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Can`t run Senxin Aleste


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Hi to all.
I need some help with this game. It freezes at Warning screen.
I`ve entered the AMP3ID in game settings.
Text from the log file that located in game directory.


title_dB config read error
opening_dB config read error
opening config read error
arr1_opening_dB config read error
arr1_opening config read error
arr2_opening_dB config read error
arr2_opening config read error

All other games, includes VFes works fine.
Game dump was downloaded from ViRus-M@n site.
The Teknoparrot directory is not read-only

Modifié par Demonyx
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The problem is not solved. The error message in the log file has changed.


credit2_dB config read error
credit2 config read error
opening_dB config read error
opening config read error
arr1_opening_dB config read error
arr1_opening config read error
arr2_opening_dB config read error
arr2_opening config read error
credit1_dB config read error
credit1 config read error

REdownloaded TP and Redists. Nothing changed.

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