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Un probleme avec Homura, j'ai voulu me faire une petite partie histoire de passer le temps, j'ai remarqué que le jeu plantais juste après avoir anéantie le premier Boss....  :gene:

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So Skullgirls works fine for you with no conflicts in a 2 player game?

Sorry just saw this message, not yet try the P2 for skullgirls. WIll try and let you know

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Gundam patch 3



· We adapted LoaderMode = 1 to Gundam.
· We adapted LoaderMode = 2 to Gundam.
· Add bazooka to mouse wheel button or drop cracker outside mouse cursor screen.
· Add a heat hawk to the mouse back button and forward button.
- Fixed a bug that the hot key of the mouse button erroneously fires and Loader ends.
I updated the attached game.exe

· It corresponds to Chaos Code Ver 2.11.
* Game Loader Config.exe Please copy "iDmacDrv32.dll" to the game folder before starting.
* If necessary, you can output "iDmacDrv32.dll" and "JConfig.exe" for Game Loader from "Loader setting 1" tab "iDmacX output".
* To change the internal resolution, please set it from "Loader setting 2" tab "Change internal resolution" (Old).
* Some linguistic selections are possible due to some problems (there is a problem that it becomes blank in the character select screen if it is a language other than Japanese).
* When using, please set from "Loader setting 1" tab "Chaos Code language selection".
* After saving the setting with Game Loader Config.exe, it outputs transparenized "nesysoff.png".
* Offline icons will be hidden, please back up "nesysoff.png" if necessary.
* When saving the setting data in the sv folder, please change "config.txt" in the game folder as follows
* You may be able to fix problems in the crash environment.


Thank you for your updating bro, I am just wondering why it is so hard to allow sweetfx to work with this loader?

If use game.exe to launch the game sweetfx works. But when use the loader to load the game sweetfx wont launch at all.

Can you assist or give us some hope so that we can have a nice CRT for old games in Nesica like those Capcom and SNK

Modifié par shitoken
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250 update contents· Supported Chase HQ 2 (Thank you very much for everyone at 1 CC).* Recommended LoaderMode is "6".To start up in window mode when setting * LoaderMode = 6, change "Loader setting 3" tab "* window resolution" to 4: 3 resolution.* 4 If you do not understand the resolution of 3, please calculate it with "AS ratio calculator".* Can not change internal resolution (I also tried HD patch, but I did not publish because I could not get good results).* Hot key "P key pause", "Right click pause / frame advance" function corresponded.* We created a simple setting movie until starting up.Http://* If you do not operate properly, discard this Loader in the trash can and finish.· Fixed a bug that when playing Gundam with Bazooka repeatedly with a wheel button, it might become a heat hawk.· I integrated iDmacX v1.2rc1 into the loader (everyone at 1CC, thank you very much).* Please use "Loader setting 1" tab "Output of iDmacX" button when using.* When outputting iDmacX, initialize the misc.bin setting in sv folder to the setting for Game Loader.* With this update, we have disabled NesysService.exe that was running just in case of Capcom fighting system.· Please make Language.ini the default.- Other, fixed defect fixes.   

si quelqu'un sait comment faire pour faire marcher ChaseHQ 2 avec un volant genre G25/G27 je suis preneur :)

Modifié par WildWolf
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Moi je dit sa marchera pas,car l'analogique fonctionne pas progressivement(sa tourne direct a gauche ou a droite,tu peux pas maintenir la direction sur un virage,même chose pour l’accélération et le frein).


Par contre j'ai essayer le jconfig sur Valve limit R,il y a toujours le problème pour tourner a gauche et a droite,même chose pour accélérer et freiner.


attachicon.gifValve limit R jconfig.jpg

je suppose que c'est pareil pour le NFS arcade tu peux pas y jouer au volant ?

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Update contents of 251
· We officially responded to Valve Limit R which was addressed last year (everyone at 1CC, thank you very much).
Fixed a crash that caused * LoaderMode = 4 to crash.
When * Loader Mode = 6, the screen will black out unless you select "OFF" for "AA mode" and "Bilinear" for "magnification filter".
* Changing the internal resolution corresponds with a problem (Please select "Loader setting 2" tab "Change internal resolution (Old)" "Mode 2".
* Please disable "Direct 3 D 9 Wrapper" of JConfig.exe.
* If game.exe crashes at full screen startup, please use the attached game.exe.
* It may be able to solve the problem.
* We created a simple setting movie until starting up.

* If game.exe freezes after checking the network, try the following method.

When XInput device is connected.
* JConfig.exe Set "Joystick Type" to "XInput Only".

When you want to use XInput device and keyboard together.
* Unplug all Direct Input type game devices and disable "JInstall & XInput" and "CreateThread for Joysticks" for JConfig.exe "Joystick Type".

- Other, fixed defect fixes.

Modifié par WildWolf
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Is there documentation anywhere for All RH that explains what each loader option does? When shuold you use one loader option over another? Right now i've been trying to follow along in the threads, and just randomly clicking on different options, but it would be nice to know what option does what.

Thanks for all the hard work put in to getting these games to work for us.



Sorry if the french is off. I had to use a translator.

Désolé si le français est fermé. J'ai dû utiliser un traducteur.


Existe-t-il de la documentation pour tout RH qui explique ce que chaque option du chargeur fait? Quand avez-vous utilisé une option chargeur sur une autre? En ce moment, j'ai essayé de suivre le long des fils, et tout simplement au hasard, cliquer sur les différentes options, mais il serait bien de savoir quelle option fait quoi.

Merci pour tout le travail dur mis en pour obtenir ces jeux pour travailler pour nous.

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Salut la compagnie !


Quelqu'un aurait l'amabilité de creer un nouveau post sur nesicaxlive et le nouveau gameloader all RH ? Ca éviterais pas mal de questions redondante 


Personnellement je suis complètement pommé dans les 40 pages de ce post il faut faire un sacré tri, j'ai téléchargé la dernière version du game loader posté par wildwolf, merci à toi ! mais le loader ne ce lance pas dutout (je suis sur win10, j'essairais sur ma borne qui est sur win7) 


J'espère que j'en demande pas trop ^^ Merci d'avance !


Edit: Mon problème venait de winrar et avast, décompression avec 7z et exclusion de quarantaine du fichier game loader config

Modifié par blastinsanity
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Hi! I have some questions regarding KOF 98 UMFE and KOF 2002 UM Nesica Edition:


1) How do you make their Test Menu working? They seem broken.

2) Where can I find the boss unlock save files for both games? I noticed the download links were expired already.

Modifié par jindev
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I was able to make Chaos Code 2.11 run with both 1P and 2P configurable input keys. :P hehehe


The error was caused by the Game Loader All RH's Loader Settings 1 > Output of iDmacX > Output the files (built-in JConfig.exe)... What I did was to outsource these files from Blazblue Central Fiction Fix archive:




Modifié par vinson77
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mmmh avec le dernier Game Loader All RH 251 aucun jeu ne marche chez moi. Ecran noir.

Par exemple pour le Street Fighter Anniversary les options pour le lancement n'existent plus du coup le jconfig n'apparait pas entre autre dans Loader Settings 1. Il y avait des cases en bas et elles n'y sont plus.


Ça serait bien de remettre en ligne les 1er Game Loader de Janvier qui permettaient de faire marcher beaucoup plus de jeux.


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I was able to make Chaos Code 2.11 run with both 1P and 2P configurable input keys. :P hehehe


The error was caused by the Game Loader All RH's Loader Settings 1 > Output of iDmacX > Output the files (built-in JConfig.exe)... What I did was to outsource these files from Blazblue Central Fiction Fix archive:




I tried with another JConfig, and it does not work. Could you please upload or send me these two files?

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I tried with another JConfig, and it does not work. Could you please upload or send me these two files?

Sure, simply extract this archive on your Chaos Code 2.11 game folder once you have finished configuring Game Loader Config.exe. You can then setup your controller / keyboard with the new JConfig.exe file, and finally run Chaos Code 2.11 via Game Loader All RH.exe.


I have sent you a pm containing the fix. :)

Modifié par vinson77
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hello  quelqu'un a t il des infos sur Groove coaster ?    merci d avance de vos reponses 

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What I did was just create two  new folders on desktop for different mappings and map all the panel keys once for all.


Folder( JConfig)




mapping bin files


2nd Folder for (TTConfig2.0)


Each time you use the Gameloader to do the settings,  in each game after you will created new files (dinput, jconfig or ttconfig for you to set up and do the mappings)


Once these files are created I will just copy and replace the above files to these game folders and this is how I make all the games work except Magical Beats.

Hope it makes your life easy




Ce que j'ai fait, c'est simplement créer deux nouveaux dossiers sur le bureau pour différents mappages et mapper toutes les touches du panneau une fois pour toutes.


Dossier (JConfig)




Mappage des fichiers bin


2ème dossier pour (TTConfig2.0)


Chaque fois que vous utilisez le Gameloader pour effectuer les réglages, dans chaque jeu après avoir créé de nouveaux fichiers (dinput, jconfig ou ttconfig pour que vous puissiez configurer et faire les mappages)


Une fois ces fichiers créés, je vais simplement copier et remplacer les fichiers ci-dessus à ces dossiers de jeux et c'est ainsi que je fais tous les jeux fonctionner sauf Magical Beats.


J'espère que cela rend votre vie facile

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Aucune news, sauf que 1cc (aka'est fait hacké le 1 avril, le hacker avait de l'humour faut croire :/

Plus qu'a attendre un retour à la normal (et une restauration des bases).


The hacker deleted all the databases.

We have backups of most posts and threads.

As of now, I cannot find an indication that the hacker downloaded the databases, however it is highly recommended you change any password that might be shared with your 8chan mod.php account.


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qu'ils apprennent aussi en même temps a structurer correctement leur forum, car ca reste dans la forme un sacré bordel :s

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COMING SOON... based on the 2.57 version, repolished a second time after a further research, pretty much definitive!








amigo podrías compartir esta maravilla gracias por su ayuda


Friend, you could share this wonder thanks for your help.

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Moi j'ai rajouter ça ... dans le répertoire du jeux ... ça tourne à l'aise

que ça!xd9zXTbR!kzoP7_u9FeH7lAPEdyFh1KXs_YJVnhn-UQgUNbvavNU


persona ( les deux ) aussi ... j'enverai l'archive demain (des jeux complets)

je passe pas par Rfidgod_inject je l'ai même pas mis dans les répertoires:


j'ai pour les bb et les persona 


que l'archive que j'ai mis plus haut et encore monitor_input.bin et monitor_misc.bin se crée avec jconfig.exe donc même pas besoin à l'extraction


ps: je config les graphismes avec Game Loader Config et c'est tout puis je passe par le fichier jconfig.exe pour config pad et virer les directs machins (Direct3d 9 Wrapper et DirectSound wrapper) puis lance avec Game Loader All Rh.... peut être passe tu via le loader pour jconfig


ex : pour Blazblue Chronophantasma (les fichiers présents dans le répertoire du jeux)!wc0C0YCY!HRh4jEbViRaCC66kqwCFyEKy8s7HyGCH39jZE4-ZQZA!VZsRjJTR!bQcZMwcXDddiLXjRBH4_jEZzJFJp6vnennk7KY8DYo8!4EFWDDjS!wc0KNhBEFktSrmdcRmIaAoYLkeGjjUo4Ro8hIpBf73U!4UcFWZAJ!pP1qcD3WYl-Fn3lRWNdg5emocMPWfFhjB1fDsePcJDU

pas de clé chez moi



Bonjour à tous,


Y'a t'il une possibilité de virer le bandeaux rouge dans les jeux genre les BlazBlues?


Edit : @crimera!xd9zXTbR!kzoP7_u9FeH7lAPEdyFh1KXs_YJVnhn-UQgUNbvavNU


- extract to game folder

- config input with jconfig.exe

- launch Game Loader All Rh.exe (no need key)



yes it appears it is just a decrypt key problem, easy to resolve, here the fix of my following Steps :


1.Decompress your game

2.Download this :!6IJ3waiQ!JepyHHoUgHGXWF016htdZ-iXhQUys-inxKoiqdrP2-Y

3.Extract to The root of the game

4.Extract  inside "GAME" the file "302510.key" to the root of the game, only this key file !  (fix)

5.Set up your Jconfig and Bind your Keys and Disable Direct3d 9 Wrapper and DirectSound wrapper, then Save

6.Launch "RFIDGod_inject.exe" Admin mode


Hello France,

So I do not speak French but I have been trying to get Blazblue CF working on my PC for like hours now. About 6 hours. And nothing works. Not Wildwolf's advice, not xyr's. Not other people's on youtube. My journey: 


1st: I put RFI folder and dll in my root in C://. I changed program compatibility on nessys.bat / RFIDGod.exe to windows 8 and even tried XP. After it first failing and me HAVING to add files to System32 (Where nes.bat was reading files from ...) This INITIALLY Worked, as I was just try trying to bypass the I / O Error to Even start the game ... Little did I know,  the infamous "Decrypt failed" and "File read error" was gonna appear. So I googled it and got to this thread / forum. 


2nd: I followed wildwolfs advice and way of bypassing the error--putting his files in my directory, the key, and running RFI, but same ole song and dance... Even tried mixing files with his mines. Still. "Decrypt failed" / "File read error!". Tried enabling and disabling D39 stuff .. no avail. Tried running from both RFID and nsys like said said .. no avail. Still crashing after versus screen. 


Chapter 3: So now I've been doing this for like 3-4 hours and I follow xyr's claim. He says he doesnt need keys at all! Great (I translated his post on google translate lol). I completely remove my files in CF directory, and put his in. And it turns out I dont need all those files from wildwolf at all! Like he said. The performance and loading times are even better!. And gameloader is way superior to RFI Awesome! So I start the game .. pick Hazama / Terumi (as always) and try Again to start a match ... versus screen pops up .. Im nervous ... hours and hours of working on this, determination wavering annnnd "Decrypt Failed "," File read error! " I weep in sorrow. This error message is beyond malevolent by this point.


I'm beyond frustrated, the sun is gonna start setting soon and I still do not know what to do. I tried the key wildwolf said to use, I tried the key that matches CF, I tried ALL the damn keys and even put Keys in my C: // root! NOTHING WORKS. Im gonna go crazy. Oh well. I will keep trying to tinker with it and just stick to CP for now. This arcade stuff is always a pain in the ass. I do not see how you guys do it. Meanwhile you guys are modding, updating yours and stuff, and I can not even get the game to run! I feel like a failure ... All the advice is surely helpful and I appreciate it but it sucks getting closer then failing again and again.


Someone please help me! 


Update: Aha! At long last I have found it. 

Neither wildwolf nor xyr knew about this maybe. But you have to download that file(cryptserver) and execute(drag the key 302510) onto the cryptserver and RUN it. But if you close it, it wont work! Atleast for me. So run the key with that and leave it open and then run gameloader, and for the record you don't need all of wildwolfs files like xyr said(the extra dlls, or even nsesys/RFI). And his files run better anyways.... at last... no more DECRYPT failed! 


Geez, that took forever. With much research. 


Thanks for all the info here though.

Modifié par Chaebol
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Hello France,

So I do not speak French but I have been trying to get Blazblue CF working on my PC for like hours now. About 6 hours. And nothing works. Not Wildwolf's advice, not xyr's. Not other people's on youtube. My journey: 


1st: I put RFI folder and dll in my root in C://. I changed program compatibility on nessys.bat / RFIDGod.exe to windows 8 and even tried XP. After it first failing and me HAVING to add files to System32 (Where nes.bat was reading files from ...) This INITIALLY Worked, as I was just try trying to bypass the I / O Error to Even start the game ... Little did I know,  the infamous "Decrypt failed" and "File read error" was gonna appear. So I googled it and got to this thread / forum. 


2nd: I followed wildwolfs advice and way of bypassing the error--putting his files in my directory, the key, and running RFI, but same ole song and dance... Even tried mixing files with his mines. Still. "Decrypt failed" / "File read error!". Tried enabling and disabling D39 stuff .. no avail. Tried running from both RFID and nsys like said said .. no avail. Still crashing after versus screen. 


Chapter 3: So now I've been doing this for like 3-4 hours and I follow xyr's claim. He says he doesnt need keys at all! Great (I translated his post on google translate lol). I completely remove my files in CF directory, and put his in. And it turns out I dont need all those files from wildwolf at all! Like he said. The performance and loading times are even better!. And gameloader is way superior to RFI Awesome! So I start the game .. pick Hazama / Terumi (as always) and try Again to start a match ... versus screen pops up .. Im nervous ... hours and hours of working on this, determination wavering annnnd "Decrypt Failed "," File read error! " I weep in sorrow. This error message is beyond malevolent by this point.


I'm beyond frustrated, the sun is gonna start setting soon and I still do not know what to do. I tried the key wildwolf said to use, I tried the key that matches CF, I tried ALL the damn keys and even put Keys in my C: // root! NOTHING WORKS. Im gonna go crazy. Oh well. I will keep trying to tinker with it and just stick to CP for now. This arcade stuff is always a pain in the ass. I do not see how you guys do it. Meanwhile you guys are modding, updating yours and stuff, and I can not even get the game to run! I feel like a failure ... All the advice is surely helpful and I appreciate it but it sucks getting closer then failing again and again.


Someone please help me! 


Update: Aha! At long last I have found it. 

Neither wildwolf nor xyr knew about this maybe. But you have to download that file(cryptserver) and execute(drag the key 302510) onto the cryptserver and RUN it. But if you close it, it wont work! Atleast for me. So run the key with that and leave it open and then run gameloader, and for the record you don't need all of wildwolfs files like xyr said(the extra dlls, or even nsesys/RFI). And his files run better anyways.... at last... no more DECRYPT failed! 


Geez, that took forever. With much research. 


Thanks for all the info here though.

just play with Game Loader All RH you don't need all of this lol

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All RH 252 :!ndwxkBDC!GYReGTN_lty6KoS4qWzhjZpAkJ5qSHCUDHojsnahO00

Update contents of 252- It corresponds to Bounty Hunter.* Rotating this game, screen will cause an error at startup.* For the reasons above, please select 'y' for LoaderMode.* Although trouble of degree which does not disturb the game progression occurs, please do not mind.* Incidentally, the correspondence API of this game is Direct3D8, but this Loader starts up with Direct3D9.* We created a simple setting movie until starting up.Http://* What to do if the screen crashes when you rotate it.Http://· Added testmode activation in psychic force window mode.* Please use "Loader setting 1" tab "Psychic force test mode" button when using.· Very E Evaluate Testmode activation in Mahjong window mode.* When using, please push "Loader setting 1" tab "Very E mahjong test mode" button.· Fixed bug that did not save test mode setting of Puzzle Bobble.* Please use "Loader setting 1" tab "Output of iDmacX" button when using.· Funny character display function addition (Window mode only supported).* To change the character to be displayed, click the "Other 3" tab "Open the folder saved in Language.ini" button and edit "TTX.ini" in the opened folder.------------------[Gui]Comment = VIDEO 1------------------* If you do not want to display anything, please leave it blank.· We made "LoaderMode = 0" and "LoaderMode = 1" correspond to Chase HQ 2.· Since part of loader inclusion file was updated, please push "Other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.· Please make Language.ini the default.- Other, fixed defect fixes.  
Modifié par WildWolf
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j'ai 2 3 petites questions, on ne sait jamais si quelqu'un rencontre les mêmes soucis que moi ...

En gros j'ai configuré tous les jeux, aucun soucis, tout tourne et ça dépote.

Par contre j'ai un problème "bizarre", des fois j'ai certaines touches du joystick qui ne répondent plus, je redémarre le jeu et je récupère les touches ....

J'ai acheté le joystick chez smallcab (du type Xin-Mo), et j'ai beau chercher je ne vois pas d'où ça vient ...


D'autre part, j'utilise joy2key via hyperspin pour envoyer le signal de 2 boutons pour quitter le jeu, et bien évidemment cela ne fonctionne pas avec le launcher, et du coup je ne vois pas comment quitter les jeux via le joy.

si quelqu'un à une idée je suis preneur. ( J'ai cru comprendre que justement le launcher faisait un joy2key ou quelque chose du genre, mais impossible de voir comment lui ajouter des touches ).


Merci d'avance



Bon en fait suffisait de lancer joy2key en admin ...

Modifié par gtranche
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All RH 252 :!ndwxkBDC!GYReGTN_lty6KoS4qWzhjZpAkJ5qSHCUDHojsnahO00

Update contents of 252- It corresponds to Bounty Hunter.* Rotating this game, screen will cause an error at startup.* For the reasons above, please select 'y' for LoaderMode.* Although trouble of degree which does not disturb the game progression occurs, please do not mind.* Incidentally, the correspondence API of this game is Direct3D8, but this Loader starts up with Direct3D9.* We created a simple setting movie until starting up.Http://* What to do if the screen crashes when you rotate it.Http://· Added testmode activation in psychic force window mode.* Please use "Loader setting 1" tab "Psychic force test mode" button when using.· Very E Evaluate Testmode activation in Mahjong window mode.* When using, please push "Loader setting 1" tab "Very E mahjong test mode" button.· Fixed bug that did not save test mode setting of Puzzle Bobble.* Please use "Loader setting 1" tab "Output of iDmacX" button when using.· Funny character display function addition (Window mode only supported).* To change the character to be displayed, click the "Other 3" tab "Open the folder saved in Language.ini" button and edit "TTX.ini" in the opened folder.------------------[Gui]Comment = VIDEO 1------------------* If you do not want to display anything, please leave it blank.· We made "LoaderMode = 0" and "LoaderMode = 1" correspond to Chase HQ 2.· Since part of loader inclusion file was updated, please push "Other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.· Please make Language.ini the default.- Other, fixed defect fixes.   

Can not a normal window mode? In my work area without a black background or a loader image?


  The loader works thanks thanks, just wanted to know if the other modes.

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