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[Arcade PC] Kick It (Interactive Light)


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Kick It is a DOS/Win9x based soccer arcade game created by Interactive Light (same people who made Savage Quest) and Global VR in 1997.

Game files appear to be located in the "KI10" folder. The game uses a HASP dongle with a "verification code".

If anyone would like to try getting this working in a DOS emulator such as DOSBox, DOSBox-X or PCEm (or any of its forks) here it is:


(link is encoded in base64, use to decode the link)



Modifié par witherzombie222
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I'm now discovering that the game seems to use some sort of ancient HASP dongle, based on the BAT files it comes with. Keeping this here though in case TP devs want to work on this or if anyone else is interested in working on it. 

Modifié par witherzombie222
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