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BangBang PewPew With Custom Image Targets

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This was Extracted from a ISO ..everything about it and the Custom Image Targets are in the Rar's Read Me First and Molerat Digital Art rar, bangbang.txt(for the Custom Image Targets).

If this don't work for you extracted. I will Upload the ISO and you can work with crashed for me 2 times out of 10 loads..but still played through levels,stock without Custom Image Targets.


BangBang PewPew






Il y a 6 heures, Son of Blindboy a dit :

Try running it in windows 8 compatibility mode. It seems more stable. I played for 10mins or so and it didn't crash

working with this !



Some levels are hard on this me just soft shut down and rethink

26 minutes ago, emulor said:

For me work better if set compatibility to Windows Vista, Administrator mode, and block exe to acess internet from firewall

How many levels without crashing? I think it was a compatibility issue for most. so glad it worked out for you...I figured XP sp2,would be. but i guess, Vista still has a 

Posté(e) (modifié)

no links

Modifié par nosoucy62
Posté(e) (modifié)



Modifié par lords
Posté(e) (modifié)

sorry Lords i erase the link

make you too in your last message...

Modifié par nosoucy62

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