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It's like Virtua Racing meets Car Combat games like Twisted Metal, Full Auto, etc. The game is currently in the crowdfunding stage on Kickstarter

and is set to release for PC. The game heavily inspired by the old Sega Model 1 an 2 games like V.R. and Daytona USA.


Aaaaah it looks promising. Actually, it also reminds me a bit of Interstate '76, which i utterly loved, so thanks for the info, i gonna give it a shot as soon as can lay my hands on a copy. =)

Posté(e) (modifié)

Before you get disappointed because it's car combat only, don't panic.


The developer has stated the game has no-weapon/power up race and time attack modes.

Modifié par SharkTeeth
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Invité moharchi71
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 4/14/2016 at 12:36 AM, CR-C89E said:

Before you get disappointed because it's car combat only, don't panic.


The developer has stated the game has no-weapon/power up race and time attack modes.

wow its nice car

Modifié par moharchi71

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