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NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC

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  Le 23/01/2017 à 19:22, 7zxkv a dit :

Ouai j'avais rien vu non plus c'est con. Sinon meme si ya un bug dans le PRINCIPE c'est quoi le menu pour passer a la volé du sd en hd ?

tu peux passer SD/HD mais pas en temps réel en jeu, tu pourra passer du SD/HD avant de lancer ton jeu en cochant ou décochant cette option :




mais bon ca reste pas top en SD c'est plutot dégueu même avec du scanline ^^

Modifié par WildWolf
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Posté(e) (modifié)

Je te remercie wolf, ca me change de mes bat ^^

Et en plus c'était bien écrit séparément, ceci dit ya pas mal de mode qui s'entrecroise, faudrait que je check tes tutos ^^

Modifié par 7zxkv
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 23/01/2017 à 21:14, punkdark2000 a dit :

I tried launching with allrh and I configured the controls with the ttx but the controls do not work.

dude plz make an effort and read the changelog about all RH 235 :s (page 34 ! at the end)

Modifié par WildWolf
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 23/01/2017 à 17:22, shitoken a dit :

BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma [302508] 302510


When I am launching this game i receive popup of (INIT FAILED) after press OK game launches fine.


Does anyone know why I am getting INIT FAILED in the beginning?

BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma 235 - VIRUS WARNING!! DO NOT DOWNLOAD 201701240200 (RAR5) perfect thanks

Modifié par torostanco
  Le 23/01/2017 à 21:14, punkdark2000 a dit :

I tried launching with allrh and I configured the controls with the ttx but the controls do not work.

Hello try this :


use ttx_config2.0.... it's ok ?



Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 23/01/2017 à 20:12, Kas2013 a dit :

Samurai Spirits Sen, voici mon theme hyperspin :



....    ^_^

Petite mise a jour sans la vidéo du theme vraiment pas grand chose mais j'ai juste corrigé la partie blanche en bas du titre samurai shodown sen, et j'ai refait un peu le cadre en bas a gauche ou on voyait la vidéo qui dépassait un peu. Mais c'est vraiment parceque je suis maniaque mdr. ;)

Modifié par Kas2013
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  Le 23/01/2017 à 22:37, kevenz a dit :

^^hypersin sure is a waste of fucking time.

if you have a cab dude it is very useful with scripts and Rocket Launcher ...

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 00:13, atrfate2016 a dit :

it is useful when you have all TTX and Nesica dumps only  but when you have + 35000 rom dude do you think this frontend is useful lol ???

I don't think so ^^

Modifié par WildWolf
  Le 24/01/2017 à 00:26, WildWolf a dit :

it is useful when you have all TTX and Nesica dumps only  but when you have + 35000 rom dude do you think this frontend is useful lol ???

I don't think so ^^

Well you can use any Fe and list them better then hyperspin such as launchbox xbmc, kodi, or make an attract mode theme to suit your 3800 roms. it isnt that hard.

  Le 24/01/2017 à 00:26, WildWolf a dit :

it is useful when you have all TTX and Nesica dumps only  but when you have + 35000 rom dude do you think this frontend is useful lol ???

I don't think so ^^

well you can set it up so you can change layouts(themes) with one button so switching between special themes for each main system and then having a generic hyperspin like one for everything else is very simple.

also AM runs rather well on a real TTX ;)

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 23/01/2017 à 17:57, atrfate2016 a dit :

It would be very helpful for the community if you share your loader setup to run it in HD, I guess at this point it should not be a big deal to share some info...

Thanx in advance and thank you for the great work you did with the frontend, there's visibly an impressive amount of work behind that and with the release of it you made a lot of people pretty happy and excited, I'm actually using it and I spent some time to customize it meticulously in order to make it look like the real Nesica UI, I will share soon the layout...


Modifié par dex77
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 02:34, dex77 a dit :

It would be very helpful for the community if you share your loader setup to run it in HD, I guess at this point it should not be a big deal to share some info...

Thanx in advance and thank you for the great work you did with the frontend, there's visibly an impressive amount of work behind that and with the release of it you made a lot of people pretty happy and excited, I'm actually using it and I spent some time to customize it meticulously in order to make it look like the real Nesica UI, I will share soon the layout...

Alot of changes where made to provide more information then the real ui. a swell as a full English translation not sure what that picture is form but i assure you the colors inside mine are very accurate, not sure why that one is blooming blue.


Also The game is a JVS Game load it with a TTX loader.... 

Modifié par atrfate2016
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 02:57, atrfate2016 a dit :

Alot of changes where made to provide more information then the real ui. a swell as a full English translation not sure what that picture is form but i assure you the colors inside mine are very accurate, not sure why that one is blooming blue.


Also The game is a JVS Game load it with a TTX loader.... 


Indeed and actually the palette of colors you have used it's extremely accurate but I noticed that it's based on the version 2.50/2.52, according to the screens I've found

around the net the latest versions of the UI (2.57 to 3.50) have different color tonalities, some more purplish and other bluish with a definitely more vibrant color contrast, the screenshot it's from my actual edit based on the version 2.57... coming back to samurai spirits... I'll give it a try with TTX loader as you have suggested, thank you again buddy!



EDIT: Tried with TTX loader and no way... at least on win10 x64... the only way it runs at the moment is with RH in SD... are you running the game on a real TypeX?

Modifié par dex77

para los que no han sido capaz de jugar samurai yo use el ttx 2.0 mas el all rh 235 y en loader mode puse la opcion 5 y corre super bn a full screen y los controles agarran perfecto se puede jugar muy bn en windows 7 64bits no hay ke agregar mas archivos a la carpeta del juego solo el ttx 2.0 y el all rh 235

  Le 24/01/2017 à 04:43, janpol a dit :

para los que no han sido capaz de jugar samurai yo use el ttx 2.0 mas el all rh 235 y en loader mode puse la opcion 5 y corre super bn a full screen y los controles agarran perfecto se puede jugar muy bn en windows 7 64bits no hay ke agregar mas archivos a la carpeta del juego solo el ttx 2.0 y el all rh 235

If that's true then could be just a win10x64 related issue... if anyone on win7 is having the same problem running in HD please leave a feedback, could be helpful to identify

the core's issue...

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 05:29, dex77 a dit :

If that's true then could be just a win10x64 related issue... if anyone on win7 is having the same problem running in HD please leave a feedback, could be helpful to identify

the core's issue...

With Samurai Spirit Sen no problem windows 7 x64 but with windows 10 x64 there are flickering on the screen you have to pass in SD mode, the only solution is a fix for All RH... 

No one notice but this version seems to be censored, no gore etc... sad :x

Modifié par WildWolf
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 07:58, WildWolf a dit :

With Samurai Spirit Sen no problem windows 7 x64 but with windows 10 x64 there are flickering on the screen you have to pass in SD mode, the only solution is a fix for All RH... 

No one notice but this version seems to be censored, no gore etc... sad :x

Yup, I have noticed... that's how it goes... ; ) 

...but it's not that bad since the TTX version has basically nothing less than the Nesica, I'll stick with that!

Modifié par dex77
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 07:58, WildWolf a dit :

With Samurai Spirit Sen no problem windows 7 x64 but with windows 10 x64 there are flickering on the screen you have to pass in SD mode, the only solution is a fix for All RH... 

No one notice but this version seems to be censored, no gore etc... sad :x

C'est la combinaison nvidia/win10. ca passe sous win10 sinon. Ya un mic mac avec les pilotes voir les shaders ama.


C'est marrant car la ttx c'est une v1.0 (de 2008) alors que la nesica une v1.05 (de 2011) et serait censuré. Remarque c'est pas si étonnant si le jeu passe plus facilement les frontieres mais bon ca reste étrange.

Modifié par 7zxkv
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 00:13, atrfate2016 a dit :


I am using Hyperspin to lauch AM frontend as above + RL to launch each game.

Only problem I am having is RL cannot recognize the game even after set each games in pclauncher module per game same Taito type x.

But all game work without problem if I launch the games from RL direclty.


That means combining AM frontend + RL is little headache due to game database does not match

Modifié par shitoken
  Le 24/01/2017 à 03:38, dex77 a dit :

Indeed and actually the palette of colors you have used it's extremely accurate but I noticed that it's based on the version 2.50/2.52, according to the screens I've found

around the net the latest versions of the UI (2.57 to 3.50) have different color tonalities, some more purplish and other bluish with a definitely more vibrant color contrast, the screenshot it's from my actual edit based on the version 2.57... coming back to samurai spirits... I'll give it a try with TTX loader as you have suggested, thank you again buddy!



EDIT: Tried with TTX loader and no way... at least on win10 x64... the only way it runs at the moment is with RH in SD... are you running the game on a real TypeX?


to my knowledge 2.57 was the latest menu version which was released back in 2015. the HDD supplied by taito have continued to increase in version number but the menu is still 2.57. so i would say the revision numbers on the HDDs are due to pre loaded games.


More than happy to be proven wrong here though as if there is a newer version i want to know about it.  ;)


If you want to can you PM me the screens you have of the later menus. more than happy to return the favor  :very-good:

  Le 24/01/2017 à 02:34, dex77 a dit :

It would be very helpful for the community if you share your loader setup to run it in HD, I guess at this point it should not be a big deal to share some info...

Thanx in advance and thank you for the great work you did with the frontend, there's visibly an impressive amount of work behind that and with the release of it you made a lot of people pretty happy and excited, I'm actually using it and I spent some time to customize it meticulously in order to make it look like the real Nesica UI, I will share soon the layout...



Is this the same attract mode UI?

Will this AM UI work with rocketlauncher as I am using the one from attractmode and having problem lauching games via RL.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 09:11, 7zxkv a dit :

C'est la combinaison nvidia/win10. ca passe sous win10 sinon. Ya un mic mac avec les pilotes voir les shaders ama.


C'est marrant car la ttx c'est une v1.0 (de 2008) alors que la nesica une v1.05 (de 2011) et serait censuré. Remarque c'est pas si étonnant si le jeu passe plus facilement les frontieres mais bon ca reste étrange.




 bientot  un mode gamer !!!!  sur windows 10 (( redstone1)) en  mars 2017   si non  sur ((redstone 2))  en  decembre






Modifié par garmouz
  Le 23/01/2017 à 21:38, torostanco a dit :

BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma 235 - VIRUS WARNING!! DO NOT DOWNLOAD 201701240200 (RAR5) perfect thanks

are you sure is virus?

Is the same torrent we all are using.

Same error I received with Chaos and few more games.

Can someone tell me what error is this?

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Posté(e) (modifié)

Game Loader All RH 236


Update contents of 236
· It corresponds to Pop'n eclale.
* To change the internal resolution, please select (Anisotropic Filter (OLD), Mode 1) from the "Loader Setting 2" tab "Internal Resolution Change".
* If the folder name is "éclale", a malfunction will occur on the Loader side so please set it to "eclale".
* I confirmed only the activation with eaLocalServer.

· Other, fixed defect fixes.

Modifié par WildWolf
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 12:53, 7zxkv a dit :

Pop'n (x)? plus rien a voir avec taito/nesica non? osef perso^^

il faut savoir que le loader prend en compte aussi tous les jeux de rythme & musique, la série des :


- Beatmania IIDX


- Jubeat

- Pop'n'Music

- SoundVoltex


j'en testerai quelques un, les sound voltex ont l'air d'être énorme quand tu regardes sur Youtube :

Modifié par WildWolf
  Le 24/01/2017 à 09:59, shitoken a dit :

Is this the same attract mode UI?

Will this AM UI work with rocketlauncher as I am using the one from attractmode and having problem lauching games via RL.

you not getting RL to work is 100% on you has nothing to do with the gui  lol

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 24/01/2017 à 09:51, coreyg88 a dit :

to my knowledge 2.57 was the latest menu version which was released back in 2015. the HDD supplied by taito have continued to increase in version number but the menu is still 2.57. so i would say the revision numbers on the HDDs are due to pre loaded games.


More than happy to be proven wrong here though as if there is a newer version i want to know about it.  ;)


If you want to can you PM me the screens you have of the later menus. more than happy to return the favor  :very-good:


This is the screenshot I've found that reports 3.50... Also the Ui it's pretty different... I can't guarantee the authenticity but to me looks pretty official...

Modifié par dex77

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