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I Am Looking For The Kf Sky Stage (Taito) ?

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Hi friends!

I do not speak the French. I know that is impolite, but I would ask you to understand and bear with me. 

Pls, I would like to know where can I download "The King of Fighters Sky Stage" (Taito Type X) ?

Many thanks in advance!

Modifié par Pee Wee
  • 7 mois aprĂšs...

Salut les gars, j'espÚre que vous allez bien


Je sais que c'est l'effervescence en ce moment avec tous les dumps qui tombent.

J'ai un souci avec KOF Sky Stage : le jeu se bloque à la fin du premier niveau aprÚs avoir battu le boss.

Il y a un écran noir avec un message du style" score encryption data", ça mouline dans le vide et rien ne se passe.

Ça vous fait ça aussi ?



  • 4 semaines aprĂšs...


Finally, I got this game, but the screen is rotated, like other Type X games

I have the rest of them rotated with Dxwnd program, and I can play normally

But for KOF Sky Stage, I don't have any info on what to do

I don't want to use Game Loader All RH if possible

Does anybody know how to rotate this game and play normally?

Thanks in advance

  • 6 ans aprĂšs...
En 5/4/2016 a las 19:56, Pee Wee dijo:




Your help is greatly appreciated Bruce!


Thanks so much for everything.

hi there. With glarh it launches the game correctly, with the screen rotated and with a bezel. but I am not able to map the counts to the Xbox controller I use. I have tried rocketlauncher with joytokey, but it does not obey or does anything, only the predefined controls on the keyboard work.


If I use to map typex config, I get it mapped correctly to other keys. but of course when I launch it with typex loader I no longer get the vertical screen or the bezel. how can I solve that

  • 2 semaines aprĂšs...

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