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Who sells me an annual patreon key for €100?


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Hi guys, I would like to sign up for an annual Patreon subscription (Sergeant) for Teknoparrot, but unfortunately, despite having sufficient credit on my Paypal account, it won't let me complete the purchase because I don't have a credit card linked to my account. Would anyone like to sell their key or possibly help me with the purchase? Of course I would send the money in advance via Paypal friends, I would be willing to pay up to €100. Thank you

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12 minutes ago, Arcademan said:

I tried but they don't help me

Neither here !


Get your hands on a pre paid credit card.


" My lantop has an integrated video card AMD Radeon R8 M445DX 2gb vram"

And you expect TS and AA to work on that ?

Good luck !

Modifié par Zen_B7
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