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[Emu] Dolphin v2407 Triforce : Branche Arcade (Namco / Sega / Nintendo / GC / Wii)

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  Le 15/03/2023 à 18:22, GaussTek a dit :

New version released:


I now cannot access the test menu from both Mario Kart games. Just a black screen when trying to get into them. Works fine in yesterday build.

Can anyone confirm MK test menus aren't working in latest build? (in case I'm doing something wrong).


Edit. Mario Kart GP 2 is somewhat broken on the latest build on a clean install. As cam isn't disabled by default, and you cannot access the test menu, you cannot disable it until the error shows up, so yeah, this is a regression 😞.


I don't remember if there's a patch to disable namcam? Can anyone post it? As it seems its needed again.



I would recommend staying on the version that mamefan did all his patches for. That version should be the base now for a working Dolphin build with a large array of patches that are all tested pretty well and working with games. This is definitely a case of if it aint broke don't fix it for the user. Dolphin can be pretty fussy... Keep that version always i would suggest. By all means test the newer versions if you like, a bit like before where we have special builds for all games that we had to use. We now have 1 really good tested, patched etc build to play on.

The updates are for ffb wheel stuff only but nothing the end user will see right now, no wheel ffb is going to work for the end user, and nothing has changed to what it was on the previous builds as far as using a wheel goes. We will all just have to wait and see what happens in the future with regards to ffb working in games with out pc wheels.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Thanks guys!!


I will keep the old february 10 build (this is the good one, right?) and I'll just test newer versions to see if stuff gets fixed, etc. Still hopefully crediar fixes the issues!


Btw, it would be cool if someone can do a single post with a collection of all working  codes for each game. It's becoming harder to find them across the thread now :C



Modifié par GaussTek
  Le 15/03/2023 à 19:56, GaussTek a dit :

Thanks guys!!


I will keep the old february 10 build (this is the good one, right?) and I'll just test newer versions to see if stuff gets fixed, etc. Still hopefully crediar fixes the issues!


Btw, it would be cool if someone can do a single post with a collection of all working  codes for each game. It's becoming harder to find them across the thread now :C




Yes, 10 Feb build is the one, given so much works on that build, i'd suggest keeping that as a snapshot.


The problem is, if you're not running portable, new versions will use the same dolphin config files and it might screw something up for the older build as well. If you make a portable working setup of the 10/Feb, you've got a snapshot that plays all games and won't get screwed up by any testing you do.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Yep, always using portable to keep my configs safe.


By the way, if anyone wants to use the newest builds for any reason, here's the patch to disable the NamCam in Mario Kart AGP2. The NamCam patch has always been included for MKAGP1 as default, so it's a little weird the patch was removed for MKAGP2 anyway lol


$Disable NAMCAM
$Disable NAMCAM


Modifié par GaussTek
Posté(e) (modifié)

I see that some ppl r having problems with the latest 2 builds ,specifically with mario kart games ... so i got a patch that i didn't want to share because I think less patches to the game is better , i don't want to mess around with the game code way too much ...and i didn't want to make things confusing with so many patches all over the place ... cuz only 2 patches r required for the mario games ..the loop patch (comes with the build ) + the slowdown fix   ...the rest of the patches r optional  like the  skip link to speed things up ..

this patch simply skips all the boot checks without affecting the test mode ..if used with the link skip patch we end up with just a 1 second boot screen.. no need to disable camera or steering power and skips the clean card thing..


Skip boot checks  MKGP

040320fc 60000000


Skip boot checks  MKGP2 US

0402e858 60000000


Skip boot checks  MKGP2 JPN

0402e8b8 60000000


and since there is no need to disable the camera with this patch .. if left enabled, we will get the countdown and flash to take a pic ..of course there is no actual pic taken ...but the game will function as if the camera is working...and of course this patch works with all builds is just more useful with the latest ones .


oh and one last note .. the test mode works in the latest build .. it just takes a long time to enter test mode .. the game doesn't freeze , just leave it for a min or so and test mode will work...



Modifié par mamefan2018
  Le 16/03/2023 à 01:16, mamefan2018 a dit :

I see that some ppl r having problems with the latest 2 builds ,specifically with mario kart games ... so i got a patch that i didn't want to share because I think less patches to the game is better , i don't want to mess around with the game code way too much ...and i didn't want to make things confusing with so many patches all over the place ... cuz only 2 patches r required for the mario games ..the loop patch (comes with the build ) + the slowdown fix   ...the rest of the patches r optional  like the  skip link to speed things up ..

this patch simply skips all the boot checks without affecting the test mode ..if used with the link skip patch we end up with just a 1 second boot screen.. no need to disable camera or steering power and skips the clean card thing..


Skip boot checks  MKGP

040320fc 60000000


Skip boot checks  MKGP2 US

0402e858 60000000


Skip boot checks  MKGP2 JPN

0402e8b8 60000000


and since there is no need to disable the camera with this patch .. if left enabled, we will get the countdown and flash to take a pic ..of course there is no actual pic taken ...but the game will function as if the camera is working...and of course this patch works with all builds is just more useful with the latest ones .


oh and one last note .. the test mode works in the latest build .. it just takes a long time to enter test mode .. the game doesn't freeze , just leave it for a min or so and test mode will work...





OMGG, thanks for all the hard work!! Tested them and now the games work great even on latest builds. Yeah, I agree, the less patches the better, but it's still nice to have this as an option.


And you are right! 😳 I thought the games freezed when trying to enter test mode but they just take a lot more to get into it lol

  Le 15/03/2023 à 18:22, GaussTek a dit :

As cam isn't disabled by default, and you cannot access the test menu, you cannot disable it until the error shows up, so yeah, this is a regression 😞.


I don't remember if there's a patch to disable namcam? Can anyone post it? As it seems its needed again.



Hello, it's not a regression, it's actually fonction of true Arcade Cabinet. If NAMCAM is broken --> test menu ! 😉


So, it's proper for purist


Just tested the latest Triforce build. All available dumps work fine without any patch except for Mario Kart (too low fps rate).

Also the low frame rate in the transition between scenes and game in all Virtua Striker games is also present in the console version of Virtua Striker 2002 using the latest Dolphin beta build from the official site.

My conclusión is that the frame rate problem in Virtua Striker games is not related to the Trifoce build, it is an issue of the original Dolphin emulator.


I can not get any game to work with the 19/1/23 build.

Virtua Striker 4 gives a black screen with zero fps, same with Fzero AX,  Mario Kart gives a PC error

Only brodostar fork can run Virtua Striker 4


In this case it is better to upload a prepatched build bundled with all games and set up to be playable.

  Le 23/03/2023 à 16:26, petran79 a dit :

I can not get any game to work with the 19/1/23 build.

Virtua Striker 4 gives a black screen with zero fps, same with Fzero AX,  Mario Kart gives a PC error

Only brodostar fork can run Virtua Striker 4


In this case it is better to upload a prepatched build bundled with all games and set up to be playable.


hello..for the games to run you need the following: -configuration-interface disable "report errors and warnings" -also in configuration but gamecube tab in settings devices have in SP1 "plate am triforce" Finally in gamecube-control settings put in port 1 "plate am triforce"


note: triforce games have game keys by default... the only way to change it is by creating individual profiles for each game (since you do need the system board in port 1).

In the previous pages there is information about all this that we are talking about and much more!

  Le 23/03/2023 à 18:10, CARPnadamas a dit :

hello..for the games to run you need the following: -configuration-interface disable "report errors and warnings" -also in configuration but gamecube tab in settings devices have in SP1 "plate am triforce" Finally in gamecube-control settings put in port 1 "plate am triforce"


note: triforce games have game keys by default... the only way to change it is by creating individual profiles for each game (since you do need the system board in port 1).

In the previous pages there is information about all this that we are talking about and much more!


Hi,Salutes from Argentina too!! i cant find the Disable "Report errors and Warnings" Option on Dolphin,And the VS4 show this error on the screen,Some idea what is wrong?

Captura de pantalla (11).png

  Le 23/03/2023 à 20:42, Facustereo93 a dit :

Hi,Salutes from Argentina too!! i cant find the Disable "Report errors and Warnings" Option on Dolphin,And the VS4 show this error on the screen,Some idea what is wrong?

Captura de pantalla (11).png


Enter test mode, close the emulator and then open the game again,

  Le 24/03/2023 à 06:11, taktvoll69 a dit :

@mamefan2018I have a question: In the new crediar version of Dolphin is it possible to play the Virtua Striker 2002 game versions with the analog stick (not D-pad) of the gamepad? Thank you for your answer


in dolphin u have the option to create custom control profiles and add them to the game ini ... so yea u can do that .

Posté(e) (modifié)

Hey everyone. I'm using the March 15th builds, and am trying to use mamefan's patches to fix MK's slowdown, but it doesn't seem to be working. Same with the Link Check Skip. Do those patches not work with the newest builds?



Figured it out, saw it needed to be Gecko codes and not under the Patches section

Modifié par TheNewClassics
  Le 25/03/2023 à 14:48, Facustereo93 a dit :

Thanks,You save me.


Hi its me again,I try your solution with de Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan, Rev D) but not Working,is that version more difficult to emulate or something is wrong with my rom?

  Le 23/03/2023 à 21:39, gasabbath a dit :

Enter test mode, close the emulator and then open the game again,


Hi its me again,I try your solution with de Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan, Rev D) but not Working,is that version more difficult to emulate or something is wrong with my rom?

  Le 28/03/2023 à 21:43, Facustereo93 a dit :

Hi its me again,I try your solution with de Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan, Rev D) but not Working,is that version more difficult to emulate or something is wrong with my rom?

Hi its me again,I try your solution with de Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan, Rev D) but not Working,is that version more difficult to emulate or something is wrong with my rom?


u need the bypass boot patch that i posted here for it to work ...  every single VS triforce dump now works, u just have to check the thread for the patches needed .


here is the patch for VS 2006 rev D ... add it as a gecko code

040568D8 60000000



Dolphin Triforce 5.0 1187 preconfigured with roms Mario kart GP 1/Mario Kart GP 2/F-Zero AX/Virtua Striker 4/Virtua Striker 2002/Gekitou Pro Yakyuu Mizushima Shinji All Stars 4K

Posté(e) (modifié)

For the sake of preservation, which is very important, I'm trying to compile all the codes (optional an required) for Dolphin Triforce by @mamefan2018(thanks for all the hard work, you are amazing!!)


As I'm only interested in the MK games, I've only stored the ones for those games. It's somewhat hard to track in the thread the ones for the other games (which are required), so if someone can post them below, I'll add them here.


All of them are Gecko codes than can be added as a cheat in Dolphin.


Mario Kart Arcade GP


Slowdowns Fix (Required)
041b2238 60000000

Link Check Skip (Optional)
04032410 60000000 

Skip boot checks (Optional)
040320fc 60000000


Mario Kart Arcade GP 2


Slowdowns Fix (US - Required)
04086150 60000000

Link Check Skip (US - Optional)
0402eb6c 60000000

Skip boot checks (US - Optional)
0402e858 60000000


Slowdowns Fix (JPN - Required)
04086768 60000000

Link Check Skip (JPN - Optional)
0402ebcc 60000000

Skip boot checks (JPN - Optional)
0402e8b8 60000000


Virtua Striker 2002


Force Japan Version
04054234 60000000


Virtua Striker 4


Bypass boot (VS4 Japan)
0405214c 60000000

Fix crashes
0403b5d8 60000000


Virtua Striker 4:Ver. 2006


Bypass Boot (Japan - rev d)
040568D8 60000000


Thanks again for all the hard work. Like I mentioned if someone can post the missing codes for the other games I'll add them to the list.


Edit. Updated with more codes!

Modifié par GaussTek
  Le 28/03/2023 à 22:16, mamefan2018 a dit :

u need the bypass boot patch that i posted here for it to work ...  every single VS triforce dump now works, u just have to check the thread for the patches needed .


here is the patch for VS 2006 rev D ... add it as a gecko code

040568D8 60000000



Thanks and where i can check that thread?

Posté(e) (modifié)

Updated my post with more codes from other games I found in the latest pages (the ones required at least) :). If there's one of them that is wrong just tell me.

Modifié par GaussTek
  Le 09/03/2023 à 23:25, mamefan2018 a dit :

here are the proper widescreen patches for the mario kart games (aspect ratio needs to be set to forced 16:9)


Mario Kart GP Widescreen

C228C800 00000009
C03F0034 9421FFE0
93C10004 93E10008
DBE1000C 7FC802A6
48000009 3FAAAAAB
7FE802A6 C3FF0000
EC3F0072 7FC803A6
83C10004 83E10008
CBE1000C 38210020
60000000 00000000


Mario Kart GP2 US Widescreen

C22C80D4 00000009
C03F0034 9421FFE0
93C10004 93E10008
DBE1000C 7FC802A6
48000009 3FAAAAAB
7FE802A6 C3FF0000
EC3F0072 7FC803A6
83C10004 83E10008
CBE1000C 38210020
60000000 00000000


Mario Kart GP2 JPN Widescreen

C22C86EC 00000009
C03F0034 9421FFE0
93C10004 93E10008
DBE1000C 7FC802A6
48000009 3FAAAAAB
7FE802A6 C3FF0000
EC3F0072 7FC803A6
83C10004 83E10008
CBE1000C 38210020
60000000 00000000



I spent way too much time on these patches ... although as i stated before i'm not a big fan of widescreen patches for classic games ...but i guess it ended up being a challenge ..halfway through i was regretting that i even considered doing this lol  ..but it finally worked and surprisingly it looked really good with no graphical issues or clipping hopefully it works fine for everyone ..i only played a few races but everything looked fine.


Wow fantastic job ^^

Is it possible for F-zero Ax ? The arcade deluxe is running in 16/9


Look here :

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 31/03/2023 à 17:27, bonky0013 a dit :

Wow fantastic job ^^

Is it possible for F-zero Ax ? The arcade deluxe is running in 16/9


Look here :


this is what i collected in my game over this pages (maybe missing one or two things)

& once again, thanks to mamefan2018 for providing all these codes to us. :very-good:



you can add each code individually & manualy,

 - "On Frame" codes can be added in "Patches" (use the 2 x 8 characters code only, in ex: add these 0x803D0175:byte:0x00000001)

 - "Gecko" can be added in "Gecko" Tab obviously.


copy in User Config (doing that you are adding all the codes in a row, access them in "Patches" & "Gecko" to ON/OFF them)

044461B4 3FE40000
$Infinite Time
0437C964 EA000000
$Infinite Energy
04C43a04 42C80000

$Advertise Sound ON
$Advertise Sound OFF
$Game Difficulty (very easy)
$Game Difficulty (easy)
$Game Difficulty (normal)
$Game Difficulty (hard)
$Game Difficulty (hardest)
$Race Mode Laps (normal)
$Race Mode Laps (set 1)
$Race Mode Laps (set 2)
$Race Mode Laps (set 3)
$Race Mode Laps (set 4)
$Race Mode Laps (set 5)
$Handicap On
$Handicap Off


copy in Default Config

$Disable Motor Setup (Rev. D)
$Disable Motor Setup (Rev. E)


Modifié par Simon Belmont
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 31/03/2023 à 22:15, bonky0013 a dit :

Thanks, i have it, but the problem is the screen haven't the good ratio (circle is the good exemple, they're oval 😁)


the 3D is perfect ratio, i can live with 2D tiles slighly streched, not much noticable imo.

check it out, take it or leave it ;) & mostly, hav'fun mate.

//EDIT: you must use "Force 16/9" in graphic settings + activate Gecko "Widescreen" code (otherwise is strectched)


  Le 10/03/2023 à 09:37, murray a dit :

These are really good widescreen patches! Nice work.

Here's a compare for anyone that cares, original AR bottom. You can see there's no stretching of the 3d graphics, only overlays. After looking at the widescreen, i almost feel like the overlays are squashed on the original AR. The look squahed at the original AR, and they look a little stretched on the widescreen patch.  I think i'll use these widescreen patches, they look great, thanks for posting.
Picture attached to compare. I put the red lines on it just so you can see there's no 3d stretching, the widescreen enabled a wider render area. (which is awesome)



Modifié par Simon Belmont
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hi all,

Does anyone use this emulator with Hyperspin/RocketLauncher ?

If so does anyone have a working module that works with this new Dolphin triforce 5.0 emulator as the only one I can find currently is the older version for Dolphin 4.0.



Modifié par cataclysm67

Does anyone know where I could get an ISO of F-Zero AX Monster Ride? I tried making one with the Combine/Decrypt Python script with no luck.

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 06/04/2023 à 11:08, cataclysm67 a dit :

Hi all,

Does anyone use this emulator with Hyperspin/RocketLauncher ?

If so does anyone have a working module that works with this new Dolphin triforce 5.0 emulator as the only one I can find currently is the older version for Dolphin 4.0.




I had to solve it by using the PCLauncher module and by creating bat files and put them in roms folder.

The bat file have to call each game this way (change the paths in the example by yours):

"z:\hyperspin\Emulators\Sega Triforce\Dolphin.exe" -b -e "z:\hyperspin\roms\Sega Triforce\F-Zero AX (Japan) (Rev E).iso"


Then configure your RocketLaucher -> PCLauncher -> edit System specific settings -> Add your games and set the path to .bat:


Modifié par nanometrovovo2
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 06/04/2023 à 20:03, nanometrovovo2 a dit :

I had to solve it by using the PCLauncher module and by creating bat files and put them in roms folder.

The bat file have to call each game this way (change the paths in the example by yours):

"z:\hyperspin\Emulators\Sega Triforce\Dolphin.exe" -b -e "z:\hyperspin\roms\Sega Triforce\F-Zero AX (Japan) (Rev E).iso"


Then configure your RocketLaucher -> PCLauncher -> edit System specific settings -> Add your games and set the path to .bat:



@cataclysm67 Il faut simplement modifier le module pour la 5.0

J'ai modifié le module moi-même et ca fonctionne parfaitement avec les bezels

Modifié par Trymado
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 07/04/2023 à 20:50, Trymado a dit :

@cataclysm67 Il faut simplement modifier le module pour la 5.0

J'ai modifié le module moi-même et ca fonctionne parfaitement avec les bezels


Thanks, doesn't work for me unfortunately (black screen)

Do you have to change any settings in Dolphin Triforce emulator ?

Also are you using latest version ?



Merci, ne fonctionne pas pour moi malheureusement.

Devez-vous modifier des paramètres dans l'émulateur Dolphin Triforce ?

Utilisez-vous également la dernière version?



Modifié par cataclysm67
  Le 08/04/2023 à 12:05, cataclysm67 a dit :

Thanks, doesn't work for me unfortunately (black screen)

Do you have to change any settings in Dolphin Triforce emulator ?

Also are you using latest version ?



Merci, ne fonctionne pas pour moi malheureusement.

Devez-vous modifier des paramètres dans l'émulateur Dolphin Triforce ?

Utilisez-vous également la dernière version?





Yes you do, do this.

CONFIG>>GAMECUBE>> SP1 = Triforce AM Baseboard

CONTROLLER>>Port 1 = AM Triforce Baseboard



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