JustinCredible81 Posté(e) le 28 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 28 mars 2021 Any progress on MotorStorm racing games or Gran Turismo 5 or 6?
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 28 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 28 mars 2021 (modifié) Le 28/03/2021 à 14:00, Safur a dit : Yes the patches are ok. Your i7 should be good... apparently it has 10 cores! With my old i7 7740X I have the same fps. And it has only 4 cores. Maybe try to disable bloom and Deph of field? Développer yeah nah its never been about the cores. surprised at how many people think this, 4 cores- 6cores is enough, this is only ps3 remember, it wont use anymore than it needs thats how pcs work. u cant force shit up a hill and think it will play faster and smoother. i have working 20 cores , its not about that. the game has emulation flaws which are not ironed out, thats it. the audio stutters fuk with it. to give u an idea i reduced my screen to 720p or 1080 and its the same 35- 45fps as 4k resolution . there is only a slight advantage to using 'strict rendering mode' lets say 5fps-8 fps brings that up to 56 fps. THOSE PATCHES are of little consequence (for my powerful pc?) but i keep 4 ticks on. IT CAN BE ABOUT CACHE THOUGH, ONCE I GET CACHE UP I GET MORE FPS. YOU CAN DO THE LITTLE VBLANK 120 TRICK BUT ULTIMATELY NOT Testing today im at AROUND 48FPS BIT BETTER THAN YESTERDAY. overall the game plays way better than before but to your point, nope not perfect. BUT VERY PLAYABLE FOR SURE LOVE THIS GAME!😎 Modifié le 28 mars 2021 par Cool Coyote
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Just to let everyone know. Sineater is doing the emulator and game uploads. u can dl from ps1 duckstation to cemu and switch shit from 1377x
ZX3000GT1 Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Le 28/03/2021 à 14:19, JustinCredible81 a dit : Any progress on MotorStorm racing games or Gran Turismo 5 or 6? Développer https://artprodcus3.artifacts.visualstudio.com/A357dbb78-2f51-4769-bd1b-0c292044d605/147c0692-6119-4342-8d20-a7b797e8fec1/_apis/artifact/cGlwZWxpbmVhcnRpZmFjdDovL2lsbHVzaW9uOTgwNC9wcm9qZWN0SWQvMTQ3YzA2OTItNjExOS00MzQyLThkMjAtYTdiNzk3ZThmZWMxL2J1aWxkSWQvMzA5L2FydGlmYWN0TmFtZS9SUENTMytmb3IrV2luZG93cw2/content?format=zip Try this. Apparently this is a custom build for GT5 with performance and stability improvements 1
ZX3000GT1 Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Le 28/03/2021 à 22:25, Cool Coyote a dit : yeah nah its never been about the cores. surprised at how many people think this, 4 cores- 6cores is enough, this is only ps3 remember, it wont use anymore than it needs thats how pcs work. u cant force shit up a hill and think it will play faster and smoother. i have working 20 cores , its not about that. the game has emulation flaws which are not ironed out, thats it. the audio stutters fuk with it. to give u an idea i reduced my screen to 720p or 1080 and its the same 35- 45fps as 4k resolution . there is only a slight advantage to using 'strict rendering mode' lets say 5fps-8 fps brings that up to 56 fps. THOSE PATCHES are of little consequence (for my powerful pc?) but i keep 4 ticks on. IT CAN BE ABOUT CACHE THOUGH, ONCE I GET CACHE UP I GET MORE FPS. YOU CAN DO THE LITTLE VBLANK 120 TRICK BUT ULTIMATELY NOT Testing today im at AROUND 48FPS BIT BETTER THAN YESTERDAY. overall the game plays way better than before but to your point, nope not perfect. BUT VERY PLAYABLE FOR SURE LOVE THIS GAME!😎 Développer AFAIK RPCS3 devs recommend 8C/16T CPUs for best performance, especially for heaviest games like RDR or TLoU. More than this is useless. For most games though 6 cores should be enough. I finished Persona 5 using 8750H, ran at stable 30FPS. GT HD Concept also runs 60 FPS average with slight dips to high 50s.
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Le 29/03/2021 à 06:39, ZX3000GT1 a dit : AFAIK RPCS3 devs recommend 8C/16T CPUs for best performance, especially for heaviest games like RDR or TLoU. More than this is useless. For most games though 6 cores should be enough. I finished Persona 5 using 8750H, ran at stable 30FPS. GT HD Concept also runs 60 FPS average with slight dips to high 50s. Développer Well if u know a trick i dont cos a good gpu is needed also. but your cpu i would destroy the emulation or it would run very easily, but u cant make the thing run on your cpu alone can we? so yeah 6 cores max , it cant be the reason. for all top big games i get 45-50 maybe 59fps at best , i dont know about your setup but for me it matters not i have it in 720p or 4k, so i play in 4k i mean fuk all difference, the guys that make these emus say PlayStation is one of the hardest to emulate its obvious it is for the big games, i mean nintendo are so straight forward since n64 20 years ago we have had nothing but improvement and one nintendo console after another even in the same year like cemu and wiiu then switch 😄. the main ps2 emulator people use has a lot to be desired. i prefer this rpcs3 over it . dolphin has been one of the easiest emus to use ever so clean so simple. i like ps1 emulators pretty easy from the get go i use the Xebra and official ps1 emu ePSXe v2.0.5 Windows as they play games such as Jonah Lomu Rugby with only 1 track in them(the commentator would repeat himself and/or u wouldnt even hear the other commentator speak in other ps1 emulators) ,or they play multi track bin file games such as 'ape escape' without doing anything special-open gamelist etc..
Safur Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 29 mars 2021 Le 28/03/2021 à 22:25, Cool Coyote a dit : yeah nah its never been about the cores. surprised at how many people think this, 4 cores- 6cores is enough, this is only ps3 remember, it wont use anymore than it needs thats how pcs work. u cant force shit up a hill and think it will play faster and smoother. i have working 20 cores , its not about that. the game has emulation flaws which are not ironed out, thats it. the audio stutters fuk with it. to give u an idea i reduced my screen to 720p or 1080 and its the same 35- 45fps as 4k resolution . there is only a slight advantage to using 'strict rendering mode' lets say 5fps-8 fps brings that up to 56 fps. THOSE PATCHES are of little consequence (for my powerful pc?) but i keep 4 ticks on. IT CAN BE ABOUT CACHE THOUGH, ONCE I GET CACHE UP I GET MORE FPS. YOU CAN DO THE LITTLE VBLANK 120 TRICK BUT ULTIMATELY NOT Testing today im at AROUND 48FPS BIT BETTER THAN YESTERDAY. overall the game plays way better than before but to your point, nope not perfect. BUT VERY PLAYABLE FOR SURE LOVE THIS GAME!😎 Développer Well with my i9 (10 cores), the games are faster than with my old i7 (4 cores). And if you compare RPCS3 and real ps3 (you can see that on youtube) the fps are better with RPCS3.
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 30 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 30 mars 2021 Le 29/03/2021 à 12:04, Safur a dit : Well with my i9 (10 cores), the games are faster than with my old i7 (4 cores). And if you compare RPCS3 and real ps3 (you can see that on youtube) the fps are better with RPCS3. Développer yes of course it would be. not saying that, im saying the gpu has to do work too. if only it was as simple as ones fancy cpu we wouldnt have a problem would we. I'm sure the guys will eventually nail it, I'm impressed realy, its just this extra 15 frames we need.
JustinCredible81 Posté(e) le 30 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 30 mars 2021 Le 29/03/2021 à 04:16, ZX3000GT1 a dit : https://artprodcus3.artifacts.visualstudio.com/A357dbb78-2f51-4769-bd1b-0c292044d605/147c0692-6119-4342-8d20-a7b797e8fec1/_apis/artifact/cGlwZWxpbmVhcnRpZmFjdDovL2lsbHVzaW9uOTgwNC9wcm9qZWN0SWQvMTQ3YzA2OTItNjExOS00MzQyLThkMjAtYTdiNzk3ZThmZWMxL2J1aWxkSWQvMzA5L2FydGlmYWN0TmFtZS9SUENTMytmb3IrV2luZG93cw2/content?format=zip Try this. Apparently this is a custom build for GT5 with performance and stability improvements Développer Do you know if I'm supposed to change any settings? It freezes at the Sony logo for me. My computer is easily powerful enough to handle it so it's not that.
ZX3000GT1 Posté(e) le 30 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 30 mars 2021 (modifié) Le 30/03/2021 à 02:16, JustinCredible81 a dit : Do you know if I'm supposed to change any settings? It freezes at the Sony logo for me. My computer is easily powerful enough to handle it so it's not that. Développer I haven't tried it myself unfortunately. You can probably ask in this discord since I got this bulid from there : https://discord.gg/xAv4P6c9vD Modifié le 30 mars 2021 par ZX3000GT1
JustinCredible81 Posté(e) le 30 mars 2021 Posté(e) le 30 mars 2021 I'm not big on discord really. I did find where some people had pretty good success with it and they posted settings but those aren't working for me. Think I'll just have to wait until the game is fully playable. Thanks for trying to help though.
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 1 avril 2021 Posté(e) le 1 avril 2021 Le 30/03/2021 à 02:43, JustinCredible81 a dit : I'm not big on discord really. I did find where some people had pretty good success with it and they posted settings but those aren't working for me. Think I'll just have to wait until the game is fully playable. Thanks for trying to help though. Développer yes im with you on that, i found it funny and slow.
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 1 avril 2021 Posté(e) le 1 avril 2021 (modifié) Le 29/03/2021 à 12:04, Safur a dit : Well with my i9 (10 cores), the games are faster than with my old i7 (4 cores). And if you compare RPCS3 and real ps3 (you can see that on youtube) the fps are better with RPCS3. Développer Le 29/03/2021 à 12:04, Safur a dit : Well with my i9 (10 cores), the games are faster than with my old i7 (4 cores). And if you compare RPCS3 and real ps3 (you can see that on youtube) the fps are better with RPCS3. Développer HEY just letting you know iv been playing GOW3 for awhile now, but thing is iv only been in 30fps i have it on 120 vblank but just to let you know how smooth it has been, it also feels like 60fps not 30. i don't know what iv done, but its playing super smooth, obviously improvements are happening all the time with RPCS3 but i haven't been annoyed at only 30 fpsOR I SHOULD SAY 30-40 but every new corner goes to 30 its always around 30-32 , it honestly just looks like normal speed. but in 4k res. i have just gone with the 3 ticks here. at this moment in time atleast. 🤔😌 Modifié le 1 avril 2021 par Cool Coyote
ssj4bq Posté(e) le 5 mai 2021 Posté(e) le 5 mai 2021 Run Until Dawn prototype for ps3 and mayhem in rpcs3 perfect? Thanks for reply.
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 28 mai 2021 Posté(e) le 28 mai 2021 Just trying Winning Eleven 2018 [BLJM61357] on RPCS3 and its not possible to past the intro screen if u dont have 'Interpreter (fast) on the games slow as shit. shame cos it would be playable if we could have the Recompiler (LLVM) on and a save game. still cant get into game screen ,, it just loads and loads and loads, oh well.
ssj4bq Posté(e) le 13 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 13 juin 2021 Le 10/06/2021 à 09:51, Cool Coyote a dit : n1 ssj4bq gg 😎 Développer Is there any eboot that makes until dawn run without psmove fake for mouse in rpcs3? And gears of war 3 run without command lines dev kit keyboard in rpcs3?
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 13 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 13 juin 2021 (modifié) Le 13/06/2021 à 05:50, ssj4bq a dit : Is there any eboot that makes until dawn run without psmove fake for mouse in rpcs3? And gears of war 3 run without command lines dev kit keyboard in rpcs3? Développer sorry idk that https://forums.rpcs3.net/thread-197878.html seems its not even playable anyway. but not much to say about the ps move thing either, BUT USUALLY U USE PS MOVE AS FAKE EYE TOY or other Olympics game for instance Settings: SPU on LLVM and PPU on fast, Vulkan Renderer, Camera Input = PS Eye, PS Move Handler = Mouse, Camera Settings = Fake Modifié le 13 juin 2021 par Cool Coyote
ssj4bq Posté(e) le 13 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 13 juin 2021 (modifié) Le 13/06/2021 à 06:55, Cool Coyote a dit : sorry idk that https://forums.rpcs3.net/thread-197878.html seems its not even playable anyway. but not much to say about the ps move thing either, BUT USUALLY U USE PS MOVE AS FAKE EYE TOY or other Olympics game for instance Settings: SPU on LLVM and PPU on fast, Vulkan Renderer, Camera Input = PS Eye, PS Move Handler = Mouse, Camera Settings = Fake Développer Thanks, yes I can sometimes run Until Dawn, just note that my build doesn't skip psmove with controller start. In this other build link you can see that you can skip not need the mouse emulated psmove, which is difficult to configure. I suspect that the eboot of my build is different or there is some difference even though it is the same build numbering BCES01556. Understood? Modifié le 13 juin 2021 par ssj4bq
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 14 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 14 juin 2021 so i was on the Olympic game and it worked for another version somehow, i was able to play it. maybe try other rpcs3 version
Backgamon Posté(e) le 20 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 20 juin 2021 Well i'm unable to make "Until Dawn September 27 2012 TEST70001 Alpha" to work...at least to only boot no more :/ https://archive.org/details/UntilDawnSeptember272012TEST70001 Having a "f vm memory violation 0x0" sort of after ppu compiling on RPCS3. I allready used patch from illusion, decrypted the iso and/or hex patched EBOOT.BIN or replaced with another available(on commentary from archive.org file), and with i have "no executable found"... Raaa i don't understand how to make it work/boot....
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 25 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 25 juin 2021 Le 13/06/2021 à 20:24, ssj4bq a dit : Thanks, yes I can sometimes run Until Dawn, just note that my build doesn't skip psmove with controller start. In this other build link you can see that you can skip not need the mouse emulated psmove, which is difficult to configure. I suspect that the eboot of my build is different or there is some difference even though it is the same build numbering BCES01556. Understood? Développer ssj4bq this is a better game dl it pretty good actually - my point is the pc version is the best i just use a ps4 controller via ds4 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 PC – Rugby Sevens 🏉🏃♂️
ssj4bq Posté(e) le 26 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 26 juin 2021 Le 20/06/2021 à 19:47, Backgamon a dit : Well i'm unable to make "Until Dawn September 27 2012 TEST70001 Alpha" to work...at least to only boot no more :/ https://archive.org/details/UntilDawnSeptember272012TEST70001 Having a "f vm memory violation 0x0" sort of after ppu compiling on RPCS3. I allready used patch from illusion, decrypted the iso and/or hex patched EBOOT.BIN or replaced with another available(on commentary from archive.org file), and with i have "no executable found"... Raaa i don't understand how to make it work/boot.... Développer Hi, I have eboot here for the game to work, but I think it's wrong because here it needs fake psmove by mouse while others don't need it, if you want anyway.
Backgamon Posté(e) le 27 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 27 juin 2021 Le 26/06/2021 à 21:10, ssj4bq a dit : Hi, I have eboot here for the game to work, but I think it's wrong because here it needs fake psmove by mouse while others don't need it, if you want anyway. Développer If possible thanks.
CR-C89E Posté(e) le 27 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 27 juin 2021 Anyone got a working iso for Gran Turismo 5? I keep getting memory violation error regardless of which version/region I'm using.
ssj4bq Posté(e) le 27 juin 2021 Posté(e) le 27 juin 2021 Le 27/06/2021 à 08:31, Backgamon a dit : If possible thanks. Développer https://archive.org/details/until-dawn-february-2012-demo BCES01556 (eboot include) https://mega.nz/file/HItmxQCa#HsKiHyE4oMp2mNUErLcLQatSC7Z-kn_IyF0aJsZRFVA NPEA99999 (if i'm wrong i have an eboot that works) https://archive.org/details/UntilDawnSeptember272012TEST70001 TEST70001 (if i'm wrong i have an eboot that works) PCS3 settings Until Dawn: CPU tab: PPU - LLVM SPU - LLVM GPU tab: GPU - Vulkan renderer Additional settings - Write color buffers I/O tab: Camera Input - PS Eye Camera Settings - Fake Move Handler - Mouse Booting process for RPCS3: After having installed the two pkgs and changed the above mentioned settings, boot up the game. When arriving to the start screen after the health warning, press the start button on your controller and when the calibration screen shows up, press the right mouse button. If everything went as planned, you should see that the calibration process has succeeded. Right click your mouse again and now the game will start. N.B.: the calibration process might fail sometimes. In that case you need to reboot the game and try again.
daniel6984 Posté(e) le 1 février 2022 Posté(e) le 1 février 2022 Bonjour tout le monde ! Est-ce que quelqu'un utilise le frontend coinops next 2 par Hazard ? Je suis en pleine configuration de RPCS3 pour utiliser que les jeux de guns , quand je lance un jeux depuis le frontend tout va bien mais quand je veut sortir par exemple avec la touche echap ca me sort juste du pleine écran et je suis obligé de prendre la souris pour quitter l'émulateur ensuite automatiquement ça revient sur le frontend. Il y a t'il un moyen de fermer l'émulateur instantanément ? Je vous remercie par avance.
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 1 février 2022 Team Posté(e) le 1 février 2022 (modifié) Le 01/02/2022 à 17:31, daniel6984 a dit : Bonjour tout le monde ! Est-ce que quelqu'un utilise le frontend coinops next 2 par Hazard ? Je suis en pleine configuration de RPCS3 pour utiliser que les jeux de guns , quand je lance un jeux depuis le frontend tout va bien mais quand je veut sortir par exemple avec la touche echap ca me sort juste du pleine écran et je suis obligé de prendre la souris pour quitter l'émulateur ensuite automatiquement ça revient sur le frontend. Il y a t'il un moyen de fermer l'émulateur instantanément ? Je vous remercie par avance. Développer va sur youtube également en tappant coinops next 2 RCPS3, tu va tomber sur pas mal de tuto avec peut etre la réponse à ta question, sinon laisse un commentaire sur ces tuto et demande Modifié le 1 février 2022 par WildWolf
daniel6984 Posté(e) le 1 février 2022 Posté(e) le 1 février 2022 Je te remercie, mais pas de sujet sur YouTube pour mon souci
2rthz6ru6 Posté(e) le 28 février 2022 Posté(e) le 28 février 2022 (modifié) for RPCS3 use Always, Vulkan, XAudio2 and The Latest Firmware v4.88, can Download Here Modifié le 3 mars 2022 par 2rthz6ru6
Cool Coyote Posté(e) le 4 avril 2022 Posté(e) le 4 avril 2022 007 Legends rpcs3: STILL GREY screen first stage after 10 seconds of doing nothing , if I keep moving I can hold it off for a bit but inevitability I get this 😑
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 27 mai 2022 Team Posté(e) le 27 mai 2022 (modifié) ca fonctionne à pleine balle en 4K 60 fps constant pour ma part, depuis pas longtemps les dernières mise à jour ont donné un bon coup de boost à RCPS3 Modifié le 27 mai 2022 par WildWolf
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