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O.N.G.E.K.I Bright Memory


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Hey, reaching out for some help if anyone can offer it.

I've not had a huge amount of luck with the 1.40 distro used here, mostly because it fails to connect to allnet, but that's not particularly important.

I have the 1.39 distro offered here working, but I have two issues, which I suspect may be related.

What I believe to be the song counter, the fraction midway down the left side of the screen, only reads 1000; 1002 after adding in the options folder of the 1.40 distro. So it appears I'm only getting 1000 songs showing up.

The second problem, which I suspect might be related, is the date. The date is displayed as being in 2098, well past the 2037 expiration date I think I saw in some files.


TL;DR: For the 1.39 distro, using aqua, how do I change the date? I suspect this will fix my issues, but I can't seem to find where to do this. Thank you in advance!

Modifié par chibikami
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When running the game, it seems that I'm not able to use the Aime reader while using Artemis Portable. image.png.fbd8c4b5cd153a780ccf2f3cd2c1efc0.png

Is there a way to fix this? It seems that the user is also being authenticated from the Artemis server, but isn't able to utilize the card.


I am at a lost right now, if anyone can help with this problem.

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I'm using the 1.39 version with Aqua; everything works fine, but can somebody tell me if there's a way, via segatools config or whatever, to close the game with escape button instead of having to alt-f4? 

Optimally, I'd like to close every window pertaining to the game in one press, but can settle for an easy exit on the main game window and just leave the cmd windows open in the background.

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