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NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC


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Il y a 1 heure, Need a dit :



Salut , possible de reupload les bezels ca Ă  l'air superbe comme taf

tu parles de quels Bezels ?

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Le 21/05/2018 à 20:56, WildWolf a dit :

tu parles de quels Bezels ?


Salut , mince le message n'a pas etait cité en entier...


Je parlais des bezels pour les shmup taito typex et les jeux de combat 4/3.

Ceux avec scanline et sans scanlines :)


Merci d'avance

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il y a 5 minutes, Need a dit :


Salut , mince le message n'a pas etait cité en entier...


Je parlais des bezels pour les shmup taito typex et les jeux de combat 4/3.

Ceux avec scanline et sans scanlines :)


Merci d'avance

c'est moi qui les ai fais de mémoire c'était pour le Gameloader All RH a utiliser avec l'option BGimage d'activé du dernier onglet, et le lien marche toujours c'est le même :!jIInjCgL!xJIhKwekTektKEPKr5QeAhLPW0P19Hmn9z1tkSOrN5U

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il y a 10 minutes, WildWolf a dit :

c'est moi qui les ai fais de mémoire


GĂ©nial , as tu encore un lien pour que je puisse en profiter?

Au passage , je te remercie du PDF avec les movelist nesica!!

Tu as un fais un travail de fou , encore bravo :)


tu as jamais tenté de faire pareil pour le typex-x2?


Modifié par WildWolf
le lien est sur mon dernier post, non car cela necessite beaucoup de temps que je n'ai plus et il faut beaucoup de patience, en fait le pdf est chiant Ă  monter et il y a mine de rien une bonne 60 aine d'heure de boulot pour cela entre le montage etc
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Hello everyone,
I've encountered a lot of issues trying to run a few games (BBCP, P4A and P4AU) but i coudn't make them work with any setup. I've tried with the rfidgod_inject method but game.exe crashes or reboots my pc (and yes, i've set up correctly every dll in the game root as well as rfidgod and nesysService in C:/); then i tried with Game loader all rh but the games don't go past the red offline warning and after that the loader crashes with or without a standard error box.
Would anyone be so kind to enlighten me on what i'm doing wrong?

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2 hours ago, archer_emiya7 said:

Hello everyone,
I've encountered a lot of issues trying to run a few games (BBCP, P4A and P4AU) but i coudn't make them work with any setup. I've tried with the rfidgod_inject method but game.exe crashes or reboots my pc (and yes, i've set up correctly every dll in the game root as well as rfidgod and nesysService in C:/); then i tried with Game loader all rh but the games don't go past the red offline warning and after that the loader crashes with or without a standard error box.
Would anyone be so kind to enlighten me on what i'm doing wrong?

stop having downsydrome, read the readme and use idmac 1.5

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34 minuti fa, atrfate2016 ha scritto:

stop having downsydrome, read the readme and use idmac 1.5

I've actually read all the readme and tutorial this place has to offer, alongside with all the 63 pages of this thread just to be sure if someone else already had a problem similar to mine before posting. And of course i've used idmac 1.5. I've also tested (after 1.5 didn't work) the previous versions and no one worked 

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20 minutes ago, archer_emiya7 said:

I've actually read all the readme and tutorial this place has to offer, alongside with all the 63 pages of this thread just to be sure if someone else already had a problem similar to mine before posting. And of course i've used idmac 1.5. I've also tested (after 1.5 didn't work) the previous versions and no one worked 

You clearly havent, beacuse no where in the readme of fucking idmac 1.5 dose it say to use rfidgod inject, that alone proves you didnt read shit.


To run the games, they depend on 3 external programs.
Run the programs below separately OR select the options in JConfig.
NOTE: Don't use both at the same time!

- RFiDGod.dll
- Copy the dll file to the C:\RFiD
- Run the RFIDGod_inject.exe inside the game folder.
- Select the RFiD Emulation option.

- Nesysservice.exe
- Run the Nesysservice.exe -app command
- Select the Nesys Emulation option.

- Cryptserver.exe
- Run the command Cryptserver.exe <path of key.key>
- Select the Crypserver Emulation option and leave the key in the game directory.

NOTE2: Not all programs are required, see table below.

Games that have no instruction, run directly from the executable.

Wait i select the options in jconfig and run the game directly form the game.exe no fuckin way

Modifié par atrfate2016
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Il y a 11 heures, atrfate2016 a dit :

You clearly havent, beacuse no where in the readme of fucking idmac 1.5 dose it say to use rfidgod inject, that alone proves you didnt read shit.



Well then, let's just pretend i didn't read the readme for idmac 999 times in the past 3 days and i'll follow the instruction from scratch. The game i want to run needs rfid and cryptserver while nesys is optional. So, i've extracted the clean dump, then i've past jconfig, idmacdrv32 and the key in the game root, i've selected the right options that your dear readme marks as required, then i start up the game and... wait for it... game.exe has stopped working. 

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Il y a 1 heure, archer_emiya7 a dit :

Well then, let's just pretend i didn't read the readme for idmac 999 times in the past 3 days and i'll follow the instruction from scratch. The game i want to run needs rfid and cryptserver while nesys is optional. So, i've extracted the clean dump, then i've past jconfig, idmacdrv32 and the key in the game root, i've selected the right options that your dear readme marks as required, then i start up the game and... wait for it... game.exe has stopped working. 

I had a case quite strange, a guy had the same problems under Win 10 x64, and I advice him to format and reinstall, and now all is ok, maybe you have lots of shit in windows registry or maybe some files missing...


Sometimes it is good to clean and resintall to check what is wrong :)

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3 ore fa, WildWolf ha scritto:

I had a case quite strange, a guy had the same problems under Win 10 x64, and I advice him to format and reinstall, and now all is ok, maybe you have lots of shit in windows registry or maybe some files missing...


Sometimes it is good to clean and resintall to check what is wrong :)

Hi, yes i remember reading that post, however i'm running win 7 on a somewhat old laptop (it can run the steam version of bb:cf) and i could actually managed to run a nesica game that didn't require a key and cryptserver. And that made me think that it could be a different problem. Anyway, i guess that if the problem really is registry, i can't fix with a registry cleaner, right? 

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Il y a 6 heures, archer_emiya7 a dit :

Hi, yes i remember reading that post, however i'm running win 7 on a somewhat old laptop (it can run the steam version of bb:cf) and i could actually managed to run a nesica game that didn't require a key and cryptserver. And that made me think that it could be a different problem. Anyway, i guess that if the problem really is registry, i can't fix with a registry cleaner, right? 

Best way is FORMAT trust me :very-good:

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"Sometimes it is good to clean and resintall to check what is wrong"

" Best way is FORMAT "


Lol, it s exactly the opposite, with this way you will never find what is wrong, and you can have it again.

It's the easier/faster way but never a good solution.

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5 ore fa, aeliss ha scritto:

"Sometimes it is good to clean and resintall to check what is wrong"

" Best way is FORMAT "


Lol, it s exactly the opposite, with this way you will never find what is wrong, and you can have it again.

It's the easier/faster way but never a good solution.

I agree with you but from my little knowledge of windows registry I know that, when you're dealing with a really vague error in a program (0xc0000005) in which the registry is probably involved, is extremely difficult find what the best solution to apply unless you are an expert. In addition to this, we're still talking about a program that doesn't have an extensive troubleshooting section (like emulators for example) and the users here have no obligations whatsoever to solve rare bugs like mine which would require a lot of time (and some of them have a quite... unpleasant way to let you know that).

I'm not particulary looking forward to format and reinstall everything from scratch nor to play those games, but right now I just want to know if the registry really is the problem or if my pc is too old

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hello, I'm new to these modern arcade emulators (I only use MAME and hopefully) and I was trying to play nesica games, I downloaded the 29 gb nesica collection, which comes with the idmac, I'm trying to play several and some, like the 3d colsplay mahjong does not work, although I managed to launch it using the jvs loader, but the first round closes the window, I do not know if with the rocklauncher someone executes all the games and I would appreciate a tutorial for donkeys to enjoy the games thanks in advance

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il y a 13 minutes, fpc2790 a dit :


hello, I'm new to these modern arcade emulators (I only use MAME and hopefully) and I was trying to play nesica games, I downloaded the 29 gb nesica collection, which comes with the idmac, I'm trying to play several and some, like the 3d colsplay mahjong does not work, although I managed to launch it using the jvs loader, but the first round closes the window, I do not know if with the rocklauncher someone executes all the games and I would appreciate a tutorial for donkeys to enjoy the games thanks in advance

please, be free to visit the Emuline Youtube Channel, all is explained, and I made tutorials : (about IdmacX 1.5 and game loader all RH)

Modifié par WildWolf
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i had vertical shoot em up games working without problems before , but lately if i click the exe nothing happens no rotation no game


i dl raiden III & IV from the new dump page , and if i start the exe it works , except the controls cant seem to register with idmac.

is there some info on the controls for raiden III & IV , so i can set it up with rocketlauncher , 2 is credit & R or T = test mode

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Salut Ă  tous !


Tout d'abord merci à tous les contributeurs (WildWolf en premier lieu) grâce à qui j'ai pu faire fonctionner la plupart des jeux NXL qui m'intéressaient.


Une question que je n'ai pas l'impression d'avoir vu évoquer sur ces pages : est-il possible de lancer Akai Katana Shin sans un input lag bien crade ? Tous les jeux NXL fonctionnent sans lag notable sur ma borne, sauf celui-ci et Deathsmiles II qui me paraissent injouables de façon sérieuse en l'état. 

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alors lĂ  je ne vois pas du tout de quoi tu parles je n'ai aucun input lag dans Akai katana et Deathsmiles II

Modifié par WildWolf
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Il y a 16 heures, WildWolf a dit :

alors lĂ  je ne vois pas du tout de quoi tu parles je n'ai aucun input lag dans Akai katana et Deathsmiles II


@Cormano, quelle est ta config materielle?

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Merci pour vos réponses ! J'ai un PC avec G4400 @ 3,3 GHz, 16 Go de RAM, GTX 1050. Tous les jeux Nesica passent crème (de même que les jeux de baston récents).


J'interface ça à la borne avec un JVS-Pac. Je vais faire quelques tests, voir si ça peut venir de là.


Ce qui m'Ă©tonne quand mĂŞme, c'est que j'ai aussi un Type-X2 avec le multiboot d'Arcademodbios (qui comprend Deathsmiles II) et que je retrouve pile ce mĂŞme input lag.

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La PCB SH3 d'Akai n'a aucun lag (j'y ai encore joué au Stunfest le mois dernier). Jamais testé la version Nesica officielle par contre, mais ça me surprendrait quand même très fort que ce que je constate y soit présent (ça aurait été l'émeute chez les joueurs nippons).

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Il y a 2 heures, Cormano a dit :

La PCB SH3 d'Akai n'a aucun lag (j'y ai encore joué au Stunfest le mois dernier). Jamais testé la version Nesica officielle par contre, mais ça me surprendrait quand même très fort que ce que je constate y soit présent (ça aurait été l'émeute chez les joueurs nippons).

Salut Cormano,


Pour ton problème de LAG sur AKAI, tu utilises le loader ALLR RH pour le lancer ?


@ plus 



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Salut SĂ©b,


Merci pour ton aide ! J'ai remis les mains dans le cambouis (j'avais fait cette config l'année dernière) et je me suis rappelé un truc : en fait je n'arrivais PAS à lancer le jeu de façon consistante avec All RH. J'utilisais RFIDGod_inject.
Je dis "pas consistante" avec All RH parce que j'ai le même problème que ce monsieur un bon paquet de pages auparavant :



"Hi, Bonjour


Thanks for all the help getting everything up and running (apologies that i'm using English, my French is terrible).


Akai Katana Shin works first time everytime using Game Loader, however once I exit the game and try again I get an error, the game.exe crashes, this happens everytime, but if I wait 15 minutes I can start the game ? Any ideas ?





En gros j'arrive à le lancer correctement la première fois après un boot de l'OS (vitesse un peu fluctuante mais ça doit pouvoir se corriger, et surtout PAS DE LAG du peu que je puisse en juger), par contre pas moyen de relancer le jeu immédiatement derrière !


Du coup de deux choses l'une, soit je trouve comment lancer de façon consistante avec All RH (j'ai bien sûr chopé la dernière version de All RH pour tester : pas d'amélioration), soit je trouve pourquoi il y a du lag avec RFIDGod_inject...

Une chose est sûre en tout cas, ça vient de ma config : j'ai installé le jeu sur un autre ordinateur et tout se lance au poil.

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Invité orio1
On 6/27/2018 at 4:07 AM, NoKey said:

 Does Nesicaxlive files support Windows XP ?


, but I want to be sure.


Seize the carp !

Double click that .exe.

Start living life on the edge and really see what separate's the curious minds from the stupid.



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En 7/3/2018 a las 13:05, Retrosky dijo:

lol un quote pour dire bonjour... ok je vois;)

Ensuite j' ai deja lu ce post et ce tuto mais ne me rappelais pas de l' effet de allrh au moins pour ca merci.

On va simplifier.

-Mes drivers sont à jour.

-idmac32.dll présent dans la racine.

-lors du premier lancement de allRH config je n' ai pas le chapitre [use ]dans ttx.ini

-j' ai deja lu le tuto ainsi que 80% du sujet.

-J' ai une page qui pop me disant exe was terminated


-j' ai alors coupé le bluetooth remis en new puis retesté old puis re new

-assuré la résolution 1920/1080

-Testé en win95/98/xp/7/8

-reset mon TTX.ini

-Je suis sous w10 famillial 64 bit.



I had this same problem, and you just have to delete the "sv", jconfig and ttx.ini folder. Then do the test again with Game Loader All Rh.

In case someone else has this problem.

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Le 12/11/2017 à 23:08, Manson976 a dit :

Just make a shortcut of the exe within the vhd then save it in a folder wherever you like.

Then when you wan to play just mount the vhd DAEMON TOOLS and execute the shortcut it aint that hard..

When you have a front end set up like RLauncher its easy...



Rom_Path=E:\PC Games\Shortcuts



[Psychic Force 2012]

Application=F:\Game Loader All RH.exe

DiscImage=E:\Arcade\NesicaXlive\Psychic Force 2012.vhd

FadeTitle= Psychic Force 2012


[Rumble Fish 2]

Application=F:\Game Loader All RH.exe

DiscImage=E:\Arcade\NesicaXlive\Rumble Fish 2.vhd

FadeTitle= TRF2


Thank you but when I test a VHD, RocketLauncher tells me that the VHD is not supported by Daemon Tools and when I add the VHD extension to the PCLauncher module, Daemon Tools does not want to support it ...

What is my error ? Thank you again for your help.

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1 hour ago, POOTERMAN said:

Guys just downloaded 'Samurai Spirit Sen', I've not used this NesicaxLive system before so wanted to ask can anyone please tell me what files I need to play the game in HD (2560x1440) and full-screen please? Big thanks :)


i use GameloaderALLRH for all nesica games, you can usually change the resolution from with this loader, there are however some HD patches required for certain games, off the top of my head i don't recall this game needing one, there may well be a patch to turn teh blood on though ..

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Thanks for the reply anx10us :)


Everytime I use GameloaderALLRH I can NEVER quit out of it when I hit the Escape key! I always just get a dark grey screen and I have to reboot my PC. The application simply WILL NOT QUIT and I can't even use task manager to close all the open processes manually!


If there is a proper way to close the loader could somebody PLEASE tell me how!

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happy it's not just me then, I'm reallyy surprised that people actually continue to use this loader if that is normal behaviour.


why can't it be modified to close down properly, has anyone ever asked the person who makes it to explain as to why it does this or ask them to actually do something to fix the shutting down problem?

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