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alien disco safari


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i search this game : alien disco safari (by zoom in 2007)

anyone have this game ?

i search everywhere and i don't find it.......

if you have this game please share it....





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37 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:


i search this game : alien disco safari (by zoom in 2007)

anyone have this game ?

i search everywhere and i don't find it.......

if you have this game please share it....





i search last year for that game but not luck
i hope to be found soon


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i found it on site editor : zoom but pay 4€ and not sure use it on another computer....

Modifié par nosoucy62
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7 hours ago, nosoucy62 said:


i search this game : alien disco safari (by zoom in 2007)

anyone have this game ?

i search everywhere and i don't find it.......

if you have this game please share it....





The game is available in Russian and English, but I could not adjust the mouse and play the game in full screen. If you want, I can give you the link, you can try it too.

Game Link

Modifié par Yusuf-5454
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Posté(e) (modifié)

to launch this game :

launch : ToEng.bat

a folder create by prog with name : ToEng

now if you launch alien.exe in this folder you arrive in menu to enter your name but after impossible to move cursor..

Modifié par nosoucy62
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hace 2 horas, nosoucy62 dijo:

to launch this game :

launch : ToEng.bat

a folder create by prog with name : ToEng

now if you launch alien.exe in this folder you arrive in menu to enter your name but after impossible to move cursor..

same problem for me

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6 hours ago, nosoucy62 said:

to launch this game :

launch : ToEng.bat

a folder create by prog with name : ToEng

now if you launch alien.exe in this folder you arrive in menu to enter your name but after impossible to move cursor..


When the game opens, use the arrow keys on the keyboard to enter the part where you need to enter a name, then enter the game with enter and the mouse is fixed when you enter the game.

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Posté(e) (modifié)

on w10 don't work....

w7 or XP compatibility or admin same problem


il y a 10 minutes, Yusuf-5454 a dit :

When the game opens, use the arrow keys on the keyboard to enter the part where you need to enter a name, then enter the game with enter and the mouse is fixed when you enter the game.

not work on w10.....I tested all this before you


what's your OS ?? W7 ? or w10 ?

Modifié par nosoucy62
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i find the problem.....

you need to put or copy all the files from the base folder (alien disco safari) into the folder "ToEng"

and it's work

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Thank you for sharing. I've noticed that the crosshair movement speed in the game is too fast, whether using a mouse or a light gun. I've already adjusted it to the lowest settings in the game options. Is there any solution for this?

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sorry after test on another PC on w10 and screen 2K the crosshair is too slow.......very slow....

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18 hours ago, Yusuf-5454 said:

The game is available in Russian and English, but I could not adjust the mouse and play the game in full screen. If you want, I can give you the link, you can try it too.

Game Link




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petit message pour argonlefou :

si tu peux nous faire un petit plaisir afin de pouvoir jouer avec grace Ă  ton programme demulshooter tu ferais des heureux je pense LOL

en effet cela ne fonctionne bien qu'avec la souris et pas avec mon wiigun chez moi

allez on croise les doigts comme pour BUG BUSTERS......

Modifié par nosoucy62
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51 minutes ago, argonlefou said:

I quickly add axis override in DemulShooter v12.0 for Alien Disco Safari (just tried the ToEng exe version)

Mouse/Lightgun click  and buttons are untouched

thank you

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Posté(e) (modifié)

works perfectly with DS !!!

thanks Argonlefou you are the best ! (le meilleur en francais......!!)

voici la ligne de commande à ajouter : DemulShooter.exe -target=windows -rom=ads qui sera trés bientôt dans le wiki (j'ai pris les devants pour tester)

j'ai créé un petit AHK pour lancer le jeu et quitter avec la touche F1 (ou entrée/enter si vous jouez avec une wiimote) :


#SingleInstance Force

run, F:\YOUR FOLDER\Alien Disco Safari\ToEng\DemulShooter.lnk  SI UTILISATION DU RACCOURCI DS (OU DemulShooter.exe -target=windows - rom=ads)
sleep 2000
run, F:\YOUR FOLDER\Alien Disco Safari\ToEng\Alien.exe


    Send !{f4}
    Run,taskkill /im "DemulShooter.exe" /F
    Run,taskkill /im "Alien.exe" /F

il y a une heure, argonlefou a dit :

I quickly add axis override in DemulShooter v12.0 for Alien Disco Safari (just tried the ToEng exe version)

Mouse/Lightgun click  and buttons are untouched

tu es génial !!!!!!!

Modifié par nosoucy62
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So mount the CD install the game..move everything to the ToEng folder.. slow mouse win10.

Plus you have to keep the CD mounted?

Modifié par lords
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Il y a 21 heures, lords a dit :

So mount the CD install the game..move everything to the ToEng folder.. slow mouse win10.

Plus you have to keep the CD mounted?

play with Dgvoodoo

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39 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:

play with Dgvoodoo

where do i get  Dgvoodoo for this game...

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19 minutes ago, nosoucy62 said:

TY sir....kinda new at the Voodoo thing...)


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After several test this game doesn't work with Ryzen processor + Nvidia 1660.

There is something that makes it crash and after show the below screen, it dissapear and makes nothing.


I have tested in another computer Intel + Nvidia 3060 and works perfect. 

The weird thing is if I execute Wiz.exe, the test is ok and I can see the alien 3D.

If anyone have an idea about what could be happening, please, let me know.


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