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NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC

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  Le 04/01/2017 à 16:54, 7zxkv a dit :

C'est idmacX v1.2 pour l'instant, il n'y a pas de 1.2 Fix, faite gaffe car c'est déjà pas simple^^

erf je m’emmêle les pinceaux dsl


May I know which is the latest update torrent?


The one I have downloaded with 42 games does not have The Rumble Fish 2


Trouble Witches AC - Amalgam no Joutachi[v1.12][400702] quelqu'un me aide ne peux pas configurer les contrôles quand je mets avec JConfig.exe pas moi ou un bouton quelqu'un peut me aider avec ce jeu grâce et de reconnaître comment le faire en plein écran sans bordure si vous le pouvez grâce.

  Le 06/01/2017 à 04:50, shitoken a dit :

May I know which is the latest update torrent?


The one I have downloaded with 42 games does not have The Rumble Fish 2

I do not see Rumble Fish 2 as well


  • Team



soit 44 éléments ---> 37.9 Go

Invité Rorysean

I all so do not have The Rumble Fish 2

  Le 08/01/2017 à 11:09, WildWolf a dit :



soit 44 éléments ---> 37.9 Go


I checked really Rumble fish & Blazeblue Central Fiction arent there


Buena tardes al guíen me puede ayudar con la configuración de los créditos de kof 98 y 2002 ya que al oprimir el botón de créditos salen 10 o 5


Good morning somebody can help me with the configuration of the credits of the kof 98 and 2002 um since to press the button of credits I leave 10 or 5

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/01/2017 à 13:28, shitoken a dit :

I checked really Rumble fish & Blazeblue Central Fiction arent there

for you:






Modifié par 7zxkv
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 08/01/2017 à 17:06, brad808 a dit :

Any way to stop cursor from showing up in Capcom games?

Untick Direct3d9 Wrapper


Modifié par WildWolf
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  Le 08/01/2017 à 17:31, brad808 a dit :

That is how they are now. I get the cursor showing up in Street Fighter 2, Vampire Savior, SFZ3, and 3rd strike

Tested it and yes cursor is always here, I advice you to have a look and ask to the Hyperspin Forum there are great people who have a solution, if you have it plz post here :)

  Le 08/01/2017 à 17:31, brad808 a dit :

That is how they are now. I get the cursor showing up in Street Fighter 2, Vampire Savior, SFZ3, and 3rd strike

If you use Hyperspin for these games, I advise you to use RocketLauncher as well. That way you can hide the cursor.




Posté(e) (modifié)


Olá!! estou tentando inicializar o game Arcana heart Love Max Six Stars, mas mesmo usando o loader aparece uma janela dizendo


"o Aplicativo nao foi inicializado corretamente (0x0000142). click ok para fechar o aplicativo."


Alguem pode me ajudar a resolver este problema??



Hello!! i'm trying to play Arcana heart Love Max Six Stars, but even if i use the RFIDgod_inject , a window with this message appears


"the application was unable to start correctly (0x0000142). click ok to close the application."

What is happening?can you guys help me a solve this problem?


Games like En-eins and chaos-code works normally here.

Modifié par eryson
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/01/2017 à 07:14, jyh a dit :

hello icant run Homura with Game Loader All RH,how can i run it。can someone tell me.

it does work perfecty with make orientation screen vertical option, maybe a resolution problem

Modifié par WildWolf
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/01/2017 à 09:51, WildWolf a dit :

it does work perfecty with make orientation screen vertical option, maybe a resolution problem

can i run it without orientation?because i like game artwork. it also runs fine with orientation in my pc.

i run it with iDmacXv1.2 without perfection,it is in fullscreen with blue i want to try  it with Game Loader All RH.

Modifié par jyh
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/01/2017 à 10:37, jyh a dit :

can i run it without orientation?because i like game artwork. it also runs fine with orientation in my pc.

i run it with iDmacXv1.2 without perfection,it is in fullscreen with blue i want to try  it with Game Loader All RH.

ok I found a solution, yes it is possible to play it, Just Delete :


Those 2 files are used by the game.exe to run with Bezels HD here : Homura[401200]\Data\Nesica but an error crash is happening if you keep those files with Game Loader All RH.


EDIT : I created a Game Loader All RH Bezel for HOMURA, to use it, just activate BG image and select "Homura_Bezel_by_Wildwolf.png" and save with the Game Loader All RH.Then enjoy the game :) (It is the same Original Bezel used by the native game, not a artwork of mine, if you don't want to play with Bezel , disable BG image.)


PNG link (without SCANLINE) :!mJpR0DQT!T6hcMafDVu5tMe8uEJcdxCEsYkqpZIvztCGe0aK0OOg




PNG link (with SCANLINE) :!7M4kXSSB!WsZ7d76bthORz7c97DoUE482-bkSt7OWk012CAJDP8s



Modifié par WildWolf
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/01/2017 à 13:12, eryson a dit :

Ehhh, anybody here knows if Arcana Heart Six Stars is playable? knows how to make it works?

After Extracting all  files Just download this :!uEJRWKiJ!fxj3rd7EeUDWyU3YlG-WHkC6Pd5w3plP8bPLywGD0Is and extract to the root of Arcana Heart,


Then Delete "d3d9.dll",

then launch JConfig.exe and disable DW Window mode,

then launch RFIDGod_inject.exe in admin mode,



Modifié par WildWolf
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Posté(e) (modifié)



Modifié par 7zxkv
bad source at EmuCRap (the bullshit site ever)
Posté(e) (modifié)

Merci WildWolf, je vais tester la bete.  :bravo:

A propos, je viens d'avoir une nouvelle config geforce GX950m ... et maintenant pour Homura il marche avec un taux de FPS enorme ! meme avec un fichier D3D.dll que j'ai trouvé je ne sais plus ou, c'est rapide, une solution ?

Et pour chaos code je me demandais comment le lancer avec le all RH, chez moi ca marche qu'acvec Game.exe ?

Modifié par Kas2013
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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/01/2017 à 18:12, Kas2013 a dit :

Merci WildWolf, je vais tester la bete.  :bravo:

A propos, je viens d'avoir une nouvelle config geforce GX950m ... et maintenant pour Homura il marche avec un taux de FPS enorme ! meme avec un fichier D3D.dll que j'ai trouvé je ne sais plus ou, c'est rapide, une solution ?

Et pour chaos code je me demandais comment le lancer avec le all RH, chez moi ca marche qu'acvec Game.exe ?

c'est toutjours la meme chose Kas utilise Game Loader All RH 231.5 un peu en haut tu verra aussi que j'ai fais un post sur homura pour bien le faire fonctionner avec le Loader, j'ai aussi créer des Bezels qui était incompatible nativement avec Game Loader All RH.


Tel que je suis parti va falloir aussi que je pense à faire un PDF complet sur les Manipulations pour lancer tous les jeux correctement, je verrai ca plus tard pour le moment je suis encore sur celui de Reshade...


pour Chaos Code ya pas plus simple :


1)decompresse Chaos Code

2)décompresse ce pack Ready To Play dans la racine du jeu (c'est un pack avec tout le nécessaire mis à jour pour jouer sur tous les jeux Nesica) :!6IAD1C5R!jrdkDM0rK8ZwS_NMuwu2KqqcyOETEjDvFKHjXSkscfE

3) si tu touches Jconfig tu supprimes "monitor_misc.bin" sinon ca marchera pas

4)parametre game loader all RH et tu lances ^^


le jeu est carrement plus sympa avec le mode scanline (bg image activé) + FXAA + bilinear en mode loader 3-6 :



Modifié par WildWolf
Posté(e) (modifié)

Excellent.  :very-good:


Arf ... pour Magical Beat j'ai perdu les commandes de ma manette xbox .... encore un truc a voir...

Modifié par Kas2013
  Le 10/01/2017 à 15:36, WildWolf a dit :


Game Loader All RH 231.5


Changelog depuis la ver 225 :

**********************************Updated contents of 231.5· I integrated "iDmacX V1.2" in Game Loader Config.exe.* Loader integration, JConfig.exe capacity reduction processing is done.* The configuration file of JConfig.exe is separated from the existing setting data, so it is saved in "sv folder".* You can delete "monitor_input.bin" "monitor_misc.bin" if it is not necessary.* When using, please press the button from "Loader setting 1" tab "iDmacX output".* The output files are "iDmacDrv32.dll" "JConfig.exe" "Configuration file for Game Loader".In the setting file output for Game Loader, the following functions are disabled.① Direct 3 D 9 Wrapper.② DirectSound Wrapper.③ "Individual Settings" in Settings button.· Since the included file was updated, please be sure to press the "other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.· Please update Language.ini.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 230- It corresponds to BlazBlue Central Fiction.* Internal resolution change is possible by using newly added following functions, but you can use "1 - BlazBlue Central Fiction SvPatch + FullHD 4 K (RAR 5)" which is upgraded in a separate mouth.* Since you will create a composite key on the Loader side, there is no need to put the key file in the game folder.* NesysService.exe is forcibly activated at Loader startup in order to avoid crash at game startup.· Game Loader Config.exe "Internal Resolution Change" corresponding to "Anisotropic Filter" New "is added to" Loader Setting 2 "tab.* We confirmed that it corresponds to BlazBlue series all titles, P4 series 2 titles, KOFXII, KOFXIII, KOFXIII CLIMAX as far as confirmed here.* In the above game, you can improve the internal resolution without using HD version game.exe which is uploaded in a separate mouth.* Since there is a possibility that a problem may occur in the graphics at the time of the first game of each game start, it is better to end Loader with ESC after the first loader activation process and to play the game from the second and subsequent launch I think that is good.Please note that if you set "Enhanced filter" to "Bicubic" or higher when setting * Loader Mode = 6, there are games to black out.* Besides that may also correspond to the game which was not supported for internal resolution change so far, but it is troublesome so we have not confirmed it.* It does not correspond to all games, so please try them variously.* Since the included file was updated, please be sure to press the "other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.- For avoiding crash at game startup, NesysService.exe was forcibly started at Loader startup even at P4 Suplex Hold (It is unknown how effective it is, but operation in this environment is good).· Please update Language.ini.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 229- Since I received a report that Game Loader crashes under Windows 7 x64 environment, I confirmed it with virtual machine, so it was not able to really start, so I fixed it.· Update game.exe of Yatagarasu in the archive.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 228Support for window mode start of Yatagarasu (corresponding LoaderMode is -1, 4, 6).* To start up in window mode, be sure to use "1 - Yatagarasu Windowed Mode Game.exe for Game Loader All RH (RAR 5)" in this archive.* There is no choice of low resolution mode, high resolution mode switching for avoiding trouble.* It starts in high resolution mode in window mode and low resolution mode at full screen mode.* In the low resolution mode, "Loader setting 2" tab "Internal resolution change" can be used, but it can not be used in high resolution mode (depending on the setting value, it will black out).When loader mode = 4 is selected, use "Anisotropic Filtering" "New" will crash, so use "Old".* Loader Mode = 6 When you select "Enlargement Filter" it seems that it will not be reflected on the game whichever item is selected, but "FXAA" seems to be reflected.* JConfig.exe's "Direct 3 D 9 Wrapper" and "Individual Settings" should be "inevitable".* Also see the readme.txt of game.exe for the attached window mode.* Nesica system 43 titles in this update completed Window mode startup in all games was completed.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 227· We reviewed several processes on the premise that "iDmacXv1.1_FIX" is used for Nesica game startup.* Changing to not load "C: \ RFID \ RFIDGod.dll" from * Loader (Avoid crash of Chaos Code and Trouble Witches).* Since BBCP and Nesys Emulation are incompatible with each other, it may crash immediately after the game is started up, so change Loader to forcibly start NesysService.exe (it seems that startup will be accelerated several seconds).* Testmode start button of Capcom system was abolished.· Capcom fighting system window mode activation was supported.* Bezel image display function can also be used, so scanline images etc can be displayed.* When FXAA is enabled, the probability of the game crashing during loader activation processing is very high, and it is quite unstable.* Window processing at Loader startup is slow as constant sleep is inserted to increase certainty.* The original As ratio is 5: 3, but when the automatic window size setting 0 is selected, the window size is maximized with the AS ratio of 16: 9.* If you are interested in the black bands above and below the screen, select "Ath ratio calculator" "5: 3", calculate and enter the calculation result in the "Window size" tab.* When maximizing the window size with FullHD monitor etc, please set it to "1920 x 1152".* DxWnd is used for windowing, but since the included file has been updated, be sure to press the "other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.· Capcom fighting system "P key" pause function supported (window mode only).· Capcom fighting system "right click pause" function was supported (window mode only).* If you can not send a frame, please increase the value of "Refresh interval other" tab "Frame advance update interval".· Changed to forcibly enable frame limiter when starting Exception.· Fixed a bug that it does not matter if the crash judgment timer at Loader startup was not working.· If you activate the right click pause function with Magical Beat, please be careful as the key operation on the game side will be invalid.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 226·Great! IDmacX became iDmacXv1.1_FIX and it got even more powerful! .· Here are some notes on using iDmacXv1.1_FIX with this Loader.* Direct3D9 Wrapper should be "inevitable"* When the game crashes, please also disable DirectSound Wrapper.* "Individual Settings" in the Settings button should be "inevitable".* Please switch Game Loader Config.exe "Loader setting 1" tab "TYPE X high resolution mode" in high resolution mode and low resolution mode switching.* For switching the orientation of the vertical shoe or 3D mahjong, please switch Game Loader Config.exe "Loader setting 1" tab "Make the screen orientation of Nesica style vertical shoe vertical".* To change the desktop rotation, please switch Game Loader Config.exe "Loader setting 1" tab "Rotate the desktop 180 degrees (Nesica style vertical shoe (game screen 270 degrees)").- An option to change the resolution of En-Eins was added.* Resolution change from "Loader setting 1" tab "En-Eins resolution" Please.* Since it is in the state that the resolution of 4: 3 as ratio is automatically entered automatically at the first start, please save it once and start it.TestMode setting data is saved in the * sv folder.· Fixed a massive misunderstanding about 3D Cosplay Mahjong.* Discontinue use of the old Type X Loader and operate it with ttx_monitor.* Delete "TypexHook.dll" in the sv folder and start Game Loader Config.exe again, "texx_monitor" "TypexHook.dll" is output.* Please do key setting etc. by "ttx_config2.0.exe" output to game folder.· Fixed bug that En-Eins automatic window size setting was not working.· Change the startup timing of NesysService.exe.· Since Update was virus-checked by ESET, Loader is updated.· Update a part of the Loader inclusion file as ESET is virus-checked (update the included file to the latest version).· Updated as "NesysService.exe" included in Loader has found some trouble.· Changed loader to forcibly terminate when returning to the desktop when the included file is deleted as security application during loader startup processing.* For updating the included file, please press Game Loader Config.exe "Other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.* If you do not do this operation will not work properly.* If you do not operate with the above operation, discard the Loader in the trash can and finish.· Other, fixed defect fixes.

Arcana Heart 3 - LOVE MAX SIX STARS!!!!!![302707] perfect thanks Wildwolf_Emuline

  Le 10/01/2017 à 20:51, torostanco a dit :


  Le 10/01/2017 à 15:36, WildWolf a dit :


Game Loader All RH 231.5


Changelog depuis la ver 225 :

**********************************Updated contents of 231.5· I integrated "iDmacX V1.2" in Game Loader Config.exe.* Loader integration, JConfig.exe capacity reduction processing is done.* The configuration file of JConfig.exe is separated from the existing setting data, so it is saved in "sv folder".* You can delete "monitor_input.bin" "monitor_misc.bin" if it is not necessary.* When using, please press the button from "Loader setting 1" tab "iDmacX output".* The output files are "iDmacDrv32.dll" "JConfig.exe" "Configuration file for Game Loader".In the setting file output for Game Loader, the following functions are disabled.① Direct 3 D 9 Wrapper.② DirectSound Wrapper.③ "Individual Settings" in Settings button.· Since the included file was updated, please be sure to press the "other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.· Please update Language.ini.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 230- It corresponds to BlazBlue Central Fiction.* Internal resolution change is possible by using newly added following functions, but you can use "1 - BlazBlue Central Fiction SvPatch + FullHD 4 K (RAR 5)" which is upgraded in a separate mouth.* Since you will create a composite key on the Loader side, there is no need to put the key file in the game folder.* NesysService.exe is forcibly activated at Loader startup in order to avoid crash at game startup.· Game Loader Config.exe "Internal Resolution Change" corresponding to "Anisotropic Filter" New "is added to" Loader Setting 2 "tab.* We confirmed that it corresponds to BlazBlue series all titles, P4 series 2 titles, KOFXII, KOFXIII, KOFXIII CLIMAX as far as confirmed here.* In the above game, you can improve the internal resolution without using HD version game.exe which is uploaded in a separate mouth.* Since there is a possibility that a problem may occur in the graphics at the time of the first game of each game start, it is better to end Loader with ESC after the first loader activation process and to play the game from the second and subsequent launch I think that is good.Please note that if you set "Enhanced filter" to "Bicubic" or higher when setting * Loader Mode = 6, there are games to black out.* Besides that may also correspond to the game which was not supported for internal resolution change so far, but it is troublesome so we have not confirmed it.* It does not correspond to all games, so please try them variously.* Since the included file was updated, please be sure to press the "other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.- For avoiding crash at game startup, NesysService.exe was forcibly started at Loader startup even at P4 Suplex Hold (It is unknown how effective it is, but operation in this environment is good).· Please update Language.ini.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 229- Since I received a report that Game Loader crashes under Windows 7 x64 environment, I confirmed it with virtual machine, so it was not able to really start, so I fixed it.· Update game.exe of Yatagarasu in the archive.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 228Support for window mode start of Yatagarasu (corresponding LoaderMode is -1, 4, 6).* To start up in window mode, be sure to use "1 - Yatagarasu Windowed Mode Game.exe for Game Loader All RH (RAR 5)" in this archive.* There is no choice of low resolution mode, high resolution mode switching for avoiding trouble.* It starts in high resolution mode in window mode and low resolution mode at full screen mode.* In the low resolution mode, "Loader setting 2" tab "Internal resolution change" can be used, but it can not be used in high resolution mode (depending on the setting value, it will black out).When loader mode = 4 is selected, use "Anisotropic Filtering" "New" will crash, so use "Old".* Loader Mode = 6 When you select "Enlargement Filter" it seems that it will not be reflected on the game whichever item is selected, but "FXAA" seems to be reflected.* JConfig.exe's "Direct 3 D 9 Wrapper" and "Individual Settings" should be "inevitable".* Also see the readme.txt of game.exe for the attached window mode.* Nesica system 43 titles in this update completed Window mode startup in all games was completed.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 227· We reviewed several processes on the premise that "iDmacXv1.1_FIX" is used for Nesica game startup.* Changing to not load "C: \ RFID \ RFIDGod.dll" from * Loader (Avoid crash of Chaos Code and Trouble Witches).* Since BBCP and Nesys Emulation are incompatible with each other, it may crash immediately after the game is started up, so change Loader to forcibly start NesysService.exe (it seems that startup will be accelerated several seconds).* Testmode start button of Capcom system was abolished.· Capcom fighting system window mode activation was supported.* Bezel image display function can also be used, so scanline images etc can be displayed.* When FXAA is enabled, the probability of the game crashing during loader activation processing is very high, and it is quite unstable.* Window processing at Loader startup is slow as constant sleep is inserted to increase certainty.* The original As ratio is 5: 3, but when the automatic window size setting 0 is selected, the window size is maximized with the AS ratio of 16: 9.* If you are interested in the black bands above and below the screen, select "Ath ratio calculator" "5: 3", calculate and enter the calculation result in the "Window size" tab.* When maximizing the window size with FullHD monitor etc, please set it to "1920 x 1152".* DxWnd is used for windowing, but since the included file has been updated, be sure to press the "other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.· Capcom fighting system "P key" pause function supported (window mode only).· Capcom fighting system "right click pause" function was supported (window mode only).* If you can not send a frame, please increase the value of "Refresh interval other" tab "Frame advance update interval".· Changed to forcibly enable frame limiter when starting Exception.· Fixed a bug that it does not matter if the crash judgment timer at Loader startup was not working.· If you activate the right click pause function with Magical Beat, please be careful as the key operation on the game side will be invalid.· Other, fixed defect fixes.Update contents of 226·Great! IDmacX became iDmacXv1.1_FIX and it got even more powerful! .· Here are some notes on using iDmacXv1.1_FIX with this Loader.* Direct3D9 Wrapper should be "inevitable"* When the game crashes, please also disable DirectSound Wrapper.* "Individual Settings" in the Settings button should be "inevitable".* Please switch Game Loader Config.exe "Loader setting 1" tab "TYPE X high resolution mode" in high resolution mode and low resolution mode switching.* For switching the orientation of the vertical shoe or 3D mahjong, please switch Game Loader Config.exe "Loader setting 1" tab "Make the screen orientation of Nesica style vertical shoe vertical".* To change the desktop rotation, please switch Game Loader Config.exe "Loader setting 1" tab "Rotate the desktop 180 degrees (Nesica style vertical shoe (game screen 270 degrees)").- An option to change the resolution of En-Eins was added.* Resolution change from "Loader setting 1" tab "En-Eins resolution" Please.* Since it is in the state that the resolution of 4: 3 as ratio is automatically entered automatically at the first start, please save it once and start it.TestMode setting data is saved in the * sv folder.· Fixed a massive misunderstanding about 3D Cosplay Mahjong.* Discontinue use of the old Type X Loader and operate it with ttx_monitor.* Delete "TypexHook.dll" in the sv folder and start Game Loader Config.exe again, "texx_monitor" "TypexHook.dll" is output.* Please do key setting etc. by "ttx_config2.0.exe" output to game folder.· Fixed bug that En-Eins automatic window size setting was not working.· Change the startup timing of NesysService.exe.· Since Update was virus-checked by ESET, Loader is updated.· Update a part of the Loader inclusion file as ESET is virus-checked (update the included file to the latest version).· Updated as "NesysService.exe" included in Loader has found some trouble.· Changed loader to forcibly terminate when returning to the desktop when the included file is deleted as security application during loader startup processing.* For updating the included file, please press Game Loader Config.exe "Other 3" tab "Make various files the latest version" button.* If you do not do this operation will not work properly.* If you do not operate with the above operation, discard the Loader in the trash can and finish.· Other, fixed defect fixes.


Arcana Heart 3 - LOVE MAX SIX STARS!!!!!![302707] perfect thanks Wildwolf_Emuline

Posté(e) (modifié)

Wildwolf est ce que tu arrives a faire marcher la manette XBOX360 dans magical beat avec seulement le dernier loader all RH 2.31.5.

Je connaissais la methode avec l'ancien IdmacX mais j'aimerai le faire fonctionner avec la derniere version et mon pad.  ^_^

Modifié par Kas2013
  • Team
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/01/2017 à 22:05, Kas2013 a dit :

Wildwolf est ce que tu arrives a faire marcher la manette XBOX360 dans magical beat avec seulement le dernier loader all RH 2.31.5.

Je connaissais la methode avec l'ancien IdmacX mais j'aimerai le faire fonctionner avec la derniere version et mon pad.  ^_^

OUI sans soucis : alors si tu reprend le pack "ReadyToPlay" que j'ai fais ici avec tous les derniers fichiers à jour (idmacX 1.2, GameLoader 231.5...) :!6IAD1C5R!jrdkDM0rK8ZwS_NMuwu2KqqcyOETEjDvFKHjXSkscfE


1) Tu extrais cela dans la racine de Magical Beat

2) tu supprimes tout fichiers généré par Jconfig (monitor_input.bin et monitor_misc.bin) car il est intégré maintenant au Game Loader All RH 231.5

2.5) la new version 231.5 du game loader inclus aussi une vérification des derniers fichiers à jour  necessaires au commande, ca te permet de voir si tu es a jour, appuie dessus :


3) configures Game loader All RH, FXAA, bilinear, 16/9, 4/3, Loader mode 6 enfin bref comme tu veux... tu va configurer ta manette : (donnée sauvegardé dans ...\SV\ )


4) Lances, et rappel à la page de selection ici :


Le 1er perso a gauche est en Mode easy mais il inclut aussi un mode TUTO, donc quand tu commences sur le mode tuto tu ne peux rien faire et c'est normal on te parle en jap pour te dire comment ca marche et tout, ca se débloque au bout de 45-50 sec)

Le 2eme perso au centre est en Mode normal sans tuto tu joues directement

Le 3eme perso a droite est en Mode Difficile sans tuto tu joues directement


Suite à cette sélection de difficulté tu peux prendre le perso que tu veux apres, ca marche très bien à la manette x360 ya aucun soucis.


Juste un Rappel aussi dites vous que game Loader All RH sur 44 jeux NESICA yen a 4 qui sont  pas compatibles pour le moment = 4 jeux capcom c'est tout, ce loader permet maintenant qu'il a été compilé avec Jconfig (231.5) :


- de ne plus utiliser le c:\RFID\RFIDGod.dll ca sert plus à rien de l'installer avec ce loader ca il l'émule

- émule également NesysService.exe plus besoin de le lancer

- émule également les clés cryptées des jeux plus besoin de les mettre

- plus besoin de mettre Jconfig il est compris dans le loader.

- n'est plus detecté comme un faux positif maintenant par votre anti virus


c'est tout de meme un sacré avantage et un gain de temps..., quand je vois qu'il y en a qui galere encore à mettre des clés, à balancer Service Nesys...

Modifié par WildWolf
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 11/01/2017 à 01:18, jyh a dit :

thanks a lot!by the way,do you have other artwork,like kof98um kof2002um and GigaWing Generations King Of Fighters Sky Stage Shikigami No Shiro III King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A Chaos Breaker


  Le 10/01/2017 à 11:08, WildWolf a dit :

ok I found a solution, yes it is possible to play it, Just Delete :


Those 2 files are used by the game.exe to run with Bezels HD here : Homura[401200]\Data\Nesica but an error crash is happening if you keep those files with Game Loader All RH.


EDIT : I created a Game Loader All RH Bezel for HOMURA, to use it, just activate BG image and select "Homura_Bezel_by_Wildwolf.png" and save with the Game Loader All RH.Then enjoy the game :) (It is the same Original Bezel used by the native game, not a artwork of mine, if you don't want to play with Bezel , disable BG image.)


PNG link (without SCANLINE) :!mJpR0DQT!T6hcMafDVu5tMe8uEJcdxCEsYkqpZIvztCGe0aK0OOg




PNG link (with SCANLINE) :!7M4kXSSB!WsZ7d76bthORz7c97DoUE482-bkSt7OWk012CAJDP8s



thanks but it still crash!by the way,do you have other artwork,like kof98um kof2002um and GigaWing Generations King Of Fighters Sky Stage Shikigami No Shiro III King Of Fighters Maximum Impact Regulation A Chaos Breaker

Modifié par jyh

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