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Happy Halloween with SpookyTrain

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Posté(e) (modifié)

SpookyTrain is a windows standalone rail shooter game and can be played at the moment with gamepad or keyboard with 1 or 2 players

ihade in my collection around one year and i didn't try to play yet,

if you guys know or can work on to add inputs for sinden light gun let me know please.



and the creator project





Modifié par S.G.D
Posté(e) (modifié)

hi S.G.D !


not work with a mouse......just keyboard or gamepad....

Modifié par nosoucy62
38 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:

hi S.G.D !


not work with a mouse......just keyboard or gamepad....

if i remember well just keyboard and gamepad

Posté(e) (modifié)
1 hour ago, S.G.D said:

if i remember well just keyboard and gamepad great 2 players 1 joystick...GameSir T4 Pro wireless Controller. player 1 left stick and player 2 right stick...only tryed it to see if it would run...

This is from insid the dir....controls..

- Aim: Left/Right Stick
- Shoot: LB/LT, RB/RT
- Invert Y aim: D pad up (player 1), Face button up (player 2)
- Toggle Aim Type: D pad down (player 1), Face button down (player 2)
- Sensitivity adjust: Dpad left/right (player 1), Face button left/right (player 2)
- Restart: Start Button
- Quit: Select Button

   Aim: [W][A][D]Arrow Keys
- Shoot: [Spacebar]/[Right Ctrl]
- Invert Y aim: [2] (player 1), [=] (player 2)
- Toggle Aim Type: [1] (player 1), [-] (player 2)
- Sensitivity Adjust: [Q]/[E] (player 1), [PgUp]/[PgDn] (player 2)
- Restart: [R]
- Quit: [Esc]

Modifié par lords
  • The title was changed to Happy Halloween with SpookyTrain

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