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NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC

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/!\ J'ai vu ca il y a peu: c'est fiable? j'ai pas du tout confiance quand je vois le site et le fait de passer sur pour récupérer le lien final, sans parler que le lien du site se trouve dans un readme hébergé sous sourceforge (genre pour justifier la fiabilité du truc).

Ca dit quelque chose à quelqu'un (apparemment c'est un frontend utilisant lesloader classique, j'ai envie de dire osef total mais bon si quelqu'un veut faire une investigation...)? (faite gaffe à vos pc quand même => machine virtuelle ou sandbox de rigueur).


Modifié par 7zxkv
  Le 09/12/2016 à 06:39, 7zxkv a dit :

/! \ I have seen it there is little:  is reliable? I'm not at all confident when I see the site and the fact of passing on to recover the final link, not to mention that the website link is in a readme hosted on sourceforge (kind to justify the reliability of the thing ).


It says something to someone (apparently this is a frontend using lesloader classic, I want to say osef good total but if someone wants to do an investigation ...)? (gaffe made to your PC anyway => virtual machine or sandbox rigor).



yes i tried to downoad on google chrome and it blocked it 

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/12/2016 à 11:45, bladexyz a dit :

C'est quoi le forum/source d'origine stp (pv thx) ?



Update contents of 225
· It corresponded to 3D Cosplay Mahjong · · · But, somehow it crashes during the game.
* When I checked the contents of game.exe, dsound.dll in Import Dir seemed suspicious, so I attached it inside this archive.
* If you crash during the game copy "dsound.dll" to the game folder.
* It may be effective for those who crash in games other than this game.
* If it still does not work, discard the Loader in the trash can and finish.

* This is the key setting below.
Start = 1
Coin = 5
Test = F1
UP = ↑
Down = ↓
Left = â†
Right =
Button 1 = Z
Button 2 = X
Button 3 = C
* When using Pad.ini, please edit Pad.ini with the above key setting.
* Since you are using the old TypeX Loader, please disable Blue Tooth if the game crashes during Loader startup processing.

- Game Loader Config.exe The "Aspect ratio" option has been added to the "Loader setting 3" tab.
* Please use this function when the "Aspect Ratio Maintain" ratio is valid, if you can not normally obtain the game ratio on the game side.
* Even under circumstances other than the above, you can start with the following three types of asset ratios.
* Selectable ass ratio is "4: 3" "5: 3" "16: 9".
* Add a ratio that can be selected if requested.
* This option works only when "Maintain Aspect Ratio" is enabled.
* Game Loader Config.exe When desktop resolution is specified when "Change internal resolution" on the "Loader setting 2" tab is enabled When you change the internal resolution, the resolution (AS ratio) may be prioritized. please do it.
* In case of the above trouble, please set the horizontal resolution of "change internal resolution" to "-1" ("1919" for FullHD monitor).

· Although it is a special special method, it was possible to change the window size of Crimzon Clover only when Loader is started
* By this update "Window Size" tab "Crimson Clover Maximization" option is deprecated.

- Fixed a bug where the "TYPE X high resolution mode" switching checkbox was disabled in Type X based games.
· Please update Language.ini.
· Other, fixed defect fixes.
Modifié par 7zxkv
  Le 09/12/2016 à 12:01, 7zxkv a dit :


C'est quoi le forum/source d'origine stp (pv thx) ?

I don't know, I downloaded it yesterday from the Baka9 link, before moving to private.

Invité 2912romero
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 26/11/2016 à 19:47, xtremebuga a dit :

Of the games you mentioned, I just do not have Dragon Dance, Goketsuji Ichizoku, Space Invaders, Spica Adventure. The others are full screen, controls working, everything ok.

It's all a setup problem using the All RH.exe Game Loader, along with JConfig.exe




Vous savez que vous devez Aser pour reconnaître le clavier Battle Fantasia nesicaxlive????????????

Modifié par 2912romero

Magnet link not working? I removed the spaces but it never gives me the games

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Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 09/12/2016 à 23:30, Ctindell81 a dit :

Magnet link not working? I removed the spaces but it never gives me the games


Magnet link does work dude (uTorrent) : magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7714F38FE02DF962445B294F3A7A3A8BF267B9D7


I Have just done a test (wait 1-2 min) no problem, look :


Modifié par WildWolf

Hi guys,

With Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena[302104] and having the cryptoserver opened with key 302104



I'm getting the following error by using both RFIDGod_inject and Game Loader All RH




Could you help me please?

  Le 09/12/2016 à 23:30, Ctindell81 a dit :

Magnet link not working? I removed the spaces but it never gives me the games

You can always try Magrent from Firefox Addons because i have the same problem too.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Is there anyway to play Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena? I've looked all over this forum for tips to get it running but couldn't find any. I found out how to get the sequel to working but not the 1st one.

Modifié par pjay
  Le 10/12/2016 à 14:55, pjay a dit :

Is there anyway to play Persona 4 - The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena? I've looked all over this forum for tips to get it running but couldn't find any. I found out how to get the sequel to working but not the 1st one.

put 302104.key in persona directory, run cryptoserver, run persona


Salut tout le monde,


Est ce que quelqu'un a du nouveau pour les dumps Dragon Dance - 400902 et Yatagarasu [302901].

En ce qui me concerne, Dragon dance se lance aléatoirement sur un de mes pc mais pas sur mon bartop (APPCRASH)... dommage!

Pour Yatagarasu quel que soit la machine, j'ai les bugs graphiques.


Quelqu'un arrive t'il à faire tourner correctement ces jeux?

  Le 10/12/2016 à 21:12, jadekitten a dit :

put 302104.key in persona directory, run cryptoserver, run persona

Nope still not working. Is there a step by step guide somewhere?

  Le 11/12/2016 à 03:14, jadekitten a dit :

i just tested from scratch, i got your error but waited about 5 seconds and it started

Sorry. My fault I was too impatient. But I get and error that says not decrypted :/  

  Le 11/12/2016 à 11:18, Nodoyuna a dit :


Is there any way to run BATTLE FANTASIA?

I can't make it run and I¡ve tried every way I know

Any help is appreciated

Thanks in advance

I'm using the Game Loader All RH.exe to run it and this is normal.

  Le 11/12/2016 à 04:39, jadekitten a dit :

that means your 302104.key isn't being found

Ok, I almost have it working but one last problem I mapped all the keys to my gamepad but the insert coin doesn't work and I've mapped it to the keyboard and still nothing :/


Hey guys, where can i find games that are missing from the torrent, mainly Rumble Fish 2? Could someone help me out?





  Le 11/12/2016 à 14:41, pjay a dit :

Ok, I almost have it working but one last problem I mapped all the keys to my gamepad but the insert coin doesn't work and I've mapped it to the keyboard and still nothing :/

What you set for "P1 SERVICE" is actually your P1 COIN.

  Le 11/12/2016 à 14:41, pjay a dit :

Ok, I almost have it working but one last problem I mapped all the keys to my gamepad but the insert coin doesn't work and I've mapped it to the keyboard and still nothing :/

press service

Posté(e) (modifié)


I managed to make Daemon Bride: Additional Gain work, but can someone tell me how do I make Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX SIX STARS!!!!!! work???

Edit: I managed to make it work, but the controls doesnt work.

Modifié par irishunter
Invité 2912romero

Pourrait ayudarma la Battle Fantasia - 400502 em reconnaissent pas le clavier
Je souhaite que le message est entendu pas parler Fraces

Invité 2912romero
  Le 01/12/2016 à 22:05, WildWolf a dit :

--> J'ai enfin trouver la solution pour moi et beaucoup de gens qui n'arrivent pas à faire fonctionner KOF98UM et KOF2002UM sur NESICA !!! <---


1) Extraire le dump

2) Supprimer dans le dossier "\Nesys\iphlpapi.dll", et dans le root du dump "d3d9.dll"

3) Extraire à partir Nesicaxlive_Fichiers utiles V4, tout le contenu de "" dans la racine du dump

4)Lancer Jconfig, décocher absolument "Directsound Wrapper", puis configurer vos touches, aller sur OK puis quitter

5)Faites ensuite Propriété sous "RFIDGod_inject.exe" lancer le en mode compatibilité WINDOWS 7 + mode Administrateur

6)NesysService doit être activé !!!

7)Le clou Final ! il faut absoluement que votre configuration audio sous windows soit en STEREO ! sinon ca marchera pas :)


de là le dump se lance en mode FENETRE c'est normal, si vous voulez jouer en fullscreen, installer le Game loader ALL RH : (All RH 221)


- copier Game Loader All RH.exe + Game Loader Config.exe à la racine du dump

- lancer "Game Loader Config.exe"

- configurer le en mode 3+6 (dans LOADER MODE)

- Bilinear + AA MODE=FXAA (dans LOADER SETTINGS 3)

- metter un effet scanline ca sera bien mieux a partir du fichier "bg scanline 169 1920x1080.png" se trouvant dans ...\Other Files\Images\ de l'archive *RAR du game loader all RH, vous le mettez ou vous voulez...

- dans le loader onglet "Other 3", cocher BG image Enable puis selctionner, et ouvrez le fichier "bg scanline 169 1920x1080.png", sauvegarder, quitter.

- JOUER en full screen avec quelques filtres qui adoucient l'image :)


Quelques Screenshot :


1480636582-000001.png 1480636585-000002.png 1480636585-000003.png

1480636421-000001.png 1480636423-000002.png 1480636423-000005.png


quand je lance seul Loader Game Config.exe me semble un bloc-notes [utilisation] Config = 0 Loader = 0 mais pas avec des échantillons dans lesquels les images pourraient être le problème


Anyone else notice that the right button doesn't work on the 1st Persona 4 Arena no matter what you map right too. Or is there some newer version of Taito TypeX Loader that I should be using?

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