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Operation Wolf Returns (Non VR Version) Demulshooter


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Il y a 22 heures, Handsome_Van a dit :

Awesome thank you so much for your hard work!!


Quick question do I launch the "OperationWolf.exe" file in AHK to hook Demulshooter without Steam automatically launching the "OperationWolfXR.exe" file? I can't get Steam to not launch the VR version outside of Steam. I'm trying to put this on my Light Gun Arcade Cab. Any help would be appreciated!! Cheers

AHK WITH DEMULSHOOTER and compil it to have an .exe files


#SingleInstance Force

run C:\YOUR FOLDER\Operation Wolf Returns First Mission\DemulShooterX64.exe  ; CHANGE THE LETTER OF YOUR INSTALL DIRECTORY
sleep, 4000
run C:\YOUR FOLDER\Operation Wolf Returns First Mission\OperationWolf.exe  ; CHANGE THE LETTER OF YOUR INSTALL DIRECTORY

Send {q down}{e down}
sleep 40
Send {e up}{q up}

$Escape:: :
    Send !{f4}
    Run,taskkill /im "ahk.exe" /F
    Run,taskkill /im "OperationWolf.exe" /F

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  • 3 mois après...

Hi i found this video today. This guy has operation wolf returns working with full controls with Aimtrak guns no keyboard. Does anyone know how he has done this. If so would anyone be good enough to let me know how to do this. Im thinking he has done this with an AHK script but i have no idea.  I Have 2 Aimtrak Guns and i would love to play this game with full gun control same as this video. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

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On 11/4/2023 at 3:35 AM, nosoucy62 said:

AHK WITH DEMULSHOOTER and compil it to have an .exe files


#SingleInstance Force

run C:\YOUR FOLDER\Operation Wolf Returns First Mission\DemulShooterX64.exe  ; CHANGE THE LETTER OF YOUR INSTALL DIRECTORY
sleep, 4000
run C:\YOUR FOLDER\Operation Wolf Returns First Mission\OperationWolf.exe  ; CHANGE THE LETTER OF YOUR INSTALL DIRECTORY

Send {q down}{e down}
sleep 40
Send {e up}{q up}

$Escape:: :
    Send !{f4}
    Run,taskkill /im "ahk.exe" /F
    Run,taskkill /im "OperationWolf.exe" /F

Thanks works great with a sinden gun 1 player...

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  • 1 mois après...
3 hours ago, LIVE2HUNT4BEARS said:

Any place to download this game.

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On 11/3/2023 at 10:07 AM, Handsome_Van said:

Awesome thank you so much for your hard work!!


Quick question do I launch the "OperationWolf.exe" file in AHK to hook Demulshooter without Steam automatically launching the "OperationWolfXR.exe" file? I can't get Steam to not launch the VR version outside of Steam. I'm trying to put this on my Light Gun Arcade Cab. Any help would be appreciated!! Cheers


Same issue here. Did you solve this? I got the same result launching using te rungameid and with the desktop shortcut generated by Steam. Really annoying

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turn steam off...

Modifié par lords
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sorry....don't know...I don't load steam at all on my pc...

the link i put up you block steam...that was the inportant step.

Modifié par lords
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On 11/3/2023 at 5:48 PM, argonlefou said:

Sorry I don't have the answer, I just ran the non VR exe file and the game just started

Ty for adding Demulshooter for this game...I plays well for me...

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