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[Arcade PC] The Swarm (Global VR)

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5 hours ago, nosoucy62 said:

ah effectivement je viens de lire.......

bon Ă  mon avis la team de TP va surement s'en occuper pour le passer en patreon comme d'hab.....time is money

If supported by tp

not all games are subscriber only


its an awesome game i've played it at the arcades a few years ago

Modifié par Galaya
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On 11/03/2024 at 15:07, bandicoot said:

l'upload de Bigdenny semble moins buggué que le mien , faut que j'arrive a mettre un pilote correct de ma carte graph qui bizarrement passait sur mon dump pour voir si j'ai du mieux . Pour info je lance le bouzin sur un vrai Hardware avec HDD cloné du coup ,  on va dire du coup ça boot bien etc.. 

@nosoucy62 ça n'est pas un lightgun mais un positionnal gun , parcontre je vois pas ce qui te fait dire que c'est de l'arduino le bouzin ( j'ai des copies aliexpress de ces guns ) bien que oui avec un arduino on peut faire la meme chose

Hello, were you able to install the video driver?
when I restart it goes back to how it was before, thank you.

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Il y a 14 heures, jahyr a dit :

Hello, were you able to install the video driver?
when I restart it goes back to how it was before, thank you.


in my archive you don't have the driver window?

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i think he try the dump on a real motherboard and install perhaps an nvidia driver , the dump from bigdenny seems doesn't let us to do it .

i'm trying to make another clean dump but it's take time , perhaps Tekno teams make it faster than me , but this dump is old and if they can do something i think they do it a long time ago.


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2 hours ago, bandicoot said:

i think he try the dump on a real motherboard and install perhaps an nvidia driver , the dump from bigdenny seems doesn't let us to do it .

i'm trying to make another clean dump but it's take time , perhaps Tekno teams make it faster than me , but this dump is old and if they can do something i think they do it a long time ago.


That's right, I unzipped the image onto an SSD and tested it on a 775 ipm31 motherboard, it recognized all the drivers except the video driver.
It appears that the system is frozen.

3 hours ago, nosoucy62 said:


in my archive you don't have the driver window?

Hi, I used bigdennys image, thanks.

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no sorry same screen after start launcher and return on windows .....driver problem ?

i don't know.....but if the TP team has not yet done it compared to the 3 other titles available (farcry - aliens - frightland), it is because the solution must be complicated

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  • 4 mois après...



finalement ce jeu va t'il ĂŞtre jouable un jour ?

aucunes team ne va s'en occuper ?

voici les liens pour le jeu en ISO et en restore.

le jeu tourne sur windows 7 d'origine.....

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46 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:


finalement ce jeu va t'il ĂŞtre jouable un jour ?

aucunes team ne va s'en occuper ?

voici les liens pour le jeu en ISO et en restore.

le jeu tourne sur windows 7 d'origine.....


try asking on discord tp channel 

the sql magic used for a golf game they work on currently 

might work for the swarm too…..

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  • 2 semaines après...
Il y a 9 heures, Takeshi a dit :

Same issue here, have you found a way to run the game since? i never played it but from videos i saw it looks great.

sorry no solution for this just dump on

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hi !

another links for games GLOBAL VR


you find : restore disc + install disc

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