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Posté(e) (modifié)

Im using Intel, Nvidia, and Windows 11. VMware workstation 17. Tried re-downloading it. Still have the missing .iso error. Ill try it on my arcade setup and see if it works on there.

Modifié par mjshl2
Posté(e) (modifié)

dongle error after time out for select area ;(


@mjshl2 your error is just it search for installation CDROM but not need it ;)


Modifié par bandicoot
Posté(e) (modifié)
42 minutes ago, bandicoot said:

dongle error after time out for select area ;(


@mjshl2 your error is just it search for installation CDROM but not need it ;)


The game still just stays stuck at a black screen after the Global VR logo. Also anyone know how to set this up with launchbox?


Modifié par mjshl2
Posté(e) (modifié)

With that version of VMware the game boots. I can now get to the level select screen. But it wont let me shoot, and then crashes with an invalid dongle error. Its so close. Great work either way.

Modifié par mjshl2
7 hours ago, southpark472 said:

i turn off CDROM  and used MultiKey was a Dongle Emulator Same Used for Aliens.

i Have Lot of Dongle Of Global VR Games.


After entering a game, how are you getting past the dongle error? Also, is there something I need to do to disable the CDROM and enable multikey?



Posté(e) (modifié)

I'm getting a BSOD after launching the vm with the vmdk. I have no idea what's going on.


Edit: I figured it out. You must absolutely set the VM to Windows XP or it will BSOD.


Modifié par RandomAccessGamer
Solved. In progress
Il y a 13 heures, southpark472 a dit :

i turn off CDROM  and used MultiKey was a Dongle Emulator Same Used for Aliens.

i Have Lot of Dongle Of Global VR Games.

multikey emulator work on w7 only ?

i found it with installation procedure on w7 only and not in w10 or w11

Posté(e) (modifié)
hace 7 horas, southpark472 dijo:

bandicam 2025-03-11 21-33-47-291.jpg

But The Swarm doesn't have an ISO, and you have an ISO marked in that file? So I don't understand what path we should set for The Swarm. I keep getting the same error: It can't find the dongle and the controls don't work to select scenes. Any solution, please? Thank you very much.


Modifié par bea89
44 minutes ago, southpark472 said:

bandicam 2025-03-12 09-02-36-002.png

bandicam 2025-03-12 09-03-09-738.png

looks like one step closer

Bravo guys 

49 minutes ago, southpark472 said:

bandicam 2025-03-12 09-02-36-002.png

bandicam 2025-03-12 09-03-09-738.png

can you explain pointing to an iso that doesn’t exist? (Cd rom settings) do we need it?


Also, do we need to run multikey somehow before the game starts? Starting the vm boots the game so I’m not sure what to do.


Thank you!

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