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Arcade CPS1 Full set roms

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Posté(e) (modifié)

bonsoir les fans de retro

ce soir les jeux d'arcade sur les bornes de Capcom (cps1)

le full set rom juste pour vous





1941: Counter Attack
Capcom World 2: Adventure Quiz
Captain Commando
Carrier Air Wing
Dynasty Wars
Final Fight
Forgotten Worlds
Ghouls'n Ghosts
Ken Sei Mogura
Knights of the Round
Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy
Megaman: The Power Battle
Mega Twins
Pang! 3
Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game
Quiz: Tonosama no YabÅ 2 - Zenkoku-ban
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition
Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting
The King of Dragons
Three Wonders
U.N. Squadron
Varth: Operation Thunderstorm



CPS1 ROMS 6.8Mb	 1.5Mb 3.2Mb	 2.7Mb 1.7Mb	 4.7Mb	 4.4Mb	 3.0Mb 2.2Mb	 2.8Mb	 2.9Mb		 5.3Mb	 7.2Mb	 3.6Mb	 2.9Mb	 2.9Mb	 2.5Mb	 2.4Mb	 1.6Mb	 746.2Kb 4.7Mb		 2.4Mb	 1.9Mb		 8.5Mb	 15.0Mb 8.3Mb	 4.2Mb	 2.2Mb	 3.8Mb	 1.9Mb

Modifié par DarkPixel
  • 2 mois aprĂšs...



J'ai décidé de compléter ce post en mettant les ROMS disponible en téléchargement individuel


c'était un post que j'avais mis sur l'ancienne version du forum et que je remet avec les mises à jours


Emulateur : MameUI 32

Emulateur : MameUI 64

Emulateur : Final Burn Alpha



Liste des roms (136 fichiers au total)


130507051552190149.png 130507051611793074.png


+ 1941: Counter Attack (World) 1941

- 1941: Counter Attack (Japan) 1941j



130507051636338263.png 130507051653936520.png


+ Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201) dino

- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bootleg with PIC16c57, Set 1) dinopic

- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Bootleg with PIC16c57, Set 2) dinopic2

- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Hack) dinoh

- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (US 930201) dinou

- Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki (Japan 930201) dinoj





+ Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611) cworld2j



130507051840126760.png 130507051903747958.png


+ Captain Commando (World 911014) captcomm

- Captain Commando (Bootleg) captcomb

- Captain Commando (Japan 911202) captcomj

- Captain Commando (US 910928) captcomu



130507051927162296.png 130507051944414679.png


+ Carrier Air Wing (World 901012) cawing

- Carrier Air Wing (US 901012) cawingu

- Carrier Air Wing (World 901009) cawingr1

- U.S. Navy (Japan 901012) cawingj



130507052008329466.png 130507052041476225.png


+ Dynasty Wars (US Set 1) dynwar

- Dynasty Wars (US Set 2) dynwaru

- Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan) dynwarj



130507052114911685.png 130507052136129734.png


+ Final Fight (World) ffight

- Final Fight (Japan) ffightj

- Final Fight (Japan 900305) ffightj1

- Final Fight (Japan 900112) ffightj2

- Final Fight (US) ffightu

- Final Fight (US 900112) ffightua

- Final Fight (US 900613) ffightub



130507052230361461.png 13050705224684191.png


+ Forgotten Worlds (US) forgottn

- Forgotten Worlds (World?) forgott1

- Lost Worlds (Japan) lostwrld



13050705232366548.png 130507052345147911.png


+ Ghouls'n Ghosts (World) ghouls

- Dai Makaimura (Japan) daimakai

- Dai Makaimura (Japan Hack?) daimakr2

- Ghouls'n Ghosts (US) ghoulsu



130507052407106311.png 130507052428519243.png


+ Knights of the Round (World 911127) knights

- Knights of the Round (Hack) knightsh

- Knights of the Round (Japan 911127) knightsj

- Knights of the Round (US 911127) knightsu



13050705245190531.png 130507052508988208.png


+ Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) msword

- Magic Sword (Japan 900623) mswordj

- Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (US 900725) mswordu

- Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900623) mswordr1



130507052533372750.png 130507052559841673.png


+ Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS1 Asia 951006) megaman

- Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS1 Japan 950922) rockmanj



130507052620929973.png 130507052640291325.png


+ Mega Twins (World 900619) mtwins

- Chiki Chiki Boys (Japan 900619) chikij



130507052717232170.png 130507052735925018.png


+ Mercs (World 900302) mercs

- Mercs (US 900302) mercsu

- Mercs (US 900608) mercsua

- Senjou no Ookami II (Japan 900302) mercsj



130507052802441004.png 130507052821529239.png


+ Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206) mbombrd

- Muscle Bomber Duo: Heat Up Warriors (Japan 931206) mbombrdj



130507052841426574.png 130507052905854876.png


+ Nemo (World 901130) nemo

- Nemo (Japan 901120) nemoj

Posté(e) (modifié)

130507052925198387.png 130507052939291021.png


+ Pang! 3 (Euro 950511) pang3

- Pang! 3 (Japan 950511) pang3j



130507052956502265.png 130507053012406844.png


+ Pnickies (Japan 940608) pnickj



130507053032193152.png 130507053050942418.png


+ Quiz & Dragons (US 920701) qad

- Quiz & Dragons (Japan 940921) qadj






+ Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2: Zenkoku-ban (Japan 950123) qtono2



130507053227344401.png 130507053250971539.png


+ Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713) slammast

- Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion (Japan 930713) mbomberj

- Saturday Night Slam Masters (US 930713) slammasu



130507053331500349.png 130507053351130763.png


130507053450257650.png 130507053506115961.png


130507053522222824.png 130507053541514229.png


+ Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920313) sf2ce

- Street Fighter II!: Champion Edition (V004) sf2v004

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Accelerator Pt.II) sf2accp2

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920513) sf2cej

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Kouryu) sf2koryu

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M1) sf2m1

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M2) sf2m2

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M3) sf2m3

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M4) sf2m4

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M5) sf2m5

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M6) sf2m6

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M7) sf2m7

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Magic Delta Turbo, Bootleg) sf2mdt

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (non-MAME, Turyu) sf2turyu

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow set 1) sf2rb

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow set 2) sf2rb2

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Rainbow set 2) sf2rb3

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Red Wave) sf2red

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Tulong) sf2toryu

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Turyu Alternate) sf2turyu1

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (US 920313) sf2ceua

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (US 920513) sf2ceub

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (US 920803) sf2ceuc

- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (YYC) sf2yyc

- Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (US 921209) sf2t

- Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (World 921209) sf2hf

- Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting (Japan 921209) sf2tj



130507053615409204.png 130507053637322561.png


+ Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522) sf2

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910214) sf2ja

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910306) sf2jc

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 911210) sf2j

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (US 910206) sf2ua

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (US 910214) sf2ub

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (US 910228) sf2ue

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (US 910318) sf2ud

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (US 910411) sf2uf

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (US 910522) sf2ui

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (US 911101) sf2uk

- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910214) sf2eb



130507053656328602.png 130507053713617148.png


+ Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer) sfzch

- Street Fighter Alpha (Publicity CPS Changer 950727) sfach



130507053737718237.png 130507053755430452.png


+ Strider (US Set 1) strider

- Strider (US Set 2) stridrua

- Strider Hiryu (Japan Set 1) striderj

- Strider Hiryu (Japan Set 2) stridja



130507053840633272.png 130507053901377689.png


+ The King of Dragons (World 910711) kod

- The King of Dragons (Japan 910805) kodj

- The King of Dragons (US 910910) kodu



130507053921313065.png 130507053944593393.png


+ The Punisher (World 930422) punisher

- The Punisher (Bootleg with PIC16c57, Set 1) punipic

- The Punisher (Bootleg with PIC16c57, Set 2) punipic2

- The Punisher (Bootleg with PIC16c57, Set 3) punipic3

- The Punisher (Japan 930422) punishrj

- The Punisher (US 930422) punishu



130507053958522126.png 130507054014562223.png


130507054028679340.png 130507054040828960.png


130507054053622146.png 130507054106458204.png


+ Three Wonders (World 910520) 3wonders

- Three Wonders (Hack?) 3wonderh

- Three Wonders (US 910520) 3wonderu

- Wonder 3 (Japan 910520) wonder3



130507054154577266.png 130507054210193295.png


+ U.N. Squadron (US) unsquad

- Area 88 (Japan) area88



130507054233189094.png 130507054248878129.png


+ Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714) varth

- Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan 920714) varthj

- Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (US 920612) varthu

- Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920612) varthr1



130507054306148868.png 130507054326473425.png


+ Warriors of Fate (World 921002) wof

- Sangokushi II (Asia 921005) wofa

- Sangokushi II: Huo Fenghuang (Chinese Bootleg) wofhfh

- Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (Japan 921031) wofj

- Warriors of Fate (Hack) wofh

- Warriors of Fate (US 921031) wofu



130507054342494314.png 130507054357741975.png


+ Willow (US) willow

- Willow (Japan, English) willowje

- Willow (Japan, Japanese) willowj








"+" ROM principale, "-" clone, à noter que c'est injouable sans le ROM principale.

Modifié par Specimen

Je te tire encore mon chapeau Specimen,


We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world -


  :) :D ;):lol:

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