jackotz91 Posté(e) le 19 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 19 juin 2023 Le 17/06/2023 à 18:22, mikigol a dit : Try the version of crediar 10-02-2023, it worked perfect for me for all the games of triforce Développer Thanks I also wrote in private messages, do you know if it needs to make other steps or changes to the emulator before launching the games, because as I launch them I have black screen. Thank you very much
mikigol Posté(e) le 23 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 23 juin 2023 (modifié) Le 19/06/2023 à 19:28, jackotz91 a dit : Thanks I also wrote in private messages, do you know if it needs to make other steps or changes to the emulator before launching the games, because as I launch them I have black screen. Thank you very much Développer For configure your buttons select in Port 1: controller game standard, but later always change this to AM Triforce for dont get black screen, here steps: 1. Open dolphin, click controller, in Port 1 choose AM Triforce, Check this too: 2. Click configuration, gamecube tab, SP1: AM Triforce Modifié le 23 juin 2023 par mikigol
Urotsukidoji Posté(e) le 24 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 24 juin 2023 (modifié) Hi, everyone, After many years, I started again trying to configure Sega Triforce emulation. I download the dolphin_tri_x64_10_02_2023 version and first of all I'm trying to run Mario Kart GP1 game. I have configured the AM Controller, I enabled cheats option and also I added the following patches: [OnFrame_Enabled] $Slowdowns Fix $Disable NAMCAM $Loop Fix $Skip boot checks [OnFrame] $Slowdowns Fix 0x041B2238:dword:0x60000000 $Disable NAMCAM 0x800790A0:dword:0x98650025 $Loop Fix 0x8003226C:dword:0x60000000 0x80032278:dword:0x41820158 $Skip boot checks 0x040320FC:dword:0x60000000 Although all that steps, It do not work. Always starts the game with the checking process (camera included) so, the patches doesn't seem to work as you can see in the image attached. If anyone could help me in this issue I really appreciate. Thank you in advance. cheers! EDIT: I've decided to start from scratch. I left the default patches that came with the emulator (loop fix and disable NAMCAM) then I've added these gecko codes: Slowdowns Fix (Required) 041b2238 60000000 Link Check Skip (Optional) 04032410 60000000 Skip boot checks (Optional) 040320fc 60000000 And also I've disabled the Cam on the Test Mode. Now the problem is that I can't exit TEST MODE and everytime I press EXIT it gets back to the same menu in a loop. So I would need to know if there is a way to EXIT Test mode. EDIT: PROBLEM FIXED ;D (I was using the wrong button to insert coin --> Sorry, my mistake). Modifié le 25 juin 2023 par Urotsukidoji
jackotz91 Posté(e) le 25 juin 2023 Posté(e) le 25 juin 2023 (modifié) Le 23/06/2023 à 16:19, mikigol a dit : For configure your buttons select in Port 1: controller game standard, but later always change this to AM Triforce for dont get black screen, here steps: 1. Open dolphin, click controller, in Port 1 choose AM Triforce, Check this too: 2. Click configuration, gamecube tab, SP1: AM Triforce Développer Thank you so so much, I managed to, at the beginning i just only had a Test menu issue with VS4 and 2006 asking me to update the system and reboot. Updated and then it solved by itself with few restart. May I only ask if there are some specific graphic options to change, because VS4 and 2006 are a bit rough and unfluid. Thank you very very much again . EDIT: ok I solved it, just had to enable vsync Thank you so much guys for your efforts and your work. Long life to Arcade Games Modifié le 26 juin 2023 par jackotz91
herorok Posté(e) le 12 juillet 2023 Posté(e) le 12 juillet 2023 Which version of Dolphin works best with Virtua Strike 4?
jackotz91 Posté(e) le 13 juillet 2023 Posté(e) le 13 juillet 2023 Le 12/07/2023 à 13:49, herorok a dit : Which version of Dolphin works best with Virtua Strike 4? Développer I'm using the crediar.10.02.2023 and is doing great
MartiB Posté(e) le 18 juillet 2023 Posté(e) le 18 juillet 2023 (modifié) Solved Deleted Modifié le 18 juillet 2023 par MartiB Solved
herorok Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2023 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2023 Le 13/07/2023 à 21:03, jackotz91 a dit : 나는 crediar.10.02.2023을 사용하고 있으며 잘하고 있습니다 Développer Sometimes when the goalkeeper has the ball, 4 or 5 players are grouped together at a point.
jackotz91 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2023 Posté(e) le 19 juillet 2023 Let me try and I tell you, the 10.02.2023 is not the very last one there is another one of March, I believe.
murray Posté(e) le 16 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 16 septembre 2023 Le 06/06/2023 à 00:03, mamefan2018 a dit : So after a long break from patching and fixing triforce games , I decided to take a look at F-zero monster Ride posted by murray and see what I can do .. I quickly tested it on all the triforce builds I have using the cycraft emulator from crediar tools ..game doesn't work at all up to the "22_01_2023" build, on the next build "24_01_2023 " cycraftemu connects to the gameboard but it's stuck at that point and keeps resetting and the game doesn't start ...and on the newer builds after this one the game boots but runs really slow and it's unplayable . so I was like ok ,if i tracked down the subroutine responsible for the slowdown like what I did with the mario kart games and patched it , I might be able to get the game to run fine on the newest builds ..I was thinking it might take couple of days but it ended up being a long agonizing journey ...and it really tested my patience . when I first started working on it , things were going great ..because in the first day I managed to locate the subroutine responsible for the slowdowns ..and when I stopped it , the game started to run full speed ..most of the time I needed to stop/restore it a few times to make it run fine because a lot of times the audio was working fine but the game ran at 1 fps ..although it was not a clean way to handle it but I thought that is it ,problem solved ..now all I need is to create patch to do that because of-course I was doing all that manually in debug mode ...3 days later it ended up in failure .. I tried at least 20 different patches to deal with the subroutine at different points but it just didn't work .the game ran at 1fps with the sound working fine with the patches applied ..it was unresponsive with the slowdowns and the way the patches work. So I thought ok, I need a different approach to this , and I just thought if I skipped the boot up sequence to get in game that might do the trick ...and I managed to find a way to do that through what I called " dev test mode" ... because it seemed like a mode made for testing the game ..the insert coin/start thing didn't appear but the game ran at full speed ..at least the attract mode ran fine ..but it stopped at the instructions screen when I hit start ... first I thought maybe cuz it's a dev test mode and that is all it does ...but since I managed to figure out the memory address range for the menu values , I realized that there is a timer for the screen and it's working fine but it stops because of the seat-belt check ..and of course the cycraftemu doesn't work anymore because I bypassed all the initialization sequence ..I tried to mess around with the game code to skip this screen and the best I could do is skip right to the race ...so it was a failure and I was back to square one. at this point I was going to just give up on it and post my findings ... but the next day I felt bad about abandoning it after all that work and all the time I spent on it ..and decided to continue working on it. So I started from scratch and this time I thought I just need to do it the right and clean way , and the key to get it working is the cycraftemu .. the main idea was to compile my own version and mess around with the code to try and trace the subroutines that handle the cycraft part ..and I was under the impression that the one in crediar tools was just a compiled version of the cycraftemu on github from 2021 by bobbydilley since the crediar one didn't have source code.. so I checked the other one turns out it was made for Linux ...which means that crediar ported and modified it ..although it was uncharted territory for me , I knew the general idea on how it works ..and I was like well it's too late to turn back now .. So I started working on porting the code and compiling it for windows ..and managed to get it done and it connected to the gameboard but then it stopped when it started to receive data .. which of course meant that crediar did some modifications to make it work with the triforce build .. and since there is no source code for his version .. I ended up using a few de-compilers on it trying to get as much of the source code as possible ..and sort of made my own cycraftemu by using my ported version of the emu and modifying it using some of the code I managed to de-compile from the crediar version .. and it worked !..to be honest I was surprised that this mess of a code ended up working ..I was just lucky that all the guesses I made ended up being correct . and although I ended up with a cycraft emu that did exactly what the credair one does which means it behaved in the same exact way and only worked on newer builds with the slowdowns .. but it was a big breakthrough and was the key to finally figure everything out because now I had an understanding how it all works and I had full control over it ..which lead me to trace the subroutines that handle all the cycraft part ..and I was finally able to make the first successful patch to bypass the cycraft checks . with this patch all builds up to "24_01_2023" worked perfectly fine with full speed (even older ones that didn't work at all with the cycraft emulator but since it was not needed and handled by the patch older builds worked fine) ...and it worked on newer builds too but the slowdowns were still there ...but now the "dev test mode " worked fine since the seat-belt check was handled by the code ...although it was missing some menu sounds and the insert coin/start thing ..it was running full speed on newer builds using this mode ...and I was like that is it , now it's in a great state and playable on all builds . next day I thought maybe now that I know the memory address range for all the sent and received values when connecting to the cycraft ..and I already knew what subroutine was causing the slowdowns .. that there is a chance I might find a clean way to fix this issue .. and yep , I ended up with a clean patch to fix the slowdown issue in all of the newer builds without the need for the "dev test mode" so here are the gecko codes needed to run this game : Bypass Cycraft 0043137B 00000086 it's actually a proper way to handle the cycraft checks .. it just feeds them directly to the game eliminating the need for the cycraftemu .. initialization / boot check and seat-belt on all the time . Slowdown Fix 0043137E 00000000 it is needed for builds starting from 01_02_2023 and here is a bonus one : Game Over/ Attract Mode 077e85d4 00000008 005d6dc8 0000c7cc this is what I called "dev test mode" instead of test menu it will skip directly to a game over screen then the attract mode .. game works fine expect some missing sounds and no insert coin /start game text . this is not needed ..it's only for for anyone interested to check it out maybe there might be some interesting stuff in that mode . as for the game ...as murray stated , u get all 41 vehicles unlocked but you only have race mode .. there is no time attack mode in this special version of the game . Finally I hope that the patches work fine for everyone and enjoy the game! Développer Thanks again for all your work on these, i just got around to updating the final patches you made for monster ride and it works a treat, so so much easier than that setup i had going before. 16:9 also works on monster ride, but damned if i know how to create a gecko patch so i just patch the dol and it works fine. Exact same results as fzero and mario kart, correct AR 16:9 rendered 3d, with 2d assets stretched. 10/10 your contribution to triforce emulation, even though you didnt make the emulator, you gave us all these patches and fixes to make the games play easier and better. I set them all up on my frontend and they all play amazing now. 💯
murray Posté(e) le 17 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 17 septembre 2023 Fzero 4:3 mode against 16:9 to show that it is in fact a wider FOV and not stretched (3d elements)
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 22 septembre 2023 Posté(e) le 22 septembre 2023 Le 16/09/2023 à 09:10, murray a dit : Thanks again for all your work on these, i just got around to updating the final patches you made for monster ride and it works a treat, so so much easier than that setup i had going before. 16:9 also works on monster ride, but damned if i know how to create a gecko patch so i just patch the dol and it works fine. Exact same results as fzero and mario kart, correct AR 16:9 rendered 3d, with 2d assets stretched. 10/10 your contribution to triforce emulation, even though you didnt make the emulator, you gave us all these patches and fixes to make the games play easier and better. I set them all up on my frontend and they all play amazing now. 💯 Développer glad that everything is working fine for u .. and yep the widescreen patches r not perfect cuz in the end the games were not meant to be played that way ... I think the mario patches r probably the best out of all the WS patches .. and if u need a WS gecko patch for monster ride ,I can check the game code and create one .
Nicolas88 Posté(e) le 16 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 16 octobre 2023 (modifié) Hi. Did you think is possible to create a cheat or geko code for beginning with an medium view in f zero monster ride. By defaut the game launch with a close view (almost cockpit view), you can change in game but After every race the selected view return to defaut. If is there a way to change the defaut view with a gecko or cheat? And a gecko code for wide-screen Virtua Strikers 4 2006 export? Thanks And I.m searching game icon and bezel for Virtua Striker 4 and F zero if someone can help me. Modifié le 17 octobre 2023 par Nicolas88
XmanAdventures Posté(e) le 18 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 18 octobre 2023 Can you play fzero ax with a logitech g920?
ultrabub563 Posté(e) le 22 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 22 octobre 2023 How Can I Change Settings In Mario Kart Arcade GP 1&2?
ducon2016 Posté(e) le 23 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 23 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 27/01/2023 à 01:49, mamefan2018 a dit : for mario kart gp 2 i added this code to SBNL.ini in user\gamesettings ..can be done through properties game config --> editor tab --> under user config .. Développer Thank you so much for your amazing work on the Triforce. I am back after months of too much intense work, and your posts brought a smile to my face and reminded me why I love this community so much 😄 I tried to follow all your posts and there were many updates and changes in the patches you recommended. I ended up with the Gecko ones and I am almost OK but two issues: If I run Mario Kart GP1 without a card and complete or lose a race. At the end of the race I have an error grey screen "Please call an attendant E20 Wheel error". I could fix it with your Loop Fix 2 patches posted earlier in the thread but now I have a long black screen before it goes back to the attract. If I run Mario Kart GP1 with a card, it hangs writing to the card. Is there a patch to fix the hang? Same of Mario Kart GP2 with a card, it waits for removing the card. Is there a patch to skip that? Wondering if you could post a zip file with your latest .ini files. That would help for people like me coming late to the party to not have to read the 19 pages of this amazing thread. By the way super work on Monster Ride, cannot wait to test it Modifié le 24 octobre 2023 par ducon2016
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 24 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 24 octobre 2023 Le 23/10/2023 à 19:19, ducon2016 a dit : Thank you so much for your amazing work on the Triforce. I am back after months of too much intense work, and your posts brought a smile to my face and reminded me why I love this community so much 😄 I tried to follow all your posts and there were many updates and changes in the patches you recommended. I ended up with the Gecko ones and I am almost OK but two issues: If I run Mario Kart GP1 without a card and complete or lose a race. At the end of the race I have an error grey screen "Please call an attendant E20 Wheel error". I could fix it with your Loop Fix 2 patches posted earlier in the thread but now I have a long black screen before it goes back to the attract. If I run Mario Kart GP1 with a card, it hangs writing to the card. Is there a patch to fix the hang? Same of Mario Kart GP2 with a card, it waits for removing the card. Is there a patch to skip that? Wondering if you could post a zip file with your latest .ini files. That would help for people like me coming late to the party to not have to read the 19 pages of this amazing thread. By the way super work on Monster Ride, cannot wait to test it Développer Welcome back Dude , For a really long time I saw you and many more contributors do a lot of amazing work for this community , and I always wanted to contribute something of value , we reached the point today were we have thousands of classic arcade games that can easily be played at home and that was only possible because of the amazing contributions by so many people over a long period of time and they did it for free, it was never about the money ..but sadly the problem was that I didn't have enough free time to work on some ideas that I thought would be great for the community ,so all I did was help with small things here and there , but earlier this year with the new triforce build, I thought this was my chance to make a small contribution to the scene . and I'm glad that u got most of the games working with no problems regarding the issue with Mario kart GP 1 and GP2 ... it doesn't freeze on the saving screen , it actually saves your progress and if u close the game and play again u will see that it worked perfectly fine , I'm guessing it is just waiting for the card to be ejected ,we just don't really have an insert /eject button, once the card file is created the game recognizes it as present all the time..unless u rename/move or delete the card file . I'm not using the loop fix 2 patch ...for this game I'm only using the first loop fix patch and the slowdown fix gecko code ... the other codes I posted for this game r optional ...and I don't think I ever got the "Please call an attendant E20 Wheel error" screen after a race ..but I rarely played without the card ..but try going to the test menu and under "game options" change "steering power" to off. you could give the skip boot sequence checks code a try (it skips all checks at startup ) here it is : 040320fc 60000000 regarding my ini files , the problem is that I got so many patches and codes on 2 computers ..most of them r ones I used for testing various stuff or stopping/bypassing certain subroutines in my process of creating the main patches I posted here , so my ini files will definitely make things worse , I need to clean things up before I do something like that. 1
ducon2016 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 24/10/2023 à 22:38, mamefan2018 a dit : regarding the issue with Mario kart GP 1 and GP2 ... it doesn't freeze on the saving screen , it actually saves your progress and if u close the game and play again u will see that it worked perfectly fine , I'm guessing it is just waiting for the card to be ejected ,we just don't really have an insert /eject button, once the card file is created the game recognizes it as present all the time..unless u rename/move or delete the card file . I'm not using the loop fix 2 patch ...for this game I'm only using the first loop fix patch and the slowdown fix gecko code ... the other codes I posted for this game r optional ...and I don't think I ever got the "Please call an attendant E20 Wheel error" screen after a race ..but I rarely played without the card ..but try going to the test menu and under "game options" change "steering power" to off. you could give the skip boot sequence checks code a try (it skips all checks at startup ) Développer Ok I fixed MKGP1 where you don't need to wait for the card to be ejected and fixed the game over hang. Here is my SBKP.ini combining your patches, the ones from crediar and mine 😄 No need to close the game and restart it anymore. It shows the Game Over screen like in the arcade and then goes back to attract mode as it should. I don't use the Namcam patch and just turn off the camera off in the test menu but left it in case people are lazy Will try to do the same for MKGP2 now. [Controls] PadProfile1 = mariogp1 [OnFrame_Enabled] $Card Saving Fix $Game Over Hang Fix $Loop Fix [OnFrame_Disabled] $Disable NAMCAM [OnFrame] $Disable NAMCAM 0x800790A0:dword:0x98650025 $Loop Fix 0x8003226C:dword:0x60000000 0x80032278:dword:0x41820158 $Card Saving Fix 0x801be2dc:dword:0x4082009c $Game Over Hang Fix 0x8003b020:dword:0x40820040 [Gecko] $Slowdown Fix 041b2238 60000000 $Link Check Skip 4032410 60000000 $Unlimited Card 041f5c44 60000000 [Gecko_Enabled] $Slowdown Fix $Link Check Skip $Unlimited Card Modifié le 25 octobre 2023 par ducon2016 2
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 Le 25/10/2023 à 07:01, ducon2016 a dit : Ok I fixed MKGP1 where you don't need to wait for the card to be ejected and fixed the game over hang. Here is my SBKP.ini combining your patches, the ones from crediar and mine 😄 No need to close the game and restart it anymore. It shows the Game Over screen like in the arcade and then goes back to attract mode as it should. I don't use the Namcam patch and just turn off the camera off in the test menu but left it in case people are lazy Will try to do the same for MKGP2 now. [Controls] PadProfile1 = mariogp1 [OnFrame_Enabled] $Card Saving Fix $Game Over Hang Fix $Loop Fix [OnFrame_Disabled] $Disable NAMCAM [OnFrame] $Disable NAMCAM 0x800790A0:dword:0x98650025 $Loop Fix 0x8003226C:dword:0x60000000 0x80032278:dword:0x41820158 $Card Saving Fix 0x801be2dc:dword:0x4082009c $Game Over Hang Fix 0x8003b020:dword:0x40820040 [Gecko] $Slowdown Fix 041b2238 60000000 * $Link Check Skip 4032410 60000000 * $Unlimited Card 041f5c44 60000000 [Gecko_Enabled] $Slowdown Fix $Link Check Skip $Unlimited Card Développer Great work dude ! u know , after I replied to u earlier I was thinking maybe I could check the MKGP games and see if I can patch the saving/ eject screen ..it was one of the things I skipped when I was working on the games ... I was like it's not a big deal since u can play as long as u want and save to the card and close the game when u r done ...but yea , the patch u did works perfectly fine. I tried the same method to patch MKGP 2 ( it was easy to figure it out after I checked ur patch for GP1 ) ... and it goes to the game over screen and back to the attract mode but when I insert a coin to play again it loads an empty new card ... my card works fine and progress is saved but I need to close the game and open it again for the card to load properly ... as for the error u get at the game over screen .. I tried playing the game with no card to see if I will get that error but it works perfectly fine for me .
ducon2016 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 24/10/2023 à 22:38, mamefan2018 a dit : Welcome back Dude , For a really long time I saw you and many more contributors do a lot of amazing work for this community , and I always wanted to contribute something of value , we reached the point today were we have thousands of classic arcade games that can easily be played at home and that was only possible because of the amazing contributions by so many people over a long period of time and they did it for free, it was never about the money ..but sadly the problem was that I didn't have enough free time to work on some ideas that I thought would be great for the community ,so all I did was help with small things here and there , but earlier this year with the new triforce build, I thought this was my chance to make a small contribution to the scene . Développer Awesome contributions thanks for your amazing work! We finally have triforce in a good shape, that is so amazing after all those years of hacking. I used to have 4 different builds of dolphin to handle all the cases and we did not have the real AX. Now we have it, it is so awesome when you think about it. I bought a portable PC now so the feeling of having all those in your hands is absolutely amazing 😄 I can remember walking down the aisles of my local arcades in France when I was a kid, and now all those games and many more are on one portable machine. A flick through the UI and preview videos is like walking down the arcade again. \ Le 25/10/2023 à 10:28, mamefan2018 a dit : I tried the same method to patch MKGP 2 ( it was easy to figure it out after I checked ur patch for GP1 ) ... and it goes to the game over screen and back to the attract mode but when I insert a coin to play again it loads an empty new card ... my card works fine and progress is saved but I need to close the game and open it again for the card to load properly ... Développer Trying the MKGP2 from scratch in case it helps, tracing back from the "Take card" message. By the way do you use the dolphin debugger and desassembler only? They are so poor compared to x64dbg, wondering if there is a better way to disassemble the game code or debug? If you only used that for all your patches, I admire your tenacity. I almost gave up twice already Modifié le 25 octobre 2023 par ducon2016
ducon2016 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 25/10/2023 à 10:28, mamefan2018 a dit : I tried the same method to patch MKGP 2 ( it was easy to figure it out after I checked ur patch for GP1 ) ... and it goes to the game over screen and back to the attract mode but when I insert a coin to play again it loads an empty new card ... my card works fine and progress is saved but I need to close the game and open it again for the card to load properly ... Développer Ok fixed it for MKGP2! Card save does not hang and game over screen does not hang either after the save, and when I insert coin it loads the card fine. Everything is perfect now for MKGP1 and 2. Here is my SNBL.ini [Controls] PadProfile1 = mariogp2 [OnFrame_Enabled] $Loop Fix $Card Save Hang Fix $Card Save Hang Fix [OnFrame] $Loop Fix 0x8002E9C8:dword:0x60000000 0x8002E9D4:dword:0x41820158 $Loop Fix (JPN) 0x8002EA28:dword:0x60000000 0x8002EA34:dword:0x41820158 $Card Save Hang Fix 0x80249958:dword:0x38000000 0x8024995c:dword:0x980da504 0x80249960:dword:0x980da509 0x80249964:dword:0x480000ac $Game Over Hang Fix 0x8003775c:dword:0x40820040 $Voice Off 0x801B6510:dword:0x38800000 [Gecko] $Slowdown Fix 4086150 60000000 $Link Check Skip 402eb6c 60000000 $Unlimited Card 04a02f8 60000000 [Gecko_Enabled] $Slowdown Fix $Link Check Skip $Unlimited Card Modifié le 5 novembre 2023 par ducon2016 2
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 25 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 25/10/2023 à 16:58, ducon2016 a dit : I bought a portable PC now so the feeling of having all those in your hands is absolutely amazing 😄 I can remember walking down the aisles of my local arcades in France when I was a kid, and now all those games and many more are on one portable machine. A flick through the UI and preview videos is like walking down the arcade again. Développer Yep, we r definitely living a golden age for retro gaming and emulation . Le 25/10/2023 à 16:58, ducon2016 a dit : Trying the MKGP2 from scratch in case it helps, tracing back from the "Take card" message. By the way do you use the dolphin debugger and desassembler only? They are so poor compared to x64dbg, wondering if there is a better way to disassemble the game code or debug? If you only used that for all your patches, I admire your tenacity. I almost gave up twice already Développer Yep , I used the dolphin debugger and disassembler + the dolphin memory engine for the patches ... and I know what u mean dude , I almost gave up so many times I lost count.. I reach the point were I'm thinking "nope I can't deal with this anymore , I'm going to go crazy" ...and close everything and move on with my life but the next day I find myself sitting in front of my pc and thinking "ok one more try ,this is going to be the last time" lol Le 25/10/2023 à 20:01, ducon2016 a dit : Ok fixed it for MKGP2! Card save does not hang and game over screen does not hang either after the save, and when I insert coin it loads the card fine. Everything is perfect now for MKGP1 and 2. Here is my SNBL.ini Développer this is the same patch I'm using for MKGP2 ... not sure why it loads an empty card when I insert a coin after the game over screen ...maybe something is wrong with the card file and I need to create a new one. Modifié le 25 octobre 2023 par mamefan2018
bucksoverfame Posté(e) le 27 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 27 octobre 2023 I just have a question, trying to update my Triforce in Hyperspin. 1st which version should I download for the best running version or does anyone have a build with codes already in place? I have the old version where I had to run different versions of Dolphin. Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
murray Posté(e) le 27 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 27 octobre 2023 Le 27/10/2023 à 17:38, bucksoverfame a dit : I just have a question, trying to update my Triforce in Hyperspin. 1st which version should I download for the best running version or does anyone have a build with codes already in place? I have the old version where I had to run different versions of Dolphin. Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance. Développer You use the latest version from crediar site https://crediar.dev/crediar Builds are under tools.
murray Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Le 25/10/2023 à 20:01, ducon2016 a dit : Ok fixed it for MKGP2! Card save does not hang and game over screen does not hang either after the save, and when I insert coin it loads the card fine. Everything is perfect now for MKGP1 and 2. Here is my SNBL.ini [Controls] PadProfile1 = mariogp2 [OnFrame_Enabled] $Loop Fix $Card Save Hang Fix $Card Save Hang Fix [OnFrame] $Loop Fix 0x8002E9C8:dword:0x60000000 0x8002E9D4:dword:0x41820158 $Loop Fix (JPN) 0x8002EA28:dword:0x60000000 0x8002EA34:dword:0x41820158 $Card Save Hang Fix 0x8024995c:dword:0x408200b4 $Game Over Hang Fix 0x8003775c:dword:0x40820040 $Voice Off 0x801B6510:dword:0x38800000 [Gecko] $Slowdown Fix 4086150 60000000 $Link Check Skip 402eb6c 60000000 $Unlimited Card 04a02f8 60000000 [Gecko_Enabled] $Slowdown Fix $Link Check Skip $Unlimited Card Développer Thanks for your work on these fixes! It just gets better and better!!! I tested and confirmed that the fixes work for MKGP 1 = ALL OK! MKGP 2 US = ALL OK The card save hang fix for MKGP 2 doesn't work on the Japanese version. It causes an error on race start. MKGP 2 JP = not working So MKGP 1+2 work fine, can save, end game, continue without issue. The Japanese version of MKGP2, it errors on race start when i try to use the card save hang fix. Maybe it will require a new patch like the other fixes are different for the JP version. The announcer in JP version is so much better! This is the code i tried on JP version [OnFrame_Enabled] $Card Save Hang Fix [OnFrame] $Card Save Hang Fix 0x8024995c:dword:0x408200b4 If you are interested in taking a look and need the game link, let me know.
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Le 28/10/2023 à 00:03, murray a dit : Thanks for your work on these fixes! It just gets better and better!!! I tested and confirmed that the fixes work for MKGP 1 = ALL OK! MKGP 2 US = ALL OK The card save hang fix for MKGP 2 doesn't work on the Japanese version. It causes an error on race start. MKGP 2 JP = not working So MKGP 1+2 work fine, can save, end game, continue without issue. The Japanese version of MKGP2, it errors on race start when i try to use the card save hang fix. Maybe it will require a new patch like the other fixes are different for the JP version. The announcer in JP version is so much better! This is the code i tried on JP version [OnFrame_Enabled] $Card Save Hang Fix [OnFrame] $Card Save Hang Fix 0x8024995c:dword:0x408200b4 If you are interested in taking a look and need the game link, let me know. Développer here is the card save fix for MKGP 2 JPN 04249f64 408200b4 the US one won't work on the JPN version like all the other US patches .
murray Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Le 28/10/2023 à 02:01, mamefan2018 a dit : here is the card save fix for MKGP 2 JPN 04249f64 408200b4 the US one won't work on the JPN version like all the other US patches . Développer Thanks for this!! I just tested it.. I'm not sure if it's just me, but it behaves a little odd. It does in fact fix the end of game save screen where it used to hang, and goes back to title now, but when you try to start a game again, it behaves weird, the second game will always auto select no card as soon as you start it. First game works fine, select don't continue, game over screen, second game start and no card auto gets selected. I tried it a few times to make sure it wasn't some sort of double input i was doing, but it seems tobe consistent. Little tedious to test, select the first race in the bowser cup, it's got a short timer to let run out. Curious if anyone else has the same issue or if it's just me? EDIT: I can confirm i get the same issue with the non JP version of the GP2, it has the same behaviour. Also i learned if you hold tab the game goes really fast so you test much easier!
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Le 28/10/2023 à 03:56, murray a dit : Thanks for this!! I just tested it.. I'm not sure if it's just me, but it behaves a little odd. It does in fact fix the end of game save screen where it used to hang, and goes back to title now, but when you try to start a game again, it behaves weird, the second game will always auto select no card as soon as you start it. First game works fine, select don't continue, game over screen, second game start and no card auto gets selected. I tried it a few times to make sure it wasn't some sort of double input i was doing, but it seems tobe consistent. Little tedious to test, select the first race in the bowser cup, it's got a short timer to let run out. Curious if anyone else has the same issue or if it's just me? EDIT: I can confirm i get the same issue with the non JP version of the GP2, it has the same behaviour. Also i learned if you hold tab the game goes really fast so you test much easier! Développer yep ... check my reply to @ducon2016 after he posted the patch for the first MKGP game .. since I worked a lot on the triforce games ,it took me like 10 mins to make similar patches for GP2 US and JPN ... and yea, the card doesn't function properly the second time , and not only does it select no card ,the card loaded is an empty new card .. I had to close and start the game again to get it to work properly ...but I thought since it works fine for him that it might be a problem on my side , I got a messy setup with loads of patches and I spent a lot of time testing stuff and changing settings all the time ..so, I thought maybe a fresh setup might fix that issue.
murray Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 28/10/2023 à 05:23, mamefan2018 a dit : yep ... check my reply to @ducon2016 after he posted the patch for the first MKGP game .. since I worked a lot on the triforce games ,it took me like 10 mins to make similar patches for GP2 US and JPN ... and yea, the card doesn't function properly the second time , and not only does it select no card ,the card loaded is an empty new card .. I had to close and start the game again to get it to work properly ...but I thought since it works fine for him that it might be a problem on my side , I got a messy setup with loads of patches and I spent a lot of time testing stuff and changing settings all the time ..so, I thought maybe a fresh setup might fix that issue. Développer I have a very clean setup, each game has it's own portable install with only the patches needed, so no extra stuff. I tested it just using his .ini posted above and it still has the same issue on the US gp2 game. So i can replicate your results. The fix that stops the game from hanging at game over is working on both version, it seems there might be another issue with the reloading of card after playing a game. going to try a few different iso My iso Modifié le 28 octobre 2023 par murray
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 28/10/2023 à 05:44, murray a dit : I have a very clean setup, each game has it's own portable install with only the patches needed, so no extra stuff. I tested it just using his .ini posted above and it still has the same issue on the US gp2 game. So i can replicate your results. The fix that stops the game from hanging at game over is working on both version, it seems there might be another issue with the reloading of card after playing a game. going to try a few different iso My iso Développer I think I might have figured out why i'm having this problem ... I just tried a new clean setup and tested the game a couple of times and it worked fine . which triforce build r u using ? the one I was using to test these patches is the build from 10_02_2023 ..since it was the one I used to make most of the patches and I have all the games loaded and working on it. but when I started creating a new clean build to see if that will fix the issue,I realized that I already have a clean build but it was the latest build from 15_03_2023 .. I was like cool that will save me a lot of time ,I'll just give that one a try ...and the game worked fine . so , I think it might be the build ...if u r using an older one try the latest build and if it works for u that we can confirm that this is the problem. Modifié le 28 octobre 2023 par mamefan2018
murray Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 28/10/2023 à 06:42, mamefan2018 a dit : I think I might have figured out why i'm having this problem ... I just tried a new clean setup and tested the game a couple of times and it worked fine . which triforce build r u using ? the one I was using to test these patches is the build from 10_02_2023 ..since it was the one I used to make most of the patches and I have all the games loaded and working on it. but when I started creating a new clean build to see if that will fix the issue,I realized that I already have a clean build but it was the latest build from 15_03_2023 .. I was like cool that will save me a lot of time ,I'll just give that one a try ...and the game worked fine . so , I think it might be the build ...if u r using an older one try the latest build and if it works for u that we can confirm that this is the problem. Développer Doesn't work for me... funnily enough i am using the same 10_02_2023 build, so i grabbed the newest one. If i just drop the new exe into the old folder, it makes no difference. It i try and setup a fresh portable install using the new files only, i can't get passed insert card before the game starts. If I copy the TRIFORCE folder from my old 10/02/0223 install to this new one then i can get the game to start, but same results as before... card fix at tend of game works and then when you start a second game, it goes directly to the NO for card scan on second game. I wonder if it's something to do with teh files in TRIFORCE folder... what's different about your "clean build you were using".... because my clean build i created from the new download didn't fix it.I wonder if there's something you'd already done in your clean build? A mixture of the new exe and something else? I'm only testing on the US version, because i know it works well. I can apply the new fixes and they do what they're supposed to, 1 gets you past the remove card error, and the other gets you past the game over screen hang. Either way... fresh install gets stuck before game at insert card, if i use the TRIFORCE folder from the old install, i get the automatically selecting NO to card after the first game. Modifié le 28 octobre 2023 par murray
mamefan2018 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 Posté(e) le 28 octobre 2023 (modifié) Le 28/10/2023 à 09:53, murray a dit : Doesn't work for me... funnily enough i am using the same 10_02_2023 build, so i grabbed the newest one. If i just drop the new exe into the old folder, it makes no difference. It i try and setup a fresh portable install using the new files only, i can't get passed insert card before the game starts. If I copy the TRIFORCE folder from my old 10/02/0223 install to this new one then i can get the game to start, but same results as before... card fix at tend of game works and then when you start a second game, it goes directly to the NO for card scan on second game. I wonder if it's something to do with teh files in TRIFORCE folder... what's different about your "clean build you were using".... because my clean build i created from the new download didn't fix it.I wonder if there's something you'd already done in your clean build? A mixture of the new exe and something else? I'm only testing on the US version, because i know it works well. I can apply the new fixes and they do what they're supposed to, 1 gets you past the remove card error, and the other gets you past the game over screen hang. Either way... fresh install gets stuck before game at insert card, if i use the TRIFORCE folder from the old install, i get the automatically selecting NO to card after the first game. Développer hmm ..I really don't remember why I created this build ..there is a few games added and couple patches enabled ..maybe I was just testing the games to see if there is any progress in this build .. as for MKGP 2.. I tested it with only the loop fix and slowdown fix enabled + the remove card screen fix ...I never had any errors with the game over screen (old or latest build) ..and it worked fine .. after that I just added the boot checks skip and link countdown skip codes to speed things up . Modifié le 29 octobre 2023 par mamefan2018
bucksoverfame Posté(e) le 2 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 2 novembre 2023 Could someone explain how to set up the controls correctly, please?
jackotz91 Posté(e) le 2 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 2 novembre 2023 Le 02/11/2023 à 19:40, bucksoverfame a dit : Could someone explain how to set up the controls correctly, please? Développer On Controllers, you will see the Controller Settings window then on Emulated Wii Remote - Configure. 1
XmanAdventures Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2023 How to make my fzero ax card save thanks
bucksoverfame Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2023 Posté(e) le 3 novembre 2023 Does anyone have a new module so I can run it in Hyperspin? The old one doesn't work.
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