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On 2/26/2025 at 9:46 AM, eljose said:

which are the buttons to start and insert coins ?? 😄


Usage :

  1. Unpack the game

  2. Copy the content of DemulShooter's \Unity\NerfArcade\ directory to the main game folder, where the Nerf.exe file is located.

  3. You can edit the content of the ini file located in the \BepInex\plugins\ folder to set the Cabinet credits base configuration. Settings then can be changed in TEST mode.

  4. Run DemulShooter for this game:
    DemulShooterX64.exe -target=rawthrill -rom=nerfa

  5. Run the game


Nerf Arcade
Mouse Buttons Left Middle Right
Action Trigger Shoulder /
Keyboard Button Action
1 P1 Start
2 P2 Start
5 Credits P1
6 Credits P2
↑ Sound Up
↓ Sound Down
Posté(e) (modifié)



je suis les instructions, mais rien à faire pas de contrîles 🙃

Aide-moi, merci 😉

Modifié par GéraldB
il y a 20 minutes, GéraldB a dit :



je suis les instructions, mais rien à faire pas de contrîles 🙃

Aide-moi, merci 😉

c'est que tu utilises mal DS.......peux-tu nous dire quelle ligne de commande tu utilises ou quel prog tu utilises pour lancer tout ca stp ?


J'utilise un script :



#SingleInstance force 

Run, DemulShooterX64.exe -target=rawthrill -rom=nerfa

sleep, 7000

run, Nerf.exe

    WinClose, ahk_exe Nerf.exe



Posté(e) (modifié)

tu as bien tout fait avant en lancant demulshooter.gui et en selectionnant ton gun ? (wiimote ou autre ??)

as-tu essayer de mettre en mode admin ton .exe aprÚs avoir compilé ton .ahk ?

Modifié par nosoucy62
il y a 56 minutes, GéraldB a dit :

Oui, je pense avoir tout fait :





Merci pour ton aide 😉


Au vu de la capture d'écran, le plugin Unity est pas installé (ou mal installé)



@argonlefou et nosoucy62, merci pour votre aide.

J'ai rĂ©ussi Ă  faire fonctionner Nerf Arcade, j'ai placĂ© les fichiers BepInEx Ă  la racine du jeu et tout fonctionne 😉👍


To me problem is other....
If I copy files from plugin folder from demulshooter, and use Demulshooter crosshair (laser beam) alway go to top left.

If I only use files from plugin (best, file from hipo to remove crosshair) without demulshooter work great.

Posté(e) (modifié)
Il y a 11 heures, pacooka a dit :

Any chance to fix the 2 light guns issue that sometimes joined together from some reason?


Il y a 2 heures, miki91 a dit :

Everyone is asking the question for the pistol that meet lol


Unless someone has any instructions to follow in order to reproduce that behavior, not any chance.

I myself never had to face it. But the story does not tell if it's happenning after 5mn or 8 straight hours of play (which I never reached)



Il y a 2 heures, emulor a dit :

To me problem is other....
If I copy files from plugin folder from demulshooter, and use Demulshooter crosshair (laser beam) alway go to top left.

If I only use files from plugin (best, file from hipo to remove crosshair) without demulshooter work great.


What are you using DemulShooter with ? Beeing stuck top left is a common behaviour if you're using DemulShooter with a wrong device set, or no device at all, or even a simple mouse insted of a lightgun

Modifié par argonlefou
14 hours ago, argonlefou said:

What are you using DemulShooter with ? Beeing stuck top left is a common behaviour if you're using DemulShooter with a wrong device set, or no device at all, or even a simple mouse insted of a lightgun


I use a EMS Topgun II lightgun with Windows 7.


I've been using Demulshoot since the beginning, it's strange that this is the only game where this happens. But no problem, this is the solution for me.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you have made available to the community.


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