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For people who interested (I don't find any topic on emuline for this game) the arcade game has been found some month ago.



Credit to UmEricYockey channel on YouTube 


Seems to be a cool game. I played the Playstation version and the parappa series. I'm curious to play the arcade version

Posté(e) (modifié)

the rom isnt dumped (untill otherwise) only the cd can be shown

also this section is for arcade dumps and that post belongs in ROMS & ISO Section


Edit: some admin moved it

Modifié par TheKitBoi
  • 1 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)
On 9/19/2023 at 10:55 AM, hippopippo said:




Now Playable in the UJL NOW! Search Effort server at #preservation and


The tutorial is down below

Modifié par TheKitBoi

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