espérant que cela t'aide






Modifié par 7zxkv
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Invité linglang

I am in search of Marquee, art and move lists for Vewlix games

Like this.



Move strips

Unlock Character Hakumen

Unlock Character v-13


Is there anywhere a downloadable version translated to English for any of the vewlix games ?


It would be nice for us to have them all, translated from Japanese.


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