JubeatMan Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2023 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2023 Ok, so I got Jubeat Prop to run in the weirdest way without an issue. Apparently, my HDD of Prop had a bad game.bat file. So I ended up taking a game.bat file from Jubeat Saucer and putting it in the Prop folder. After I configured controls in the config file AS SAUCER and turned on ealocalserver, I opened the game. It gave me an error message 5-2000-0000, which means network adapters need to be turned off but that wasn't true because I only had ONE active and it was offline. I pulled up the test menu and set up the game to run in game mode, free play. Saved and exited. I got out of the menu and was able to play just fine. The only weird thing is that the game is recognized as SAUCER when it's actually Prop that is being played. NOTE: I did NOT at all use spice tools or bemani tools. TBH, I feel like they aren't exactly useful because every time I have tried to set this thing up, I've always ended up being able to run the games without them. Now I have to get Pop'n set up. I'm gunning for Tune Street! Hopefully, things work out.
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 4 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 4 mars 2023 Le 30/12/2022 à 00:04, bobster a dit : L44-2022052400-to-2022080301 https://pixeldrain.com/u/Xo5TMBJE Développer WAOUH thank you
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 4 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 4 mars 2023 Le 07/01/2023 à 00:59, JubeatMan a dit : Ok, so I got Jubeat Prop to run in the weirdest way without an issue. Apparently, my HDD of Prop had a bad game.bat file. So I ended up taking a game.bat file from Jubeat Saucer and putting it in the Prop folder. After I configured controls in the config file AS SAUCER and turned on ealocalserver, I opened the game. It gave me an error message 5-2000-0000, which means network adapters need to be turned off but that wasn't true because I only had ONE active and it was offline. I pulled up the test menu and set up the game to run in game mode, free play. Saved and exited. I got out of the menu and was able to play just fine. The only weird thing is that the game is recognized as SAUCER when it's actually Prop that is being played. NOTE: I did NOT at all use spice tools or bemani tools. TBH, I feel like they aren't exactly useful because every time I have tried to set this thing up, I've always ended up being able to run the games without them. Now I have to get Pop'n set up. I'm gunning for Tune Street! Hopefully, things work out. Développer you say you dont use bemanitools or spice, but what is in your "game.bat" ? do you have a real arcade cab? 5-2000-0000 means that you are not connected to a server (so, the game cannot be launched) this problem must have been solved by activating "ealocalserver" you probably have to use spicetools without realizing it.
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 4 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 4 mars 2023 quelqu'un a réussi a sauvegarder ? comme orangeday, ca plante apres la 3ème song. si je joue en "evebt mode", pas de soucis, mais je ne sais pas si on peut gagner des songs comme ca (a mon avis non)
ArcVile Posté(e) le 6 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 6 mars 2023 (modifié) To those playing jubeat on the gamo2's FB9 controller, I have a question: On the controller website, it says the monitor NEEDS to have DVI cable. Do I actually need to use DVI cable in order to play the spice. game properly? Does using hdmi cable cause issue with lagging/etc?? I currently plugged it in hdmi. The buttons seem to sync ok I guess. The problem is that the game won't go fullscreen mode. I do not have -w on yet it still has this issue. Modifié le 6 mars 2023 par ArcVile
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 6 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 6 mars 2023 Le 06/03/2023 à 01:37, ArcVile a dit : To those playing jubeat on the gamo2's FB9 controller, I have a question: On the controller website, it says the monitor NEEDS to have DVI cable. Do I actually need to use DVI cable in order to play the spice. game properly? Does using hdmi cable cause issue with lagging/etc?? I currently plugged it in hdmi. The buttons seem to sync ok I guess. The problem is that the game won't go fullscreen mode. I do not have -w on yet it still has this issue. Développer no problem to play in HDMI, but you have to use the sound via the output jack (not the HDMI). for your fullscreen problem jubeat is Windowed only. Le 06/03/2023 à 06:13, orangedays a dit : Set display size to 1360x768. Développer as orangedays says : configure the resolution of your desktop to 1360x768 at 60Hz (you can also activate upscal cpu if you want to use the native resolution of your screen)
tbh001 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 9 mars 2023 Can someone else fix this problem? It works,but it crashes when given a credit to start,or crashes on the end of tutorial when uses free play. It can't enter the music select screen! log.txtRecherche des informations…
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 10 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 10 mars 2023 Le 09/03/2023 à 07:10, tbh001 a dit : Can someone else fix this problem? It works,but it crashes when given a credit to start,or crashes on the end of tutorial when uses free play. It can't enter the music select screen! log.txt 213.65 Ko · 2 téléchargements Développer honestly, I don't know, but you should download a clean version. also look at your .dll files if they are not locked (right click, properties) another possibility, but certainly unrelated: in my case, festo never started on C drive for me, it's your data that is corrupt or in the wrong place
AnthiPoison Posté(e) le 15 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 15 mars 2023 anyone can help with fixing eamuse server? im using asphyxia but this always comes up and i cant use my eamuse card
Zen_B7 Posté(e) le 15 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 15 mars 2023 Le 15/03/2023 à 07:49, AnthiPoison a dit : anyone can help with fixing eamuse server? im using asphyxia but this always comes up and i cant use my eamuse card Développer Asphyxia runs on :8080 ? Doesn't it use port :8083 ? Not sure.
dimitrilima Posté(e) le 15 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 15 mars 2023 Anyone has the asphyxia plugin for jubeat ave?
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 15 mars 2023 Posté(e) le 15 mars 2023 Le 15/03/2023 à 07:49, AnthiPoison a dit : anyone can help with fixing eamuse server? im using asphyxia but this always comes up and i cant use my eamuse card Développer are you sure that you are not using a easerver emu ( check eamu is not active in the spice option
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 15 avril 2023 Posté(e) le 15 avril 2023 Le 15/03/2023 à 14:53, dimitrilima a dit : Anyone has the asphyxia plugin for jubeat ave? Développer the link of mickaelr https://www.emuline.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20377&key=134e9543661905bd0e6a32611e3271b4Recherche des informations… Work for launch the game, but no score save
dimitrilima Posté(e) le 15 mai 2023 Posté(e) le 15 mai 2023 My jubeat ave freezes after the tutorial, can anyone help me?
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 4 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 4 juin 2023 Le 20/08/2019 à 19:53, lewlew65 a dit : So I've managed to get Jubeat Qubell, but how do I run it? Do I use SpiceTools or Bemani tools? and if so, how? Développer Other jubeat work ? Or is your 1st jubeat ?
DSync Posté(e) le 23 juillet 2023 Posté(e) le 23 juillet 2023 (modifié) Le 07/08/2022 à 07:55, bobster a dit : Jubeat Festo HDD Data * 2022052400 (final): https://pixeldrain.com/u/exz3DmLT Or https://mega.nz/file/DxFyTBgT#Ct9mj0-dxOQ_b6RXKfkfnkzTCVccypExJg0ZCkxqgMk * 2021121501 (old): https://mega.nz/file/TllCWLQK#cnTS2QYqV37PmZnTW-_bR1HCefVGT4AIrSY9KSNzcJI * kb_testmenu.dll: https://anonfiles.com/43haZ015yf/kb_testmenu_dll * SpiceTools: https://bemani.fun/spicetools/spicetools-latest.zip Network Services: Asphyxia, Echidna, or a similar localserver. Setup: 1. Add the following entries to your HOSTS file (`C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`). Doing so fixes a stuttering issue. eamuse.konami.fun eamuse.konami.com 2. Grab the latest version of SpiceTools from the link above. 3. Make three new folders inside `contents`: `dev` `dev\nvram` `dev\raw` 4. Copy the contents of the `contents\prop\defaults\` folder into `dev\nvram`. 5. Launch spicecfg.exe and set applicable options. See the below section for the important ones to check depending on what setup you're using. 6. Run spice.exe to start the game. 7. You'll get a BACKUP DATA ERROR. Press the test key to go into test mode, and use your mouse, touchscreen, keyboard, or FB9 to navigate to the GAME OPTIONS menu. 8. Next, navigate to SHOP SETTINGS, and set the Shop Name Settings and Shop Area. Save and close. 9. Head back to the main menu and select Game Mode, or just reboot the game, and you're set! Développer Thanks for this detailed instructions. Confirmed working with the 2022052400 version downloaded from pixeldrain. For some reason setting the monitor index and windowed mode didn't helped to position the application. My main monitor is only able to render 80% of the screen and the remaining 20% was rendered to the bottom monitor. Wish it can display up and bottom screen at once on a horizontal 16:9 monitor. Modifié le 23 juillet 2023 par DSync
Lesteph25 Posté(e) le 10 août 2023 Posté(e) le 10 août 2023 The new asphyxia 6 no crash after the 3rd song but unable to connect to card... any solution ?
xsoft Posté(e) le 2 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 2 septembre 2023 Any AVE update? Full download, ENG patch, omni, ... ?
KardongMeowMeow Posté(e) le 11 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 11 septembre 2023 (modifié) Question has someone tried to install a new ssd, os and jb arcade rip to jubeat cab? If it worked what steps did you do to make the controller panel work as well? Modifié le 11 septembre 2023 par KardongMeowMeow add word
ultrabub563 Posté(e) le 12 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 12 septembre 2023 Everyone! Go To This Link! The Orignal Jubeat Has Dumped! https://mega.nz/file/3QQBmICa#NXi2jXFBHiJFVx6gUo1a0CB79l1jwsMRwAKygCqpTPA
sakuraifang Posté(e) le 19 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 19 septembre 2023 Le 05/01/2023 à 13:39, hunternoob a dit : About Knit , i had the same problem ,game started when i used the launcher and other files that came with bemani tools ,now festo and ave are working well ,i just followed the instructions ,but it seems that qubell is missing some files as it tells me that device.dll is missing, ripples is freezing just after network check. Développer Hi could you please share an Ave HDD here? I really want to have a try about Ave on my jubeat controller. XD
mikaelr Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 (modifié) Jubeat Beyond Ave update is here guys, thanks to anon on 1cc: https://pixeldrain.com/u/aoe2W1wc Patcher: https://patcher.turksigara.net/beyondave.html No plugin at the moment Modifié le 20 septembre 2023 par mikaelr
ultrabub563 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Le 20/09/2023 à 05:17, mikaelr a dit : Jubeat Beyond Ave update is here guys, thanks to anon on 1cc: https://pixeldrain.com/u/aoe2W1wc Développer Finaly The Jubeat Beyond The Ave. Is Here!
qcsmallblack Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 So how about the jubeat@asphyxia plugin? The current version (ver3.0.0) couldn't run very well. Especially e-amusement service is error, so I can only use guest mode.
qcsmallblack Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Le 20/09/2023 à 09:46, qcsmallblack a dit : So how about the jubeat@asphyxia plugin? The current version (ver3.0.0) couldn't run very well. Especially e-amusement service is error, so I can only use guest mode. Développer Well, after some tests, I believe my jubeat.dll also has something wrong. The game load new musics but their cover images are all white.
mikaelr Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 I don't play this game but i heard someone is already working on the plugin? Le 20/09/2023 à 09:46, qcsmallblack a dit : So how about the jubeat@asphyxia plugin? The current version (ver3.0.0) couldn't run very well. Especially e-amusement service is error, so I can only use guest mode. Développer What plugin you're using right now? You can upload it here and I'll see if i can do anything about it.
qcsmallblack Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 I'm using this one now. JubeatAveAsphyxia.zipRecherche des informations…
qcsmallblack Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Le 15/03/2023 à 07:49, AnthiPoison a dit : anyone can help with fixing eamuse server? im using asphyxia but this always comes up and i cant use my eamuse card Développer Basically, my beyond ave's error is kind of like this one. I remember output log says "start:shopinfo ave2.regist"(or something like this) and then "receiver returns failure". Weird. Furthermore, my plugin runs very well in ave, even when I'm using ave's omnimix. But in beyond ave, besides the problem mentioned above, many charts can't be loaded if I want play them, and their cover images and titles are all white when I'm using omnimix. However, when I'm not starting spice with omnimix, the game could load new charts and information, but still has the same e-amusement error.
mikaelr Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 (modifié) Le 20/09/2023 à 12:01, qcsmallblack a dit : I'm using this one now. JubeatAveAsphyxia.zip 96.91 kB · 4 downloads Développer Try replacing the index.ts file with this and give it a run. Backup before giving this a try. index.tsRecherche des informations… Modifié le 20 septembre 2023 par mikaelr
qcsmallblack Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Le 20/09/2023 à 12:54, mikaelr a dit : Try replacing the index.ts file with this and give it a run. Backup before giving this a try. index.ts 3.14 kB · 0 downloads Développer OK,I'd give it a try. Thanks for your help!
bobster Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Quite sure the covers load when connected to a network ....like nostalgia? Correct me if I'm wrong
qcsmallblack Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Le 20/09/2023 à 12:54, mikaelr a dit : Try replacing the index.ts file with this and give it a run. Backup before giving this a try. index.ts 3.14 kB · 3 downloads Développer Well, the e-amusement service error seems to be solved, but I can't login after entering password. And the output log says it's like "gametop_ave2.get_pdata" process gets into a wrong way.
qcsmallblack Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Le 20/09/2023 à 13:52, bobster a dit : Quite sure the covers load when connected to a network ....like nostalgia? Correct me if I'm wrong Développer I think a new version of omnimix designed for beyond the ave is needed. I find that every all-white-cover music is actually in omnimix folder. The omnimix music's chart could be loaded but not for the picture of title and cover image.
mikaelr Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2023 Le 20/09/2023 à 14:31, qcsmallblack a dit : Well, the e-amusement service error seems to be solved, but I can't login after entering password. And the output log says it's like "gametop_ave2.get_pdata" process gets into a wrong way. Développer Can you get the automap and netdump log from spice? You can enable logging for both in spice, it should log the cause of the error there. Oh wait, the original author completed the plugin before I could do anything about it 💔 You can get the updated plugin for Beyond Ave here now: https://github.com/yuanqiuye/asphyxia-jubeat-CZEAve-plugins
qcsmallblack Posté(e) le 21 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 21 septembre 2023 Le 20/09/2023 à 21:03, mikaelr a dit : Can you get the automap and netdump log from spice? You can enable logging for both in spice, it should log the cause of the error there. Oh wait, the original author completed the plugin before I could do anything about it 💔 You can get the updated plugin for Beyond Ave here now: https://github.com/yuanqiuye/asphyxia-jubeat-CZEAve-plugins Développer OK I will give it a try.
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