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[Arcade PC] Jubeat misc dumps (Konami)

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  Le 19/02/2022 à 06:15, arandomemail a dit :

An error(cannot find jubeat.dll) occurred in the file you gave, but solved it with an overwrite to saucer hdd. thank you so much.

i play with spice and it works perfect

but i cannot change marker. someone have idea how to change marker?

Posté(e) (modifié)

J'ai fais l'acquisition d'une borne jubeat festo et je galère avec depuis plus d'un moi je n'y arrive pas! je viens chercher un peu d'aide.

je n'est pas réussi a accéder au disque dur d'origine pour faire des modification (tout est sécurisé )alors j''ai installer un jubeat saucer fulfill ( n'ayant pas trouvé de festo fonctionnelle) sur un autre disque, le jeu ce lance mais du coup j'ai perdu le contrôle des touches, j'ai essayer plusieurs manipulation mais sans succès, j'ai tenté de lancer un jubeat fonctionnel sur le disque d'origine mais clavier et souris ne fonctionne pas donc je suis bloquer et a cour d'idées. si quelqu'un a déjà réussi a lancé un jubeat sur borne et pourrai m'aider? 


Modifié par Djessy44
Posté(e) (modifié)

Salut l'ami,


d'apres mes infos, il faut simplement que tu utilise la vrai dll (qui provient du HDD d'origine) avec ta copie.

tu dis que tu n'a pas de clavier / souris avec le HDD d'origine. donc essaie de faire les manip de fichier en branchant ton HDD Jubeat en externe sur un pc (pour récup ta / tes dll).


je suis en train d'uploader une version fonctionnelle de Jubeat festo. je met le lien dès que c'est terminé.

EDIT : jubeat festo



Modifié par Lesteph25
Posté(e) (modifié)

j'en suis pas sur, mais j'imagine que les dll a garder doivent etre :

- input.dll

- jbhook.dll

peut etre jubeat.dll ?


je vais te filer un bemanitools et un plugin asphyxia pour jubeat festo.


edit : j'ai trouvé ca comme info sur les dll a garder

libdevice.dll, libextio.dll, or/and libinput.dll (straight up guesses, in newer games it's "device.dll")


PS : surtout ! fait bien une sauvegarde de tes fichiers d'origine avant les manips.



bemanitools + asphyxia pour jubeat festo


il me semble qu'il faut supprimer un truc dans le gamestart.bat pour les real hardware. je vais essayer de retrouver l'info

Modifié par Lesteph25

Ca cole avec les infos que j’ai vu, les jeux récents c’est device.dll.

tu as essayé de le lancer ? 


Pas encore pour pouvoir déplacer le device.dll  j'ai du supprimer les fichier Windows (sur un disque clone j'ai pas touché à l'original) du coup je vais installer le Windows sur un autre disque il faut que j'aille en acheter un et mètre celui avec jubeat en D je dirai si ça a fonctionné.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 25/02/2022 à 12:36, Djessy44 a dit :

J'ai réussi à trouver et déplace le device.dll mais j'ai pas les autres


Normalement ca doit etre ca, car si j'ai bien compris, les jeux récent, c'est le device.dll


/!\ petite info sur une bizzarerie que je viens de découvrir !!!

je me suis décidé a changer le hardware de ma jubeat, car jubeat festo s'était toujours refusé de se lancer sur cette machine.

je me trouve un une CM et un petit Ryzen 5 1600x, et zou... sauf que... pas zou 😕.


apres des tests dans tout les sens, voila que festo se lance, chouette ! je le place au propre etc., et la, il ne se lance plus....😶.


alors, je ne sais pas si c'est quelque chose de connu ou quoi, mais voila le truc à savoir : festo ne se lance pas s'il est placé sur le c:\ 



EDIT : Djessy44

je suis tombé sur la solution pour ta jubeat


Il est possible de substituer des données décryptées et de les exécuter sur la vrai cab.

il faut modifier le gamestart.bat pour ne pas lancer les "hooks". Ca utilisera le vrai IO.

Modifié par Lesteph25
  • 3 semaines après...
  Le 14/03/2022 à 19:59, Djessy44 a dit :

comment on modifie le gamestart.bat ?


ouvre le avec un editeur de texte comme le bloc note ou notepad+

et tu supprime tout les truc du genre "-k jbhook.dll"

  • 1 mois après...
  Le 25/02/2022 à 04:39, Lesteph25 a dit :

Hi friend,


according to my info, you just have to use the real dll (which comes from the original HDD) with your copy.

you say you don't have a keyboard/mouse with the original HDD. so try to manipulate the file by connecting your Jubeat HDD externally to a pc (to recover your dll / your).


I am uploading a working version of Jubeat festo. I'll put the link as soon as it's finished.

EDIT: jubeat festo




umm so i tried the files from this link n it appears to have the auto dectect module fail error and it closes itself after that


i don't get it it just keeps saying either failed to load dll with bemanitool or auto module dectection failed with spicetool tried a lot of methods n none of them results in any difference other that these two even tried diff device n diff version it's just not working

  • 2 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Jubeat Festo HDD Data


* 2022052400 (final):


* 2021121501 (old):

* kb_testmenu.dll:

* SpiceTools:


Network Services: Asphyxia, Echidna, or a similar localserver.  




1. Add the following entries to your HOSTS file (`C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`). Doing so fixes a stuttering issue.


2. Grab the latest version of SpiceTools from the link above.

3. Make three new folders inside `contents`: 




4. Copy the contents of the `contents\prop\defaults\` folder into `dev\nvram`.

5. Launch spicecfg.exe and set applicable options. See the below section for the important ones to check depending on what setup you're using.

6. Run spice.exe to start the game.

7. You'll get a BACKUP DATA ERROR. Press the test key to go into test mode, and use your mouse, touchscreen, keyboard, or FB9 to navigate to the GAME OPTIONS menu.

8. Next, navigate to SHOP SETTINGS, and set the Shop Name Settings and Shop Area. Save and close.

9. Head back to the main menu and select Game Mode, or just reboot the game, and you're set!

Modifié par bobster
  • 2 semaines après...
  Le 07/08/2022 à 07:55, bobster a dit :

Jubeat Festo HDD Data


* 2022052400 (final):


* 2021121501 (old):

* kb_testmenu.dll:

* SpiceTools:


Network Services: Asphyxia, Echidna, or a similar localserver.  




1. Add the following entries to your HOSTS file (`C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`). Doing so fixes a stuttering issue.


2. Grab the latest version of SpiceTools from the link above.

3. Make three new folders inside `contents`: 




4. Copy the contents of the `contents\prop\defaults\` folder into `dev\nvram`.

5. Launch spicecfg.exe and set applicable options. See the below section for the important ones to check depending on what setup you're using.

6. Run spice.exe to start the game.

7. You'll get a BACKUP DATA ERROR. Press the test key to go into test mode, and use your mouse, touchscreen, keyboard, or FB9 to navigate to the GAME OPTIONS menu.

8. Next, navigate to SHOP SETTINGS, and set the Shop Name Settings and Shop Area. Save and close.

9. Head back to the main menu and select Game Mode, or just reboot the game, and you're set!


Could you re-upload the dll file ? The link is dead 😞


Thx a lot mate 

  • 1 mois après...
  Le 03/12/2017 à 18:22, andric31 a dit :


AutoHotkey로 좋은 나는 할 수 없다 :(:


이에 내가 앞장서서

오리엔테이션을 위해 cdsboy(1cc discord에서)와 확인을 위해 Lesteph25(포럼에서)에게 감사드립니다.


오늘 아침에 이 링크를 찾았습니다      게시물 #12



이 device.dll을 다운로드합니다. 

원본을 복사한 다음 이것을 붙여넣으세요.


회전된 화면과 일치하도록 config.exe에서 설정을 했습니다. VCXWFDSQREZA 4 3 2 1


그리고 소품, 접시, 접시에 대한 OK 터치 테스트 완료


풍부한 니트에 jubeat.dll 오류

dll을 패치하는지 확인하려면


큐벨의 경우

테스트를 할 수 없습니다. Shop Setting의 테스트 모드에 오류가 있습니다.



이 기능적인 터치스크린을 갖게 되어 기쁩니다.

다른 사람들을 위해 남아 있고 사람들이 또한 테스트할 수 있다면,






터치훅 다시 올려주세요...

터치스크린을 샀는데 키보드로만 플레이할 수 있어요




  • 1 mois après...
  • 2 semaines après...
  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hey guys, do you know if there's a discord channel or anything to see how people have made this games to work?


I've spent the whole weekend trying to launch any, but not success so far. Different errors in all the ones I've tried so far:


1- Knit

> Error: Please release the lower right panel, whatever that means 😞



2- Copious

> It enters me in the settings saying that the Shop options are not enabled, I enter both missing settings, the game display a Game Mode option after that, but upon clicking it, the app crashes.


3- Qubell Omnimix

> It crashes almost as soon as it starts



4- Festo

> This reaches a little further after loading a couple of screens, then it freezes in this screen (with the music still playing in the background).

I've tried with the default jubeat.dll and with the patched one, but both behaving the same.



5- Ripples

> Like Qubell Onminix above, "Module auto detection failed" straight away and app crashing.


6- Saucer

> When it's about to start, and has the 'Credit 0' text on the black screen, it just stops with a message



All these games are so tricky compared to others. No idea what else to try... :S


If you guys have any other idea for any of the above, or know of any discord channel where to research further and ask, pls let me know.

Modifié par mickael28
Adding more versions
  • 1 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Salut tout le monde ,une question a propos des fichiers a joindre pour jubeat festo ,les fichiers necessaires fournis sont ceux présents dans bemanitools ? sinon j'ai bon suivre les etapes du tuto je narrive toujours pas a faire fonctionner jubeat qubel ,j'ai un message d'erreur qui dit :impossible de trouver set-panel-mode dans la bibliothéque device.dll  ,et aussi pourquoi lors de l'extraction de jubeat qubell ,il n ya pas bon nombre de fichier ddl d'ont device.dll alors que par e'xemple dans d'autres archive d'autrres versions de  jubeat le fichier device.dll existe bel est bien ? si quelqu'un a une réponse :s.Merci;

Modifié par hunternoob
  Le 21/11/2022 à 01:21, mickael28 a dit :

Hey guys, do you know if there's a discord channel or anything to see how people have made this games to work?


I've spent the whole weekend trying to launch any, but not success so far. Different errors in all the ones I've tried so far:


1- Knit

> Error: Please release the lower right panel, whatever that means 😞



2- Copious

> It enters me in the settings saying that the Shop options are not enabled, I enter both missing settings, the game display a Game Mode option after that, but upon clicking it, the app crashes.


3- Qubell Omnimix

> It crashes almost as soon as it starts



4- Festo

> This reaches a little further after loading a couple of screens, then it freezes in this screen (with the music still playing in the background).

I've tried with the default jubeat.dll and with the patched one, but both behaving the same.



5- Ripples

> Like Qubell Onminix above, "Module auto detection failed" straight away and app crashing.


6- Saucer

> When it's about to start, and has the 'Credit 0' text on the black screen, it just stops with a message



All these games are so tricky compared to others. No idea what else to try... :S


If you guys have any other idea for any of the above, or know of any discord channel where to research further and ask, pls let me know.



  Le 21/11/2022 à 01:21, mickael28 a dit :

Hey guys, do you know if there's a discord channel or anything to see how people have made this games to work?


I've spent the whole weekend trying to launch any, but not success so far. Different errors in all the ones I've tried so far:


1- Knit

> Error: Please release the lower right panel, whatever that means 😞



2- Copious

> It enters me in the settings saying that the Shop options are not enabled, I enter both missing settings, the game display a Game Mode option after that, but upon clicking it, the app crashes.


3- Qubell Omnimix

> It crashes almost as soon as it starts



4- Festo

> This reaches a little further after loading a couple of screens, then it freezes in this screen (with the music still playing in the background).

I've tried with the default jubeat.dll and with the patched one, but both behaving the same.



5- Ripples

> Like Qubell Onminix above, "Module auto detection failed" straight away and app crashing.


6- Saucer

> When it's about to start, and has the 'Credit 0' text on the black screen, it just stops with a message



All these games are so tricky compared to others. No idea what else to try... :S


If you guys have any other idea for any of the above, or know of any discord channel where to research further and ask, pls let me know.


About Knit , i had the same problem ,game started when i used the launcher and other files that came with bemani tools ,now festo and ave are working well ,i just followed the instructions ,but it seems that qubell is missing some files as it tells me that device.dll is missing, ripples is freezing just after network check.

  Le 23/02/2020 à 15:49, owouwuowo a dit :


  1. Extract the .7z
  2. Extract the needed files into the extracted folder from the 7z (which I'll refer to as festo now)
  3. Make the directory festo/dev/nvram/
  4. Copy all of festo/prop/defaults/ into festo/dev/nvram
  5. Download spicetools (the link should be in this forum)
  6. Extract spice.exe and spicecfg.exe into festo/
  7. Run spicecfg.exe, set up keybinds (make sure to set up the Test key), go into options and check E-Amusement Emulation, and go into keypads and click Generate to the right of card data for Player 1
    1. If you're trying to use a touchscreen and it doesn't work, scroll down and check "Force WinTouch Emulation"
    2. You can also use these options in a batch file. How to do this is left as an exercise to the reader.
  8. Add these lines to your hosts file without the 1. and 2. (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts):
  9. Close spicecfg.exe and run spice.exe. You'll get NVRAM: BAD in the top left and an error screen with some 5-2000 code or whatever. Press whatever you binded test to, and it should reboot. (If not, alt+f4, launch again, and press or hold (don't remember which) the test button.) Use the up, down, and enter panels displayed (figure out what they're binded to) and go to Game Options and then to Shop Settings. Go to shop name settings, and just mash around the keys until you have a shop name, it really doesn't matter. Exit, then go down to Shop area, and just press the right pad once or twice. Go down to Save and Exit, hit it, then go down to game mode and press enter. It starts!
  10. [there was incorrect information here that had to do only with my setup]

Please note that festo lags, but this is a problem that occurs on arcade machines as well.



Is this a general guide for installing Jubeat (any version) on a PC? Or are you referring to just Festo with the needed files? Any help with providing an actual break down for installing and running Jubeat specifically Jubeat Prop would be awesome.

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