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House of the Dead 4 slow


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Hi, I've been spending years trying to figure out my my House of the Dead 4 is running about 75% speed on my computer.

I tried on 2 different PCs and both are locked around 35fps.


My specs are:

- Win 10, i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz Nvidia GTX 1650 GPU.  

- TrigKey S5 AMD Ryzen 7 5700U iGPU 


I read somewhere about overclocking CPU and VSync was the common fix, but haven't been successful.


Other Things I've tried:

- Directly through Teknoparrot: Tried every single elf file version (e.g. hod4M.elf  @ Original, 1920x1080 1280x720 and 1366x768, hod4Mn_HD.elf, hod4Mn_HD.elf, hod4Ms_HD.elf, hod4Ms.elf and many others in that directory.)

- Game loader all RH using default settings & @fwlr's settings

- Changed Vsync to On in Nvidia control panel

- Changed to High Performance GTX 1650 in Nvidia Control Panel and on Windows 10 Additional Settings

- Changed to Power Saving Intel GPU in Nvidia Control Panel and on Windows 10 Additional Settings

- Changed Frame Limiter to 60 and 120 in Nvidia control panel

- Updated all Graphic drives for iGPU Intel & GTX 1650


Even House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn runs better than this. I'm completely lost on this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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4 hours ago, Hyper_X said:

Hi, I've been spending years trying to figure out my my House of the Dead 4 is running about 75% speed on my computer.

I tried on 2 different PCs and both are locked around 35fps.


My specs are:

- Win 10, i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz Nvidia GTX 1650 GPU.  

- TrigKey S5 AMD Ryzen 7 5700U iGPU 


I read somewhere about overclocking CPU and VSync was the common fix, but haven't been successful.


Other Things I've tried:

- Directly through Teknoparrot: Tried every single elf file version (e.g. hod4M.elf  @ Original, 1920x1080 1280x720 and 1366x768, hod4Mn_HD.elf, hod4Mn_HD.elf, hod4Ms_HD.elf, hod4Ms.elf and many others in that directory.)

- Game loader all RH using default settings & @fwlr's settings

- Changed Vsync to On in Nvidia control panel

- Changed to High Performance GTX 1650 in Nvidia Control Panel and on Windows 10 Additional Settings

- Changed to Power Saving Intel GPU in Nvidia Control Panel and on Windows 10 Additional Settings

- Changed Frame Limiter to 60 and 120 in Nvidia control panel

- Updated all Graphic drives for iGPU Intel & GTX 1650


Even House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn runs better than this. I'm completely lost on this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you running Steam in the background?

Aliens Extermination had this issue; no matter what I did game would play like almost in slomo. Tried everything for weeks on end...Turned out simply having steam running was the culprit. No idea why.

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9 hours ago, KNIGHTMARE077 said:

Are you running Steam in the background?

Aliens Extermination had this issue; no matter what I did game would play like almost in slomo. Tried everything for weeks on end...Turned out simply having steam running was the culprit. No idea why.


No, I just bought the new mini PC, didn't install Steam. I was hoping it would be a different result from my other PC, but it's still having the same issue.

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