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[Arcade PC] Pump It Up Prime 2015 Stp


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En 8/8/2023 a las 3:00, jos2009 dijo:


I check it


En 6/8/2023 a las 13:44, josejonathan dijo:

hello, in section xx when you exit and enter a song this graphic error appears.


error pumpxx.jpg

Hello guys, here is the solution to this error, the image must go in the following path "Songs\CHANNEL\XX"

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  • 2 semaines après...

Hello friends, they reported to me that the song "Bad Apple" in basic mode had an error in the steps, here are the steps fixed, there are two files that must be replaced, the first, you know, goes in the save\songs folder and the second is a folder that was created when editing the steps, is in the songs folder

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8 hours ago, jos2009 said:

Hello friends, they reported to me that the song "Bad Apple" in basic mode had an error in the steps, here are the steps fixed, there are two files that must be replaced, the first, you know, goes in the save\songs folder and the second is a folder that was created when editing the steps, is in the songs folder


Hey bro thank a lot for fixing things ! I try to reemplace second file but i cant find any directory.. in songs i just have sonf.mp3, bg.png, banner.png but not anystep

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  • 1 mois après...

Hello guys, today I bring you a small update for the smprime, it is about the noteskin piuxx and one that is somewhat nostalgic for me, in addition to a better quality audio for "Deux - We Are", I leave the links here, enjoy it.






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