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NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC


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Salut ^^

J'ai fait marcher l'intro de raiden 4 NESICA et je vous file le truc ;)
MÃÂȘme soucis que la version TTX ...... (sauf que l'intro saccade à fond sur la version TTX... problÚme de codec ? )
Ouvrez  l'exécutable avec winhex ou autre editeur et rendez vous à l'offset 19BBF0 et de renommer le .m1v comme l'impression d'écran ;) (ou comme vous voulez :) )


AprÚs, il suffit de renommer le fichier vidéo dans \rom\media\movie comme ci dessus et voila ^^


Bon jeu :)

Modifié par bonky0013
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Game Loader All RH 243 : 
Update contents of 243- Added a function to rotate the desktop 180 degrees for Type X vertical shooting game.* When using, please disable "Loader setting 1" tab "automatic screen rotation" and enable "rotate desktop 180 degrees".* When setting is effective, the rotation direction of the game screen can be set to 270 degrees.* If it does not work properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.· Please make Language.ini the default.- Other, fixed defect fixes.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! It works!

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Salut ^^


J'ai fait marcher l'intro de raiden 4 NESICA et je vous file le truc ;)

MÃÂȘme soucis que la version TTX ...... (sauf que l'intro saccade à fond sur la version TTX... problÚme de codec ? )

Ouvrez  l'exécutable avec winhex ou autre editeur et rendez vous à l'offset 19BBF0 et de renommer le .m1v comme l'impression d'écran ;) (ou comme vous voulez :) )






AprÚs, il suffit de renommer le fichier vidéo dans \rom\media\movie comme ci dessus et voila ^^




Bon jeu :)

Thank you my friend! This was another problem that I needed to fix. The only difference is I use this on the original game.exe because the "fixed game.exe" crashes for me. So thank you again!!

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Posté 15 fĂŻÂżÂœvrier 2017 - 07:00

dex77, on 12 Feb 2017 - 7:10 PM, said:snapback.png

Raiden IV has the same problem not showing the intro, am I the only one? ...any fix?


Posté 15 fĂŻÂżÂœvrier 2017 - 09:06

Houb, on 15 Feb 2017 - 7:00 PM, said:snapback.png

I gave the solution months ago  :


La vidéo d'intro de RaidenIV ne marche pas. J'ai trouvé le problÚme en fouillant dans l'exe du jeu : il faut renommer la vidéo "raiden4_c50.m1v" en "raiden4_ñ€ơÆ’50.m1v" dans le dossier ".\rom\media\movie"




@ bonky0013

salut et c'est quoi la différence sur l'intro Raiden IV... que celle donné par Houb?


En page 40 du topic....

Modifié par xyr
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Game Loader All RH 244 :

Update contents of 244· Added function to change the orientation of the desktop when Loader is finished.* When using the "Window Size" tab "Please enable" Current Desktop Orientation ".* This function is a special function for those who rotate the monitor from usual and use the PC.* If you use this function by rotating the monitor, please note that the desktop rotates at the end of Loader.* We created a simple explanation video.Http://· Abolished the function "Rotating the desktop 180 degrees" added in last update.· Type X screen rotation function "Loader setting 1" tab "Automatic screen rotation" has been abolished.- Instead, "Screen rotation" was added to "Loader setting 1" tab.* This function can set screen rotation during game "0 degree" "90 degrees" "180 degrees" "270 degrees".* Since the rotation of the screen rotates based on "0 degree", please pay attention to the setting.* The initial value is set to "90 degrees", but depending on the game you will need to change it.* It became a function that can also be used for those who are using PCs by rotating the monitor from the usual time.* If it does not work properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.· NESiCA series screen rotation function "NESiCA type vertical shoe rotate desktop 180 degrees" was abolished.- Instead, "Screen rotation" was added to "Loader setting 1" tab.* This function can set screen rotation during game "0 degree" "90 degrees" "180 degrees" "270 degrees".* Since the rotation of the screen rotates based on "0 degree", please pay attention to the setting.* Initial value is set to "0 degree", but depending on the game, change is required.* It became a function that can also be used for those who are using PCs by rotating the monitor from the usual time.* If it does not work properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.· Please make Language.ini the default.- Other, fixed defect fixes. 
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Le voici avec la video d'intro à mettre dans \rom\media\movie ;)





New All RH Merci. :very-good:


Desperate pour ce jeu. :triste:

Android version est trÚs mauvaise.

Modifié par Baka9
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Game Loader All RH 244 :

Update contents of 244· Added function to change the orientation of the desktop when Loader is finished.* When using the "Window Size" tab "Please enable" Current Desktop Orientation ".* This function is a special function for those who rotate the monitor from usual and use the PC.* If you use this function by rotating the monitor, please note that the desktop rotates at the end of Loader.* We created a simple explanation video.Http://· Abolished the function "Rotating the desktop 180 degrees" added in last update.· Type X screen rotation function "Loader setting 1" tab "Automatic screen rotation" has been abolished.- Instead, "Screen rotation" was added to "Loader setting 1" tab.* This function can set screen rotation during game "0 degree" "90 degrees" "180 degrees" "270 degrees".* Since the rotation of the screen rotates based on "0 degree", please pay attention to the setting.* The initial value is set to "90 degrees", but depending on the game you will need to change it.* It became a function that can also be used for those who are using PCs by rotating the monitor from the usual time.* If it does not work properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.· NESiCA series screen rotation function "NESiCA type vertical shoe rotate desktop 180 degrees" was abolished.- Instead, "Screen rotation" was added to "Loader setting 1" tab.* This function can set screen rotation during game "0 degree" "90 degrees" "180 degrees" "270 degrees".* Since the rotation of the screen rotates based on "0 degree", please pay attention to the setting.* Initial value is set to "0 degree", but depending on the game, change is required.* It became a function that can also be used for those who are using PCs by rotating the monitor from the usual time.* If it does not work properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.· Please make Language.ini the default.- Other, fixed defect fixes.  


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Game Loader All RH 244 :

C'est trÚs sympa dans l'idée, ça permet vraiment de retourner l'image dans tous les sens.

Mais, j'ai GigaWings qui refuse avec obstination de se lancer autrement qu'en TATE par défaut. J'ai bien supprimé l'ancien TTX.ini.

Je n'ai pas trop le temps de faire plus d'essai maintenant, mais si quelqu'un veut bien essayer chez lui avec ce jeu, et me dire son résultat, j'apprécierai beaucoup.


Edit :  :rolleyes:  C'est du Type X, donc je déplace ma question

Modifié par henrie4
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hello friends,


ive got most games running without any flaws since switching over to all game loader from the old method!


however, i have run into a few issues i cannot manage to fix.  (note* i have windows 10 x64, nvidia 970gtx, im using an arcade controller and cabinet, which uses the MAME default controls)


1. has someone found a creative way to remap keys in Skullgirls?  i have noticed that when playing two player games, player two controls player one for me.

2. Goketsuji - loads and plays intro video but then the game is black, no picture.  I have read other people had this issue on my searches but found no solution.

3 both Persona games - cause a black screen on exit that locks up my PC.  I have changed my exit key to go to the test mode menu, from there you can select exit and the game exits as intended but i was hoping someone had a more elegant solution so i can exit in one keystroke.

4. King of fighters XIII climax - this games works but maybe something is wrong with mine? when i start it up, it immediately loads the character select screen and its always a two player game loaded.  i can never select a game mode or play one player only.  is this correct?


Thanks for any help and clarification you can provide!


google translate for our french friends:

Bonjour les amis,

Ive a obtenu la plupart des jeux en cours d'exécution sans aucune faille depuis le basculement à tous les chargeurs de jeux de l'ancienne méthode!

Cependant, j'ai couru dans quelques questions que je ne parviens pas à résoudre. (Note * J'ai Windows 10 x64, nvidia 970gtx, im utilisant un contrÎleur d'arcade et cabinet, qui utilise les contrÎles par défaut MAME)

1. quelqu'un at-il trouvé un moyen créatif de remapper des clés dans Skullgirls? J'ai remarqué que lorsque vous jouez à deux joueurs, le joueur deux contrÎle le joueur un pour moi.
2. Goketsuji - charge et joue la vidéo d'introduction mais alors le jeu est noir, aucune image. J'ai lu d'autres personnes avaient ce problÚme sur mes recherches, mais n'a trouvé aucune solution.
3 les deux jeux Persona - provoquer un écran noir à la sortie qui bloque mon PC. J'ai changé ma clé de sortie pour aller au menu du mode test, à partir de là, vous pouvez sélectionner sortie et le jeu se termine comme prévu, mais j'espérais quelqu'un avait une solution plus élégante, donc je peux sortir en une frappe.
4. Roi des combattants XIII climax - ce jeux fonctionne mais peut-ÃÂȘtre quelque chose ne va pas avec la mienne? Quand je le démarre, il charge immédiatement l'écran de sélection de caractÚre et son toujours un jeu de deux joueurs chargé. Je ne peux jamais sélectionner un mode de jeu ou jouer un seul joueur. est-ce correct?



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hi guysĂŻÂŒĆ’i can't run all the nesicaxlive games in windowed mode with iDmacXv1.2,but i can run all the games in fullscreen,my os is win10 64bit.nividia card,gtx750.when i run nesicaxlive games it apears :post-10319-0-62806100-1488164128_thumb.jpg

 can someone help me.i really want to play games in windowed mode

Modifié par jyh
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Game Loader All RH 244 :

Update contents of 244· Added function to change the orientation of the desktop when Loader is finished.* When using the "Window Size" tab "Please enable" Current Desktop Orientation ".* This function is a special function for those who rotate the monitor from usual and use the PC.* If you use this function by rotating the monitor, please note that the desktop rotates at the end of Loader.* We created a simple explanation video.Http://· Abolished the function "Rotating the desktop 180 degrees" added in last update.· Type X screen rotation function "Loader setting 1" tab "Automatic screen rotation" has been abolished.- Instead, "Screen rotation" was added to "Loader setting 1" tab.* This function can set screen rotation during game "0 degree" "90 degrees" "180 degrees" "270 degrees".* Since the rotation of the screen rotates based on "0 degree", please pay attention to the setting.* The initial value is set to "90 degrees", but depending on the game you will need to change it.* It became a function that can also be used for those who are using PCs by rotating the monitor from the usual time.* If it does not work properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.· NESiCA series screen rotation function "NESiCA type vertical shoe rotate desktop 180 degrees" was abolished.- Instead, "Screen rotation" was added to "Loader setting 1" tab.* This function can set screen rotation during game "0 degree" "90 degrees" "180 degrees" "270 degrees".* Since the rotation of the screen rotates based on "0 degree", please pay attention to the setting.* Initial value is set to "0 degree", but depending on the game, change is required.* It became a function that can also be used for those who are using PCs by rotating the monitor from the usual time.* If it does not work properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.· Please make Language.ini the default.- Other, fixed defect fixes.  


Thank you for the updates bro,  I want to ask if the coin credit problem have been solved? because the last version when insert 1 credit it goes to xx credits,

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hello friends,


ive got most games running without any flaws since switching over to all game loader from the old method!


however, i have run into a few issues i cannot manage to fix.  (note* i have windows 10 x64, nvidia 970gtx, im using an arcade controller and cabinet, which uses the MAME default controls)


1. has someone found a creative way to remap keys in Skullgirls?  i have noticed that when playing two player games, player two controls player one for me.

2. Goketsuji - loads and plays intro video but then the game is black, no picture.  I have read other people had this issue on my searches but found no solution.

3 both Persona games - cause a black screen on exit that locks up my PC.  I have changed my exit key to go to the test mode menu, from there you can select exit and the game exits as intended but i was hoping someone had a more elegant solution so i can exit in one keystroke.

4. King of fighters XIII climax - this games works but maybe something is wrong with mine? when i start it up, it immediately loads the character select screen and its always a two player game loaded.  i can never select a game mode or play one player only.  is this correct?


Thanks for any help and clarification you can provide!


google translate for our french friends:

Bonjour les amis,


Ive a obtenu la plupart des jeux en cours d'exécution sans aucune faille depuis le basculement à tous les chargeurs de jeux de l'ancienne méthode!


Cependant, j'ai couru dans quelques questions que je ne parviens pas à résoudre. (Note * J'ai Windows 10 x64, nvidia 970gtx, im utilisant un contrÎleur d'arcade et cabinet, qui utilise les contrÎles par défaut MAME)


1. quelqu'un at-il trouvé un moyen créatif de remapper des clés dans Skullgirls? J'ai remarqué que lorsque vous jouez à deux joueurs, le joueur deux contrÎle le joueur un pour moi.

2. Goketsuji - charge et joue la vidéo d'introduction mais alors le jeu est noir, aucune image. J'ai lu d'autres personnes avaient ce problÚme sur mes recherches, mais n'a trouvé aucune solution.

3 les deux jeux Persona - provoquer un écran noir à la sortie qui bloque mon PC. J'ai changé ma clé de sortie pour aller au menu du mode test, à partir de là, vous pouvez sélectionner sortie et le jeu se termine comme prévu, mais j'espérais quelqu'un avait une solution plus élégante, donc je peux sortir en une frappe.

4. Roi des combattants XIII climax - ce jeux fonctionne mais peut-ÃÂȘtre quelque chose ne va pas avec la mienne? Quand je le démarre, il charge immédiatement l'écran de sélection de caractÚre et son toujours un jeu de deux joueurs chargé. Je ne peux jamais sélectionner un mode de jeu ou jouer un seul joueur. est-ce correct?



Hello my friend,


This is my experience only.


1. Skullgirls - yes you are correct, player 2 joystick and button control player one buttons. Very annoying, I'm not sure how to fix.


2. Goketsuji - I can't even load this game, I tried every combination I could think of.


3. Persona games - both of these work just fine for me, they exit fine too.


4. KOFXIII Climax - works fine for me, loads as it should. Something sounds wrong with your copy. Maybe try downloading another?

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Game Loader All RH 243 : 
Update contents of 243- Added a function to rotate the desktop 180 degrees for Type X vertical shooting game.* When using, please disable "Loader setting 1" tab "automatic screen rotation" and enable "rotate desktop 180 degrees".* When setting is effective, the rotation direction of the game screen can be set to 270 degrees.* If it does not work properly, discard this Loader in the trash box and finish.· Please make Language.ini the default.- Other, fixed defect fixes.


Translating to English:
Hello, how are you? I hope so, good first muio thank you for the loader, and from what we can see, less a game for us to give kkk headache.
In the case of the game Goketsuji still unsolved, still fighting with black screen at the beginning of the round, well and that, I just happened to thank you even and leave a theme for the plus advmenu, if anyone still use this system ta aew downloadable together To video:
Traduire en français:
Bonjour, tout droit? Je l'espÚre, bon premier sorti trÚs merci pour le chargeur, et de ce que nous pouvons voir, moins un jeu pour nous de maux de tÃÂȘte kkk.
Dans le cas de Goketsuji jeu encore en suspens, continuent de se battre avec un écran noir au début de la ronde aussi bien et cela juste venu pour le remercier et laisse un thÚme pour advmenu plus si au cas oÃÂč quelqu'un utilisent encore ce systÚme ta aew pour téléchargement à vidéo à:
Subject with resolution of 1360, I did not have time to do with other resolutions. / ThÚme de la résolution 1360, n'a pas eu le temps de faire d'autres résolutions.
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Anyone got Sweetfx to work with new loader?


I want to use CRT shaders

What do you use for games like KOF, Bubble Bubble, etc?

why do you need a CRT shader when Game Loader All RH does work with BG image option ?????? (scanline efects like a CRT screen)





Modifié par WildWolf
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This game is for Nesica?

No, because i'm pray for that happen, mame doesn®t dump the game, degica doesn®t release for Steam and the android version is for stealing money throw gems.

Even using the God Mode we don®t recieve 2 gems offline only credits and it doesn®t make any sence, how a user will buy 10,000 gems with 50 Euros on a mobile phone? :furax:

Modifié par Baka9
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Translating to English:
Hello, how are you? I hope so, good first muio thank you for the loader, and from what we can see, less a game for us to give kkk headache.
In the case of the game Goketsuji still unsolved, still fighting with black screen at the beginning of the round, well and that, I just happened to thank you even and leave a theme for the plus advmenu, if anyone still use this system ta aew downloadable together To video:
Traduire en français:
Bonjour, tout droit? Je l'espÚre, bon premier sorti trÚs merci pour le chargeur, et de ce que nous pouvons voir, moins un jeu pour nous de maux de tÃÂȘte kkk.
Dans le cas de Goketsuji jeu encore en suspens, continuent de se battre avec un écran noir au début de la ronde aussi bien et cela juste venu pour le remercier et laisse un thÚme pour advmenu plus si au cas oÃÂč quelqu'un utilisent encore ce systÚme ta aew pour téléchargement à vidéo à:
Subject with resolution of 1360, I did not have time to do with other resolutions. / ThÚme de la résolution 1360, n'a pas eu le temps de faire d'autres résolutions.


thanks theme

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why do you need a CRT shader when Game Loader All RH does work with BG image option ?????? (scanline efects like a CRT screen)






Thank you will try those backgrounds .


After I unzipped the loader I click on the Game Loader Config nothing happens not opening at all.

Deleted completely but still not opening . Strange 

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thanks theme


Merci, bonne à aime
Eh bien, vous entendez une petite erreur dans mon dossier ARCADE.amp
En pla de background_image_path NESiCAxLive.png
Lieu background_image_path ARCADE.png au fond apparaissent correctement.
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
Well, listen to my little mistake in the ARCADE.amp file.
In the background_image_path place NESiCAxLive.png
Put background_image_path ARCADE.png so the background appears correctly.
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Sweetfx work with new loader   :very-good: 


I want to try but the new loader after unzipped I double click it does not open at all. Downloaded twice still have same problem

Any one having same problem?

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Hello my friend,


This is my experience only.


1. Skullgirls - yes you are correct, player 2 joystick and button control player one buttons. Very annoying, I'm not sure how to fix.


2. Goketsuji - I can't even load this game, I tried every combination I could think of.


3. Persona games - both of these work just fine for me, they exit fine too.


4. KOFXIII Climax - works fine for me, loads as it should. Something sounds wrong with your copy. Maybe try downloading another?



Thanks Mate.  You have been a big help.  Even just replying with your experiences reinvigorated me to keep troubleshooting more.  


I got both persona games exiting correctly.  I discovered that when run in fullscreen / non-windowed mode (tab 1) that the games will not exit with the exit macro and they get stuck at a black screen.  (at least on my system).  running them in normal/fullscreen windowed mode resolves that issue and exit macro (esc for me) works correctly.  Every other game I can think of that does not use a background bezel i have in fullscreen mode and they all work fine.


For KOF I noticed one stray file that was in my installation folder that didn't belong and it was conflicting with the controls.  I deleted the installation and set it up from scratch and all is working as intended now.


Goketsuji and skullgirls still have the same issues :(


*For everyone else having a potential issue: some additional troubleshooting steps i have found along the way

1. delete unnecessary .dll files etc from the game folder

2. however, sometimes you need those files though. If that is the case save them and put them back to see if that works.

3. make sure that the Game Loader AND game.exe are NOT in compatibility mode.  This is a big one! in the versions i downloaded some of the game.exe files were already set to compatibility mode right out of the zip file.  this helped in many cases when using the old RFIDGod inject method, but it can cause blackscreens or game failing to load when using the ALL RH Gameloader.

Modifié par BeardPapa
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Thanks Mate.  You have been a big help.  Even just replying with your experiences reinvigorated me to keep troubleshooting more.  


I got both persona games exiting correctly.  I discovered that when run in fullscreen / non-windowed mode (tab 1) that the games will not exit with the exit macro and they get stuck at a black screen.  (at least on my system).  running them in normal/fullscreen windowed mode resolves that issue and exit macro (esc for me) works correctly.  Every other game I can think of that does not use a background bezel i have in fullscreen mode and they all work fine.


For KOF I noticed one stray file that was in my installation folder that didn't belong and it was conflicting with the controls.  I deleted the installation and set it up from scratch and all is working as intended now.


Goketsuji and skullgirls still have the same issues :(


*For everyone else having a potential issue: some additional troubleshooting steps i have found along the way

1. delete unnecessary .dll files etc from the game folder

2. however, sometimes you need those files though. If that is the case save them and put them back to see if that works.

3. make sure that the Game Loader AND game.exe are NOT in compatibility mode.  This is a big one! in the versions i downloaded some of the game.exe files were already set to compatibility mode right out of the zip file.  this helped in many cases when using the old RFIDGod inject method, but it can cause blackscreens or game failing to load when using the ALL RH Gameloader.

No problem, I'm glad you got some of the games working properly for you.


I went into the input test in service mode for SkullGirls and my controls work properly there, but in game, player 2 up = player 1 button 2, player 2 down = player 1 button 3, player 2 left = player 1 button 1 and player 2 buttons 5/6 = player 1 second character specials. Frustrating! Perhaps the game itself has these buttons mapped out and fixed when running. I will try some different combinations.


I tested out Contra Evolution Revolution and had the same control issues in game. There might even be more games with control problems, has anyone else tested this?

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I want to try but the new loader after unzipped I double click it does not open at all. Downloaded twice still have same problem

Any one having same problem?

make loader with out effect filter !!!!! 

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Invité orio1

English instructions would be nice. I have no idea how to install the game dumps to the nesica x live front end. 


There are 45 pages in english & french, as well as a neat pdf ....


I am assuming you're just lazy and want "ultrafighterkingfullnelson12"  now & are not willing to find out how to do that for yourself.So a shitpost will suffice i guess.

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Update contents of 245
· Rastan has "P key pause", "Right click pause / frame advance" function corresponded.
* If you can not send a frame, please increase the value of "Refresh interval other" tab "Frame advance update interval".

· "Space Invaders" has "P key pause", "right click pause / frame advance" function corresponded.
* If you can not send frames, please increase the value of "Refresh interval other" tab "Frame advance update interval".

· Partial change of specification of right click pause function.
* The update right temporary stop function is enabled even when "Loader setting 2" tab "Internal Resolution Change New" is selected by this update.

· Changed the Resolution of debug.ini to "6" when starting NESiCA version of GOUKETSUJI.
* We uploaded the video again for those who can not start up blackout.

· We assigned LoaderMode = 1 to Chinese Contra.
· We made LoaderMode = 1 corresponded to The Bishi Bashi.
- Fixed a bug that the window frame is displayed when loading YOKUSHIN with LoaderMode = 4.
· Frame limiter was enabled when YOKUSHIN was activated with Loader Mode = 4.
· Type X screen with Loader Mode = 4 Partial processing of rotation system game changed.
· Partial change of default value of TTX.ini.
· Some notation of Language.ini changed.
· Fixed bug that Skullgirls' right click pause / frame advance function was unstable.
· Partial defect fixation when Type X type screen rotation is enabled.
- Delete useless batch processing at Loader startup.
· Hot key "CTRL + cursor" Adjustment of window position is abolished.
· Hot key "SHIFT + CTRL + cursor" Adjustment of window size is abolished.

· Please make Language.ini the default.
- Other, fixed defect fixes. 
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Update contents of 245
· Rastan has "P key pause", "Right click pause / frame advance" function corresponded.
* If you can not send a frame, please increase the value of "Refresh interval other" tab "Frame advance update interval".

· "Space Invaders" has "P key pause", "right click pause / frame advance" function corresponded.
* If you can not send frames, please increase the value of "Refresh interval other" tab "Frame advance update interval".

· Partial change of specification of right click pause function.
* The update right temporary stop function is enabled even when "Loader setting 2" tab "Internal Resolution Change New" is selected by this update.

· Changed the Resolution of debug.ini to "6" when starting NESiCA version of GOUKETSUJI.
* We uploaded the video again for those who can not start up blackout.

· We assigned LoaderMode = 1 to Chinese Contra.
· We made LoaderMode = 1 corresponded to The Bishi Bashi.
- Fixed a bug that the window frame is displayed when loading YOKUSHIN with LoaderMode = 4.
· Frame limiter was enabled when YOKUSHIN was activated with Loader Mode = 4.
· Type X screen with Loader Mode = 4 Partial processing of rotation system game changed.
· Partial change of default value of TTX.ini.
· Some notation of Language.ini changed.
· Fixed bug that Skullgirls' right click pause / frame advance function was unstable.
· Partial defect fixation when Type X type screen rotation is enabled.
- Delete useless batch processing at Loader startup.
· Hot key "CTRL + cursor" Adjustment of window position is abolished.
· Hot key "SHIFT + CTRL + cursor" Adjustment of window size is abolished.

· Please make Language.ini the default.
- Other, fixed defect fixes.  

Cool great to see the loader is still being worked on. I'm not sure what the frame advance function is for though. Does this update fix games like skullgirls with the conflicting fixed keys?

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