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NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC

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  Le 11/01/2017 à 01:18, jyh a dit :


thanks but it still crash!by the way,do you have other artwork,like kof98um kof2002um and GigaWing Generations King Of Fighters Sky Stage Shikigami No Shiro III King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A Chaos Breaker


what a pity it does work here (windows 10 x64)


Yes I can create others Bezels with Game Loader All RH only, maybe later


Help, I can launch KOF 2002 UM using nesys.bat and "Game Loader All RH.exe" but when I enter to the "Test Menu" (game setting) I can change the settings, then I save, BUT NOTHING IS SAVED, the next time that the game starts, the settings remains the same (I really want to set the blood ON and language to English)


Thanks in advance.

Greets KHZ



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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/01/2017 à 23:16, WildWolf a dit :

- n'est plus detecté comme un faux positif maintenant par votre anti virus

Il a réduit considérablement les faux positifs effectivement:

pourrait aussi arrêter son nom de fichier à la con ^^


Par ailleurs j'adore l'entête du fichier:




C'est surement pour dissuader taito peut-être ^_^


Le seul truc négatif de gameloaderRH (RH pour quoi d'ailleurs? ressources hacker?) c'est la création de répertoire dans appdata ou je ne sais ou mais bon c'est pas grand chose^^

Modifié par 7zxkv
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 01:59, WildWolf a dit :

what a pity it does work here (windows 10 x64)


Yes I can create others Bezels with Game Loader All RH only, maybe later

my pc is also win10 x 64,when i run it  without orientation it crash,but when i run it with orientation it run fine。the artwork is normal 。 but the game is orientated,my monitor has not orientation function。are there other something might be set?

Modifié par jyh
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 06:57, jyh a dit :

my pc is also win10 x 64,when i run it  without orientation it crash,but when i run it with orientation it run fine。the artwork is normal 。 but the game is orientated,my monitor has not orientation function。are there other something might be set?

dude the solution I gave you does work with other people, I think you forgot something, could you make a VIdeo (Youtube) with possibility to see what you do to launch Homura, maybe I will find what is wrong with you :)

Modifié par WildWolf

Merci WildWolf, ca je ne n'avais pas fait attention :


- n'est plus detecté comme un faux positif maintenant par votre anti virus


enfin ca faisait un peu tache  :very-good:


ca marche super bien magical beat maintenant avec xbox360... juste un petit probleme de resolution que je vais trouvé.


maintenant j'utilise que la derniere version de all RH, ce qui m'a permis de nettoyer tous les dossiers jeux des fichiers inutiles c'est franchement génial :). fini le rfigod.dll, nesis.dat les clés et autres jconfig (merci a ce dernier qui est inclu dans all rh 231.5)

Vraiment TOP je le conseil a tous même pour Hyperspin  :very-good:


Hello everyone thank you for the advice and solutions now I have problems running Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena [302104] I use Game Loader All RH use 231.5 but I always get this message


my game


thanks and regards

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 12:17, chelo2014 a dit :

Hello everyone thank you for the advice and solutions now I have problems running Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena [302104] I use Game Loader All RH use 231.5 but I always get this message




just wait 30 sec after the error screen the game does work, because Nesica is offline.

Modifié par WildWolf
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 12:09, Kas2013 a dit :
ca marche super bien magical beat maintenant avec xbox360... juste un petit probleme de resolution que je vais trouvé.

Ca sent ce probleme ^^ :



coche 16/9 :



mets ta resolution écran max, puis click sur selection 1 :


Modifié par WildWolf

Well, i've tested the new loader, added exception to my antivirus, and tried to play arcana heart
But now the game window appears all white, with the message "not responding" in the window.

The loader dont opens to me here.

I'm using windows 10 
-quad core processor

-4gb RAM

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 01:18, jyh a dit :


thanks but it still crash!by the way,do you have other artwork,like kof98um kof2002um and GigaWing Generations King Of Fighters Sky Stage Shikigami No Shiro III King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A Chaos Breaker


Here are the Bezels you asked for, only works with GameLoader All RH (BG image activated)

For each Game you have 2 Bezels, one with No Scanline and One with scanline.!SBABSaID!i1WquKvDh28ahY-bf2RfWHqiEdLwfQ7a7WP-xzSeLbw




                             Preview :

      NO SCANLINE              SCANLINE

1484145014-chaos-breaker-no-scanline-bez 1484145015-chaos-breaker-scanline-bezel.CHAOS BREAKER(TTX) 1484145059-gigawing-scanline-bezel.pngGIGAWINGS GENERATION(TTX)

1484145065-homura-no-scanline-bezel.png 1484145065-homura-scanline-bezel.pngHOMURA(TTX & NESICA)

1484145057-kof-2002um-no-scanline-bezel. 1484145107-kof-2002um-scanline-bezel.pngKOF 2002UM(NESICA) 1484145108-kof-mira-scanline-bezel.pngKOF MIRA(TTX²)

1484145169-kof-skystage-no-scanline-beze 1484145155-kof-skystage-scanline-bezel.pKOF SKY STAGE(TTX)

1484145106-kof98-no-scanline-bezel.png 1484145062-kof98-scanline-bezel.pngKOF 98UM(TTX & NESICA)

1484145161-shikigami-no-shiro-iii-no-sca 1484145159-shikigami-no-shiro-iii-scanliSHIKIGAMI NO SHIRO III(TTX)

Modifié par WildWolf
  Le 11/01/2017 à 12:24, WildWolf a dit :

just wait 30 sec after the error screen the game does work, because Nesica is offline.

 That was the incredible solution but true  :ptdr:  thank you .. :very-good: 

  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 16:05, chelo2014 a dit :

 That was the incredible solution but true  :ptdr:  thank you .. :very-good: 

I don't know why you loose your time to play this version "The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold" si much better and more Features :o

Modifié par WildWolf
  Le 11/01/2017 à 16:11, WildWolf a dit :

I don't know why you loose your time to play this version "The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold" si much better and more Features :o


If I know but it is not wasted of time is only to give solution to games that did not work for me. Again thank you very much for the help. :fiesta:


I have a question in regards to Homura, a Nesica dump. I have made the controls work, the game loads. But when it loads, the game runs in turbo speed and is completely and impossibly unplayable. Is there a trick or anyway to run this title in normal speed?

  Le 11/01/2017 à 14:33, WildWolf a dit :

Here are the Bezels you asked for, only works with GameLoader All RH (BG image activated)

For each Game you have 2 Bezels, one with No Scanline and One with scanline.!SBABSaID!i1WquKvDh28ahY-bf2RfWHqiEdLwfQ7a7WP-xzSeLbw




                             Preview :

      NO SCANLINE              SCANLINE

1484145014-chaos-breaker-no-scanline-bez 1484145015-chaos-breaker-scanline-bezel.CHAOS BREAKER(TTX) 1484145059-gigawing-scanline-bezel.pngGIGAWINGS GENERATION(TTX)

1484145065-homura-no-scanline-bezel.png 1484145065-homura-scanline-bezel.pngHOMURA(TTX & NESICA)

1484145057-kof-2002um-no-scanline-bezel. 1484145107-kof-2002um-scanline-bezel.pngKOF 2002UM(NESICA) 1484145108-kof-mira-scanline-bezel.pngKOF MIRA(TTX²)

1484145169-kof-skystage-no-scanline-beze 1484145155-kof-skystage-scanline-bezel.pKOF SKY STAGE(TTX)

1484145106-kof98-no-scanline-bezel.png 1484145062-kof98-scanline-bezel.pngKOF 98UM(TTX & NESICA)

1484145161-shikigami-no-shiro-iii-no-sca 1484145159-shikigami-no-shiro-iii-scanliSHIKIGAMI NO SHIRO III(TTX)

Bezels thanks

  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 17:32, GamerWithGlasses a dit :

I have a question in regards to Homura, a Nesica dump. I have made the controls work, the game loads. But when it loads, the game runs in turbo speed and is completely and impossibly unplayable. Is there a trick or anyway to run this title in normal speed?

the problem of speed is fixed with Game Loader All RH (Frame Limiter Option), and look to previous page I explained how lauch Homura with Game Loader All RH with New Bezels, plz read more because I repeat myself all the time, Half of the entire post is full of people who dont want to read the previous pages and ask a solution they already had if they learn to read a Forum...


I already created a Tutorial with Gameloader All RH, and Even if I am French I made an effort to translate into English so go read it and ask maybe later if you don't understand.


C'est Fou tu essaies de sortir des tuto traduis en anglais mais les gens les lise pas, les gens veulent absolument qu'on leur réponde maintenant sans aucune recherche et sans consulter des tuto, je suis pas Mere Théresa ^^

Modifié par WildWolf
  Le 11/01/2017 à 12:30, WildWolf a dit :

Ca sent ce probleme ^^ :



coche 16/9 :



mets ta resolution écran max, puis click sur selection 1 :


OUiii ! bingo, je me suis mis apres en mode 4 pour resoudre le probleme, je vais donc suivre ton tuto, merci. ^_^

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 17:53, WildWolf a dit :

the problem of speed is fixed with Game Loader All RH, and look to previous page I explained how lauch Homura with Game Loader All RH with New Bezels, plz read more because I repeat myself all the time, Half of the entire post is full of people who dont want to read the previous pages and ask a solution they already had if they learn to read a Forum...

Thank you for responding WildWolf. I knwo it probably buggs you all the time. I meant to harm or fown in asking. I was not aware of the previous topic as I didn't research or scan enough on the forum. I'll try to be more observant in the future and perform better research. I hope to avoid being an idiot in the future. lol :very-good:  Thank you again for your time and effort to making things work for everyone, much appreciated!

Modifié par GamerWithGlasses
Posté(e) (modifié)

Allez encore une derniere colle pour notre amis WildWolf (for me ^_^ ) qui ne s'en sort pas avec toutes ces demandes  ^_^


Voila le probleme un peu hors sujet, c'est pour Otomedius avec le dernier all rh.


Je n'arrive pas a le lancer en fullscreen 16:9, au debut j'ai le initialinzing en 16:9 et apres il se remet en resolution d'origine. Autrechose quand je le lance avec les bg images, il y en a qu'une seule qui se positionne sur la droite et rien sur la gauche.... bref il marche bien mais avec la resolution d'origine quoi !

Mais le plus gros soucis pour moi, c'est que je n'arrive pas a configurer les commandes pour le faire fonctionner avec le pad 360. c'est le seul jeu qui ne tourne pas avec la manette. comment faire ?  :ennuyeux:

Modifié par Kas2013
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  Le 11/01/2017 à 18:56, Kas2013 a dit :

Allez encore une derniere colle pour notre amis WildWolf (for me ^_^ ) qui ne s'en sort pas avec toutes ces demandes  ^_^


Voila le probleme un peu hors sujet, c'est pour Otomedius avec le dernier all rh.


Je n'arrive pas a le lancer en fullscreen 16:9, au debut j'ai le initialinzing en 16:9 et apres il se remet en resolution d'origine. Autrechose quand je le lance avec les bg images, il y en a qu'une seule qui se positionne sur la droite et rien sur la gauche.... bref il marche bien mais avec la resolution d'origine quoi !

Mais le plus gros soucis pour moi, c'est que je n'arrive pas a configurer les commandes pour le faire fonctionner avec le pad 360. c'est le seul jeu qui ne tourne pas avec la manette. comment faire ?  :ennuyeux:

je ne peux pas t'aider pour le moment étant donné que j'ai jamais test ce jeu avec Game Loader All RH, dis toi aussi que tu as des jeux où les commandes avec manette x360 ne marcheront pas directement, il faudra se contenter de Xpadder ou autre, j'essaierai plus tard...

  Le 11/01/2017 à 18:04, GamerWithGlasses a dit :

Thank you for responding WildWolf. I knwo it probably buggs you all the time. I meant to harm or fown in asking. I was not aware of the previous topic as I didn't research or scan enough on the forum. I'll try to be more observant in the future and perform better research. I hope to avoid being an idiot in the future. lol :very-good:  Thank you again for your time and effort to making things work for everyone, much appreciated!

Whitewolf, you an delete my post in the tutorial about the English version of All RH Loader. I found the necessary English ini files and have successfully opened it in English. Had to figure what ini files needed to be where and when. Got it now. :fiesta: 

Posté(e) (modifié)

Alors je sais qu'Homura a deja été traité mais j'ai ce message :


ou ici 
Je n'arrive plus a trouvé l'ancien taito type x loader, j'ai pris le TTX_LOADER_MOD de wildwolf mais bon c'est peut etre pas ca... toujours avec le dernier all rh 
Modifié par Kas2013
  • Team
  Le 11/01/2017 à 19:47, Kas2013 a dit :


Alors je sais qu'Homura a deja été traité mais j'ai ce message :


ou ici 
Je n'arrive plus a trouvé l'ancien taito type x loader, j'ai pris le TTX_LOADER_MOD de wildwolf mais bon c'est peut etre pas ca... toujours avec le dernier all rh 


je vous donne mon skype ca sera plus simple, j'ai pas envie d'écrire, et ca sera plus pratique :


id SKYPE : ludo9341


Here, using the new loader, Arcana heart have this kind of problem, the windows says "not responding", appearing all white and the mouse pointer stay in "loading state" forever.


What should I do? (sorry for my insistency  ^_^ )


  Le 11/01/2017 à 20:22, eryson a dit :

Here, using the new loader, Arcana heart have this kind of problem, the windows says "not responding", appearing all white and the mouse pointer stay in "loading state" forever.


What should I do? (sorry for my insistency  ^_^ )

Actually (if I understand what the person above is saying) I too have the same problem with Arcana Heart 3 - LOVE MAX SIX STARS!!!!! freezing whenever I try to load it. I don't dare put it in full screen mode or else I need to restart the PC every time :\ 

  Le 11/01/2017 à 19:52, WildWolf a dit :

je vous donne mon skype ca sera plus simple, j'ai pas envie d'écrire, et ca sera plus pratique :


id SKYPE : ludo9341

my question is same as this guy,but i cant read French,may you translate into English?

  Le 11/01/2017 à 14:33, WildWolf a dit :

Here are the Bezels you asked for, only works with GameLoader All RH (BG image activated)

For each Game you have 2 Bezels, one with No Scanline and One with scanline.!SBABSaID!i1WquKvDh28ahY-bf2RfWHqiEdLwfQ7a7WP-xzSeLbw




                             Preview :

      NO SCANLINE              SCANLINE

1484145014-chaos-breaker-no-scanline-bez 1484145015-chaos-breaker-scanline-bezel.CHAOS BREAKER(TTX) 1484145059-gigawing-scanline-bezel.pngGIGAWINGS GENERATION(TTX)

1484145065-homura-no-scanline-bezel.png 1484145065-homura-scanline-bezel.pngHOMURA(TTX & NESICA)

1484145057-kof-2002um-no-scanline-bezel. 1484145107-kof-2002um-scanline-bezel.pngKOF 2002UM(NESICA) 1484145108-kof-mira-scanline-bezel.pngKOF MIRA(TTX²)

1484145169-kof-skystage-no-scanline-beze 1484145155-kof-skystage-scanline-bezel.pKOF SKY STAGE(TTX)

1484145106-kof98-no-scanline-bezel.png 1484145062-kof98-scanline-bezel.pngKOF 98UM(TTX & NESICA)

1484145161-shikigami-no-shiro-iii-no-sca 1484145159-shikigami-no-shiro-iii-scanliSHIKIGAMI NO SHIRO III(TTX)

its very kind of you ,thanks。

  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 12/01/2017 à 01:09, jyh a dit :

my question is same as this guy,but i cant read French,may you translate into English?

"I'm giving you my Skype ID, it should be easier to resolve problem :"


Skype ID : ludo9341


and guyz plz, if you want me to help you, plz make a video and upload it to Youtube ( I need to see files you have and how you launch DUMPS)

Modifié par WildWolf

Help me please :´(


  Le 11/01/2017 à 05:40, makhz a dit :

Help, I can launch KOF 2002 UM using nesys.bat and "Game Loader All RH.exe" but when I enter to the "Test Menu" (game setting) I can change the settings, then I save, BUT NOTHING IS SAVED, the next time that the game starts, the settings remains the same (I really want to set the blood ON and language to English)


Thanks in advance.

Greets KHZ




  Le 11/01/2017 à 17:32, GamerWithGlasses a dit :

I have a question in regards to Homura, a Nesica dump. I have made the controls work, the game loads. But when it loads, the game runs in turbo speed and is completely and impossibly unplayable. Is there a trick or anyway to run this title in normal speed?

You will also have that issue on Psychic Force 2012.

For PF2012 copy this file to your folder!yoghCapR!pTQOMowNBH6QqpH2DFwedX7cPQ3ZFUgjvV-7Hq6dpL8

For Homura copy this one!L1BkwbjQ!HObTNQw9sPmpuwVuqQDCpNbsEergKu4m579tDSqiV8w


This was already said in previous posts on this forum subject so search around before asking the same question as others.


You can also try the GameLoader All RH solution.

  Le 12/01/2017 à 00:59, pjay a dit :

Actually (if I understand what the person above is saying) I too have the same problem with Arcana Heart 3 - LOVE MAX SIX STARS!!!!! freezing whenever I try to load it. I don't dare put it in full screen mode or else I need to restart the PC every time :\ 

Yeah, you've understood well. I have this EXACT problem, the thing freezes, and if I try it in fullscreen, i must restart the computer all times. the rest of the games works fine.

  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)

>>> Game Loader All RH 232 out <<<!PJYGgBxb!HcsUmLW_QC77plKhgMvpO5tTbW-88kQiKqTA9-YejAo


Update contents of 232


· Loader Mode = 3 + 6, 6 "SMAA" has been restored to exclusive setting.

* Although the display quality is subtle, SMAA was revived by saying that it was better to have it than nothing.

* When using the SMAA function, please be sure to press "Other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.


· Added homemade fucking squirrel scanline image.

Scanline transparent 60 1920 x 1080.png

Scanline transparent 60 vline 1920 x 1080.png

Scanline transparent 70 1920 x 1080.png

Scanline transparent 70 vline 1920 x 1080.png

Scanline transparent 80 1920 x 1080.png

Scanline transparent 80 vline 1920 x 1080.png

* I made less horizontal lines than the previous scan line image, so it may be like a CRT.

* I think that the screen is also hard to get dark.

* The numerical value of the image file name is the transparency of the horizontal line, and the transparency increases as the number increases.

* The "vline" version of the image filename contains subtle thin vertical lines.

* Based on the above file, it may be good to create original Bezel image.


- Fixed a bug when Exception's Testmode was started.

· Please update Language.ini.

· Other, fixed defect fixes.


Modifié par WildWolf
  Le 12/01/2017 à 16:47, WildWolf a dit :
>>> Game Loader All RH 232 out <<<!PJYGgBxb!HcsUmLW_QC77plKhgMvpO5tTbW-88kQiKqTA9-YejAo
Update contents of 232· Loader Mode = 3 + 6, 6 "SMAA" has been restored to exclusive setting.* Although the display quality is subtle, SMAA was revived by saying that it was better to have it than nothing.* When using the SMAA function, please be sure to press "Other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.· Added homemade fucking squirrel scanline image.Scanline transparent 60 1920 x 1080.pngScanline transparent 60 vline 1920 x 1080.pngScanline transparent 70 1920 x 1080.pngScanline transparent 70 vline 1920 x 1080.pngScanline transparent 80 1920 x 1080.pngScanline transparent 80 vline 1920 x 1080.png* I made less horizontal lines than the previous scan line image, so it may be like a CRT.* I think that the screen is also hard to get dark.* The numerical value of the image file name is the transparency of the horizontal line, and the transparency increases as the number increases.* The "vline" version of the image filename contains subtle thin vertical lines.* Based on the above file, it may be good to create original Bezel image.- Fixed a bug when Exception's Testmode was started.· Please update Language.ini.· Other, fixed defect fixes.

Homura-Psychic Force 2012- perfect thanks

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